Positively Positive - Living with HIV/AIDS:
HIV/AIDS News Archive - February 2010

The Impact of Science & Innovation in the Evolving Global Health Paradigm: HIV and AIDS - A Global Challenge of Olympic Proportion
February 26 2010 - LifeSciences British Columbia; The British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS; the International AIDS Society; and The University of British Columbia
are pleased to host a world-class summit taking place in Vancouver on February 26th, during the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Games:

Satellite session at the 6th Canadian HIV/AIDS Skills Building Symposium
(Montreal, March 4-7, 2010,
Delta Centre-Ville Hotel)
Rencontre satellite au 6e symposium national de perfectionnement des compétences dans le domaine du VIH/sida
(Montréal, 4-7 mars 2010, hôtel Delta Centre-Ville)

Antiquated U.S. Blood Donation Ban Against Gay Men Contributes to Stigma and Blood Shortages
2.25.2010 - New York, NY - GMHC Report Explores Alternatives to Lifetime MSM Ban
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) currently bans any man who had sex with another man (MSM), even once, since 1977 from donating blood.
The policy does not consider the potential donor's HIV status, frequency or risk of sexual activity, or if he is in a monogamous relationship. Today, Gay Men's Health
Crisis (GMHC) released a report, A Drive for Change: Reforming U.S. Blood Donation Policies , detailing the history of the policy, efforts towards revision, and analysis
of alternative donation criteria.
Combined drug therapy to treat TB and HIV significantly improves survival
25-Feb-2010 - Initiating antiretroviral therapy (ART) during tuberculosis
therapy significantly reduced mortality rates by 56 percent in a randomized clinical trial of 642 patients co-infected with
HIV and tuberculosis. The study, which provides further impetus for the integration of TB and HIV services, lays to rest the controversy on whether co-infected patients should initiate ART during or after TB treatment. Findings are
published in the February 25th issue of The New England Journal of Medicine.
Innate immune mechanisms can control disease progression in HIV-positive patients
24-Feb-2010 - The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV-1), the variant responsible for the pandemic, has the ability to infect different cell types such as T cells, macrophages and dendritic cells (DC).

Celebrities Rally for DoGood Dining
Dining Out For Life - April 29, 2010
Dining Out For Life® sponsored by Subaru of America, Inc. is a simple, yet substantial way to contribute to the cause while enjoying breakfast, lunch or dinner with friends or family. Thursday, April 29th
marks the one day fundraiser where nearly 3,000 restaurants in over fifty cities across the U.S. and Canada participate by donating a generous percentage of proceeds from the day's meals to a local AIDS service organization. Money raised in each city stays in that city!
Canadian researchers study mass gatherings and risks of infectious disease threats
TORONTO, On - February 24, 2010 - Real-time observation of disease threats could enhance planning and response for major events such as the Olympics
As the world watches the Vancouver Olympics, researchers at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto and Children's Hospital Boston have teamed up to monitor and assess potential infectious disease threats to Vancouver
during the Winter Games by integrating two independently developed intelligence systems that focus on global infectious diseases; bio.DIASPORA and HealthMap.
World Leaders in HIV/AIDS to Convene in Vancouver During 2010 Olympic Games
February 23, 2010 - VANCOUVER, BC LifeSciences British Columbia, the BC Centre of Excellence in HIV/AIDS, and the University of British Columbia (UBC)
will host a global summit on HIV/AIDS on Feb. 26th, 2010, against the backdrop of the 2010 Olympic Games. Endorsed by the International AIDS Society, the event entitled "The Impact of Science & Innovation
in the Evolving Global Health Paradigm: HIV and AIDS - A Challenge of Olympic Proportion" will bring together world leaders in HIV research, health, innovation and policy to share new and compelling perspectives
on the challenges we face under a shifting global health paradigm.

ViiV Healthcare Presents New Data from HIV/AIDS Portfolio Demonstrating Research Advances and Commitment to Patient Care at Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections
San Francisco, CA, February 22, 2010 Presentations Include New Data for S/GSK1349572, an Integrase Inhibitor in Clinical Development, SELZENTRY®, and EPZICOM®
At the 17th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), ViiV Healthcare presented new data across its broad range of investigational and current medicines for the
treatment of HIV/AIDS. Highlighted data at the conference included an oral presentation on the investigational integrase inhibitor, S/GSK1349572, as well as data presentations on SELZENTRY® (maraviroc) and EPZICOM® (abacavir/lamivudine).

