AHF Opens Two New 'Men's Wellness Center's in Los Angeles
Walk-In Clinic to Provide Comprehensive, Confidential Sexual Health Services-Including HIV and STD Testing and Treatment-in One Convenient Location and At No Cost to Clients
February 1, 2010 - Today, AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) ,
the largest global AIDS organization, which provides medical care and/or services to more than 120,000 individuals in 22 countries worldwide, opened two Men's Wellness Centers (MWC), one at AHF's Westside
Healthcare Center in Beverly Hills, and one at AHF's Magic Johnson Clinic at the Carl Bean House. These centers provide confidential and comprehensive sexual health services for men-including HIV/STD screenings
and treatment-in one convenient location and at no cost to clients. The Men's Wellness Center clinics are based on a successful model of service pioneered by AHF, in collaboration with Los Angeles County Public
Health Programs, at its Hollywood Healthcare Center in Los Angeles, and currently operate in California, Florida, and Washington, D.C.
The new Men's Wellness Center at AHF Westside Healthcare Center, located at 99 N. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 200, Beverly Hills, is now open for service every
Monday and Thursday from 5:30 PM to 9:00 PM. The new Men's Wellness Center at AHF's Magic Johnson Clinic at Carl Bean House, 2146 W. Adams Blvd., Los Angeles, is now open Tuesdays from 5:30 PM to 9:00 PM.
No appointment is necessary at either location.
"As AHF grows its healthcare services, we are proud to offer two new targeted Men's Wellness Centers in the LA area," said Mindy Middleton, Deputy Director for AHF Public Health
Division. "AHF has always strived to create innovative strategies in our fight against HIV/AIDS, and since the start of the MWC program five years ago, we have discovered that if you offer men a convenient place to be tested and
treated for STDs they will begin to address their sexual health needs as part of their routine healthcare."
The Men's Wellness Center Program is part of an ongoing effort to normalize HIV and STD screening, making regular testing as much a part of taking care of oneself as eating well, going to the gym, and taking
vitamins. "The goal is simple," says Middleton, "identify those who are infected but do not know it and link them into care, thus reducing local HIV and STD infection rates. Additional information regarding the new and existing Men's Wellness
Centers can be found by visiting www.freehivtest.net .
In 2009, at the MWC Hollywood, AHF saw a 9% positive rate for rectal Chlamydia and a 6% positive rate for Syphilis. In addition, the MWC Program has an average HIV sero-positivity rate
of 3%, which is three times higher than the general public, making it a highly effective program for identifying new infections.
"At the Men's Wellness Center, you can get a full battery of sexual health tests in one location. It is always completely confidential and there is no cost to the
clients," concluded Middleton, "We are pleased to be opening two new Centers and hope that they will provide a needed service to the community."
About AHF
AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) is the US' largest non-profit HIV/AIDS healthcare provider. AHF currently provides medical care and/or services to more than 80,000 individuals in 22
countries worldwide in the US, Africa, Latin America/Caribbean and Asia. Additional information is available at www.aidshealth.org
AIDS Healthcare Foundation
Christina McEwen
Communications & Marketing Coordinator
(323) 308-1832 office
AIDS Healthcare Foundation
Albert Ruiz,
Associate Director of Communications, AHF
Senior Program Manager,
(213) 405-5818 office
"Reproduced with permission - AIDS Healthcare Foundation"
AIDS Healthcare Foundation