Positively Positive - Living with HIV/AIDS:
HIV/AIDS News Archive - February 2014
Research in the News: Combination therapies combat HIV at cell junctions, Yale researchers find
February 28, 2014 - A new Yale University study indicates that cell-to-cell transmission of HIV particles contributes to the development of full-blown AIDS and helps predict which anti-retroviral therapies will be most effective at keeping the disease at bay.

Tens of Thousands of Patients at Risk in Myanmar After MSF Ordered to Cease Activities
AMSTERDAM/NEW YORK, FEBRUARY 28, 2014 - Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has been ordered by the Union Government of Myanmar to cease all activities in the country. MSF is deeply shocked by this unilateral decision and extremely concerned about the fate of tens of thousands of patients currently under MSF's care across the country.

Justins HIV Journal Intro YouTube Trailer
Published on Feb 28, 2014 - Justin created 'Justin's HIV Journal' to advocate for HIV/AIDS education, prevention and awareness. In his journal he tells people about the trials and tribulations when it comes to living with HIV/AIDS. He is also a correspondent for GLO TV.
HIV positive and still not that into you
28 Feb 2014 - Confidence is knowing that the goods you're selling are worth their sticker price, and you don't need to discount them for anyone
As someone who is openly HIV-positive, I often get the privilege of hearing from other newly diagnosed gay men from across the country. As anyone can imagine, learning you are positive can
feel like taking a cannonball to the chest. So, sometimes you need to talk to a stranger before you can catch your breath and find the words for your family and friends.

Zero Discrimination Day to be celebrated 1 March 2014
GENEVA, 27 February 2014 - UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé launched the Zero Discrimination Day on 27 February with a major event in Beijing, China supported by the
China Red Ribbon Foundation, Hanergy Holding Group, Chinese government, civil society and celebrities. Similar events are planned for the days leading up to 1 March 2014 in countries around the world.

HIV AIDS activist Bob Bowers One Tough Pirate #ENDaids
Published on Feb 27, 2014 - HIV AIDS activist Bob Bowers One Tough Pirate speaking at the Orpheum Theater in Madison, Wisconsin - about issues surrounding HIV/AIDS in 2007. Much remains true today in 2014.

Transgender Rights Are Human Rights
Published on Feb 27, 2014 - Across Asia and the Pacific, transgender people face significant stigma and discrimination which prevents them from accessing the HIV and health services they need. Everyone has the right to live a full and healthy life with dignity. Please support #ZeroDiscrimination.
Discrimination by law carries a high price
February 27, 2014 - These recent anti-gay laws,
and many others that have been on the books for years, are acutely ironic. Just 15 years
ago, a small band of gay men and women - largely in the United States but also in Europe and parts of
Africa - fought with all their intellect, energy and creativity to expand access to
treatment for all people with HIV/AIDS. In 2000, just 50,000 people in the
developing world received AIDS treatment. Today, largely thanks to the
work of these gay activists and others, more than 10 million people
are being treated with AIDS drugs - most of them African.

New research chair making the case for effective HIV treatment
February 27, 2014 - British Columbia will continue to push the boundaries of effective HIV/AIDS treatment, according to the researcher tasked with squeezing the most out of the health care system.

Give people with HIV the chance to end the epidemic says Community Statement
Brussels/London, 27 February 2014: We have the chance to end the HIV epidemic, a group of organisations said today. But it cannot end until all people with HIV can both access treatment - and choose when to take it.
You can see and sign on to the Statement at www.HIVt4p.org
British Columbia Centre for Excellence and SAP roll out new technology
February 27, 2014 - The British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS said on Tuesday it is rolling out big data technology from PHEMI Health Systems and SAP AG to deliver personalized medicine specific to the genetic signature of the virus that infects each patient.

