Positively Positive - Living with HIV/AIDS:
HIV/AIDS News Archive - November 2022
Jody Jollimore: Making HIV self-test kits easily accessible will help Canada continue to meet its diagnosis targets
Nov 30, 2022 - Jody Jollimore - Opinion: Where we are falling behind is in linking those diagnosed with HIV to followup care and treatment. This is disturbing for many reasons.
One of the silver linings of the COVID-19 pandemic has been the number of things you can now do from the comfort of your own home. From telework to talking to a doctor, the last two years have revolutionized what is possible.

World AIDS Day 2022
Novembe 30, 2022 - What is World AIDS Day?
World AIDS Day, December 1, which also launches the start of Indigenous AIDS Awareness Week in Canada, is a time for reflection on what we have achieved with regard to the national and global response to HIV, and what we still must achieve.
This year’s UNAIDS theme is Equalize, reminding us that HIV thrives where inequities persist. Intersecting epidemics - such as COVID-19, syphilis, and the poisoned drug supply - require intersectional responses. Without strategies to meet these needs, however, we may see a resurgence of HIV that would threaten our public health response to interconnected epidemics.

On World AIDS DAY, Lambda Legal Hosts Special Event With Tony-Award Winning Broadway Musical: A Strange Loop Focusing on Communities of Color Living with HIV
(NEW YORK, NY- November 30, 2022 -) A special show edition of A Strange Loop and a panel to commemorate World AIDS Day
Thursday, December 1 (Show: 7:00 p.m.; Talkback 8:30 p.m.)
On World AIDS Day Thursday, Lambda Legal and Tony Award Winning Broadway Musical “A Strange Loop” will host a special talkback following that night’s performance focused on highlighting the impact of the HIV epidemic in communities of color and the work that remains ahead to eradicate HIV stigma.
World AIDS Day message 2022 by Winnie Byanyima
Nov 29, 2022 - "Greetings from Tanzania on World AIDS Day," says Winnie Byanyima, UNAIDS Executive Director. "Today is a moment to honour over 40 million lives lost to AIDS, take stock of the AIDS response, and commit to ending AIDS. This week we launched a powerful new report, Dangerous Inequalities. In it, we called the world’s attention to a painful reality: currently, we are not on track to end AIDS by 2030, and the reason is inequality. But there is good news: by equalizing, we can end AIDS."

United for Global Mental Health releases a technical communications toolkit to support the integration of mental health into HIV and tuberculosis (TB) programs ahead of World AIDS Day
November 29, 2022 - The toolkit contains resources that support the need for mental health promotion, prevention, and treatment to be integrated at every stage of the HIV and TB service continuum in order to end the epidemics more quickly and cost-effectively.
From the Global Fund’s long experience fighting HIV and TB, we now know that mental health is inextricably entwined with the fight against these two diseases. People living with HIV and TB experience higher rates of depression and other common mental health conditions. This has been linked to reduced adherence to treatment leading to higher rates of HIV and TB deaths.
Reseau network raising awareness for HIV/AIDS this week
Nov 29, 2022 - Red scarves and ribbons are on full display this week as the Reseau ACCESS Network joins other organizations around the world in highlighting issues around HIV and AIDS.
The last week of November marks HIV/AIDS Awareness Week, which coincides with the international observance of World AIDS Day on Dec. 1.

People living with HIV still at higher risk of death by suicide, accident, violence, and substance use
29 November 2022 - Dr Dana Rosenfeld - The risk of death by suicide, substance use, accident, and violence remains higher among people living with HIV than in the general population. Research by a team of scientists working across 16 European countries, published in the journal AIDS, found that people who acquired HIV through injection drug use, men living with HIV, and people living with HIV in Eastern Europe had a higher risk of death by suicide or by accident/violence. They also found higher rates of death by suicide in the year following an AIDS diagnosis.

