Positively Positive - Living with HIV/AIDS:
HIV/AIDS News Archive - November 2014
"I didn't want to bring shame on my family": being gay in Ghana
Nov 30, 2014 - The eight-minute video documentary is the story of a young HIV positive gay man in the Ghanaian capital, Accra, whose journey through the public health system - which is largely supported by international donors led by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and malaria - reflects the challenges inherent in reaching those who are most vulnerable to infection by the disease. The film underscores the impact of stigma, discrimination and ignorance on the health system's ability to effectively manage HIV.
DIRTY 30 "Black Women & Single Motherhood" - Documentary Series on HIV and AIDS
Published on Nov 30, 2014 - DIRTY 30 is a 10 part docu-series about HIV premiering on YouTube this World AIDS Day 2014. The series has stepped up and filmed in the streets, boroughs, townships, and cities around the world to show the faces and experiences of HIV, 30 years after it's discovery.

Canada's misguided approach to HIV
Nov 30 2014 - Canada's use of the criminal law to punish HIV-positive individuals who do not disclose their status to sexual partners is particularly harsh.
World Aids Day, on Dec. 1, gives us cause to rejoice and to lament. In Canada and other countries with robust public health care, HIV is now a manageable chronic condition rather than a death sentence, as it remains for millions elsewhere. But
Canada's use of the criminal law to punish HIV-positive individuals who do not disclose their status to sexual partners is particularly expansive and harsh. Its approach undermines basic messages of public health and ignores the diversity of sexual practices.
HIV/Aids cannot be beaten without water
30 November 2014 - Twenty-six years after the first World Aids Day was declared, on 1 December 1988, the HIV epidemic is still with us. It claims 1.5 million lives each year, 70% of them in sub-Saharan Africa.
Teen sex stigma hindering HIV fight
November 30, 2014 - The Public Health Ministry reported that the ratio of people aged 15-24 who contracted an STI last year was 95 per 100,000, compared with 46 per 100,000 in 2004. That figure alone shows that efforts to educate young Thais about safe sex are failing.
'Low-risk population latest victim of HIV/AIDS'
November 30, 2014 - It is not people belonging to the high-risk category, but ordinary people who are the latest victims of HIV/AIDS, said Programme Manager of District AIDS Prevention and Control Unit Sadiq Kottakkal.
Draw attention back to HIV / AIDS - FW De Klerk Foundation
November 30, 2014 - Even though the situation with HIV/Aids has improved, the world still needed to draw its attention back to the realities of the disease, the FW De Klerk Foundation said on Sunday, the eve of World Aids Day.
During each week and every week since March this year - an average of 3 300 people have died of AIDS in South Africa," said executive director of the FW de Klerk Foundation, Dave Steward.
497,000 people affected by HIV/AIDS in China
November 30, 2014 - The number of HIV/AIDS cases in China had touched 497,000 by the end of October, with 154,000 deaths, the latest official figures said, according to reports Sunday.
Ahead of World AIDS Day, Israeli expert says HIV picture is worrisome
11/30/2014 - 20% increase of HIV carriers among immigrants from the former Soviet Union and minorities.
While the Health Ministry has presented a relatively rosy picture of AIDS, including the fact that the number of new HIV carriers has declined, a Rambam Medical Center AIDS expert said the situation is not that simple.
Comment: Stigma of living with HIV is not yet erased
November 30, 2014 - On the eve of World AIDS Day, we mark 33 years the world has experienced HIV. In all this time, we have learned a lot about the immune system, we have seen shifts in how the virus is treated, we have seen people
living longer with the virus, but we have not seen a significant shift in how people living with HIV are being treated by society.
World AIDS Day Detroit hosts Ryan White's mom & performances by former American Idols contestants
Nov 30, 2014 - (WXYZ) - The Mayors Breakfast brings together Detroit-area mayors and community leaders, HIV/AIDS organizations and medical professionals in the fight against HIV. The breakfast will feature Ms. White-Ginder and a musical tribute to World AIDS Day.
Kenya: First Lady Applauds Efforts Against HIV/Aids in Mombasa
November 29, 2014 - Mombasa - First Lady Margaret Kenyatta has commended the county government of Mombasa for scaling up efforts against HIV/AIDS.

Cell Survivor - online game launches for World AIDS Day
November 29, 2014 - Globally, the majority of new HIV infections are among young people, which is why engaging young people in the HIV response is critical to halting the epidemic.
With this in mind we have developed Cell Survivor in conjunction with Developing Dreams to mark World AIDS Day. Cell Survivor is an original online game intended to engage new audiences with the work of the Alliance and issues that adolescents living with HIV in the global south face on a regular basis.

November 29, 2014 - Monday December 1st is World AIDS Day! AIDS Vancouver will be hosting an Open House to celebrate our accomplishments we would like to invite you down to 1107 Seymour Street between 10-6 pm!

A Message from Dr. Carol Murphy, Founding Physician of Spectrum Health and Director of the Board of the Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation
November 29, 2014 - World AIDS Day at the Dr. Peter Centre
Remembering those who have passed and supporting those with HIV to live life with dignity
As we approach World AIDS Day on December 1, I write to remind you of the importance of supporting some of the most vulnerable members of our community who depend on HIV/AIDS care.
Elton John and Darren Walker on Race, Sexual Identity and Leaving the Past Behind
NOV. 28, 2014 - It's hard to imagine two people coming from worlds as different as those of Elton John and Darren Walker.
World AIDS Day tone shifting but need remains, advocates say
Nov 28, 2014 - Planned events are lower-key but number holding fairly steady across Canada
While the number of events organized for the week preceding and following Dec 1 has held steady, or even increased slightly, the tone of the occasion has changed, according to some AIDS organizations.
35 million people worldwide have HIV/AIDS. Do something about it on December 1.
November 28, 2014 - What do 35 million people worldwide have in common? An HIV-positive diagnosis. What they don't have in common is equal access to treatment.
Brazil's Amazon region houses latex 'love factory'
November 28, 2014 - Deep in Amazonia, Raimundo Pereira expertly cuts a gash in a rubber tree to collect white sap destined for the nearby factory at Xapuri, the world's only producer of contraceptives made from tropical forest latex.

South Asia Battles Growing AIDS Problem
November 28, 2014 - As many as 6 million people in South Asia are infected with the virus that causes AIDS, and more than 60 percent of them are in India, the World Bank said.
Ahead of World AIDS Day, over 900 new HIV cases in Pakistan detected
Islamabad, Nov 28 - At least 994 new HIV/AIDS cases have been detected across Sindh province in Pakistan this year, according to a media report. "These numbers could be alarming
for everyone, but this reflects the efficiency of our monitoring and reporting system," Dawn Online quoted Sindh AIDS Control Programme project director Sikander Ali Shah as saying.
Bill C-2 spreads Harper's misinformation about harm reduction
November 28, 2014 - Harper ignores facts about harm reduction

Dispelling the stigma of HIV
Nov 28, 2014 - The stigma around HIV/AIDS is a huge obstacle for people living with the virus, and it contributes to many people choosing not to get tested, according to the head of the Canadian AIDS Society (CAS).
Obama Proclamation on World AIDS Day 2014
In communities across our Nation and around the world, we have made extraordinary progress in the global fight against HIV/AIDS. Just over three decades ago, when we knew only the devastation HIV inflicted,
those living with it had to fight just to be treated with dignity and compassion, and since the first cases of AIDS were reported, tens of millions of vibrant men and women have lost their lives to this deadly virus. Today, we have
transformed what it means to live with HIV/AIDS. More effective prevention, treatment, and care now save millions of lives while awareness has soared and research has surged. This World AIDS Day, we come together to honor all
those who have been touched by HIV/AIDS and celebrate the promising public health and scientific advances that have brought us closer to our goal of an AIDS-free generation.
World AIDS Day 2014 message from Dr. Julio Montaner
Published on Nov 28, 2014 - Dr. Julio Montaner gives a heart felt message, and thank you for World AIDS Day.

AIDS Vancouver campaign focuses on the "new face of HIV"
Nov 28, 2014 - An awareness campaign that AIDS Vancouver executive director Brian Chittock describes as "a new way of talking about HIV" will be highlighted this year as the organization marks World AIDS Day.
The campaign, called The New Face of HIV-What it Means to be Undetectable, refers to cases in which people have been diagnosed with HIV, but the virus is undetectable in their bloodstream as a result of anti-retroviral treatment.

