From Quarantine to Criminalization:
Public health responses to HIV and our history of activist interventions
Friday, February 7th
519 Community Centre
7:00pm - 9:00pm
Presented by the AIDS Activist History Project and AIDS ACTION NOW!, please join us for a special night titled From Quarantine to Criminalization: Public health responses to HIV and our
history of early activist interventions.
Are you interested in learning about the actions taken by early activists?
Were you involved in the early AIDS movement quarantine response and want to share your story?
We invite you and your friends to an open community discussion to build on and document our collective history
With great Speakers: Joan Anderson,Glen Brown and YOU!
Moderated by: Gary Kinsman and Jessica Whitbread
Friday, February 7, 2014
519 Communit Centre, Toronto, Ontario.
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
To learn more:

AIDS ACTION NOW! is a community-based group engaged in the struggle against HIV/AIDS. Our work is fundamentally driven by the needs of people living with AIDS and HIV infection (PLWA/HIV). While our work comes primarily from the gay/ lesbian community, we are committed to the empowerment of all PLWA/HIVs and all communities affected by the AIDS crisis. AIDS ACTION NOW! welcomes all PLWA/HlVs as well as other individuals who are in basic agreement with this list of principles. -
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