UN Envoy for AIDS in Africa Must Go
26 February 2014 - Dear Mr. Secretary-General,
We write to you out of deep concern regarding Ms. Speciosa Wandira-Kazibwe, UN Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa. In the wake of Uganda's passage of a law criminalizing homosexuality, Ms. Wandira-Kazibwe's reprehensible silence, and her ongoing position as a senior advisor to President Museveni, threaten to undermine the credibility and independence of the United Nations. We urge you to terminate her position as Special Envoy and appoint an impartial advocate for the rights of all Africans.
Dreaming A New Future: A Conversation with Long-Term Survivors
February 26, 2014 - by San Francisco AIDS Foundation - "What's next?" That's the question at the heart of a burgeoning movement of long-term HIV/AIDS survivors
and allies. For people who lived through the devastating losses and unimaginable triumphs of the early decades of AIDS-many of whom never expected to see their 30s, let alone hit retirement age-what do the next decades hold?
Western anger at anti-gay law hits Uganda's currency
Feb 26, 2014 - (Reuters) - Uganda's currency tumbled on Wednesday on concerns that a new anti-gay law will damage relations with Western countries alarmed at what they see as a government-backed violation of human rights.
CWRU researchers find byproducts from bacteria-causing gum disease incite deadly oral cancer growth
Feb. 25, 2014 - Researchers from Case Western Reserve University have discovered how byproducts in the form of small fatty acids from two bacteria prevalent in gum disease incite the growth of deadly Kaposi's sarcoma-related (KS) lesions and tumors in the mouth.

Nominations open for The Second Annual Legacy Awards!
Feb. 25, 2014 - Awards Ceremony May 4th - 6pm
Roundhouse Community Centre
Nominations Close March 1st
Nominations for the 2nd Annual PRIDE Legacy Awards are now open. Please submit a nomination for a community member who should be recognized today. Nominations are closed on March 1st.

amfAR Denounces Passage of Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Bill
NEW YORK, Feb. 25, 2014 - Calls on US Government to Maintain Health and Development Aid but Reduce or Eliminate Direct Funding to Discriminatory Governments
amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research, today condemned the signing into law of an anti-homosexuality bill that punishes homosexuality with life in prison, calling the bill "a gross violation of human rights."

New Report Highlights HIV Experts' Recommendations to Improve Gay and Bisexual Men's Sexual Health
San Francisco, February 25, 2014 - As HIV research and prevention tools advance, there remains a critical information gap between health care providers
and gay and bisexual men who could benefit most from those new tools. A new report released today by San Francisco AIDS Foundation identifies key steps to eliminate the gap and foster better relationships and communications between providers and clients.
Foreign Secretary saddened and disappointed by Ugandan anti-homosexuality lawImmunotherapies
William Hague: this bill will increase persecution and discrimination of Ugandans, as well as damage Uganda's reputation internationally
I am deeply saddened and disappointed that the Anti-Homosexuality Bill in Uganda has been signed into law. The UK strongly opposes all discrimination on any grounds.

Alicia Keys / Empowered:
HIV Is a Women's Issue
Published on Feb 24, 2014 - Many of us know someone who has been affected by HIV/AIDS. So it's time for us to talk openly about it.
How American evangelicals may be responsible for Uganda's anti-gay law
February 24, 2014 - How U.S. evangelicals influenced Uganada
Roger Ross Williams, director of "God Loves Ugnada,"speaks with CNN's Christiane Amanpour.
Why the CDC Stopped Calling Sex Without a Condom 'Unprotected Sex'
February 24, 2014 - In January, the CDC announced on a call with more than 80 advocates that it would indeed change the decades-old language. Now, instead of referring to "unprotected sex" to mean sex without a condom,
the CDC will refer simply refer to it as "condomless sex."
Winnipeg facility will study vaccine development, and be hub for HIV research
02/21/2014 - WINNIPEG - Canada's public health agency has officially opened a new infectious diseases research facility in Winnipeg.
The agency says the J.C. Wilt Infectious Diseases Research Centre will complement the agency's existing National Microbiology Laboratory in the city by providing extra capacity for diagnostic testing during emergencies.
Reducing HIV transmission among drug injectors lowers AIDS mortality in heterosexuals
21-Feb-2014 - The study examined longitudinal data from across the US, incorporating epidemic history, HIV prevalence rate, history of prevention programming, and socioeconomic contexts
Although community network studies show that sexual relationships occur between members of "risk groups" -- men who have sex with other men (MSM), people who inject drugs (PWID), non-injection drug users (NIDU) -- and heterosexuals, researchers at New York University's Center for Drug Use and HIV Research (CDUHR) note that little research has been done to help explain how HIV epidemics and programs in one population affect others and how to reduce the risks of transmission.

