Positively Positive - Living with HIV/AIDS:
HIV/AIDS News Archive - July 2011

Caltech Researchers Increase the Potency of HIV-Battling Proteins
07/29/11 - PASADENA, Calif. - The protein, called cyanovirin-N (CV-N), is produced by a type of blue-green algae and has gained
attention for its ability to ward off several diseases caused by viruses, including HIV and influenza.

July 27, 2011 - San Francisco, Calif. - PSI Ambassador and Actor Debra Messing Narrates TV & Online Special
ViewChange: HIV Prevention - Looking Back and Moving Forward
Streaming on www.psi.org and www.ViewChange.org beginning Wednesday, July 27, broadcast on Link TV on Friday, July 29

U.S. Government Agencies Partner to Stretch U.S. Resources for Global AIDS Relief
July 27, 2011 - Washington, D.C. - Today, at an American Foundation for AIDS Research (AmFAR) conference, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
Administrator Rajiv Shah announced a new initiative that could use USAID's Development Credit Authority (DCA) and the Department of State's Office of the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator to leverage
private sector financing for health facilities in Ethiopia focused on delivering quality services for people living with HIV/AIDS.
New TB drug-resistance test shows promise but needs investment for those diagnosed to be cured
26 July 2011 - Two research studies in this week's PLoS Medicine suggest that a new automated DNA test for tuberculosis (Xpert MTB/RIF), which can detect TB
within 2 hours and has been endorsed by the World Health Organization, can significantly increase TB detection rate compared to other tests, particularly in HIV positive patients who have a high risk
of being infected with TB, including multidrug resistant TB.
Evidence shows NTD control can help in the fight against HIV/AIDS
26 July 2011 - There is a growing body of evidence revealing the connection between neglected tropical
diseases (NTDs) and HIV/AIDS, prompting experts to call for greater integration of national NTD treatment programs with HIV/AIDS initiatives.
NanoViricides Reports Anti-HIV Efficacy Equivalent to HAART Drug Cocktail Treatment in Animal Study, Successfully Advancing its HIVCide Lead Optimization Program
WEST HAVEN, CONNECTICUT - July 25, 2011 - NanoViricides, Inc. (OTC BB: NNVC) (the "Company")reports that its lead anti-HIV candidate achieved anti-HIV efficacy equivalent to a HAART (highly active anti-retroviral therapy) triple drug cocktail in its recently completed animal study.
The Toronto Hepatitis C Alliance hosts WORLD HEPATITIS DAY
WHEN: July 28, 2011 - 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
WHERE: Yonge-Dundas Square, Toronto, Ontario
Americans Turn to AIDS Drugs to Prevent HIV Infection
July 23, 2011 - New research in Africa confirms that a once-a-day pill, used to treat patients infected with the virus
which causes AIDS, also works to prevent HIV infection in healthy people.
The Importance of Drug Development to Neuropathy
Saturday, 23 July 2011 - As time goes on and we survive longer, we tend to forget how destructive HIV has been and still is.
Today's post, is another powerfully written, personal account which speaks to everyone who has come into contact with HIV. It reminds us all where we've come from
and how some have had easier journeys than others; something which does no harm at all every now and then but it also reinforces the need for more research and development when it comes to drugs to help treat both HIV and neuropathy.

1,000 Groups back AIDS March on Washington for July 2012
Washington, DC - July 22, 2011 - 1,006 organizations from 78 countries also signed on to the 'Keep the Promise' Declaration
AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) and 1,006 organizations from 78 countries are pleased to announce their collaboration on the 'Keep the Promise on HIV/AIDS' March set
to take place in Washington, DC, Sunday, July 22, 2012 immediately before the opening ceremonies of the International AIDS Society's XIX International AIDS Conference, which is being held in
the United States for the first time in more than 20 years.
Peter Piot highlights funding challenges for AIDS
Friday, 22 July 2011 - Professor Peter Piot has called for AIDS to stay high on the political agenda during challenging and dangerous times for funding.
HIV Groups Deeply Concerned About the Human Costs
of Health Care Cuts
July 22, 2011 - Twelve prominent HIV/AIDS advocacy groups -- the AIDS Foundation of Chicago, AIDS United, amfAR,
The Foundation for AIDS Research, the HIV Medicine Association, the International Treatment Preparedness Coalition,
the National Minority AIDS Council, Partners in Health, Project Inform, the Ryan White Medical Providers Coalition,
Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States, the Treatment Access Expansion Project, and the
Treatment Action Group -- call on President Obama and congressional leaders to consider the impact on vulnerable
populations, including people living with HIV/AIDS, of deficit reduction plans requiring hundreds of billions
in funding cuts for health care and human services.
Hepatitis C Found to be Transmitted by Unprotected Sex Between HIV-Infected Men
(New York, NY - July 21, 2011) - Men with HIV who have sex with other men are at increased risk for contracting HCV through sex.