Dr. Vera Etches: Ottawa can't be complacent about AIDS
November 28, 2014 - Science says sufferers can live normal lives, yet fear persists
World AIDS Day, which takes place on December 1 every year, is a time to reflect on what we have achieved in the local, national and global response to HIV and AIDS and the challenges we continue to face, including the largest threat we currently face in Canada: complacency.
AIDS and HIV now a chronic disease
November 28 2014 - Science says sufferers can live normal lives, yet fear persists
HIV and AIDS in Canada have changed. Since they emerged 30 years ago, things are different. Science has made progress. Treatment has improved. Life for people with HIV looks very different. But in some ways it still looks just the same.
Gay sex drives up China's HIV/AIDS infections: health expert
SHIJIAZHUANG, Nov. 28 (Xinhua) - A rise in new cases of HIV/AIDS infections through gay sex was reported in China.
HIV transmissions among MSM (men having sex with men) accounted for 25 percent of China's total reported new infections during the first eight months this year, according to Wang Ning, deputy head of the HIV/AIDS division of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The figure was 19 percent in 2012.
ETAF - World AIDS Day Video
Uploaded on Nov 27, 2014 - This short film narrated by actor Colin Farrell and directed and produced by Adam Shankman, with music donated by Katy Perry, Coldplay, and One Republic, serves as a call to action and raises awareness that the global fight against HIV/AIDS is far from over.

ViiV Healthcare announces new grants in support of ending mother to child transmission of HIV
London, United Kingdom, 27 November, 2014 - Landmark number of grants awarded for 2015 as the Positive Action for Children Fund hits 5 year milestone
The Positive Action for Children Fund (PACF) is proud to announce 103 grants for 2015 totalling £5 million. 54 new grants and 49 extensions will be funded to support community responses to help end mother to child transmission of HIV thereby delivering crucial services to mothers, children and HIV affected families.
Europe's HIV response falls short in curbing the epidemic: 80% more new HIV cases compared to 2004
Copenhagen and Stockholm, 27 November 2014 - A new report by WHO-its first to look at antimicrobial resistance, including antibiotic resistance, globally-reveals
that this serious threat is no longer a prediction for the future, it is happening right now in every region of the world and has the potential to affect
anyone, of any age, in any country. Antibiotic resistance-when bacteria change so antibiotics no longer work in people who need them to treat infections-is now a major threat to public health.
B.C. Government Recognizes Dr. Julio Montaner for Leadership in the Field of HIV and AIDS
Published on Nov 27, 2014 - "Nobody in B.C. or in Canada, and possibly the world has made a bigger contribution to the field of HIV/AIDS research and treatment
than Dr. Julio Montaner," said Minister Lake. "Beginning with his early work at St. Paul's Hospital in the early 1980s,
when HIV was an as-yet unknown enemy, he was an advocate for his patients, seeking innovative ways to treat their then-mysterious infections."
Peel HIV organization asks faith leaders to help 'close the gap'
Nov 27, 2014 - Peel - A panel of local faith leaders will gather at the Living Arts Centre on Monday to explore the role that faith communities can play in the fight to end the HIV epidemic in Peel.
The discussion is organized by the Peel HIV/AIDS Network to mark Monday's World AIDS Day. This year's global theme is "Closing the Gap" between people who have access to HIV prevention and treatment and those who are left behind.
Russia warns of HIV/AIDS epidemic
MOSCOW, Nov. 27 (UPI) - Reported HIV/AIDS cases increased 80 percent in 2013.
The World Health Organization warned Thursday that reported HIV cases in Europe and Central Asia are increasing dramatically.

Province Marks HIV/AIDS Awareness Week and World AIDS Day
November 26, 2014 - The Government of Nova Scotia is honouring people who are living with, and those who have died from, HIV/AIDS by marking HIV/AIDS Awareness Week and World AIDS Day.
To coincide with awareness week the Nova Scotia Advisory Commission on AIDS has released its report, Review of Nova Scotia's Strategy on HIV/AIDS: Looking Back and Moving Forward.

B.C. honours Dr. Julio Montaner for pioneering HIV-AIDS research at St. Paul's
November 26 2014 - As a result of Montaner's work, B.C.'s annual rate of new infections have dropped from approximately 850 in the mid 1990s, to 238 in 2012. HIV/AIDS-related deaths in B.C. have also decreased
by more than 95 per cent since 1996.
Mama's Kitchen Selling 5,000 Pies in HIV/AIDS Fundraiser
November 26 2014 - Mama's Kitchen, the nonprofit that provides meals for people suffering from HIV/AIDS and cancer, plans to distribute thousands of pies Wednesday as part of it's annual "Pie in the Sky" fundraiser.
Dr. Julio Montaner honoured for a lifetime of work in HIV/AIDS
November 26 2014 - Man who put province on the map as a leader in AIDS research officially recognized on eve of World AIDS Day
Dr. Montaner was recently inducted into the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame.
Put key populations at
heart of HIV/AIDS response: WHO
November 26 2014 - Countries must recognize that key populations most vulnerable to HIV must be reached urgently to achieve the United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) fast-track targets by 2020, with the aim of ending AIDS by 2030, the World Health Organization (WHO) has said.

Then and Now: How Nurses Shaped Care for HIV/AIDS Patients
November 25, 2014 - It was June 1981 when a UC San Francisco nurse educator first heard of an unusual cancer that was being called Kaposi's sarcoma. Angie Lewis was at a conference of Bay Area Physicians for Human Rights when she learned about this disease that seemed to be striking gay men in large urban settings.
Lewis and others began studying the illness and how to care for patients suffering from it. San Francisco - and UCSF - became a hub for research and patient care for what would soon become known as HIV/AIDS.
NACA continues fight against HIV/AIDS fights
Nov 25, 2014 - Botswana remains committed to ending HIV/AIDS via intensified efforts to achieve universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support, deputy coordinator with National AIDS Coordinating Agency (NACA), Mr Fraiser Tlhoiwe has said.

CDC Telebriefing: New Vital Signs Report - How can increased HIV care and treatment prevent new infections and save lives?
November 25, 2014 - CDC will host a media briefing to discuss a new Vital Signs report containing updated estimates on HIV diagnosis, care, and treatment among Americans with HIV.
The report analyzes the proportion of people with HIV who have the virus under control (known as "viral suppression") and differences by population, as well as where we stand to make the most progress.
HIV survivor sounds a warning to young gays
Nov 25, 2014 - Thirty years after AIDS began plowing a deadly path through the gay community, Lemieux, a longtime HIV survivor, is spreading his own message to the younger generation of gay men who, he believes, need a reality check.
Narrow Time Window Exists to Start HIV Therapy, Study Shows
Nov 25, 2014 - HIV-1-infected U.S. military members and beneficiaries treated with antiretroviral therapy (ART) soon after infection were half as likely to develop AIDS and were more likely to reconstitute their immune-fighting CD4+ T-cells to
normal levels, researchers reported Nov. 24 in JAMA Internal Medicine.
UC San Diego Recognizes World AIDS Day with Memorial Quilt Display and Other Events
November 25, 2014 - The University of California, San Diego will honor World AIDS Day from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Dec. 1 with a variety of free, public events, including a viewing of portions of the AIDS Memorial Quilt, which is the largest ongoing community arts project in the world.
World AIDS Day is held on Dec. 1 each year and is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, show their support for people living with HIV and to commemorate people who have died from HIV/AIDS.
The Photo That Changed the Face of AIDS
November 25, 2014 - By Ben Cosgrove - TIME - In November 1990 LIFE magazine published a photograph of a young man named David Kirby — his body wasted by AIDS, his gaze locked on something beyond this world — surrounded by anguished family members as he took his last breaths. The haunting image of Kirby on his death bed, taken by a journalism student named Therese Frare, quickly became the one photograph most powerfully identified with the HIV/AIDS epidemic that, by then, had seen millions of people infected (many of them unknowingly) around the globe.
Here, a quarter-century later, LIFE.com shares the deeply moving story behind that picture, along with Frare’s own memories of those harrowing, transformative years.

Statement from the Green Party on HIV/AIDS Awareness Week
November 24, 2014 (OTTAWA) - Today marks the start of Canadian HIV/AIDS Awareness Week leading up to World AIDS Day on December 1st. This week, organizations throughout the country will focus their efforts to raise awareness in order to help stop the spread of the virus.