Panama adopts made-in-B.C. HIV Treatment as Prevention strategy
Panama and the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS partner to expand Treatment as Prevention; Momentum builds globally for made-in-B.C. HIV strategy - Panama and the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS partner to expand Treatment as Prevention; Momentum builds globally for made-in-B.C. HIV strategy
Panama has become the latest country to adopt British Columbia's HIV Treatment as Prevention strategy.
Panama and the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS (BC-CfE) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to partner in the global fight against HIV/AIDS through the implementation of the made-in-B.C. strategy.
Researchers look for culprit behind oral health problems in HIV-positive patients
Feb. 20, 2014 - Researchers want to help HIV-positive patients live better by understanding why their essentially dormant infection is still wreaking havoc in their mouth.
Does a pill that prevents the spread of HIV promote unsafe sex?
February 20, 2014 - A Canadian clinic trial is about to begin on a drug that could be a game changer in the fight against HIV-AIDS. A pill that could prevent it, that would reduce the risk of infection among uninfected people believed
to be at risk. Already some doctors are prescribing it off-label and already there's controversy, as some worry it will be seen as a cure-all and will discourage the use of condom.
Group sues to force insurers to take AIDS money
February 20, 2014 - NEW ORLEANS (AP) An advocacy group said in a lawsuit Thursday that an insurance company is violating the Affordable Care Act by refusing to take premium payments from a federal
program that helps HIV and AIDS patients pay for care.
Strub continues to battle perceptions of HIV/AIDS
Feb. 19, 2014 - As one of the longest-living people with HIV, Strub bore witness to the epidemic as it tore a destructive path through his community, and nearly claimed his own life. His new memoir, "Body Counts," details his journey from
an Iowa youth obsessed with politics to an HIV-positive young gay man in New York to his role as a voice for people living with HIV and AIDS as the founder of POZ magazine.

HIV treatment as prevention: the experience in British Columbia
19 February 2014 - Expanded coverage of HIV therapy in British Columbia has been accompanied by a 42% reduction in HIV incidence and 80% reductions in the incidence of both AIDS and HIV-related mortality, investigators report in PLOS ONE.
Helping Cope with Brain Changes: A Q&A
19 February 2014 - Significant gaps were identified in the most recent cascade. Of the estimated 11,700 people living with HIV in 2011, only 4,054 (35%) are thought to have
achieved an undetectable viral load. This means that 7,646 people (65%) did not have an undetectable viral load and were therefore not engaged in all of the steps in the cascade.

Gaps in British Columbia's HIV treatment cascade
19 February 2014 - Significant gaps were identified in the most recent cascade. Of the estimated 11,700 people living with HIV in 2011, only 4,054 (35%) are thought to have
achieved an undetectable viral load. This means that 7,646 people (65%) did not have an undetectable viral load and were therefore not engaged in all of the steps in the cascade.

amfAR Intensifies Efforts to Find a Cure for HIV
NEW YORK, Feb. 19, 2014 - Announces more than $2 million in new cure-focused research grants
Shortly after launching the "Countdown to a Cure for HIV/AIDS," a research initiative aimed at finding a broadly applicable cure for HIV by 2020, amfAR, The Foundation for
AIDS Research on Wednesday announced that it has awarded 12 grants to researchers in the United States and around the world to pursue cure-focused HIV research. The new grants total more than $2.15 million, the largest sum disbursed by amfAR focused on HIV cure research.

Minister Terry Lake speaks on Panama adoptingTreatment as Prevention strategy
Published on Feb 19, 2014 - Panama adopts made-in-B.C. HIV Treatment as Prevention strategy.
Panama and the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS partner to expand Treatment as Prevention; Momentum builds globally for made-in-B.C. HIV strategy

Evolving Issues For Participants in HIV Research
Ramada Plaza Hotel, 300 Jarvis Street
7 - 9pm (6:30pm Light Buffet)
Human rights not negotiable
February 19 2014 - Human Rights are non-negotiable declared Archbishop Nuncio to the Antilles, Nicola Girasoli at a panel discussion on human rights and HIV/AIDS.
This panel was held by the UNAIDS - the joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, at their Caribbean Regional Workshop, called Integrating Human Rights into National Strategic Plans for HIV Workshop at the Hyatt Regency, Port-of-Spain.
Unusual new HIV drug resistance mechanism revealed
February 18, 2014 - Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine now have a good idea why. In work to be presented at the 58th Annual Biophysical Society Meeting, which takes place in San Francisco from
Feb. 15-19, cell biologist Sanford Leuba and his colleagues offer new insight into how NNRTIs function and how therapy-induced point mutations actually confer drug resistance.