IAS 2011 Late Breaker Extracts- Newsmakers
Wednesday, 20 July, 2011 (Rome, Italy) - Researchers presenting late breaking research on the final day of the 6th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention (IAS 2011) have today focussed on new studies in the field of circumcision, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and antiretroviral treatment. The IAS 2011 conference has been attended by over 5000 researchers, clinicians and community leaders since Sunday in Rome.
Estratti Late Breaker - newsmakers
Mercoledì 20 Luglio 2011 (Roma, Italia) - Le late breaker abstract che sono stati presentati durante la giornata finale della Sesta Conferenza IAS su Patogenesi, Trattamento e Prevenzione dell'HIV, a cui hanno partecipato quasi 6.000 ricercatori, medici e attivisti, hanno fornito nuovi dati relativi a circoncisione, profilassi pre-esposizione (PrEP) e alla terapia antiretrovirale.

Researchers present new trends in HIV cure research, call for proactive outreach programmes to prevent HIV transmission in injecting drug users, and demand increased commitments to improving maternal and child health
Wednesday, 20 July, 2011 (Rome, Italy) - Researchers speaking on the final day of the 6th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention (IAS 2011) have focused on the growing interest in the scientific path to an HIV Cure.
Impegno per mettere a punto una cura dell'infezione da HIV, Campagne di prevenzione focalizzate sui tossicodipendenti e rilancio dell'impegno globale per la salute materno-infantile: queste le tematiche chiave emersi dalla sessione plenaria nel corso della giornata conclusiva del congresso IAS 2011 a Roma
Mercoledì 20 Luglio 2011 (Roma, Italia) - La giornata conclusiva della Sesta Conferenza sulla Patogenesi, il Trattamento e la Prevenzione dell'HIV (IAS 2011) si e' concentrata sul crescente interesse scientifico relativo alla possibile messa a punto di una cura
definitiva per HIV/AIDS. L'ultimo anno ha visto crescere l'attenzione attorno alla possibilità di una cura e il dibattito scientifico che derivato e' culminato nella convocazione di un gruppo di lavoro interno all'International AIDS Society (IAS) il cui ambizioso obiettivo è stabilire una strategia
scientifica globale per la cura dell'infezione da HI.
Only one-third of HIV-positive patients remain in care before starting treatment
19-Jul-2011 - In sub-Saharan Africa, only about one third of patients
who test positive for HIV but are not yet eligible for antiretroviral treatment remain in care until they become eligible and start treatment.

International AIDS Society to launch Virtual Media Centre in July to support Opioid Substitution Therapy (OST) in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
19-Jul-2011 - Drug policy nominated as a key priority area for the International AIDS Society
As a part of its new initiative, Expanding Access to Opioid Substitution Therapy (OST) for People Who Inject Drugs in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA), the International AIDS Society (IAS)
will launch a Virtual Knowledge Centre (VKC) in partnership with the Ukrainian Institute on Public Health Policy (UIPHP).