Brad Crelia, HIV-Positive Journalist and Activist, Dead at 29
November 24, 2014 - Brad Crelia, an HIV-positive journalist and activist, and founder of Hivster.com, passed away in his hometown of Spokane, Washington, on Nov. 19. Crelia had been in a long
battle with porphyria, a condition that results in a buildup of natural chemicals in the body. It affects the nervous system, skin and other organs. Crelia was 29. Only two days prior to his passing, Crelia was chosen by POZ Magazine as an honoree on its annual POZ 100 list of 100 influential people in the world of HIV.
US condemns Gambia's anti-gay law
Nov 24, 2014 - DAKAR, Senegal (AP) - The U.S. State Department on Monday condemned the decision by Gambia's president to approve a law imposing life imprisonment for some homosexual acts.
Masking HIV target cells prevents viral transmission in animal model
November 24, 2014 - Cloaking immune cells with antibodies that block T cell trafficking to the gut can substantially reduce the risk of viral transmission in a non-human primate model of
HIV infection, scientists report.
Support for PrEP Continues to Grow
November 24, 2014 - Today, the largest and longest-running national coalition of community-based HIV/AIDS organizations - the AIDS United Public Policy Committee (PPC) - called for a "scale-up of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)." PrEP is a new HIV prevention strategy that involves taking a once-daily pill to reduce the risk of becoming HIV-positive.
HIV numbers climbing steadily in Tennessee
November 24, 2014 - More than 16,000 people in Tennessee live with HIV, and that number has climbed steadily, the Tennessee Department of Health said in a release Monday.
UNAIDS Executive Director delivers his World AIDS Day 2014 message
Published on Nov 24, 2014 - On World AIDS Day 2014, UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé calls for the dream of 90-90-90 to be achieved in the next five years:
90% of people living with HIV knowing their HIV status;
90% of people who know their HIV-positive status on treatment;
90% of people on treatment with suppressed viral loads.
He says it is time for us to redouble our efforts, to fast-track our actions and to make sure we are quickening the pace.

Gay Men's Health Crisis Comments On Alarming New Statistics Just Released About Hiv/Aids In The Lives Of Gay And Bisexual Men
11.24.2014 - WASHINGTON, DC - The largest and longest-running national coalition of community-based HIV/AIDS organizations, the AIDS United Public Policy Committee (PPC)--which covers jurisdictions that
include more than two-thirds of people living with HIV/AIDS--calls for the scale-up of pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP. A breakthrough in biomedical HIV prevention, PrEP involves a once-daily medication that, when taken as directed, reduces
the risk of HIV infection by upwards of 90%. The PPC commits to raising awareness of and reducing barriers to full scale-up of PrEP as a critically important prevention tool for people faced with substantial risk of HIV infection.

Apple Announces World AIDS Day 2014 Campaign for (RED)
MARKHAM, Ontario-November 24, 2014 - Popular Apps Turn (RED) to Fight AIDS
Apple Donating A Portion of Holiday Sales from Retail & Online Stores
To mark World AIDS Day 2014, Apple and leading app developers are inviting customers to help (RED) achieve the goal of an AIDS-free generation. For the next two weeks, a special section of the App Store called Apps
for (RED) will offer 25 apps with exclusive new content where all proceeds will go directly to the Global Fund to fight AIDS. In addition, Apple will donate a portion of sales at Apple's retail and online stores around the world on two
of the biggest shopping days of the year: Friday, November 28 and Monday, December 1.
Punishing condition
Criminalization of HIV/AIDS non-disclosure a step backwards
11/24/2014 - We've made great strides scientifically since AIDS was first met with widespread fear and stigma in the 1980s. But the treatment of HIV in Canada's courts represents a giant step backward.
Canada stands out globally in its vigorous prosecution of people living with HIV. To date, more than 150 people have been criminally charged in Canada -- most commonly for aggravated sexual assault -- for not disclosing their HIV-positive status, according
to tracking by the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network.
Don't Get Your Phone Wet -- HIV Shower Selfie Challenge
11/24/2014 - Jack Mackenroth is at it again! After a successful record breaking online campaign to raise money for Housing Works during their annual Braking AIDS Ride from Boston to New York City, he is keeping
true to what he knows works best... selfies.
Mackenroth raised an astonishing $50,000 plus with his team for the 2-day cycling event, and a lot of that money was raised with him promising donors promotional selfies with Mackenroth showing off his body and their social media handles. In days of the self-obsessed selfie culture, he's ready to continue raising awareness and money for HIV/AIDS by banking on people wanting to show themselves off...in the shower.

Positive response to 'gift tokens for undetectable viral load' trial
24 November 2014 - A US study presented at last month's HIV Research for Prevention conference found generally positive responses among people with HIV and clinic staff to a trial that used $70 gift tokens as an incentive for people to attend clinic regularly, refill their HIV
treatment drug prescriptions, and maintain an undetectable viral load.
Gabor Maté, When The Body Says No: Mind/Body Unity and the Stress- Disease Connection
Published on Nov 23, 2014 - Stress is ubiquitous these days - it plays a role in the workplace, in the home, and virtually everywhere that people interact. It can take a heavy toll unless it is recognized and managed effectively and insightfully.
Guelph HIV/AIDS awareness events lead up to World AIDS Day
Nov 23, 2014 - GUELPH - A local HIV/AIDs organization is hosting a series of events this week, leading up to World AIDS Day on Friday, Dec. 1, to raise awareness of the disease and the stigma people living with it face.

HIV prevention drug Truvada focus of controversy
Nov 23 2014 - The drug Truvada is increasingly being used as PrEP, to prevent HIV transmission. But some gay activists worry there will be negative fallout.
Truvada, taken as a daily pill, continues to be studied and will be the focus of a year-long clinical trial just getting underway at Toronto's St. Michael's Hospital.

Smoke Signals' Gay Actor Turned Doctor Lands New Career-Defining Role
NOVEMBER 23, 2014 - Evan Adams is now chief medical officer of Canada's First Nation's Health Authority, a lifelong dream come true he says.
As Thomas-Builds-the-Fire in Sherman Alexie's 1998 film Smoke Signals and Seymour Polatkin in the 2002 gay film The Business of Fancydancing, actor Evan Adams, made a huge impact on Native Americans in Hollywood, onscreen and off, offering one of the first modern glimpses at
Native reservation life. Now Adams, a highly respected gay physician in Canada, is taking on another career-defining role. According to Native News Online, he's been named Chief Medical Officer by the First Nations Health Authority in Canada.
HIV report: More young people seek treatment in north west
22 November 2014 - There has been 14% rise in the number of young people in the north west accessing HIV care for the first time.
This is the equivalent of two young people seeking treatment each week, a report by the Centre for Public Health at Liverpool John Moores University shows.
Experts afraid of WHO ARV`s directives
22nd November 2014 - Despite the directives from the World Health Organization (WHO) requiring all HIV/AIDS victims whose cluster of differentiation 4, (CD4s) counts rates at 500 to be put on antiretroviral (ARV) drugs, experts have cautioned that such an exercise is costly for the country.

"The Invisible Senior: Senior Renters' Struggle To Stay in the West End"
November 22, 2014 - Vancouver, B.C. -
Please take a few minutes to watch this film shot by local documentary-maker Spencer Isaac of Still Water Creations, in collaboration with local seniors, WESN, SPARC BC, Gordon Neighbourhood House and the West End Seniors’ Community Planning Table.
Help us spread the word and educate people about the struggle of the invisible seniors in the West End.

Third Annual PRIDE Legacy Awards
November 21, 2014 - Vancouver, B.C. - May 28, 2015
Do you know someone who deserves recognition for all that they do for the LGBTQ Community?
The Vancouver PRIDE Society's 3rd Annual PRIDE Legacy Awards, honouring outstanding members of Vancouver's LGBTQ+ community, are coming up in May! We'd like to hear who has made a difference in your community this year. We are looking for people who build safe and diverse spaces for LGBTQ+ people in Vancouver- the PRIDE Legacy Awards is our way to recognize their hard work and sacrifice.

New documentary focuses on African grandmothers at the front lines of the AIDS pandemic
Nov 21, 2014 - A new documentary film about the tribunal, and the stories of the grandmothers who took part, is being screened in Vancouver Saturday (November 22).
African Grandmothers Tribunal: Seeking justice at the frontlines of the AIDS crisis will be screened at UBC Robson Square Saturday (November 22). A craft sale will open at 10 a.m., and the film will be screened at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.