Inovio Pharmaceuticals Bolsters Research and Clinical Development Leadership as it Advances Cancer & Infectious Disease Immunotherapies
BLUE BELL, Pa., Feb. 18, 2014 /PRNewswire/ - New VPs of R&D and Clinical Development add extensive pharmaceutical and biotech immunotherapy product development experience
Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NYSE Amex: INO) today announced it has expanded its senior management team with two appointments to help advance the company's growing pipeline of preclinical and clinical DNA vaccines.

UNAIDS expresses deep concern over impact of Ugandan bill on the rights of gay men
GENEVA, 18 February 2014 - If signed into law the controversial bill would toughen punishments against gay people in Uganda
"Uganda was the first country in Africa to break the conspiracy of silence on AIDS-and to give voice to the most marginalized-but now I am scared that this bill will take Uganda backwards,
relinquishing its leadership role in the AIDS response," said Michel Sidibé, Executive Director of UNAIDS. "I strongly urge the Ugandan authorities to reject the bill and ensure the human rights and dignity of all people in Uganda."
Group sues to force insurers to take AIDS money
February 17, 2014 Researchers are looking into the use of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the active ingredient in marijuana, to help stop the spread of HIV infection. Hundreds of marijuana researchers have
reported that THC was able to pierce the RIV virus in monkeys. That particular virus is almost identical to the HIV virus found in humans, so this news is very encouraging. The greatest drawbacks to this excellent news are the current laws
preventing testing on human candidates. With the changing of these restrictive laws, HIV infections have a great chance of being cured, with cannabis as a real possible player in the race to stop the disease.
Peter Piot: 10 myths about the AIDS response
17 Feb 2014 - Peter Piot has called on the AIDS movement to take a cold, hard look at the lessons learned, and counter what he sees as the dangerous myths that could lead to a collective state of denial.
Kenya's battle to end 'sex for fish' trade
17 February 2014 - It is estimated that around one and a half million people in Kenya are living with HIV/Aids.
Part of the problem is in rural areas where fishermen trade their catch with poor women market-sellers for sex, rather than money.

HIV/AIDS awareness and sensitisation project among young people in Uganda.
February 17, 2014 - RWEYOWA - Uganda is welcoming international volunteer s to join our HIV/AIDS awareness and sensitisation team. RWEYOWA conducts HIV/AIDS awareness and sensitization programs within the community and this is where we go into area schools and talk to kids (usually between 10-14 years old) about HIV. We distribute literature targeted at their age group and try to encourage dialogue and discussion about HIV/AIDS.
Positive Living BC 2014
Positive Living BC 2014 from Shortt and Epic on Vimeo.

Canadians already on PrEP while drug sits in regulatory limbo
By Marcus McCann - You're HIV-negative. You'd like to stay that way. Is a daily dose of pre-exposure prophylaxis the solution?
It works like the birth control pill. It's a once-a-day tablet. It can have side effects, but for most, it's relatively safe. Like birth control, it works only if you actually take it every day.
And it doesn't prevent sexually transmitted infections like chlamydia and gonorrhea.
The difference is this pill doesn't prevent pregnancy. It prevents HIV.
Higher HIV Infection Rates Seen in Mental Health Patients: Study
Feb. 13,2014 - Americans seeking treatment for mental health disorders may be four to 16 times more likely to be infected with HIV than those in the general population, a new study reveals.
Françoise Barré-Sinoussi: 'Ruling out a cure for Aids would not be French'
15 February 2014 - The scientist who helped discover the HIV retrovirus talks about her work and why she is convinced a cure for Aids can be found

ACT Launches We Love to Fuck Campaign & Resource
February 12, 2014 - Toronto - Provocative campaign speaks directly to gay and bi men
The AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT) launches a provocative new campaign and resource guide: We Love to Fuck informing men of HIV transmission, Sexually Transmitted Infections and being proactive in making informed decisions regarding sexual health, safer sex practices, and ACT's condom-dispenser network across Toronto.