Plenary speakers address challenges in the delivery of sustained antiretroviral therapy in developing countries, call for social scientists to take their place at the HIV/AIDS policy- making table, and stress the need for a long-term response to AIDS
Tuesday,19 July, 2011 (Rome, Italy) - Researchers speaking in the second plenary session of the 6th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention (IAS 2011) ) have today provided insights into
the future direction of HIV/AIDS policy making and alerted delegates to the challenges that developing countries continue to face in the delivery of large- scale antiretroviral therapy (ART) coverage.
Scienza e società alleate per articolare un'efficace risposta all'HIV/AIDS. Accesso allargato e durevole alle terapie antiretrovirali nei Paesi in via di sviluppo; coinvolgimento diretto degli esperti di scienze sociali nella messa a punto di politiche
pubbliche: questi l'auspicio espresso dai relatori della sessione plenaria svoltasi oggi al congresso IAS 2011 di Roma
Martedì 19 Luglio 2011 (Roma, Italia) - Nella sessione plenaria di oggi alla VI Conferenza su Patogenesi, Trattamento e Prevenzione dell'HIV (IAS 2011) è stato fatto il punto sulla situazione attuale
dell'epidemia definendo su questa base la proiezione delle tendenze in atto per definire politiche efficaci di lotta contro l'HIV/AIDS: tutti i relatori di oggi hanno richiamato all'attenzione dei partecipanti le sfide che i Paesi in via di sviluppo
continuano ad affrontare per riuscire ad ottenere una distribuzione su larga scala della terapia antiretrovirale (ART).

Call for human rights-based guidance on PrEP and ART as prevention
Amsterdam, 18 July 2011 - Preliminary results from two large studies have now shown that a daily antiretroviral tablet taken by people who do not have HIV reduces their risk of contracting HIV by up to 73%.

New Data Showed Minimal Potential for Drug Interaction between Cholesterol Drug LIVALO® and a Common Antiretroviral Therapy
MONTGOMERY, Ala. and INDIANAPOLIS, July 18, 2011 - Study demonstrated no significant impact on blood levels
when LIVALO (pitavastatin) was taken with HIV protease inhibitor combination lopinavir/ritonavir in healthy volunteers
Scientists Use Live Bacteria to Fight HIV
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.; July 18, 2011 - A novel topical microbicide could provide a "live bioshield" to protect women against HIV
Scientists at Osel Inc. and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) have developed a new way to prevent HIV infection by genetically enhancing the ability of naturally occurring vaginal bacteria to block viral transmission.

HIV Therapies Provide Near Normal Lifespan in Africa
First large-scale study reinforces need to fund and expand simplified HIV programs that deliver significant, life-saving health benefits in resource-challenged settings
Vancouver, BC (July 18, 2011) - "The substantial life expectancy afforded by widespread access to cART underscores the fact that HIV diagnosis and treatment
in resource-limited settings should no longer be considered a death sentence," said principal investigator Dr. Edward Mills, associate researcher at the BC-CfE and Canada Research Chair in Global Health at University
of Ottawa. "Instead, HIV-infected people should plan and prepare for a long and fulfilling life."

IAS 2011 - Launch of the Rome Statement for an HIV Cure
Monday, 18 July, 2011 (Rome, Italy) - Members of the Advisory Board for a global scientific strategy "Towards an HIV Cure" today launched
the Rome Statement for an HIV Cure calling for an acceleration of HIV cure research. The announcement was made at the 6th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention (IAS 2011) currently being held in Rome.

Antiretroviral Treatment is HIV Prevention: The proof is here
Monday, 18 July, 2011 (Rome, Italy) - A special press conference at the 6th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis,
Treatment and Prevention (IAS 2011) will today feature a panel consisting of researchers from the CDC TDF2 study, the Partners PrEP Study and the HPTN 052 study.

Promising developments in vaccine research, development of a vaginal gel and PrEP lead to calls for a combination of biomedical and non biomedical approaches to HIV prevention policy
Monday, 18 July, 2011 (Rome, Italy) - Researchers speaking in the first plenary session of the 6th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment
and Prevention (IAS 2011) have today offered insights into current and future HIV prevention research and discussed how biomedical developments over the past two years are beginning to shape debate on the future of HIV prevention policy.
Prevenzione di combinazione Gli sviluppi incoraggianti nella ricerca di un vaccino, di un gel vaginale e della PrEP sostengono la combinazione di approcci biomedici e non alle politiche di prevenzione dell'HIV
Lunedì 18 Luglio 2011 (Roma, Italia) - I ricercatori della prima sessione plenaria della Sesta Conferenza IAS sulla Patogenesi, il Trattamento e la Prevenzione dell'HIV, (IAS 2011) hanno
offerto oggi uno spaccato della ricerca attuale e futura sull'HIV e hanno sottolineato il modo con cui gli sviluppi biomedici degli ultimi due anni stanno cominciando a dar forma alle strategie per le future politiche di prevenzione dell'HIV.