Expanding Global Access to Female and Male Condoms
54th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women
1-12 March 2010
Civil Society Statement
The 1995 Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing articulated a bold framework for
achieving women's empowerment with a strong focus on women's human rights, sexual and
reproductive health, and gender equality. Fifteen years after Beijing, access to prevention
information and services remains an urgent health and human rights issue for women and
adolescent girls. Today HIV/AIDS is the leading cause of death for women of reproductive age
globally, and approximately 215 million women in developing countries who wish to prevent or
postpone pregnancy have an unmet need for modern contraceptives.

Sign-on Statement: Support Condoms at the Commission on the Status of Women
February 22 2010 - Join us in raising the visibility of female and male condoms at the CSW!
During the first two weeks of March, government delegates, U.N. officials, and civil society advocates will be in New York City
for the 54th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). At this meeting governments across the world will recommit to the Beijing Platform for Action put
forth at the 1995 World Conference on Women, which called for advancing women's human rights, sexual and reproductive health, and gender equality.

Manipulating the Smallest Building Blocks of Life to Defeat the World's Biggest Infectious Disease Killer
amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research, on Thursday announced the recipients of its first ever awards for gene therapy research, supporting a broad range
of strategies aimed at thwarting the virus both directly as well as by blocking its access to the cells it needs in order to replicate.
Penn Researchers Present Phase II HIV Gene Therapy Trial Data at CROI 2010
February 18, 2010 - Reduced Viral Load set points in subjects treated with Lexgenleucel-T (VRX496TM) following HAART interruption
Researchers from the presented
today the results from an ongoing Phase I/II open-label clinical trial of Lexgenleucel-T at the 16th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) in San Francisco,
CA. Lexgenleucel-T is a cell and gene therapy product being investigated for the treatment of HIV infection.
Kenya: Halt Anti-Gay Campaign
February 17, 2010 - (New York) - Protect Health Workers, Activists; Condemn Mob Violence, Incitements to Hate
Kenya's government should act quickly to protect people accused of homosexual conduct and groups offering HIV/AIDS services from
vigilante attacks, Human Rights Watch said today in a letter to Kenyan authorities.

SafeGames 2010 At Vancouver Olympics Presents Global Insite:
A Public Dialogue on Vancouver's Innovative Response to the International Question of What to do About Drugs
WHEN: Friday 19th February 2010
7.00 pm - 9.00 pm; doors open 6.30 pm
WHERE: Japanese Language Hall
487 Alexander Street @ Jackson Street, Vancouver

The Keith Haring Foundation and GMHC Announce 5-Year Partnership to Tackle Hunger Among HIV-Positive Individuals and Families
2.16.2010 - New York, New York - The Keith Haring Food Pantry Program is Announced on the 20th Anniversary of Iconic Artist's Passing
GMHC is proud to announce the launch of a new five-year partnership with the Keith Haring Foundation aimed at strengthening the agency's efforts to feed underprivileged families and individuals affected by HIV/AIDS.

Merck Rattled by AIDS Banners in Hometown
LOS ANGELES (February 16, 2010) - AIDS Group Employs Novel Use of Train Station Banner Advertisements in Whitehouse Station, New Jersey-Merck's Hometown-Urging, "Merck: Do the Right Thing."
As part of its ongoing campaign to lower AIDS drug prices and increase access, AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) today unveiled its latest element in a multifaceted advocacy campaign challenging Merck and Co. Pharmaceuticals
over the steep price it charges for its key HIV/AIDS drug, Isentress (raltegravir), the most expensive first-line AIDS therapy in the US today.
HIV drug resistance lasts about 1 year in women treated with nevirapine to prevent infant infection
15-Feb-2010 - A new international study reported in PLoS Medicine confirms that a single dose of nevirapine (sdNVP) can lead to HIV treatment failure in women who receive the drug to prevent transmission of the AIDS virus to their infants. However, the increased risk of failure could only be detected in women who began full HIV treatment within about a year after receiving sdNVP.

