Save the date: Friday, June 11, 2010 -
Saturday, June 12, 2010.
Following on the success of last year's event, the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network will host the 2nd Annual Symposium on HIV, Law and Human Rights from June 11-12, 2010 in Toronto, Ontario. This year's keynote speaker will be Dr. Michel Kazatchkine, Executive Director of The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria.
The Symposium brings together Legal Network members, people living with HIV/AIDS, AIDS-service organizations, community-based organizations, health researchers, government officials, lawyers and judges to tackle pressing issues relating to HIV/AIDS and human rights. This year's themes include immigration, women's rights, and criminalization of HIV transmission or exposure.
The Legal Network's Annual General Meeting will take place the morning of June 12.
About the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network (www.aidslaw.ca) promotes the human
rights of people living with and vulnerable to HIV/AIDS, in Canada and
internationally, through research, legal and policy analysis, education, and
community mobilization. The Legal Network is Canada's leading advocacy
organization working on the legal and human rights issues raised by HIV/AIDS.
Gilles Marchildon
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
+1 416 595-1666 ext. 228
Cell: +1 647 248-2400