AIDS is at a scientific watershed, says IAS 2011 International Chair Elly Katabira at the opening of the world's largest open scientific conference on HIV and AIDS
Sunday, 17 July, 2011 (Rome, Italy) - Michel Sidibé, UNAIDS Head, adds that history will judge us not by our scientific breakthroughs on AIDS, but how we apply them
More than 5,000 AIDS researchers, scientists, clinicians, community leaders and policy experts gathered in Rome for the opening of the 6th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention (IAS 2011)
La lotta all'AIDS è a un punto di svolta storico, dichiara il presidente di IAS 2011 Elly Katabira inaugurando la più grande conferenza scientifica aperta a livello mondiale su HIV/AIDS
Domenica 17 Luglio 2011 (Roma, Italia) - Michel Sidibé, direttore di UNAIDS, aggiunge che la storia non ci giudicherà per le nostre scoperte scientifiche sull'AIDS, ma per come le sapremo mettere in pratica.
Oltre 5.000 tra ricercatori, scienziati, clinici, attivisti ed esperti di politiche nell'ambito dell'AIDS, riunitisi a Roma per l'apertura della Sesta conferenza IAS sulla Patogenesi, il Trattamento e la Prevenzione dell'HIV (IAS 2011)

Human Rights Group Calls Upon UNAIDS and the World Health Organization to Tell the Truth: Circumcision Does Not Prevent HIV
July 16, 2011 - New York, NY - Intact America urges policy makers to halt male circumcision rollout, calling
the plan exorbitant, dangerous, and unethical.
From coast to coast, Canada is battling what experts are describing as "the return of the syphilis plague."

Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation Presents Research on HIV and Children at IAS 2011 Conference in Rome
July 15, 2011 - Rome, Italy - The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) will be highlighting the latest research
on issues relating to children and HIV at the 2011 International AIDS Society (IAS) conference in Rome.

The Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise 2008 - 2010 Report of Activities
July 2011 - The Enterprise is pleased to release its biennual report, "A New Collaborative Era in HIV Vaccine Research."
The search for a safe and effective HIV vaccine has progressed further and faster in the last few years than at any time since the epidemic began. This new
and highly promising era in research is a result of the outstanding achievements of Enterprise stakeholders, many of which are featured in this new report from the Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise.

The Positive Side.
A Decade of Positive Faces
SUMMER 2011, Volume 13 Issue 1 - To mark our 10-year anniversary, The Positive Side caught up with the HIV-positive people who have graced our cover.

New HIV Research Findings to Be Presented at NAPWA "Treatment Horizons: Pathways to a Functional Cure" Satellite Symposium, International AIDS Society, Rome
SILVER SPRING, MD and ROME, July 15, 2011 - HIV researchers working towards developing potential functional cures
from three continents will present new data that collectively light a pathway toward finding a functional cure for HIV/AIDS.

IAS 2011 a Critical Turning Point for Treatment as Prevention
15 July 2011 - By Julio Montaner, Director, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, St. Paul's Hospital, Providence Healthcare
and Past-President, International AIDS Society

NBLCA's '30 Years Strong! Together We Will Win' campaign marks 30 years of living with AIDS
Jul 15, 2011 - tell us your story
NBLCA invies you to make a difference: share your experience to empower others affected by this disease.
The National Black Leadership Commission on AIDS INC. (NBLCA) is spearheading a campaign to end this alarming
trend by raising public awarenss about people affected by HIV/AIDS.
Bradford McIntyre - 30 Years Strong! Together We Will Win! campaign
Jul 15, 2011 - National Black Leadership Commission on AIDS: 30 Years Strong!
Together We Will Win campaign
I found out that I was infected with HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) sometime in 1984. The day that stands out most for me
is November 28th 1985. On that day, I was told by an AIDS specialist, at McMaster University Hospital, in Hamilton, Ontario (Canada), to go home, inform my family, arrange my finances and funeral. I had six months to live!
'Syphilis plague' on the rise in Canada
Jul 14 2011 - From coast to coast, Canada is battling what experts are describing as "the return of the syphilis plague."

