Hand in Hand
- justice for African grandmothers
Saturday, November 22, 10 am - 4 pm
UBC Robson Square, 800 Robson St., Vancouver, BC
Artisan Marketplace
10 am to 4 pm
Handcrafted items made in
Canada and Africa
free admission
10:15 a.m. - noon
children's programme
featuring Tiffany Stone, storyteller
admission by donation
1 p.m. & 3 p.m. film premiere
African Grandmothers Tribunal:
seeking justice at the frontlines of the AIDS crisis
$10 admission at the door
Guest speaker Llana Landsberg-Lewis
Executive Director, Stephen Lewis Foundation


Greater Van Gogos
What's a Gogo? Gogo is a Zulu word meaning "grandmother". Greater Van Gogos are grandmothers and 'grandothers' working in groups in support of African grandmothers raising a generation of children orphaned by AIDS. This network of grandmothers groups in south western BC is dedicated to raising funds and awareness for the Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign, Stephen Lewis Foundation.
Watch Trailer: African Grandmothers Tribunal: Seeking justice at the frontlines of the AIDS crisis from Stephen Lewis Foundation on Vimeo.
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