Alain Lafeuillade, MD, PhD, a recognized scientist in the search for an HIV cure, will be available during the
forthcoming 6th International AIDS Society (IAS) Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention to be held in Rome,
July 17-20, 2011. A dedicated booth in the exhibition area will promote his meetings and activities geared towards finding an HIV cure.
Toulon, France--July 12, 2011 - There are currently 34 million people living with HIV in the world.
Despite the availability of potent antiretroviral therapies (ART), more than 7,100 new cases of infection occur daily. In fact, new
infections continue to outstrip numbers on treatment by 2 to 1 in resource-limited settings. Even for those who have access to ART,
life-long therapy is not plain sailing. There are problems of toxicity, side effects, compliance and resistance. ART can keep the
virus at bay, but HIV always persists in some "reservoirs" explaining why each time therapy is stopped, the infection rekindles.
That is why Alain Lafeuillade, a Doctor involved in HIV research, founded a working group uniting researchers from
all over the world that first met for an "International Workshop on HIV Persistence, Reservoirs and Eradication Strategies" in 2003.
The 5th edition of this workshop will be held in December this year and will attract 200 researchers working in the field of HIV
reservoirs. Alain Lafeuillade is also chair of the ISHEID, for "International Symposium on HIV & Emerging Infectious
Diseases", to be held in Marseille, France, May 23-25, 2012 that will attract 2,000 international participants around
the theme of "Searching for an HIV Cure ".
"HIV cure is the big challenge of the 21st Century", told Doctor Lafeuillade, "life-long ART will be unsustainable, both
for medical and financial reasons," he added.
Lafeuillade also launched last October a scientific website, creating the first constant link between scientists working
towards an HIV cure.
These different initiatives will be displayed during the forthcoming "6th International AIDS Society (IAS) Conference on
HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention" to be held in Rome, Italy, July 17-20, 2011 in a dedicated booth (322) in the exhibition
area. The IAS conference will welcome 9,000 international delegates.
You can contact Doctor Lafeuillade in advance to meet him during the IAS conference.
About the "International Workshop on HIV Persistence, Reservoirs and Eradication Strategies", the authority scientific workshop supported
by the NIH and the ANRS: http://www.informedhorizons.com/persistence2011/index.html
About the ISHEID: http://www.isheid.com
About the Scientific Community on HIV Reservoirs: http://www.hiv-reservoir.net
Press Contact:
Alain Lafeuillade, Chief of the Department of Infectious Diseases, General Hospital,
Toulon, France; Adjunct
Professor at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA;
Email: lafeuillade@orange.fr
Contact Information:
Alain Lafeuillade MD, PhD
1208 avenue Colonel Picot
Toulon, Var 83056 France