Roll Out Treatment as Prevention Now to Stop HIV and AIDS
Lancet column calls for immediate, collaborative expansion of global HIV strategy
Vancouver, British Columbia and Rome (July 14, 2011): "Treatment as Prevention is one of the most
important and promising additions to the range of prevention strategies available to us today," said Dr. Elly Katabira, President of the IAS and Chair of IAS 2011.
"Dr. Montaner's column is a rallying call for the universal endorsement and funding of this approach for the benefit of our future generations."

CATIE News - Combination of niacin, fenofibrate, exercise and low-fat diet significantly improves blood lipid levels
2011 July 14 - In addition to weakening the immune system, HIV infection appears to affect the health of many other
organ-systems, including the heart and circulatory system. The reasons for this are not certain but there are several possibilities.

AVAC says results of new PrEP trials provide clear evidence that antiretroviral drugs for prevention can help end the AIDS epidemic;
calls for quick action to move landmark HIV prevention results toward lifesaving programs
July 13, 2011 - New York, NY - Results from two African studies of pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, released today
provide clear evidence that the antiretroviral drugs used to treat HIV can also be used to prevent HIV among heterosexual men and women at risk of HIV infection.

Study Finds Structural Factors Integral to Understanding Girls' Vulnerability to HIV in sub-Saharan Africa
July 13, 2011 - A new study led by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health shows
that community members correlate an increase in HIV vulnerability among adolescent girls with weak structural support systems.
Pivotal study in Africa finds that HIV medications prevent HIV infection
13-Jul-2011 - These findings are clear evidence that this new HIV prevention strategy, called pre-exposure prophylaxis (or PrEP),
substantially reduces HIV infection risk.

Fellowships for Outstanding Research in Drug Use and HIV Awarded by the International AIDS Society and the US National Institute on Drug Abuse
Wednesday July 13, 2011 (Geneva, Switzerland) - The International AIDS Society (IAS) and the US National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
today announced the recipients of their third annual joint research fellowships. Recipients of the prestigious awards will receive US$75,000 each to advance scientific understanding of the linkages between drug use and HIV while fostering multinational research.

Censorship Rears its Ugly Head in Spain
July 12, 2011 - Publimedia, an advertising company based in Madrid, Spain, has announced
that it has rejected the Condoms4Life advertisements that had been booked to run on the Madrid transport system during this year's Catholic World Youth Day.
Scientists Searching For an HIV Cure: Meet Them in Rome Next Week
July 12, 2011 - Alain Lafeuillade, MD, PhD, a recognized scientist in the search for an HIV cure, will be available during the forthcoming
6th International AIDS Society (IAS) Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention to be held in Rome, July 17-20, 2011. A dedicated booth in the exhibition area will promote his meetings and activities geared towards finding an HIV cure.

Global Survey of Men Who Have Sex with Men Shows Widespread Lack of Access to HIV Services, Little Knowledge of PrEP
July 12, 2011 (Oakland, Calif.) - Poor access linked to homophobia, youth particularly vulnerable
A new global survey of more than 5,000 men who have sex with men (MSM) has shown that less than half of MSM around the world
have easy access to lifesaving HIV prevention and treatment services.
Sexually transmitted parasite Trichomonas vaginalis twice as prevalent in women over 40
July 12, 2011 - A Johns Hopkins infectious disease expert is calling for all sexually active American women age 40 and older to get
tested for the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis after new study evidence found that the sexually transmitted disease (STD) is more than twice as common in this age group than previously thought.
Gladstone to Receive $5.6 Million in Federal Funds to Seek a Cure for AIDS
11-Jul-2011 - Participation in Martin Delaney Collaboratory Increases Hope of Resolving HIV Latency
The Gladstone Institutes will receive funds totaling $5.6 million over five years as part of the first-ever major funding initiative focusing on HIV eradication.
Could targeting the skin help prevent the spread of HIV?
11-Jul-2011 - Applying a vaccine patch to the skin with thousands of tiny micro-needles could
help boost the body's immune response and prevent the spread of life-threatening infections like HIV and TB, a major Cardiff University study aims to uncover.
IAPAC Satellite Meeting at IAS 2011
Optimizing HIV Treatment: A Global Strategy
7:00 am - 8:30 am, Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Mini Room 2 . Auditorium Parco della Musica Viale Pietro de Coubertin 30
. Rome, Italy