Key Outcomes from the Annual Conference to Advance the Human Rights of and Promote Inclusive Development for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex Persons
November 21, 2014 - The United States was proud to host the third Annual Conference to Advance the Human Rights of and Promote Inclusive Development for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex Persons (LGBTI)
held in Washington from November 12-14. The conference was the largest such gathering to date, bringing together senior leaders from government, civil society and the private sector to discuss and strategize on how to most effectively protect the human rights of LGBTI persons and promote their inclusion in development programs.
Research shows anti-HIV medicines can cause damage to fetal hearts
21-Nov-2014 - A study by a Wayne State University and Children's Hospital of Michigan, Detroit Medical Center research team is shedding new light on the troubling
question of whether the drugs often given to HIV-positive pregnant women can cause significant long-term heart problems for the non-HIV-infected babies they carry.

Hand in Hand - justice for African grandmothers
Saturday, November 22, 10 am - 4 pm
UBC Robson Square, 800 Robson St., Vancouver, BC
Artisan Marketplace
10 am to 4 pm
1 p.m. & 3 p.m. film premiere
African Grandmothers Tribunal: seeking justice at the frontlines of the AIDS crisis
Facing Cuts, Gov't Pressured to Take Lead in Fight Against AIDS
November 21, 2014 - Despite efforts to reduce disparities in HIV transmission among gay men and other men who have sex with men (MSM) in the United States by optimizing treatment outcomes, significant racial
disparities in HIV prevalence will likely persist for decades due to an alarmingly high concentration of HIV in black gay men, a new report finds.
Study shows dire consequences from elevated HIV cases among US black gay men
November 21, 2014 - Researchers assessed how existing disparities in HIV prevalence and in the HIV continuum of care explain differences in HIV incidence in MSM.
Despite efforts to reduce disparities in HIV transmission among gay men and other men who have sex with men (MSM) in the United States by optimizing treatment outcomes, significant racial
disparities in HIV prevalence will likely persist for decades due to an alarmingly high concentration of HIV in black gay men, a new report finds.
Portland State professor unlocks virus that could lead to drugs for HIV
November 20, 2014 - A Portland State University biology professor who's been tramping around the globe for 18 years hunting viruses has marked a breakthrough that could help patients infected with the HIV virus that leads to AIDS.
Professor Ken Stedman and his team are the first to unlock the structure of a virus found in volcanic hot springs in Japan. The discovery took their breath away: It resembled human immunodeficiency virus, which scientists had thought was unique.
Jackie Haywood receives AIDS Vancouver's Red Ribbon Award
November 20, 2014 - Positive Living BC's own Jackie Haywood is a recipient of AIDS Vancouver's Red Ribbon Award. The award celebrates community action and leadership
for outstanding contributions to the HIV/AIDS movement. The award will be presented December 1 st. Special guest Bif Naked will be in attendance.
It will take place from 1:30 am to 1 pm in the Training Room at 1107 Seymour St.
New study reveals why some people may be immune to HIV-1
November 20, 2014 - Doctors have long been mystified as to why HIV-1 rapidly sickens some individuals, while in others the virus has difficulties gaining a foothold. Now, a study of genetic variation
in HIV-1 and in the cells it infects reported by University of Minnesota researchers in this week's issue of PLOS Genetics has uncovered a chink in HIV-1's armor that may, at least in part, explain the puzzling difference-and potentially open the door to new treatments.
University of Kentucky reports HIV/AIDS drugs could be repurposed to treat AMD
LEXINGTON, Ky. (Nov. 20, 2014) - A landmark study published today in the journal Science by an international group of scientists,
led by the laboratory of Dr. Jayakrishna Ambati, professor & vice chair of the Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences at the University of Kentucky, reports that HIV/AIDS drugs that have been used for the last
30 years could be repurposed to treat age-related macular degeneration (AMD), as well as other inflammatory disorders, because of a previously undiscovered intrinsic and inflammatory activity those drugs possess.
'Sexy Health Carnival' among ideas to engage Aboriginal youth
Nov 20, 2014 - Native Youth Sexual Health Network gives adults a lesson in healthy living
On World AIDS Day 2014, the World Health Organization will issue new recommendations to help countries close important gaps in HIV prevention and treatment services.
World AIDS Day 2014: Closing the gap in HIV prevention and treatment
November 20, 2014 - On World AIDS Day 2014, the World Health Organization will issue new recommendations to help countries close important gaps in HIV prevention and treatment services.
HIV, Drugs, and Prisoners: Barriers to Epidemiologic and Intervention Research
November 20, 2014 - The United States has the highest rate of incarceration in the world. In 2011, 2.2 million individuals were held in state or federal prisons and local jails (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2012).
Individuals living with HIV/AIDS are disproportionately represented in the U.S. incarcerated population, with the rate of HIV/AIDS much higher in prisons than in the general population (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2008). Given the high rate of individuals
with HIV/AIDS who pass through the U.S. correctional system, many HIV/AIDS care providers, researchers, and prisoner advocates view incarceration as an opportunity to provide HIV prevention, testing, counseling, education, research, and treatment to an otherwise underserved group of individuals.

LOS ANGELES, November 20, 2014 - French Lingerie Designer Britta Uschkamp Wins Tattoo Condom Design Contest Besting Entries from 33 Countries
In an effort to change the way people look at condoms by changing the way condoms look, Graphic ArmorT (http://www.GraphicArmor.com) is offering FDA-approved condoms that,
for the first time, feature custom printed images, words, slogans and "tattoos" printed directly onto the latex. Last month, the company's Tattoo Condom Design Contest invited designers and tattoo
artists to look at the human body as a potential canvas and design the world's first Tattoo CondomsT. The competition resonated all over the world, attracting 31,875 votes for 164 designs from 33 countries.

Positive Living BC
Members' Holiday Season Dinner
December 4
6:00 - 9:00pm
Tickets for our holiday season dinner are on sale until November 28.
The Positive Living BC Members' Holiday Season Dinner is a highlight of the Christmas season calendar.
World has five years to secure victory in HIV fight
November 19, 2014 - The world has five years to increase access to HIV treatment and prevention to end HIV as a global health threat - and prevent the pandemic from resurging, according to the latest global HIV report released last night.
One in Eight Gay Men in London Have HIV
November 19, 2014 - One in eight gay men in London has the deadly HIV virus and around 25 percent of them have no idea they are infected.
Public Health England revealed the findings in a study about the prevalence of HIV/AIDs, as World AIDS Day draws near.
Brazil's ambitious HIV treatment plan based on Canadian concept
Nov. 19, 2014 - NITEROI, BRAZIL - The concept - known as "treatment as prevention" - has Canadian roots. It was pioneered by, among others, Julio Montaner, a leading AIDS physician
in British Columbia and former president of the International AIDS Society who credits it with the fact that Vancouver closed its AIDS ward earlier this year.
It's policy now in B.C. - and while Canada as a whole hasn't adopted it, China, Australia, France and the U.S. all want to use the model.
Ad campaign attacks use of Gilead's Truvada as way to prevent HIV
Nov 18, 2014 - In ads titled, "Open Letter to the CDC: What If You're Wrong About PrEP?," the Los Angeles-based AIDS Healthcare Foundation blasts the government agency for its May endorsement of Foster City-based Gilead's Truvada as a way to prevent men at high
risk of HIV infection from actually being infected with the AIDS virus.
Help out grandmothers
November 18, 2014 - The Golden Ears Gogos will be holding their third annual African-themed dinner to raise money for Grandmothers to Grandmothers campaign of the Stephen Lewis Foundation.
UN report urges rapid and tough action to beat Aids epidemic by 2030
18 November 2014 - Michel Sidibé claims the world has five years to break Aids for good or risk the epidemic rebounding out of control
The world has five years to end the Aids epidemic or risk it rebounding with a higher rate of infections than before, according to the head of the UN programme on HIV. A new report from UNAids urges a fast approach which
would bring the epidemic to a halt by 2030, preventing nearly 28 million new infections and 21 million deaths.

November 18, 2014 - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia/ Bangkok, Thailand - Recently released CSO statements from both the Asia Pacific and Africa Beijing+20 regional reviews issue a strong call to
action for the critical issues impacting women living with HIV to be included in ongoing regional and global discussions such as the 59th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW 59) in March 2015.

