Love is the Best Protection:
AHF marks Int'l Condom Day
in 28 countries worldwide
Starting February 11th AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) will mark International Condom Day with events in 28 countries around the world under the theme
"Love is the Best Protection"
By: AIDS Healthcare Foundation
LOS ANGELES (February 11, 2013) - In recognition of International Condom Day (ICD) - an informal
annual celebration of safer sex held on February 13 in conjunction with Valentine's Day - AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), the
largest global AIDS organization, is hosting or supporting condom distribution and awareness-raising activities on every continent,
spreading safer sex messages in 28 countries around the world. The events are being hosted under the theme "Love is the Best
Protection," meaning that one's love for themselves and their partners is motivation for safer sex. Nearly all of the
events will include distribution of AHF's LOVE-branded condoms in high-traffic
areas of each city.
AHF will also be donating more than 6 million free condoms to Public Health Departments in need in Dallas, Texas and in five counties
in North Carolina. The Foundation is also partnering with over 195 non-government organizations to directly donate approximately
4.5 million free condoms to community programs.
The observances will begin on February 11with condom distribution and a hug-and-kiss cam installation at Virginia State University
in Norfolk, VA and will conclude with condom distribution at the annual Great Valentine's Day Pillow Fight in San Francisco on
February 14. A complete list of ICD activities can be found at: http://lovecondoms.org/icd-events/ .
"Last year on International Condom Day, we took part in activities in over 65 cities worldwide," said AHF President Michael Weinstein . "People have shown a great
eagerness to participate in fun events that normalize condom use, and the fact that we're connecting safer sex practices with the
greatest motivator of all - love - only makes this year's observances more powerful."
AHF will be involved in condom distribution and testing activities in 16 cities throughout 10 African countries on February 13 and 14.
Spontaneous dance performances will draw attention to free HIV testing opportunities and the distribution of free condoms in Swaziland,
South Africa, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Lesotho, Kenya and Ethiopia, and large groups of bicyclists and skaters will converge in Uganda,
South Africa, Nigeria, and Kenya. In Lusaka, Zambia and Kigali, Rwanda free condoms and HIV tests will be provided at community events.
Five Asian countries will be participating in AHF's 2014 Condom Day Observance, each with one city representing. Representatives in
New Delhi, India will conduct free HIV testing and host dances with Delhi University, and a 30-foot condom will be erected for
members of the public to handwrite a pledge to practice safer sex in an effort to enter the Limca Book of Records, India's
version of the Guinness Book of World Records. Free condom distribution, dancing flash mobs, and large crowds of
bicyclists will mark the day in Hanoi, Vietnam; Beijing, China; and Phnom Penh, Cambodia on February 13 and 14.
Large-scale dancing and free condom distribution will also take place on February 13 in high-traffic areas of Kathmandu, Nepal.
AHF's International Condom Day observances will be seen in seven European countries through the use of outdoor and online advertising
coupled with spontaneous public dances, mass bicycle rides, hug-and-kiss cam photo booths, and the distribution of tens of thousands
of free LOVE-branded condoms. Events will take place on February 13 and 14 in five Estonian cities and seven Greek cities, as well
as locales in Russia, Lithuania, Portugal, Ukraine, and Holland.
AHF experienced rapid expansion in terms of providing specialized HIV/AIDS services in Latin America over the past year, so this year's
International Condom Day events in the region will involve 19 cities throughout Mexico, Guatemala, Brazil, Peru and Argentina. Through
local partnerships, AHF will provide free condoms and HIV testing throughout these countries on February 13, coupled with spontaneous
dancing flash mobs to raise awareness. Argentina will mark the day of safer sex practices with spontaneous performances of the
country's traditional seductive tango simultaneously in the cities of Buenos Aires, Rosario, Córdoba, Venado Tuerto,
and San Luis.
More than 20 cities from coast to coast will be marking International Condom Day with AHF this year between February 11 and 14. Through
local partnerships in Florida, free condom distribution and HIV testing - coupled with fun activities like hug-and-kiss cam photo booths
and poetry readings - will be held in Miami Dade, Fort Lauderdale, Tampa, St. Petersburg, and Wilton Manors. Free condom distribution
and HIV testing will occur at more than four events held on February 13 throughout Los Angeles County, including activities in
Hollywood, Long Beach, South Central, and the San Fernando Valley, where a team of roller derby girls will help get condom
distribution rolling. Free condom distribution and HIV testing will also be part of events in New York City, Atlanta,
Memphis, and Dallas, and events are planned in both North and South Carolinas as well as in Jackson, Mississippi
to raise awareness in the South. Ohio will see events in both Cleveland and Columbus, and Virginia State
University will host an event on February 11 in Norfolk, Virginia. The US events will culminate on
Valentine's Day in San Francisco when AHF representatives spread the love - LOVE-branded condoms,
that is - at the annual Great San Francisco Pillow Fight hosted every February 14 at the Ferry
Building in Justin Herman Plaza at 6 pm.
For a complete list of participating cities, locations, and contacts, please visit http://lovecondoms.org/icd-events/ .
SOURCE: AIDS Healthcare Foundation
Ged Kenslea,
+1.323. 308.1833 or mobile 323 .791.5526
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