HIV prevention: new injection could boost the fight, but some hurdles remain
November 28, 2022 - Jessica Haberer - While the world has focused on the COVID pandemic for nearly three years, less and less attention is being paid to HIV. However, HIV is still a global problem. In 2021, according to the United Nations, 38.4 million people were living with HIV, over 650,000 died from AIDS-related illnesses, and 1.5 million became newly infected.
WHO recommends new name for monkeypox disease
Geneva, Switzerland - 28 November 2022 - Following a series of consultations with global experts, WHO will begin using a new preferred term “mpox” as a synonym for monkeypox. Both names will be used simultaneously for one year while “monkeypox” is phased out.
When the outbreak of monkeypox expanded earlier this year, racist and stigmatizing language online, in other settings and in some communities was observed and reported to WHO. In several meetings, public and private, a number of individuals and countries raised concerns and asked WHO to propose a way forward to change the name.
World AIDS Day to be observed on December 1
ISLAMABAD - Noember 28, 2022 - World AIDS Day will be observed on Thursday (December 1) across the globe including Pakistan to show support for those living with the disease and to remember those who have lost their lives.
The 2022 theme is “Putting Ourselves to the Test: Achieving Equity to End HIV.”
Three years of flatlined progress on HIV treatment and prevention affect 2.7 million youth
28 November 2022 - Some 110,00 youth under age 19 died last year from AIDS-related causes, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said on Friday, noting that coupled with 310,000 newly infected, the total number of young people living with HIV stands at 2.7 million.
Three years of flatlined progress on HIV treatment and prevention affect 2.7 million youth

One man on a mission to fight HIV/AIDS in Jamaica
Nov. 27, 2022 - Rochelle Clayton
- Chevening scholar Morgan hopes to throw newly-gained knowledge at epidemic
MONTEGO BAY, St James — Back on local soil after completing a Master of Science degree in Public Health and Health Promotion at England's Brunel University London, Chad Morgan is looking to utilise his wealth of knowledge to play an active role in Jamaica's fight against HIV/AIDS.
Horror film by Toronto’s Casey House highlights stigma associated with HIV
Nov. 27, 2022 - By Christine Sismondo - “Others” is 20-minute film to help raise awareness of its #smashstigma campaign and features an HIV positive actor in the lead role.
Anyone familiar with Casey House likely already knows that this Toronto institution has a lot of initiatives that fall outside of conventional ideas about what hospitals do.

Fight the power: Ron Goldberg's 'Boy With the Bullhorn'
November 26, 2022 - by Jim Piechota - In this new memoir, activist Ron Goldberg candidly and dramatically shares his experiences on the front lines of the ACT UP AIDS protest movements in New York City three and a half decades ago.
Why experts are concerned about reduced funding towards HIV/AIDS fight
Nov 26, 2022 - NTVUganda - Health experts are warning of a new AIDS pandemic unless more funds are committed towards the HIV/AIDS fight. This is due to the continuing decline in funds for AIDS due to a shift in priorities especially in emerging diseases and global threats like climate change. Uganda just like many other African countries relies heavily on external financing and will have its achievements plummet if funding is withdrawn. But, what is the alternative?
‘I’m a fighter’: HIV-positive woman inspiring others with hope
Nov. 24, 2022 - By Paul Forsyth - Karrie Worster hopes to ‘kick HIV stigma in the face’ by combating misconceptions surrounding the virus
Karrie Worster recently got a new chin tattoo, which is both a nod to her Indigenous heritage and her fighting spirit.
She calls it her “warrior tattoo.”

AIDS Memorial Quilt tackles the epidemic in the South
November 24, 2022 - By Heather Cassell - This year, the National AIDS Memorial, in partnership with the Southern AIDS Coalition and Gilead Sciences, Inc., took on the South’s HIV/AIDS epidemic with its “Change the Pattern” campaign.
She calls it her “warrior tattoo.”
More than 1800 people die of AIDS everyday: Session
November 24, 2022 - The Continuous Medical Education Department of Jinnah Sindh Medical University organized an awareness session on HIV-AIDS in collaboration with the Communicable Disease Control (HIV-AIDS) with the purpose of providing complete and comprehensive information related to HIV-AIDS to medical students and future doctors.

