Older Than What? from Steen Starr on Vimeo.
Older Than What?
Writer/Director: Steen Starr
A short film about the experience of aging in the LGBTTQ community/s.

Older Than What? Documentary Short
- Cast Members: Glenn Saunders, Ma-Nee Chacaby, Bradford McIntyre, & Pat Hogan
Directed by Steen Starr, Older Than What? is the story of twelve queer and trans elders responding to ten questions about aging, visibility, and the social change they’ve been a part of. With responses that are inspiring, funny, and at times heartbreaking.
“Short, quippy, honest, surprising, bold and heartfelt film about being older and LGBTQ, in the voices of older LGBTQs themselves. It has the power to make invisible people visible.
Older people in the LGBTTIQ2S community (LGBTQ for short) face double or triple stigmas. They become invisible not only in society but in their own community. This film, Older Than What? is about capturing the thoughts, experiences, struggles, knowledge, sex appeal and charm of older LGBTQs and celebrating it all up there on the big screen.”
Steen Starr
Older Than What?
Documentary Short cast members Glenn Saunders (Left) and Bradford McIntyre (Right) with Director Steen Starr (Center) - 29TH Vancouver Vancouver Queer Film Festival
August 18, 2017.
Full Cast & Crew -
Directed by Steen Starr
Carol Allan,
Ma-Nee Chacaby,
Natalie Collins,
Pat Hogan,
Lezlie Lee Kam,
Bradford McIntyre,
Bill Richardson,
Glenn Saunders,
Bill Sleno,
Rhoma Spencer,
Ruth Starr and
Jane Traies.
Dylan Rhys Hopward, Moe Laverty, Thom Stitt, Lulu Wei
Editing/Story Consultant:
Cecilio Escobar
Video Trailer: Older Than What? trailer 2017
Since 2017, Older Than What? has circulated to over 30 film festivals internationally and won 5 awards.
International Short Film Competition, Asterisco Festival Internationciale de Cine LGBTIQ, Buenos Aires, 2017
Gold Award, Documentary Category, South Georgian Bay Film Festival, Collingwood, Canada, 2018.
Audience Award, Best Documentary Short, Cineffable, Paris, France, 2018
Audience Award, Best Short, USNExpo, Sardinia Queer Short Film Fest, Sardinia, Italy, 2018
2nd Place, Audience Award, Best Short, Perlen Queer Film Festival, Hannover, Germany, 2018
Jury Commendation, Best Documentary, Women Over Fifty Film Festival, Essex, UK, Sep 25-27, 2020
Made with support from:

“Ageism is a weird kind of oppression because old is the thing we're all going to be.”
Jane Traies, 70
About Steen Starr
Steen Starr is multi-faceted artist and award-winning filmmaker. She’s currently completing her 3rd short film, and lives in Toronto (Canada) with her partner and their much too coddled chihuahua/dachshund mix, ChaCha.
Older Than What? Facebook
"Reproduced with permission - Steen Starr"
Steen Starr
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