Jackie Haywood receives AIDS Vancouver's Red Ribbon Award

November 20, 2014
Positive Living BC's own Jackie Haywood is a recipient of AIDS Vancouver's Red Ribbon Award. The award celebrates community action and leadership for outstanding contributions to the HIV/AIDS movement. The award will be presented December 1 st. Special guest Bif Naked will be in attendance. It will take place from 1:30 am to 1 pm in the Training Room at 1107 Seymour St.
Here is Jackie's bio:
Jackie has been employed at Positive Living BC for 27 years. Commitment to the HIV/AIDS community and cause was a natural fit for her after extensive activism in the women's movement.
As a founding member of Positive Women's Network and Wings Housing Society, Jackie continues to be deeply engaged in HIV/AIDS work through her many duties at Positive Living BC, which include front line management, healing retreats and team building.
Jackie is a published writer and performance artist whose feminist wit and wisdom have appeared at events across the country with turns at Fringe Festivals.
She provides support and mentoring with grit, kindness and humour. The glass is half full with a pitcher standing by.
Source: www.positivelivingbc.org

POSITIVE LIVING BC is dedicated to empowering persons living with HIV/AIDS through mutual support and collective action.
We are a Registered Non-profit Society (#11928-2085) and an established leader in the HIV/AIDS movement . Uniquely
among major agencies in Canada, the POSITIVE LIVING BC Board of Directors is composed entirely of HIV+ members.
Formerly known as the British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society (BCPWA) and with a membership of more than 4,800 HIV+ members,
we are Western Canada's largest AIDS service organization and a proud history spanning three decades. For more information
visit: www.positivelivingbc.org
"Reproduced with permission - POSITIVE LIVING BC"
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