November 19TH 2014
Ramada Plaza Hotel, 300 Jarvis Street
7 - 9pm (6:30pm Light Buffet)
Three Quarters of Canadians (75%) Most at Risk for Hepatitis C Have Not Been Tested or Don't Know If They Have Been Tested
November 17, 2014 - Only Three in Ten (29%) Believe Their Own Age Group has the Most People Living with Hepatitis C
A new survey conducted by Ipsos Reid on behalf of the Canadian Liver Foundation found that among Canadians born between 1945 and 1975, only one quarter (25%) say they have been tested for hepatitis C,
while three quarters (53% say no, 22% say don't know) have not been tested or don't know if they have been tested.
'HIV, AIDS: Big Negative Social, Economic Impact'
November 16, 2014 - Striking most economically active age group between 16 to 49 yrs.
HIV and AIDS have significant negative social and economic impact, since it strikes at the most economically active age group between the ages of 16 to 49 years, said Dr K. A. M. Ariyaratne, Consultant Venereologist at the National STD/AIDS Control Programme on Monday.

10 Moments in HIV Empowerment in 2014
November 15, 2014 - It's more than 30 years into the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and around 35 million people are living with HIV/AIDS, according to the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). About 50,000 new infections per year happen in the U.S. -- and black and Latino Americans are disproportionately affected. Men who have sex with men -- especially those of color -- have among the highest infection rates across the globe.
Ghana's HIV prevalence rate is 1.3 per cent
15 November 2014 - Ghana has recorded a consistent declining trends in general adult prevalence of HIV over the past decade from 3.6 per cent in 2003 to 1.3 per cent in 2013.

Poz People Can Still Have the Family They Always Dreamed Of
NOVEMBER 14, 2014 - People with HIV can have biological children of their own, despite the stigma and misconceptions.
In the past two decades, the life expectancy and view of life expectations for men and women with HIV have dramatically changed. With that has come a shift in how these men and women are able to look at building a family of their own.
HIV-Positive Men Taking Erectile Dysfunction Drugs More Likely to Take Sexual Risks and Have Syphilis
November 14, 2014 - HIV-positive men who had been prescribed medication for erectile dysfunction had a higher rate of syphilis and were more likely to have engaged in sexual risk behaviors than those who had not been prescribed such drugs, according to a study presented at IDWeek 2014.
UVM exhibit explores AIDS, art and activism
November 14, 2014 - Artist David Bethuel Jamieson left Burlington in a hurry. It was the fall of 1991 and in less than a year he would be dead. br>
Too weakened by AIDS to pack up his studio at 61 S. Willard St., Jamieson asked a friend living nearby for help. He was headed to his birthplace of Washington, D.C. to be alone. He wanted to spend his remaining days making art in solitude.
HIV and Smoking: A dangerous cocktail
November 14, 2014 - The CDC's Tips From Former Smokers campaign tells the stories of real people who experienced the challenges and rewards of quitting smoking. One of those stories is about Brian, a former smoker who has HIV.
His story shows how smoking cigarettes can intensify the health risks of HIV, even for people who have their condition well controlled.
PEPFAR and MAC AIDS Fund Partnership Will Strengthen HIV/AIDS Services for Youth
NEW YORK, NY--(Marketwired - Nov 14, 2014) - More Than $2 Million Committed in Public-Private Partnership That Expands Critical HIV Prevention and Education Services for South African Youth
Today, the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), through its implementing agency, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and the MAC AIDS Fund, the charitable arm of MAC Cosmetics,
announced a joint effort to strengthen HIV/AIDS services for young people in South Africa. The partnership will focus on reaching young people who are most at risk for HIV infection, including adolescent girls, young women, and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) youth.

ICW-Asia Pacific announces plans for start-up office in Chiang Mai Thailand
14th November 2014 - Chiang Mai, Thailand - The International Community of Women Living with HIV Asia Pacific (ICWAP) is excited to announce that the new ICWAP will establish itself as an independent
organization with headquarters in Chiang Mai, Thailand. This was decided in a landmark meeting 10 to13 November 2014 in Chiang Mai, by the ICWAP interim Board including representatives from three of the sub-regions (Pacific, South Asia, South East Asia), along with the regional and ICW global office staff.
HIV/AIDS strategy a holistic approach
November 14, 2014 - REGINA - Margaret Poitras hopes a holistic strategy can help the province's indigenous people cope with HIV/AIDS.
"As we move forward in addressing HIV and AIDS, we've noticed there's a multitude of other health and social conditions that are impacting the indigenous people," Poitras said Friday at the University of Regina Community Research Unit (CRU) showcase.
HIV risks high in Mexico City's male sex trade
14-Nov-2014 - PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] - A new study documents the stark health dangers of the male sex trade in the streets, hotels, and discotheques of Mexico City.
Lead author and health economist Omar Galárraga's point in making the grim assessment of the legal but perilous market is to find an incentive that might reduce the spread of HIV and other diseases in the nation's community of men who have sex with men.
War-ravaged South Sudan Struggles to Contain AIDS
November 14, 2014 - The national HIV prevalence rate is under three percent and rising steadily, according to the Joint United Nations Programme for HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS).
This translates into 150,000 people living with HIV in a country whose social fabric and physical infrastructure was destroyed by successive wars.
The HIV B.I.B.L.E: An eye-opener for youth
Nov 14, 2014 - KAMPALA - As the World AIDS Day approaches - December 1 - sensitization on the global pandemic continues.
Here in Uganda, Eddie Mugulusi has written a book he has called The Amazing HIV B.I.B.L.E to help raise awareness on the deadly disease. He hopes that the work cautions the youth on the rising reckless behavior they adopt to sexually relate with their peers today in Uganda.
Lessons Learned Over Lunch with my Mentor: First Annual Viiv Youth Summit
November 13, 2014 - Last month, I attended Viiv Healthcare's First Annual Youth Summit Exit Disclaimer and 16th Community Summit Exit Disclaimer in Miami, Florida. The Youth Summit gathered 28 young people aged 18-30 from around the U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico to collaborate and share ideas on how we can end the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

Four Victoria mayoral candidates promise to bring a supervised injection site to B.C.'s capital
Nov 13, 2014 - Whoever is elected mayor of Victoria on Saturday (November 15) is going to be working to bring a supervised injection facility to British Columbia's capital.

PrEP and the Media: November 20 Forum
November 13, 2014 - The question of whether to use pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP - regular drug treatment aimed at preventing transmission of the HIV virus - faces all HIV-negative, sexually active people, but especially gay and bisexual men who are outside of a monogamous relationship. The National Gay and Lesbian Journalists Association, in partnership with Gay Men's Health Crisis, will host a public forum on PrEP and how good a job the media is doing exploring the pluses and minuses of this therapeutic breakthrough.
Stop Picking On Zachary Quinto
11/13/2014 - You can count on one hand the number of times a young, openly gay Hollywood actor has talked about HIV/AIDS in the last decade.
The geographic origin of AIDS is now known
November 13, 2014 - A study published in Science magazine reveals for the first time where, when and how the world's AIDS pandemic originated. Thanks to a statistical analysis of all the genetic data available on the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), an international research team has just confirmed that
the scourge broke out in 1920 in Kinshasa, the capital of what is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo. By comparing this result with historical data, researchers explain how, from a single contamination by a chimpanzee, HIV spread to humans.
Glenda Gray: the HIV warrior
Nov. 12, 2014
- At 51, Gray helps lead the HVTN, the largest publicly funded global network working to develop a preventive HIV vaccine, headquartered at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. She is internationally known for her research on preventing HIV-infected mothers from passing the virus to their newborns. She has been showered with awards,
including South Africa's highest honor. And earlier this year she was named president of the South African Medical Research Council, the country's premier medical research organization and funder.
Could HIV help cure cancer? Leukaemia patient Marshall Jensen in remission after virus is used in ground-breaking treatment
12 November 2014 - A man suffering with an aggressive form of leukaemia is now in remission after doctors used the HIV virus to target and kill cancer cells.