- Deadlines Extended
5th International Conference on HIV Treatment ADHERENCE
Miami - May 23 - 25, 2010
Save the Date
The International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care (IAPAC) and the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
have extended the deadlines for the submittal of Abstracts, Workshop Proposals , and Scholarship Applications and Scholar Abstracts .
The deadline for each has been extended until February 28, 2010.

Group Gives Out 100,000 Endangered Species Condoms for Valentine's Day
February 11, 2010 - TUCSON, Ariz. - Educational Project Highlights Impact of Human Overpopulation
on Wildlife
Five People to Win Lifetime Condom Supply
With 3,000 volunteers operating in all 50 states, the will distribute 100,000
free Endangered Species Condoms beginning on Valentine's Day and has launched an educational Web site - -
chronicling the devastating impact of human overpopulation on endangered species. Additional free condoms will be distributed through the site, and five people will win a lifetime condom supply.

2nd Annual Symposium on HIV, Law and Human Rights
Save the date: Friday, June 11, 2010 -
Saturday, June 12, 2010.
Following on the success of last year's event, the will host the 2nd Annual Symposium on HIV, Law and Human Rights from June 11-12, 2010 in Toronto, Ontario. This year's keynote speaker will be Dr. Michel Kazatchkine, Executive Director of The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria.

Winter 2010, Issue 1
Welcome to Prevention in Focus: Spotlight on Research and Programming, CATIE's new, on-line publication for those working on HIV and hepatitis C prevention strategies. By highlighting research and how it might be practically integrated into the planning and provision of front-line services, Prevention in Focus will hopefully support you in your understanding and ultimate use of HIV and hepatitis C prevention research knowledge.

Under the Skin: A People's Case for Prison Needle and Syringe Programs
What do people in prison have to say about the Canadian government's unwillingness to permit the distribution of clean needles in prison? How has this policy, that denies the realities
of injection drug use in prison, affected individuals who are struggling with drug addiction? And what does this mean for the community as a whole? The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network sought to answer
these and many other questions by interviewing people from across the country to learn more about their experiences with injection drug use in federal prisons.

Turning The Tide: 20 Years Of HIV/AIDS Research In Uganda
05 Feb 2010 - On the twentieth anniversary of the Medical Research Council's (MRC) research unit's presence in Uganda, Director Heiner Grosskurth looks back on the changing landscape of research into HIV/AIDS at the commemorative scientific symposium in Entebbe today.
For HIV-infected children, quality of caregiver relationship is crucial
5-Feb-2010 - A new study of children in Ukraine has found that for the growing number of HIV-infected children, the quality of care and the relationship
between children and their caregivers play an important role in their development. Based on their findings, the researchers highlight the importance of comprehensive but focused intervention efforts to
improve these relationships by changing caregivers' working schedules and providing training to enhance the stability and sensitivity of care.
Scripps Research scientists find two compounds that lay the foundation for a new class of AIDS drug
LA JOLLA, CA - February 3, 2010 - Novel therapies could improve potency of existing AIDS treatments, help to combat drug-resistant virus strains
A team of scientists at The Scripps Research Institute has identified two compounds that act on novel binding sites for an enzyme used by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV),
the virus that causes AIDS. The discovery lays the foundation for the development of a new class of anti-HIV drugs to enhance existing therapies, treat drug-resistant strains of the disease, and slow the evolution of drug resistance in the virus.

International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights
Save the dates
March 15
New York City
March 18
San Francisco

CAHR 2010 Red Ribbon Award - Now Accepting Nominations
The Canadian Association of HIV Research (CAHR) is accepting nominations for the 2010 Red Ribbon Award .
Candidatures au prix Ruban rouge
L'Association canadienne de recherche sur le VIH (ACRV) accepte actuellement des propositions de candidature pour le prix Ruban rouge 2010 .