Stockholm, 23/11/2022: - Today marks the opening of the European Scientific Conference on Applied Infectious Disease Epidemiology (ESCAIDE) 2022 conference - the leading conference in Europe aimed at strengthening the prevention and control of communicable diseases.
Health-care system not equipped to treat older HIV patients, says Canadian charity
Nov. 23, 2022 - Natasha O'Neill - A growing number of older adults are living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in Canada. But according to a Toronto-based charity, health-care systems currently in place are not prepared to care for the rising number of aging Canadians who are HIV-positive.
Red Lock campaign targets stigma of HIV, AIDS testing, treatment
Nov 22, 2022 - 4th annual campaign seeks to raise awareness, reduce barriers across Algoma
Muskoka Pride has again partnered with The Gilbert Centre for HIV Testing Awareness Week and ahead of World AIDS Day on Dec. 1.

HIV Infection Leaves a ‘Memory’ in Cells
WASHINGTON (Nov 22, 2022) - New study reveals why comorbidities persist in people living with HIV, despite suppressing the virus through treatment
Though antiretroviral therapy has made HIV a manageable disease, people living with HIV often suffer from chronic inflammation. This can put them at an increased risk of developing comorbidities such as cardiovascular disease and neurocognitive dysfunction, impacting the longevity and quality of their lives. Now, a new study in Cell Reports explains why chronic inflammation may be happening and how suppression or even eradication of HIV in the body may not resolve it.

Older Than What?
November 21, 2022 - Writer/Director: Steen Starr
A short film about the experience of aging in the LGBTTQ community/s.
Directed by Steen Starr, Older Than What? is the story of twelve queer and trans elders responding to ten questions about aging, visibility, and the social change they’ve been a part of. With responses that are inspiring, funny, and at times heartbreaking.
Global Lessons, Local Actions: Claudette Cardinal
Nov 21, 2022 - AIDS Canada - Claudette Cardinal’s Indigenous name is Wâpakwaniy, which in Cree translates to flower. Claudette is an Indigenous Peer Research Associate at the British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS – and she is also an Indigenous woman who has been living with HIV for over two decades.
Red scarf campaign underway in Muskoka
Nov 21, 2022 - Mathew Reisler - Muskoka Pride has again partnered with The Gilbert Centre for HIV Testing Awareness Week and ahead of World AIDS Day on Dec. 1.
Rampant increase of HIV in Mbinga a major worry
November 20, 2022 - By Joyce Joliga - The rise of HIV infections in Mbinga has prompted a conversation on sexual awareness and understanding and leaders call for better plans and availability of protection
Mbinga. The rate of HIV infection in Mbinga district is sharply increasing, especially in the coal mining areas, as the mining activities increased the interaction between people from different parts of the country and abroad.
In 2018, when the coal mining had not started, the number of people who tested positive for HIV in the district was 2,234 but has since increased to 8,133 in 2022, of which women account for 59.2 percent, according to official statistics from the district.
Los Angeles Dodgers Give $1 Million to Elton John AIDS Foundation
November 20, 2022 - The LA Dodgers donated $1 million to the Elton John AIDS Foundation to honor his final tour in the U.S.
The Los Angeles Dodgers donated $1 million to the Elton John AIDS Foundation in honor of the pop star's final tour in the United States, which culminates with three shows at Dodger Stadium this weekend, the team announced Sunday.
B.C. doesn't provide counts of COVID-19 reinfections. Some experts say that's a problem
Nov 20, 2022 - Akshay Kulkarni - Not counting reinfections could lead to undercounts of deaths and severe outcomes, doctors say
Infectious disease experts say B.C.'s decision to not count COVID-19 reinfections in weekly case updates may be painting an incomplete picture of the impact of the disease on British Columbians.
It comes amid concerns that B.C.'s new weekly reporting model undercounts cases and deaths from the virus, which continues to claim hundreds of lives across Canada weekly.
Moments of HIV/AIDS Activism Through History
November 18, 2022 - by Luke Gardner - AIDS activism started in the early ‘80s and grew with the epidemic, quickly spanning the globe with acts of civil disobedience to call attention to government inaction and lives lost. There have been countless examples of HIV/AIDS activism over the past four decades and it continues strong today.

