Cell Survivor – online game launches for World AIDS Day
Globally, the majority of new HIV infections are among young people, which is why engaging young people in the HIV response is critical to halting the epidemic.
November 29 2014 - With this in mind we have developed Cell Survivor in conjunction with Developing Dreams to mark World AIDS Day. Cell Survivor is an original online game intended to engage new audiences with the work of the Alliance and issues that adolescents living with HIV in the global south face on a regular basis.
Aimed primarily at young gaming enthusiasts, the aim of the game is to help protect a single CD4 cell
from pathogens including the HIV virus. Condoms are the first weapon of defence to ward off HIV and
other sexually transmitted infections. Once the player runs out of condoms, the cell becomes
infected with HIV. However this is not Game Over, as antiretroviral tablets then help to
condoms or antiretroviral tablets, which is the reality for many young people
living with HIV around the world who do not have access to such life-saving support.
Read more about the game here, and play at http://cellsurvivor.org
The game is being housed on web-based hosting service GitHub and is an open source software project so that anyone anywhere in the world can input their feedback on the game as well as tailor it for their own use.
Slipping through the cracks
There are an estimated 2.1 million young people living with HIV, more than 80% of whom live in sub-Saharan
Africa. HIV testing rates among adolescents remain low with most adolescents not knowing their status and often needing more support, including tailored interventions, to stay in care and adhere to treatment.
That's why this World AIDS Day we are warning of the urgent need to prioritise HIV and sexual and
reproductive health services for adolescents, particularly in the global south where they are
slipping through the cracks when it comes to healthcare.
Source: http://www.aidsalliance.org/about/news/486-cell-survivor-online-game-launches-for-world-aids-day

About International HIV/AIDS Alliance
The Alliance exists for one reason - to end AIDS through community action, an ambitious but realistic vision.
We are building knowledge, mobilising people, inspiring leadership and allowing all voices to play significant roles in the response to HIV. Our experience shows that together we can achieve more impact.
We were founded in 1993 to support community groups in countries that were most affected by the global AIDS crisis. We offered a vision and a way of working that would put communities at the centre of the response in order to provide effective local solutions. We now work with communities in over 40 countries to take local, national and global action on HIV, health and human rights.
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