TORONTO, February 2, 2010 - Personal testimonies bring human dimension to addiction and drug use within Canadian prisons
People in prison suffer at least 10 to 20 times higher rates of HIV and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection than the population as a whole
Two Studies Find Artefill® to Be a Long-Term Treatment Option for Facial Lipoatrophy
SAN DIEGO, CA - February 2, 2010 - , a privately-held aesthetic medical device company,
today announced that two clinical studies suggest Artefill may be a safe, effective, long-term treatment option for age-related and HIV lipoatrophy patients. The studies were presented
at the Advances in Cosmetic and Medical Dermatology's "Maui Derm 2010" Meeting in Maui, Hawaii January 23-27th and the American Academy of Cosmetic Dermatology (AACS) Scientific Meeting in Orlando, Florida January 28-31st.

1 February 2010 (Geneva, Switzerland) - As Canada prepares to host the G8 and G20 Summits this June, the International AIDS Society (IAS) today congratulated Prime Minister Stephen Harper
for saying that the G8 "discussion should be less about new agreements than accountability for existing ones." The IAS urged Harper to hold countries accountable for their 2005 G8 commitment to achieve universal access
to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support by 2010, emphasizing that fulfilling this prior commitment to AIDS must be a central part of any new initiative on maternal and child health.

AHF Opens Two New 'Men's Wellness Center's in Los Angeles
February 2, 2010 - Walk-In Clinic to Provide Comprehensive, Confidential Sexual Health Services-Including HIV and STD Testing and Treatment-in One Convenient Location
and At No Cost to Clients
Today, AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) , the largest global AIDS organization, which provides medical care and/or services to more than 120,000 individuals in 22 countries worldwide,
opened two Men's Wellness Centers (MWC), one at AHF's Westside Healthcare Center in Beverly Hills, and one at AHF's Magic Johnson Clinic at the Carl Bean House.
Onset of Sexual Activity in Tweens Delayed By Theory-based Abstinence-only Program
February 1, 2010 - PHILADELPHIA - A new study weighs in on the controversy over sex education, finding that an abstinence-only intervention for pre-teens
was more successful in delaying the onset of sexual activity than a health-promotion control intervention. After two years, one-third of the abstinence-only group reported having sex, compared to
one-half of the control group. The study by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania appears in the February 1 edition of the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine.
HIV researchers solve key puzzle after 20 years of trying
February 1, 2010 - Researchers have made a breakthrough in HIV research that had eluded
scientists for over 20 years, potentially leading to better treatments for HIV, in a study published today in the journal Nature.

February 1, 2010 - African-Americans continue to bear the largest and most disproportionate burden of HIV/AIDS of all racial and ethnic groups in the United States.
Compound found that targets wide range of viruses
1-Feb-2010 - GALVESTON, Texas - The development of antibiotics gave physicians seemingly miraculous weapons against
infectious disease. Effective cures for terrible afflictions like pneumonia, syphilis and tuberculosis were suddenly at hand. Moreover, many of the drugs that made them possible
were versatile enough to knock out a wide range of deadly bacterial threats.

ACCOLAIDS 2010: Call for nominations
Closing Date for Nominations: 5pm, Friday 26 February
ACCOLAIDS 2010: The BC Persons With AIDS Society & ViiV Healthcare in partnership with Shire Canada present
the 9th bi-annual awards gala honouring our heroes in the BC AIDS movement.
The Price of Denial: A documentary on the legacy of AIDS denialism in South Africa
This documentary was produced by the non-profit
health news agency Health-e and was recently broadcast
on an independent television channel in South Africa.
View Video...

HIV Reservoirs: IAS call for abstracts - Pre-Conference Workshop: "Towards a Cure": HIV Reservoirs and Strategies to Control Them.
16 - 17 July 2010, Vienna, Austria -
Submission Deadline - 10 Feb, 2010
The IAS will convene a 2-day workshop, chaired by 2008 Nobel Laureate for Medicine and IAS Governing Council Member Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, for up to 200 invited researchers in Vienna, Austria, immediately preceding the XVIII International AIDS Conference, to take place 18-23 July. This workshop is planned in order to increase the focus on basic science at AIDS 2010 and will be closely linked to the AIDS 2010 conference programme.

Positive Gathering 2010 Proposals
Positive Gathering
A conference developed for and by HIV+ people in British Columbia
When: March 26-28, 2010
Where: Plaza 500 Hotel, 500 West 12th, Vancouver
Do you have an HIV-related issue that you would like to explore by hosting your own workshop?
We invite you to share your expertise at Positive Gathering 2010: Living Longer, Living Well.