Military Sued for Barring People With HIV From Enlisting
November 18, 2022 - By Trent Straube - Lambda Legal, which filed the suit, argues the policy is “discriminatory” and disproportionately affects LGBTQ people and people of color.
The U.S. military is being sued over a policy that prevents people living with HIV from enlisting in the armed forces. The lawsuit was filed November 10 by Lambda Legal, which advocates for the LGBTQ and HIV communities and argues that the policy is “senseless” and “discriminatory.”
Leader in harm reduction services for drug users retiring
Nov. 18, 2022 - Daryl Newcombe- After 16 years advancing many harm reduction programs for Londoners who use drugs — Brian Lester is retiring.
Mount Sinai Geriatricians to Develop Model Health Care Program for Older Adults With HIV
New York, NY (November 17, 2022) - Grants will fund expansion of interdisciplinary care model and development of curriculum and demonstration program for other hospitals
A team of geriatricians at Mount Sinai’s Brookdale Department of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine has been awarded $1.25 million from the Health Resources and Services Administration and the Keith Haring Foundation to expand Mount Sinai’s interdisciplinary model of care for older patients living with HIV. The awards will support the development of a curriculum and demonstration program that other hospitals and health systems can adopt.

First study of monkeypox infection in women provides new insights to inform public health response to ongoing outbreak
17 November 2022 - An international collaboration of clinicians, established and led by Professor Chloe Orkin at Queen Mary University of London, has published the first case study series of monkeypox infection during the 2022 outbreak in cisgender (cis) and transgender (trans) women and non-binary individuals assigned as female at birth.
The case series, published today (17 November 2022) in The Lancet, provides much needed insight into risk factors, routes of transmission and other clinical features of monkeypox infection. So far, these groups have been underrepresented in research and little is known about how the disease affects women. These data will help to guide the international response to the ongoing monkeypox outbreak.

Pennsylvania Governor Signs “Irresponsible” Law to Criminalize HIV, STIs
November 17, 2022 - By Trent Straube - The Pennsylvania law increases penalties for spitting on a police officer and committing actions that could transmit HIV, hepatitis B and other communicable diseases.
Despite opposition from numerous local and national public health advocacy groups, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, a Democrat, ignored established science and signed into law a bill that further criminalizes people with HIV, hepatitis B and other communicable diseases. The bill has passed the state legislature with bipartisan support.
How Bono rallied evangelicals in fight against HIV/AIDS | Opinion
Nov. 17, 2022 - Jenny Eaton Dyer - Twenty years ago, Bono came to Nashville. It was the end of his brief but effective Heart of America Tour, culminating on World AIDS Day, to rally largely white, evangelical voters to a little-known, albeit heavily stigmatized, issue: AIDS in Africa. He needed their support if his organization was going to move a president who had never traveled to Africa to address a pandemic a continent away. Spoiler alert: it worked.

Western’s ImPaKT facility gets $16M from feds for pandemic research
November 16, 2022 - By Prabhjot Sohal - Funds will help Schulich Medicine & Dentistry expand biocontainment infrastructure to research virus spread, expand COVID-19 research
Western’s Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry has received $16 million as part of the new federal Biosciences Research Infrastructure Fund (BRIF) for the expansion of its state-of-the-art biocontainment level 3 (CL3) facility – Imaging Pathogens for Knowledge Translation (ImPaKT), located within the new Pathogen Research Centre (PRC).
The grant, established in 2021 under the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) funding program, supports the expansion of ImPaKT to include a facility to test new antimicrobial strategies to prevent the airborne spread of infectious diseases and a facility to produce antimicrobial therapies and vaccines for human use.

Grassroot Soccer World AIDS Day Gala Set for December 1 in New York City
New York, New York, Nov. 16, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Seth Meyers to Host Evening Celebrating Grassroot Soccer’s 20 Years of Empowering Young People to Overcome Critical Health Challenges and Natalie Portman, Julie Uhrman, and Kara Nortman, co-founders of Angel City FC, to Receive Game-Changer Award
Grassroot Soccer, the renowned international adolescent health organization celebrating its 20th anniversary, will host its annual World AIDS Day Gala on Thursday, December 1 at the legendary Ziegfeld Ballroom in New York City.
“Over the past two decades, Grassroot Soccer has leveraged the power of soccer to equip more than 18 million adolescents in over 60 countries with life-saving health information, services, and mentorship,” said Dr. Tommy Clark, Grassroot Soccer’s founder and CEO.