Love is the Best Protection: AHF marks Int'l Condom Day in 28 countries worldwide
Starting February 11th AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) will mark International Condom Day with events in 28 countries around the world under the theme
"Love is the Best Protection"
In recognition of International Condom Day (ICD) - an informal annual celebration of safer sex held on February 13 in conjunction with Valentine's Day - AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF),
the largest global AIDS organization, is hosting or supporting condom distribution and awareness-raising activities on every continent, spreading safer sex messages in 28 countries around the world. The events
are being hosted under the theme "Love is the Best Protection," meaning that one's love for themselves and their partners is motivation for safer sex.

Tea Time: Mapping Informal Networks of Women Living with HIV Book Launch - Vancouver
Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 7:00pm - 9:00pm at Gordon Neighbourhood House 1019 Broughton Street ( Comox), Vancouver, BC.
Please join us to celebrate the brave and amazing women living with HIV who participated in this body of work
at the Tea Time: Mapping Informal Networks of Women Living with HIV Book Launch in Vancouver. It is a way to thank our friends and
community members for being there for use to help make use strong enough to find the cracks in the stigma and find each other.
Health People Launches Two Innovative HIV/AIDS Initiatives for High Risk Women
Newswise - NEW YORK, February 11, 2014 - Expected to Serve as Model Programs for Other Affected U.S. Communities
With the Bronx still having the highest rate of new women's HIV/AIDS cases of any New York City borough, Health People: Community Preventive Health Institute is engaged in two important new
initiatives to provide prevention and services to women in greatest need. Both offer great potential to develop better strategies to assure the Bronx brings down its overall women's HIV/AIDS infection rate.
Bridget Gordon, HIV-Positive 'Oprah Show' Guest, Discusses Her Decision To Get Pregnant (VIDEO)
February 11, 2014 - Shortly after her honeymoon, Bridget got sick and visited her doctor, who delivered shocking news: She was HIV-positive.
Bill to end HIV/AIDS discrimination introduced
New Delhi, Feb 11: Under the proposed law, HIV/AIDS-affected people will be provided protection against discrimination in employment, healthcare, education, travel and insurance, in both public as well as private sectors.
Crowd-funded HIV vaccine project sparks debate
10 February 2014 - Scientists question the tactics behind the Immunity Project's public campaign.
Under the proposed law, HIV/AIDS-affected people will be provided protection against discrimination in employment, healthcare, education, travel and insurance, in both public as well as private sectors.

Fast facts: HIV/AIDS in Canada
Spring 2014 - Every 3 hours, a person is infected with HIV in Canada.
Vancouver home to Canada's first crackpipe vending machines
February 8, 2014 - Vancouver is the home to Canada's first-ever crackpipe vending machines, which were installed in the city's troubled Downtown Eastside in a bid to curb the spread of disease among drug users.
Exclusive: AIDS patients in Obamacare limbo as insurers reject checks
Feb 8, 2014 - New York - (Reuters) - Hundreds of people with HIV/AIDS in Louisiana trying to obtain coverage under President Barack Obama's healthcare reform are in danger of being thrown out
of the insurance plan they selected in a dispute over federal subsidies and the interpretation of federal rules about preventing Obamacare fraud.

US Doctors for Africa to host first-ever Pan-African Medical Doctors & Healthcare Conference
February 7, 2014 - Strategic co-host: People to People Organization
US Doctors for Africa (USDFA), a Los Angeles based non-for-profit organization, is set to host an historic, first-ever Pan-African Medical Doctors & Healthcare Conference (PAMDHC), May 21-23, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
US pledges $95 million for HIV/AIDS fight in Zim
February 7, 2014 - The US government has commended Zimbabwe's progress in reducing HIV prevalence and providing anti-retroviral therapy to patients, pledging $95 million, budgeted by its President's
Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief, towards the response to HIV/AIDS.