NIH Funds New Research Toward an HIV Cure
July 11, 2011 - Five-Year Grants Total $14 million in First Year

What has the President done about AIDS?
After two-and-a-half years in office, President Obama has little to show on AIDS domestically or globally. Under Obama, US AIDS programs have been starved.

Hutchinson Center to lead a $20 million research project to explore a potential cure for HIV infection
SEATTLE - July 11, 2011 - Five-year federally funded study will test transplantation of gene-modified cells
Whether a stem cell transplant using an HIV-infected person's own genetically modified immune cells can become a cure for the disease is the
focus of a new $20 million, five-year research grant award announced today by the National Institutes of Health to Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

International AIDS Society and partners recognize outstanding researchers from around the world at the 6th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention (IAS 2011) in Rome
Monday, 11 July, 2011 (Geneva, Switzerland) - The International AIDS Society (IAS) announced today the six winners of three prestigious scientific awards,
to be presented at plenary sessions during the 6th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention (IAS 2011) to be held in Rome July 17-20, 2011.
Scientists discover first gonorrhea strain resistant to all available antibiotics
10-Jul-2011 - This new strain is likely to transform a common and once easily treatable infection into a global threat to public health.

Simpler Combination Therapy as Good as Old Regimen to Prevent Full-Blown TB in People with and Without HIV
07/07/2011 - Johns Hopkins and South African scientists have further compelling evidence that new, simpler and shorter treatments with antibiotic drugs
could dramatically help prevent tens of millions of people worldwide already infected with the bacterium responsible for tuberculosis, and especially those co-infected with HIV, from developing full-blown TB.

Inovio Expands DNA Vaccine Intellectual Property License With the University of Pennsylvania
BLUE BELL, Pa., July 7, 2011 /PRNewswire/ - The company broadens its IP portfolio by exclusively in-licensing technology encompassing
prostate cancer and important infectious diseases including cytomegalovirus, malaria, hepatitis B, RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), and MRSA (methicillin-resistant

CATIE News - Is there a link between niacin and stroke?
2011 July 7 - A large American-Canadian study called Aim-High was halted 18 months ahead of schedule. Aim-High
compared the effects of a cholesterol-lowering medicine called simvastatin (Zocor) against a combination of simvastatin and an extended-release formulation of
the B-vitamin niacin (high doses of niacin can help to normalize cholesterol levels).
Kenya: Aids Patients Reject ARVs, Die After Loliondo Visit
July 6, 2011 - Some Kenyans living with Aids have died after they persistently refused to take anti-retroviral drugs believing a concoction they drank in Loliondo in Tanzania had healed them...

IN THE LIFE, "The Art of Change"
July 2011 - This month on IN THE LIFE: the intersection of art and social change. Four stories
honoring how art has inspired the LGBT Movement and its allies, in the fight for full equality.

06/07/2011 - This Q&A document provides general information regarding the current state of Canadian
criminal law with respect to HIV non-disclosure, and responds to related policy and public health concerns.

Women's Health Rights Advocates Applaud Court Ruling Against Bush-era HIV/AIDS Policy Against Sex Workers
WASHINGTON, July 6, 2011 - Center for Health and Gender Equity Calls on Obama Administration to Stop Enforcing Anti-Prostitution Pledge
The Center for Health and Gender Equity (CHANGE) applauded today's decision by a federal appeals court that the United States government cannot
require U.S. organizations that receive U.S. foreign assistance to fight HIV/AIDS globally to denounce prostitution.