McGill and RI-MUHC awarded $5.1 million for infectious disease research
16 NOV 2022 - A new grant from the Canada Foundation for Innovation will invest in leading-edge Containment Level 3 facilities and personnel
New funding of $5.1 million from the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), announced today by the Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, will help researchers Marcel Behr, MD, PhD, and Silvia Vidal, PhD, ensure that Canada is better prepared for the next pandemic. This funding is part of the more than $127 million investment being made through the CFI to support upgrades to eight biocontainment facilities across the country as part of its new Biosciences Research Infrastructure Fund (BRIF) program.
HIV – get tested, get peace of mind
November 16, 2022 - The sooner you get tested for HIV, the sooner your condition can be treated if you prove positive.
That’s the key message from Swansea Bay’s sexual health team ahead of Wales HIV Testing Week (21-27 November 2022).
HIV is a blood-borne virus that you can get through unprotected sex.
Anyone can get HIV if they are having unprotected sex, it isn’t limited to any one sexuality, race, religion or gender.
Opinion: BC needs to step up and provide access to long-acting HIV medications
Nov 16 2022 - Written for Daily Hive by Bradford Mcintyre, an HIV patient advocate who operates positivelypositive.ca.
I have been living with HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) for 38 years, and have had an undetectable viral load (less than 40 copies/mL) since 1998. Both of these facts are possible because of activism, community care, and HIV medications.
Stem Cell Transplant May Be Viable Treatment for Patients With HIV, Leukemia, Says Dr Jana Dickter
November 16, 2022 - Hayden E. Klein, Skylar Jeremias - Depending on finding the right donor, stem cell transplantation may be a viable treatment option for people living with both HIV and leukemia, said Jana K. Dickter, MD, associate clinical professor, Division of Infectious Diseases, City of Hope.

Many Older People With HIV Report Suboptimal Health
October 13, 2022 - By Liz Highleyman - North American survey finds 76% have impaired physical, mental, sexual or overall health.
All people with HIV ages 50 or older said they had at least one comorbidity, and one in five reported suboptimal physical, mental, sexual and overall health, according to the results from a North American survey presented at IDWeek 2022.
Polio: Five things to know about this serious disease
15-Nov-2022 - CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL - Public Health authorities have warned health care workers to be on the alert for polio, yet most physicians will not be familiar with presentation of this highly infectious, life-threatening disease. An article in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal) outlines five things to know about polio.
Bringing Sexy Back — To Fight H.I.V.
Nov. 15, 2022 - By Stephanie Nolen - Most safer sex campaigns focus on danger and disease. Acknowledging the importance of pleasure — and how to make safe sex good sex — could make them more effective.
Research shows that when safe sex campaigns acknowledge pleasure — by talking about sex as something that makes life good, or showing how condoms can be erotic — more people use a condom the next time they have sex.

Study Identifies How Stealthy HIV Evades Drugs and Immunity
DURHAM, N.C. - November 14, 2022 - An immune response that likely evolved to help fight infections appears to be the mechanism that drives human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) into a latent state, lurking in cells only to erupt anew, researchers at Duke Health report.
Publishing Nov. 14 in the journal Nature Microbiology, the research team provides new insights into the vexing process that makes HIV particularly stealthy, but could also play a role in other viral infections.
Royal City Gogos’ craft sale – unique items for a humanitarian cause
November 13 2022 - Theresa McManus - Treat yourself and buy gifts - while supporting grandmothers raising children orphaned by the HIV/AIDs pandemic in Africa
Whether you’re looking to do a little gift shopping, treat yourself or stock up on treats for the holidays, the Royal City Gogos have got you covered.
The Royal City Gogos are hosting their Artisan Craft Sale to raise money to support the efforts of African grandmothers who are raising children orphaned by the HIV/AIDs pandemic. This year’s event is on Friday, Dec. 2 and Saturday, Dec. 3