What are the barriers that could stop HIV treatment becoming HIV prevention?
12 November 2014 - Large studies of population impact of treatment as prevention policies underway
One of the key strategies involved in trying to bring an end to the HIV epidemic is to increase the proportion of HIV-positive people on antiretroviral therapy (ART), to the point where suppressing their viral load starts to reduce onward infection.
How AIDS Changed the History of Sex Education
Nov. 12, 2014 - "There is now no doubt," said Surgeon General C. Everett Koop in his grim report on AIDS last month, "that we need sex education in schools and that
it must include information on heterosexual and homosexual relationships."
Zachary Quinto slams gay community for 'complacency' and 'laziness' towards AIDS
12 November 2014 - 'AIDS has lost the edge of horror it possessed when it swept through the world in the '80s'
Zachary Quinto thinks too many people are forgetting the painful legacy of AIDS which was a death sentence for so many gay men in the 80s and 90s.
Years Yet Yesterday: An Artistic Reflection On A Decade of AIDS
11.12.2014 - An artist series commemorates Larry Kramer's 'The Tragedy of Today's Gays' 10 years later
It was a biting analysis of the state of gay rights and culture, and one that still resonates today. While the advent of drugs such as Truvada continue to ostensibly change the landscape, HIV/AIDS continues to spread in disproportionately high numbers among gay youth, especially those of color.
A young woman reveals what living with HIV is really like
November 11, 2014 - THE number of Australians diagnosed with HIV is at a 20-year high.
There are now more than 26,000 people living with the disease in Australia, according to the Kirby Institute's Annual HIV Surveillance report. But about one in seven of these people do not know they have the virus because they have not been tested.

AbbVie to Present Results from Phase 2 PEARL-I Study in Genotype 4 Chronic Hepatitis C Patients at The Liver Meeting® 2014
BOSTON , Nov. 11, 2014 / PRNewswire / - - Results demonstrated high response rates in adult chronic hepatitis C genotype 4 patients without cirrhosis
AbbVie (NYSE:ABBV) announced detailed results from its open-label Phase 2b study, PEARL-I, which demonstrated that 100 percent of genotype 4 (GT4) patients who were new to therapy (n=42/42) or who had failed previous treatment with
pegylated interferon (pegIFN) and RBV (n=49/49) achieved sustained virologic response rates at 12 weeks post-treatment (SVR 12 ) after taking AbbVie's investigational treatment with ribavirin (RBV). Additionally, 90.9 percent of patients who were new to
therapy achieved SVR 12 (n=40/44) after taking the treatment without RBV. These data will be presented today during a poster session at The Liver Meeting® 2014.
Statement from Ambassador Deborah Birx, M.D., U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator, on Honoring Our Veterans
November 11, 2014 - Veterans' Day is about honor and courage. Today, and every day, we honor the brave men and women who have served our great country.
I am proud to be the first veteran and the first woman to serve as Ambassador-at-Large and Coordinator of U.S. Government Activities to Combat HIV/AIDS, with the privilege of leading the U.S. President's Emergency
Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).

HIV-infected adults diagnosed with age-related diseases at similar ages as uninfected
11-Nov-2014 - Successful treatments are helping HIV-infected persons achieve similar longevity as those without HIV
New research from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health suggests that HIV-infected adults are at a higher risk for developing heart attacks, kidney failure and cancer.
But, contrary to what many had believed, the researchers say these illnesses are occurring at similar ages as adults who are not infected with HIV.
Altered milk protein can deliver AIDS drug to infants
11-Nov-2014 - A novel method of altering a protein in milk to bind with an antiretroviral drug promises to greatly improve treatment for infants and young children suffering from HIV/AIDS, according to a researcher in Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences.
Heroes of our time: HIV+ Paida Mutopo
11/10/2014 - HELLO? My name is Paida, but most people call me P. I am 18 and I am HIV+. I was born with HIV and didn't find out until I was 10; crazy huh? But guess what? I never gave up. I have struggled growing up because I thought I would never fit and thought I would
never be able to achieve my dreams. I thought for a very long time that I was going to die.
Dr. Perry Kendall reflects on 15 years as British Columbia's Provincial Health Officer
November 11, 2014 - After 15 years as British Columbia's Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Perry Kendall will be retiring on March 31, 2015. On Monday, The Vancouver Sun talked to Dr. Kendall, 71, about his long career in public health.
Researchers Hail Potential HIV/AIDS Breakthrough
11/10/2014 - Researchers at the Harvard Stem Cell Institute have discovered a possible new method to remove from blood stem cells the biological receptor that helps host the HIV virus, marking a potential breakthrough towards combating or even curing HIV/AIDS.
Federal Goal Is to Vaccinate 80% of Boys and Girls Against HPV by 2020
November 10, 2014 - Boston, MA - Despite Rising Oral-Cancer Rates in Men, Many Parents Don't See the Risk of Sexually Transmitted Disease to 11-year-olds
Public-health officials are pushing for higher HPV vaccination rates amid growing evidence that cancers linked to the virus are afflicting more men.
Better treatments have led to near-eradication of hepatitis C
November 10, 2014 - Boston, MA - If medical experts are correct, hepatitis C may soon be a thing of the past.

Doravirine works as well as efavirenz with fewer CNS side-effects
10 November 2014 - Once-daily doravirine (MK-1439), an experimental NNRTI, demonstrated viral suppression similar to that of efavirenz at 48 weeks, and the dose selected for further development was associated with fewer
central nervous system (CNS) side-effects, researchers reported last week at the HIV Drug Therapy Glasgow conference.
Overall risk of birth defects appears low for women taking antiretrovirals during early pregnancy
10-Nov-2014 - Boston, MA - Among pregnant women infected with HIV, the use of antiretroviral (ARV) medications early in pregnancy to treat their HIV
or to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV does not appear to increase the risk of birth defects in their infants, according to a new study led by Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH). It is one of the largest studies to date to look at the safety of ARV use during pregnancy.
Avant-garde theatre production result of coma-induced dreams
11/10/2014 - Renowned jazz pianist and composer Fred Hersch has turned a medical nightmare into a musical and theatrical production based on eight dreams he remembered after being in a coma.
Hersch, who has HIV/AIDS, spent two months in an induced coma in 2008 after being rushed to hospital in New York while in near-fatal septic shock.
State hospitals deny dialysis to HIV patient
November 10, 2014 - RAIPUR: Government and private hospitals in Chhattisgarh have denied treatment to a 35-year-old HIV patient in a blatant case of discrimination.
Research gives truckers their voice in the AIDS epidemic
November 10, 2014 - Truckers in India have a high risk of contracting AIDS. University of Cincinnati Professor Shaunak Sastry examined how the truckers discuss this risk in a paper that will be presented at the 100th annual convention for the National Communication Association from Nov. 20-23.

New HIV Infections Falling in US, MSM Still Top List, CDC Reports
10 November 2014 - Men who have sex with men (MSM) continued to account for a highly disproportionate share of new HIV infections-64%-although MSM make up only an estimated 2% of the US population.
Why the U.S. Trails Others in Delivering HIV Treatment Goals
November 09, 2014 - And Can the President's National HIV/AIDS Strategy Reverse the Tide?
South Africa has the ability and resolve to overcome the challenge of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa said on Saturday.
SA can overcome HIV challenge - Deputy President
09-11-2014 - Secunda - South Africa has the ability and resolve to overcome the challenge of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa said on Saturday.
Museveni kicks off health campaign at Namboole
Nov 09, 2014 - President Yoweri Museveni is launching a health campaign that climaxes in a match between Uganda and Ethiopia.
Dubbed "Protect the Goal Campaign", the six-hour event at Namboole is part of a global movement to use sports and entertainment as a means of combating HIV/ AIDS amongst the youths.
In the dark on AIDS
November 09, 2014 - IT was the dawn of the millennium and people in Fiji were still living in the dark ages when it came to dealing with HIV/AIDS.
Woods Cross man's cancer in remission thanks to HIV
November 8th, 2014 - WOODS CROSS - Fighting an aggressive and often deadly form of leukemia with the HIV virus? It's an experimental treatment that's giving a Utah family hope for the future.
New Gonorrhea Strain in Australia Resistant to Antibiotics
Nov 08, 2014 - A new strain of gonorrhoea has been found to be antibiotic-resistant in Australia. The strain of the sexually transmitted disease, known as the A8806, was first detected in a European woman who was travelling to Australia in 2013.
HIV Cure News 2014: Barcelona Doctors Believe They've Found Cure to AIDS-Causing Virus
Nov 08, 2014 - Spanish doctors in Barcelona believe they've found the cure to HIV.
By using blood transplants from the umbilical cords of individuals with a genetic resistance to HIV, Spanish medical professionals believe they can best the AIDS-causing virus. The procedure has already been successful, "curing" a patient in just three months.
New HIV Drug Promises to Be Cheaper, With Less Side Effects
Nov 08, 2014 - More than 1.1 million people in the United States are currently living with HIV infection, and almost one in six HIV-positive individuals are unaware of their disease, according to Aids.gov.