July 6, 2011 - Deadline: 7 August 2011
On behalf of the Global Commission on HIV and the Law, this is a Call for Submissions for the High Income Countries Dialogue.
The High Income Countries Dialogue will take place on 16-17 September 2011, in California , United States. In addition to giving voice to high income countries perspectives on issues of HIV and the law, the dialogue aims to contribute to efforts for creating enabling legal environments which support effective HIV responses.
Global safety monitoring of HIV drugs is essential, says International Forum
5-Jul-2011 - With increasing numbers of people worldwide-5 million in 2010-on antiretroviral drugs
for the treatment of HIV, the International Forum for Collaborative HIV Research recommends that improved and sustained global drug safety monitoring,
including monitoring for substandard products, drug diversion, inappropriate use, and toxicity, is critical.
Certain HIV medication associated with adrenal dysfunction in newborns of HIV-1 infected mothers
5-Jul-2011 - Infants of human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) infected mothers who were treated before and after birth with the protease inhibitor lopinavir-ritonavir were more likely to experience adrenal dysfunction, including life-threatening adrenal insufficiency in premature infants, compared with a zidovudine-based regimen, according to a preliminary report in the July 6 issue of JAMA .

Inovio Pharmaceuticals Synthetic DNA Vaccine Protects Against HIV in Non-Human Primates
BLUE BELL, Pa., July 5, 2011 /PRNewswire/ - Two scientific journals publish data showing robust,
sustained T-cell responses and protection generated by Inovio's DNA vaccine
Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NYSE Amex: INO), a leader in the development of therapeutic and preventive vaccines against cancers and infectious diseases,
announced today that novel data from a preclinical study of its SynCon T DNA vaccine against HIV were published in two separate scientific journals.

UNAIDS rejects prejudice and misconceptions about men who have sex with men and transgender people
NEW DELHI, 5 July 2011 - Efforts to increase access to HIV prevention and treatment services must be
scaled up alongside societal efforts to eliminate homophobia
Getting aid to where it is needed
3-Jul-2011 - In the early 2000s, the international aid community started to fund health programs
through Global Health Initiatives (GHIs) which provide aid and support for tackling infectious diseases, and for implementing immunization programs against childhood diseases.
U.S. Supports "Safe Love" HIV Prevention Campaign
Lusaka, June 28, 2011 - Kapiri Mposhi - The "Safe Love" campaign will urge people to think more about what causes HIV, talk openly about HIV, and take action to protect themselves and others from HIV.
"I Came to Get Tested" Free HIV Testing on Site at the ESSENCE Music Festival
NEW ORLEANS, July 1, 2011 - Week-Long Greater Than AIDS Statewide Testing Tour Culminates at this Weekend's Festival in New Orleans, July 1st-3rd
Greater Than AIDS, a national campaign to respond to HIV/AIDS in the United States, has teamed up with the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals and other partners to promote
HIV testing in conjunction with the annual ESSENCE Music Festival, taking place today through Sunday, July 3rd at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans.
Solving the Puzzle of Cognitive Problems Caused By HIV Infection
July 1, 2011 - (Bronx, NY) - A longstanding medical mystery - why so many people with HIV experience memory loss and other cognitive problems despite potent antiretroviral therapy - may have been solved by researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University. Their findings are published in the June 29 issue of The Journal of Neuroscience.
Study Identifies Genes Linked To Higher Risk Of Lipodystrophy And High Cholesterol In HIV-Positive Caucasians
Jul 1, 2011 - Results of a recent study indicate that certain genetic variations are associated with an increased risk of fat accumulation, low "good" cholesterol levels, high "bad" cholesterol levels, and high levels of triglycerides in HIV-positive Caucasians following initiation of antiretroviral therapy.
Nation's oldest Black HIV/AIDS organization
launches Engagement For Action tour
NEW YORK CITY (July 1, 2011) - As the nation sadly marked the 30th anniversary of the discovery
of the AIDS virus last month, the nation's oldest Black HIV/AIDS organization launched a new
educational video that is intended as a resource to reinvigorate and step up efforts to address the
deadly disease's highly disproportionate toll on African-American women.