Ingestible sensor could help people with HIV stick to medication regimen, UCLA-led study finds
November 10, 2022 - Ben Alkaly - For people living with HIV, sticking to a prescribed medication regimen is a critical part of staying healthy. However, having to deal with the side effects caused by those medications —nausea and dizziness among them — can lead people to skip doses.
Now, a UCLA-led study of 130 people with HIV suggests that a tiny piece of technology could play a big role in encouraging people to take their medicine on time.
Chronic jet lag discovered in people living with HIV
10 NOVEMBER 2022 - Northumbria University, Newcastle - People living with HIV have a significantly delayed internal body clock, consistent with the symptoms of jet lag, according to new findings reported by researchers from universities in South Africa and the UK.
The findings, which have been published in the Journal of Pineal Research, may explain some of the health problems experienced by people with HIV, and guide research towards improving their quality of life.
How AIDS charities are erasing gay men
10 November 2022 - Edie Wyatt - An HIV+ gay man claims to have been denied counselling by an AIDS charity because he openly refuses to include females in his dating life.

Lishan Su, PhD, Invested as the UMSOM Charles Gordon Smith Endowed Professor for HIV Research
November 09, 2022 - Lauren Robinson - Investiture Ceremony Celebrates Donor’s Generosity and Recognizes Groundbreaking Research in Human Virology at UM School of Medicine
With his 92-year-old mother watching via live stream from the city of Qingdao, China, and an in-person audience of friends and colleagues gathered in Westminster Hall, Lishan Su, PhD, an internationally prominent virologist and immunologist at the University of Maryland School of Medicine’s (UMSOM) Institute of Human Virology (IHV), was invested as the Charles Gordon Smith Endowed Professor for HIV Research. Dr. Su is a Professor in the Departments of Pharmacology and Microbiology & Immunology at UMSOM’s IHV, who also serves as the Director of the Division of Virology, Pathogenesis, and Cancer at the Institute.
Draft PEPFAR Five-Year Strategy: Fulfilling America’s Promise to End the HIV/AIDS Pandemic by 2030
NOVEMBER 9, 2022 - Since June 2022, we have been working to create PEPFAR’s Five-Year Strategy: Fulfilling America’s Promise to End the HIV/AIDS Pandemic by 2030. We have welcomed input, dialogue, and feedback through various town halls and listening sessions over the past few months, resulting in PEPFAR’s 5×3 Strategic Approach shared back in July during AIDS 2022 in Montreal, which evolved to PEPFAR’s Strategic Direction released during the UN General Assembly in September 2022, that will culminate in PEPFAR’s Strategy that will be launched in December 2022.
Just Sex to illuminate conversations around sex
November 09, 2022 - In an effort to encourage illuminating conversations around sexual health, genuine and open dialogue the ESTeRES boutique agency is set to host the third edition of “Just Sex”on November 18 at Cresta Lodge in Gaborone.
Speaking at the launch of the Just Sex third edition recently, chief executive officer (CEO) of ESTeRES boutique agency Michelle Phetlhe revealed that they will host this event to help people learn about everything they need to know about sex.
1 in 3 infected with HIV in blood scandal was a child
November 9, 2022 - By Jim Reed - Almost one out of every three people infected with HIV through contaminated NHS blood products in the 1970s and 80s was a child, research has found.
About 380 children with haemophilia and other blood disorders are now thought to have contracted the virus.
A better understanding of how HIV-1 evades the immune system
11/08/2022 - Université de Montréal - The type of virus used as a model to study the efficacy of non-neutralizing antibodies against the virus responsible for AIDS has a crucial role to play, according to a new study led by Andrés Finzi, Université de Montréal professor and researcher at the CHUM Research Centre.
Published in Cell Reports, the study shows for the first time in humanized mice that the expression of the viral protein Vpu is essential in allowing infected cells to evade the elimination mechanism known as antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC).
USCHA 2022: HIV.gov Speaks with PACHA Member Justin Smith
November 8, 2022- HIV gov - At the U.S. Conference on HIV/AIDS, HIV.gov's Caroline Talev spoke with Justin Smith, a member of the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS (PACHA). Justin spoke about the September PACHA meeting held in Los Angeles and the listening session that PACHA hosted at USCHA.
The alarming return of HIV
November 8, 2022 - THE HIV epidemic, which was seen as generally under control through new medical applications such as anti-retroviral drugs, is returning among the young — particularly among young men — in the Asia-Pacific region. This is according to statistics compiled by the United Nations in 2020, with infections rising in the Philippines, Pakistan and Papua New Guinea.