Cumulative HIV Tied to Higher Risk of Two Viral Non-AIDS Cancers
07 November 2014 - Higher HIV copy-years and percentage of undetectable loads-two cumulative measures of detectable viral load over time-raised chances of Hodgkin lymphoma and anal cancer in a study 31,576 male US
veterans. Cross-sectional (snapshot) viral loads were not associated with non-AIDS cancer risk.

When It Comes to Meds, You Don't Know What Will Work
November 7, 2014 - Part of the Series Other Sides of HIV: People Taking HIV Meds Share Stories About Side Effects
I'm a longtime survivor and was fortunate to have gotten onto a protease inhibitor study before they were approved. Since that time, I've been on them with the cocktail, though the cocktail pills have changed over time, as they do, in an
attempt to diminish side effects and resistance.

The Young, Female Face of HIV in East and Southern Africa
NAIROBI, Nov 7 2014 (IPS) - Experts are raising alarm that years of HIV interventions throughout Africa have failed to stop infection among young women 15 to 24 years old.

HIV Drug Therapy: Australia Performs Best in HIV Treatment Cascade -- 62% Undetectable Viral Load
September 7, 2014 - Australia and northern European countries are doing far better than North America at retaining people living with HIV in care and achieving
viral suppression, according to a comprehensive survey of treatment cascades in high-income countries presented this week at the International Congress on Drug Therapy in HIV Infection in Glasgow.
Moving forward on the HIV/AIDS response in fishing communities in Uganda
November 7 2014 - Today, 7.3 per cent of adults ages 15 to 49 in Uganda have HIV. Fishing communities have HIV rates ranging from 22 to 40 per cent, three to five times higher than the national average.
The impact of HIV/AIDS on fishing communities goes beyond public health, with negative effects on communities, the fisheries sector, the rural economy and development more broadly.
HRC Staff Join "A Day with HIV" Campaign
November 7 2014 - This month, HRC staff joined Positively Aware magazine as part of their "A Day with HIV" campaign.

Truvada PrEP use rising in United States, especially among men
07 November 2014 - The number of people using Truvada for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in the US is increasing and a growing proportion of users are men, according to an analysis of data from approximately half of American pharmacies presented this week at the HIV Drug Therapy Glasgow conference.
HIV: New cases down, gay males still overrepresented
November 7 2014 - Men who have sex with men (MSM) accounted for 64 percent of the new HIV
cases - a disproportionate infection rate since they are estimated to be only 2 percent of the population.
Giant pink condom lowered onto city centre landmark to kickstart new campaign against HIV
November 7 2014 - The giant sheath is part of a new awareness campaign about HIV by ACON, a health promotion organization with a central focus on HIV/AIDS, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender health.
It May Be Possible To Prevent HIV Even Without a Vaccine
November 6 2014 - "We're removing the doorway that HIV uses to get into cells"
Natural immunity is the most reliable way to protect yourself from viruses, bacteria and parasites. And the best way to acquire such immunity, in most cases, is to expose your immune system to the bug in question-either by getting infected or getting immunized.

Bill C-36 Blatantly Disregards Evidence-Based Research on Grave Impacts of Criminalization of Sex Work on Sex Workers' Health, Safety and Human Rights
November 6, 2014 - Vancouver, B.C. - A federal bill was signed into law today further criminalizing sex work, including the purchasing of sex and third parties, with grave consequences for the health,
safety and human rights of the country's sex workers, say researchers from the Gender and Sexual Health Initiative (GSHI) of the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS (BC-CfE). Bill C-36 (Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act) blatantly
ignores the Supreme Court of Canada decision to strike down the country's anti-prostitution laws in order to protect sex workers' access to safer working conditions.

The Elton John AIDS Foundation (EJAF) Announces Nearly $1.5 Million in New Grants
NEW YORK, Nov. 6, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ - First Grants Awarded In New Initiative to Re-Focus LGBT Movement on HIV/AIDS Crisis; Grants Also Address LGBTQ Health and Rights
The Elton John AIDS Foundation announced nearly $1.5 million in new grants today, including a new program aimed at addressing the rampant stigma against HIV-positive people and the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) community.
Free Article from Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association
November 6, 2014 /3BL Media/ - The American Art Therapy Association is pleased to announce the release of the newest issue of Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association.
Volume 31, Issue #3 was released to our membership in September 2014 and is now also available to the general public. To celebrate the public release of the latest issue of the Journal,
we are providing access to an article for free to the general public

The State of HIV in New York State
November 06, 2014 - 154,000 New Yorkers live with HIV
In mid-October, the New York State Governor's Office convened a multi-stakeholder Ending the Epidemic Task Force whose primary mandate is to create a comprehensive implementation strategy for a plan to end AIDS as an epidemic in New York by 2020. The Ending the Epidemic Task Force,
co-chaired by Housing Works President & CEO Charles King, has met twice already, and is convening listening sessions across New York State through November to get community input.
Harvard researchers genetically 'edit' human blood stem cells
6-Nov-2014 - A possible new approach to treating HIV/AIDS
Harvard Stem Cell Institute (HSCI) researchers at Massachusetts General (MGH) and Boston Children's hospitals (BCH) for the first time have used a relatively new gene-editing technique to create what could prove to be an effective technique for blocking HIV from
invading and destroying patients' immune systems.
Nigeria: '3.2 Million Nigerians Are HIV Positive'
November 6, 2014 - Director General of the National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA), Professor John Idoko, has said that about 3.2 million Nigerians are living with the Human Immuno-deficiency Virus (HIV) while about 40 per cent of that number are not aware of their status.
Cure for AIDS could possibly be found in South Africa
November 6, 2014 - Early clinical trials in South Africa have given researchers new hope of developing a vaccine for AIDS and a host of other HIV prevention methods are also being tested in South Africa
Scientists fighting the HIV/AIDS epidemic have already revolutionised the safe sex paradigm with advances in Biomedical technology but are still a long way from creating the ultimate weapon - an AIDS vaccine.
Condoms on offer at festival
November 6, 2014 - As it has at previous Water Festivals, the AIDS Authority is handing out condoms - this year about 250,000 - during the festivities.
Transcendental Meditation Can Help People With HIV, Study Finds
November 6, 2014 - Research by the David Lynch Foundation (DLF) and the San Francisco AIDS Foundation found that practicing TM twice a day for 20 minutes helped improve the emotional and physical health of people with HIV.
Accept us, Persons living with HIV plead
November 6, 2014 - Ghanaians living with HIV and AIDS have appealed to society to accept them as normal human beings who are willing and able to contribute to national development.
Rae Lewis-Thornton Talks Living With AIDS 20 Years After Announcing Diagnosis On The Cover Of Essence
November 6, 2014 - You may not remember Rae Lewis-Thornton's name off the top of your head, but we're certain you remember her story and this cover of Essence in December of 1994 when she told the world: "I'm young,
I'm educated, I'm drug-free, and I'm dying of AIDS."
Sex workers, advocates say new anti-prostitution law still unconstitutional
November 6, 2014 - Vancouver - The Conservative government's new anti-prostitution law will continue to endanger the lives of people who work in the sex trade and in some cases
make things worse, sex workers and advocates said Thursday as the law received royal assent.
What do we think about HIV/AIDS?
November 5, 2014 - What do Canadians know about HIV/AIDS? And what do they think about the disease?
These are not simply interesting questions, but rather, one more tool in slowing the progression of HIV/AIDS and improving the quality of life of people living with the disease. To that end, National Attitudinal Surveys have been conducted,
first in 2003 and 2006 to establish a baseline, then most recently in 2012. The surveys attempt to measures Canadians' awareness, knowledge, attitudes and behaviours related to HIV/AIDS.
There May Be a Monumental New Finding in the Fight Against HIV/AIDS
November 5, 2014 - On Tuesday, scientists in Paris claim to have discovered the genetic mechanism that allows for a "?spontaneous cure" among a very rare group of HIV-infected patients called "elite controllers."
These people belong in a fewer-than-1-percent group. They are able to keep the virus inactive in their bodies, with virtually undetectable symptoms.