High incidence of antiretroviral prescribing errors in Nigeria
07 February 2014 - Antiretroviral prescribing errors are common in Nigeria, according to results of a large prospective study published in PLOS ONE. Errors were detected in the prescriptions
of almost all adult patients. Common errors included prescribing incorrect antiretroviral drugs or combinations; prescribing drugs that were contraindicated or that interacted with other medication; and inappropriate frequency or duration of therapy.
February 6, 2014 - Statement from Dr. Jonathan Mermin Director, National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Tomorrow marks the observance of the 14 th annual National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. This day reminds us that HIV remains a major public health concern in
African American communities more than thirty years after the first AIDS cases were identified. On this day and every day, we acknowledge the need for continued effort and improved
results in fighting this preventable infection. All African Americans deserve lifesaving HIV prevention, testing, care, and treatment services.
Marking National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, NBLCA Announces Nationwide Anti-Stigma Campaign and Sponsors Forum on HIV-Hepatitis C Co-infection
New York, NY (February 6, 2014) - Marking National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (February 7), an annual initiative to increase HIV/AIDS awareness, education, testing, and treatment in black communities throughout the nation and the world, the National
Black Leadership Commission on AIDS, Inc. (NBLCA) has announced plans to launch a nationwide anti-stigma initiative, "Shame-Free Stops HIV: A Campaign to End Stigma."
Vanderbilt scientists contribute to finding that could lead to the first effective RSV vaccine
6-Feb-2014 - Having proven the principle of epitope-specific design, Schief and his colleagues now hope to produce a working RSV vaccine. "We're also trying to improve this protein design method
further and apply it to other vaccine projects, including HIV and influenza vaccines," he said in a news release.
Provocative new ad aimed at promoting safe sex tells people to 'Come Together' to fight Aids
06 February 2014 - The advert, which has been released exclusively to The Independent ahead of its 'for-one-night-only' terrestrial screening on Channel 4 tomorrow night,
has been created in a bid to highlight the continued importance of addressing the HIV epidemic - an issue which the International HIV/AIDS Alliance believes has fallen off the public agenda in recent years.
Only 1 in 3 HIV-Infected Black Americans Gets Effective Treatment: Study
THURSDAY, Feb. 6, 2014 (HealthDay News) - Even though drugs that can keep HIV at bay are
available, only about one in three black Americans with the AIDS-causing virus have their infection under control, U.S. health officials said Thursday.
Fewer pills led to better adherence, virologic suppression in HIV
February 6, 2014) - A lower pill burden resulted in better adherence and better virologic suppression among patients with HIV, according to data from a recent meta-analysis.

Durable end to AIDS will require HIV vaccine development
February 5, 2014 - Recent Scientific Advances Offer Promising Areas for Further Exploration
Broader global access to lifesaving antiretroviral therapies and wider implementation of proven HIV prevention strategies could potentially control and perhaps end the HIV/AIDS pandemic.
However, a safe and at least moderately effective HIV vaccine is needed to reach this goal more expeditiously and in a more sustainable way, according to a new commentary from Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., director
of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health, and colleague Hilary D. Marston, M.D., M.P.H.

Black AIDS Institute Promotes PrEP Education for National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
February 05, 2014 - The Black AIDS Institute has partnered with HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN) and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Region IV office to support the Institute's Black Treatment Advocates Networks(BTAN)
in providing PrEP education in recognition of National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day.

From Quarantine to Criminalization: Public health responses to HIV and our history of activist interventions
Friday February 7th 7:00pm - 9:00pm 519 Community Centre, Toronto, Ontario
Presented by the AIDS Activist History Project and AIDS ACTION NOW!, please join us for a special night titled From Quarantine to Criminalization: Public health responses to HIV and our history of early activist interventions.
The purpose of this event is to capture, document and share a collective history of activist interventions to push back against public health interventions in the early days of HIV activism in Toronto and Ontario at large.
Obama: Not a Word About AIDS
February 5, 2014 - In his State of the Union address last week, President Obama nominally
reaffirmed his commitment to universal health care, citing the success of the Affordable Care Act. Despite his dedication to
free and fair medical services for Americans, he failed to comment on the essential life-saving global medicine funding
programs that heavily rely upon the support of the American government. Instead he touted upcoming trade deals, completely glossing over the
fact that such deals could cut off access to generic medicines worldwide. Not once did the president mention HIV or AIDS.
Botswana health official warns against "HIV prevention" soap
GABORONE, Feb. 5 (Xinhua) - A senior health official in Botswana warned the public against falling for internet scam claiming there is a so called miracle soap that can prevent
HIV infection better than a condom.