Global Antiviral Drugs Market Report to 2030 - Rising Public Awareness Regarding Usage of Antiviral Therapeutics is Driving Growth - ResearchAndMarkets.com
DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- November 07, 2022 - The "Antiviral Drugs Market, By Drug Type, By Application, By Mechanism of Action, By Distribution Channel, and By Region Forecast to 2030" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.
The global antiviral drugs market size is expected to reach USD 50.02 Billion in 2030 and register a revenue CAGR of 3.4% during the forecast period, according to latest report.
Study highlights converging and diverging immune factors that may predispose people to HIV and HSV
7-NOV-2022 - BRIGHAM AND WOMEN'S HOSPITAL - Genital herpes, caused by the herpes simplex virus-2 (HSV-2), is a known risk factor for HIV acquisition: people infected with HSV are three times more likely to acquire HIV. But do HIV predictors and other risk factors in the immune system and cervical mucosa predispose people to acquiring HSV-2? To answer this question, investigators at Brigham and Women's Hospital, a founding member of the Mass General Brigham healthcare system, analyzed longitudinal samples of cervical and serum biomarker levels for immune activation, before and after subjects acquired HSV-2. They found that altered levels of specific biomarkers in the mucosa and serum were associated with HSV-2 acquisition only, while others overlapped with biomarkers and combinations predictive of HIV-1 acquisition. This study helps highlight the converging and diverging factors predisposing one to both viral diseases.
The Ordinary co-founder talks about his HIV advocacy group
NOV 7, 2022 - BY ALICE CHEN | NORTH YORK MIRROR - At just 15 years old, Shamin Mohamed Jr. founded a Toronto-based HIV/AIDS advocacy group that today, 18 years later, has grown to become a juggernaut as the biggest youth HIV charity and one that led the youth force at the AIDS 2022 international conference in Montreal.
Dr. Anthony Fauci reflects on his 54 years of public service
Nov. 6, 2022 - Government Matters -Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, reflects on his 54 years of service, including his work on the HIV/AIDS crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic
November 4, 2022 — Toronto, ON - The Supreme Court of Canada today released a decision in R v. Sharma, a case that considers the constitutionality of Criminal Code provisions that make conditional sentences (also known as house arrest) unavailable for certain types of offences. Ms. Sharma, an Indigenous woman convicted of a drug trafficking offence, argued that the provisions violated her rights to liberty and equality under the Charter. A 5-4 majority of the Court ruled that the conditional sentence restrictions were constitutional. We are disappointed by this decision, as it upholds the overly broad imposition of prison sentences for the least serious criminal conduct and creates new barriers to enforcing equality rights.
Monkeypox mutations cause virus to spread rapidly, evade drugs and vaccines, MU study finds
Nov. 3, 2022 - Researchers show how monkeypox mutations cause virus to replicate, spread faster.
Monkeypox has infected more than 77,000 people in more than 100 countries worldwide, and — similar to COVID-19 — mutations have enabled the virus to grow stronger and smarter, evading antiviral drugs and vaccines in its mission to infect more people.
Now, a team of researchers at the University of Missouri have identified the specific mutations in the monkeypox virus that contribute to its continued infectiousness. The findings could lead to several outcomes: modified versions of existing drugs used to treat people suffering from monkeypox or the development of new drugs that account for the current mutations to increase their effectiveness at reducing symptoms and the spread of the virus.
UNAIDS welcomes signing of an agreement to restore peace in northern Ethiopia
GENEVA, 3 November 2022 - The peace agreement will facilitate access to health services including access to HIV services amidst reports of stock-outs of antiretroviral treatment and people going without access to the life-saving medicines
UNAIDS welcomes the peace agreement to permanently ‘silence the guns’ and end the conflict in northern Ethiopia. The agreement, facilitated by the African Union as part of its principled position of ‘African solutions to African problems’, was signed by the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the Tigray Peoples' Liberation Front on 2 November 2022.
“This is a critical first move that will bring relief and bring hope for the Ethiopian people, particularly the most vulnerable populations including women and children,” said Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director of UNAIDS. “This first step will lay the foundations for sustainable peace in the country and facilitate access to life-saving health services, including HIV services, for people affected by the conflict.”
ACT UP: Alum author discusses activism in the age of AIDS
November 02, 2022 - By Jennifer Micale - Ron Goldberg’s address book functions, in its way, as a memorial of sorts. Between 1989 and 1993, he had lost 35 people therein to AIDS.
But that doesn’t give a true accounting of how devastating the epidemic was, he told members of Associate Professor of Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies Sean Massey’s Exploring Queer Lives class. Think about those friendly acquaintances, not close enough for their own entry in the address book, but close enough for a chat on the street: another 35. The ones you wave at from afar or see at meetings, whose first names you know: another 35. The people in your neighborhood: another 35.
UNAIDS is deeply concerned that rising violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo threatens HIV treatment and prevention services
GENEVA/KINSHASA, 2 November 2022 - UNAIDS is alarmed that fighting between government forces and rebels in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo is causing serious disruption and harm to treatment, prevention and care services for people living with and affected by HIV.