A gay man's life in Ukraine- Volodymir's Story
5Th NOVEMBER 2014 - The Elton John AIDS Foundation announced nearly $1.5 million in new grants today, including a new program aimed at addressing the rampant stigma against HIV-positive people and the lesbian,
gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) community.
Scientists 'find spontaneous HIV cure'
05 November, 2014 - Kumamoto University Prof. Hiroaki Mitsuya, 64, who is committed to saving the lives of poor people in developing countries by developing drugs for HIV/AIDS, will be awarded the 21st Yomiuri International Cooperation Prize.
HIV treatment developer wins 21st Yomiuri award
November 05, 2014 - Kumamoto University Prof. Hiroaki Mitsuya, 64, who is committed to saving the lives of poor people in developing countries by developing drugs for HIV/AIDS, will be awarded the 21st Yomiuri International Cooperation Prize.
Secure genetic data moves into the fast lane of discovery
November 5, 2014, Hong Kong, China - Take a ride down chromosome highways with a novel web-based platform called GWATCH that allows sharing of private genetic data while maintaining privacy through an ingenious -- and colourful -- dynamic visualization tool
Today, the international open-access open-data journal GigaScience (a BGI and BioMed Central journal) announced publication of an article that presents GWATCH1, a new web-based platform that provides visualization tools for identifying
disease-associated genetic markers from privacy-protected human data without risk to patient privacy.
AIDS researcher seeks P.E.I. women
November 05, 2014 - A researcher from McMaster University is looking to interview P.E.I. women with HIV and AIDS to investigate gaps in services.
‘Invisible’ Aids crisis far from over
Nov. 4, 2014 - There is widespread complacency, ignorance and denial about an epidemic that continues to devastate our country, says Steven Robins.
The Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) recently released a document with the heading “Aids is not over so neither are we”. Despite the fact that Aids is barely reported on these days in the media, and many donors no longer
fund Aids activist organisations such as the TAC, there are clear signs that the crisis is not over. As we approach World Aids Day on December 1, we will no doubt once again be exposed to political speeches and media coverage of the pandemic.
But what do these ritualised expressions of public concern really mean if, for the rest of the year, there is widespread complacency, ignorance and denial about an epidemic that continues to devastate our country with an estimated 1 000 new HIV infections each day and 1 000 deaths daily.
Maxine Davis: Fighting for HIV-AIDS patients has been 'profoundly rewarding,' says foundation leader
Nov. 4, 2014 - Tackling AIDS has dialed down an epidemic
It is estimated that MSM in Ghana are over For some people, there is a moment in time when they know exactly
what they need to do in life. For Maxine Davis, the moment of truth arrived in 1996 when she was asked to head up the Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation in Vancouver.

Australia performs best in HIV treatment cascade - 62% with undetectable viral load
04 November 2014 - Australia and northern European countries are doing far better than North America at retaining people living with HIV in care and achieving viral suppression, according to a comprehensive survey of 'treatment cascades' in high-income countries
presented on Tuesday at the HIV Drug Therapy Glasgow conference.
National Aboriginal AIDS Awareness Week 2014: Leaders gather in Regina to announce Indigenous HIV and AIDS Strategy
Regina, SK (November 4, 2014) - The Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network (CAAN) and All Nations Hope Network (ANHN) will co-host the Aboriginal AIDS Awareness Week Launch Event on December 1, 2014
in Regina, SK. National Aboriginal leadership will be present to support the launch and the release of the Saskatchewan Indigenous Strategy on HIV and AIDS. The Public Health Agency of Canada, through its Enhancement Program in
Saskatchewan, will launch the projects selected to implement the strategy. In the following days, there will be workshops across the country (Montreal, Ottawa, New Credit First Nations, Toronto, Winnipeg, and Vancouver) to continue discussions on Aboriginal HIV and AIDS issues in Canada Dec 2 - 6, 2014.
Novel nanofiber-based technology could help prevent HIV/AIDS transmission
4-Nov-2014 - San Diego - Promising research to be featured at 2014 AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition
Scientists have developed a novel topical microbicide loaded with hyaluronic acid (HA) nanofibers that could potentially prevent transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
through the vaginal mucosa. This research is being presented at the 2014 American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) Annual Meeting
and Exposition, the world's largest pharmaceutical sciences meeting, in San Diego, Nov. 2-6.
30,000 Homosexuals in Ghana; 17% living with HIV/AIDS
4 November 2014 - It is estimated that MSM in Ghana are over 30,000 and they can be found in all 10 regions of the country.
The figure is contained in a report titled integrated Biological and Behavioural Surveillance (IBBS) survey, which was commissioned by the Ghana AIDS Commission in 2011.
#HearOurStory Bradford's Story - Egale Canada Human Rights Trust
Nov 3 2014 - By Bradford McIntyre
People everywhere are entitled to the same rights and freedoms. We will not end the stigma and discrimination around homophobia, same sex marriage and people living with HIV/AIDS, unless, we recognize these are Human Rights issues and the integral components necessary for social acceptance, in order for everyone to move forward, living our lives free to be who we are.

Coca-Cola Invites The World To "Share The Sound Of An AIDS Free Generation" And Support (RED)
November 3, 2014 - Campaign Features a Special Collaboration with Wyclef Jean & Avicii, New Music from Aloe Blacc, Exclusive Remix from OneRepublic, and a Previously Unreleased Song from Queen Featuring Freddie Mercury
Donate to Win Special Experiences including Backstage with Bono, Join Avicii On Stage, See Queen + Adam Lambert On Tour, Spend the Day with OneRepublic & more through www.omaze.com/CokeRED
The Coca-Cola Company, in partnership with (RED), invites people from all over the world to join efforts to help end mother-to-child transmission of HIV with the launch of a new campaign, titled "SHARE THE SOUND OF AN AIDS FREE GENERATION".

Can a Judge Order People to Take HIV Medication?
November 3, 2014 - The story of a Seattle man with HIV who was ordered by a judge to attend medical visits has stirred HIV community anxiety about coerced treatment. But can people with HIV be mandated to
take antiretroviral medication to reduce the likelihood that they will transmit the virus to their sex partners?

HIV testing and ongoing relationships are part of 'safer sex' for young gay men
03 November 2014 - Many young gay men consider 'safer sex' to be about more than condom use, according to a qualitative study conducted in Scotland. Encouragingly, many consider regular HIV testing to be a component of safer sex. More problematically,
condomless sex with a regular partner was described as being relatively safe, even when there was little clarity about HIV testing within the relationship.
Doravirine HIV treatment resulted in fewer adverse events
November 3, 2014 - The use of once-daily oral doravirine plus tenofovir/emtricitabine resulted in fewer adverse events in patients with HIV-1 compared with efavirenz plus tenofovir/emtricitabine, according to data presented at the International
Congress on HIV Drug Therapy in Glasgow, Scotland.
HIV-positive protesters shut NACA over lack of anti-retroviral drugs
November 3, 2014 - Over 300 protesters under the aegis of Network of People Living With HIV/AIDS on Monday shut the office of the National Agency for the Control of AIDS, citing their inability to access
anti-retroviral drugs and ongoing withdrawal of financial support to HIV/AIDS by external funding partners.
Yemen: HIV Patients Denied Health Care
November 3, 2014 - (Sanaa) - People with HIV and AIDS are routinely denied care within Yemen's health care system, Human Rights Watch said in an October 2014 letter to the Yemeni minister of health
released today. Yemeni authorities should end discrimination by health workers against people with HIV and ensure patients' equal access to healthcare services, as mandated by a 2009 law.
HIV-positive women forcibly sterilized in Namibia, court rules
November 3, 2014 - JOHANNESBURG, South Africa - Namibia's Supreme Court upheld a ruling that health workers sterilized HIV-positive women without their consent, a human rights group said Monday.
Old disease, modern problem: How hook-up culture is bringing syphilis back
Nov. 02 2014 - Across Canada, and elsewhere in North America and Europe, the fight to slow the decade-long rise in the rate of syphilis infections has presented public-health agencies with a vexing
modern problem: How do you inform an at-risk population, when they use hook-up apps and sites to find partners for anonymous casual sex?