HIV increases fracture risk, say Danes
04 February 2014 - HIV infection increases the risk of fractures, Danish investigators report in the online edition of the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. The case controlled study used data collected by national registries in 2000.
Medical Marijuana Right for New York, Say ASOs
Feb 4, 2014 - New York AIDS Service Organizations applauded Governor Andrew Cuomo's proposals to provide support for people living with HIV/AIDS, including access to medical marijuana.

Manitoba: High rates of satisfaction with HIV testing in the Emergency Room
4 February 2014 - According to the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), there are about 71,000 HIV-positive people in Canada, 25% of whom do not know their infection status . Such people, unaware that their immune systems are slowly being degraded by HIV, may only seek care once they become very ill.

Justin's HIV Journal: Justin and husband Phil ADOPT son
Published on Feb 2, 2014 - ADOPTION DAY is finally here. On January 30th my husband Dr. Philip Terry-Smith adopted our 17 year old LGBT son.

Call for Nominations!
Nominate your hero today.
Closing Date for Nominations: 5PM - Friday, 28 February
Sunday - APRIL 13, 2014 - 6- 10pm
Vancouver Convention Centre
West Building
Summit Room
1055 Canada Place
The AccolAIDS Awards honour the extraordinary achievements and dedication of organizations, businesses,
groups and individuals responding to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in British Columbia, and the thousands of people living in BC who are affected.

U2 "Invisible" - Bank of America in support of (RED)
Published on Feb 2, 2014 - Join Bank of America and (RED) in the fight to deliver an AIDS free generation.

HIV On a Dangerous Threshold in Sri Lanka
COLOMBO, Feb 2 2014 (IPS) - Four thousand HIV infections in a population of 20 million should not be a difficult figure to manage. But experts in Sri Lanka say social customs
and strict laws are hindering them from carrying out prevention and awareness campaigns among high-risk groups.
U2 Superbowl Ad To Benefit HIV/AIDS Charity RED
February 02, 2014 - A Superbowl ad featuring U2's latest single and sponsored by Bank of America aims to raise millions of dollars for the fight against HIV/AIDS.
The ad encourages fans to download Invisible from iTunes, free for the next 24 hours. For every download, Bank of America will donate a dollar to HIV/AIDS charity RED, an initiative founded by U2 frontman Bono and activist Bobby Shriver to raise money for
the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
'Govt earmarks Rs 1.5bn for AIDS prevention programme'
February 02, 2014 - LAHORE: The Punjab government has allocated Rs 1.5 billion for the prevention, diagnose and treatment of HIV/AIDS patients,
while the government is spending Rs 100,000 on each AIDS patient.
The Last One - trailer
February 1, 2014 - A new documentary is currently in production that explores the impact and legacy of the iconic AIDS Memorial Quilt.
'The Last One,' AIDS Memorial Quilt Documentary, Launches Kickstarter
February 1, 2014 - Originally conceived in 1987 as an attempt to bring visibility to HIV/AIDS and fight social stigma attached the the disease, the AIDS Memorial Quilt is now over 50 miles long. The documentary, titled "The Last One" and
produced by Red Thread Productions, seeks to highlight how, despite the progress of HIV/AIDS activism, stigma still exists.

March 28 - 30, 2014
Coast Plaza Hotel
1763 Comox Street
Vancouver BC
Important notice: Deadline for workshop proposals and scholarship applications extended to Feb. 14!
HIV-Positive people living in British Columbia are invited to share their expertise at Positive Gathering 2014. Positive Gathering is a conference developed for you where your peers will be presenting on a variety of topics of interest to people living with HIV.

Red Ribbon Breakfast
When: 7:30 am - 8:30 am, Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Where: Pan Pacific Hotel, Oceanview Suite, 999 Canada Pl #300, Vancouver, V6C 2T4 - NEW VENUE!
Cost: Free
Hosted by the witty and talented David C. Jones, the Red Ribbon Breakfast will inspire you to help support Positive Living BC.
The Red Ribbon Breakfast is an annual fundraiser that takes place over breakfast. This free event provides information about Positive Living BC and a special video presentation on our membership will inspire people to give.