American Gene Technologies® Chief Medical Officer Honored by UCSF Endowment for HIV Dermatology and LGBTQ Health Research
Dr. Marcus Conant Named in UCSF’s Commitment to Pave Way for Next Generation of HIV Researchers
Nov 1, 2022 - American Gene Technologies, a clinical-stage biotechnology company based in Rockville, Maryland, congratulates Dr. Marcus Conant and the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) Medical Center’s Department of Dermatology for establishing The Marcus Conant, MD, Endowment for HIV Dermatology and LGBTQ Health.
Dr. Conant is American Gene Technologies’ Chief Medical Officer and UCSF’s clinical professor emeritus of dermatology. The endowment named in his honor aims to provide mentorship and support to researchers in HIV-related skin disease and LGBTQ health.

Increasing number of pregnancies in women who grew up with HIV
1 November 2022 - Mercy Shibemba - As more women with vertically-acquired HIV in the UK reach reproductive age, their experiences and outcomes of pregnancy and birth continue to improve. Access to treatment, CD4 count and rates of undetectable viral loads during pregnancy have all increased. However, there are still knowledge gaps about their outcomes in pregnancy.

HIVR4P, la conferencia de prevención del VIH más importante del mundo, se realizará en Lima y de forma virtual en octubre de 2023
Noviembre de 2022 (Ginebra, Suiza) - IAS, la Sociedad Internacional del SIDA, organizará HIVR4P 2023, la 5ª Conferencia de Investigación para la Prevención del VIH, en Lima, Perú, y virtualmente del 22 al 26 de octubre de 2023.
“HIVR4P será una oportunidad única para que la comunidad de prevención del VIH escuche, debata y sopese nueva evidencia científica”, declaró Sharon Lewin, presidenta de la IAS. “También es una oportunidad para evaluar el panorama de prevención cada vez más complejo y la próxima generación de preguntas de investigación, incluidas las de las vacunas contra el VIH y las interacciones de las vacunas con las modalidades de prevención que no son vacunas”.

HIVR4P, world’s most important HIV prevention conference, to take place in Lima and virtually in October 2023
1 November 2022 (Geneva, Switzerland) - IAS – the International AIDS Society – will host HIVR4P 2023, the 5th HIV Research for Prevention Conference, in Lima, Peru, and virtually from 22 to 26 October 2023.
“HIVR4P will be a unique opportunity for the HIV prevention community to hear, debate and weigh new scientific evidence,” Sharon Lewin, IAS President, declared. “It is also an opportunity to assess the increasingly complex prevention landscape and the next generation of research questions, including those for HIV vaccines, and the interactions of vaccines with non-vaccine prevention modalities.”