Positively Positive - Living with HIV/AIDS:
HIV/AIDS News Archive - November 2013

Major UK study shows rise in HIV testing, but only a quarter of gay men tested in previous year
30 November 2013 - HIV prevalence remains low in general population
Data from three, large representative samples of the UK population over the last two decades show a significant rise in the uptake of HIV testing, especially among men who have sex with men (MSM), individuals with more sexual partners and African people. Nonetheless in each of these target groups, half of those questioned had not taken an HIV test in the past five years, showing how far the UK needs to go in order to reduce rates of undiagnosed HIV.
Magic Johnson on his mission against HIV/AIDS
NOV 29, 2013 - - NBA legend and Los Angeles Dodgers co-owner Earvin "Magic" Johnson tells CBSNews.com s Ryan Jaslow that stigma and his great health may prevent many from getting HIV test.
World AIDS Day 2013
November 29, 2013 - A statement by HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius
When the World Health Organization established the first World AIDS Day on December 1, 1988, treatment options for people living with HIV were practically nonexistent,
and AIDS was almost invariably fatal. Hope was in short supply, and there seemed to be little reason for optimism. I am grateful that the world is a very different place for the 25th annual World AIDS Day.

The Leading Together Championing Committee Announces Release of New Document
November 29, 2013 - Toronto, ON: "Leading Together 2005-2010 Call to Action", was developed with the input of people living with HIV/AIDS, AIDS service organizations, clinicians and other health care
professionals, researchers, national HIV/AIDS organizations and governments. The document promotes a strategic, coordinated approach and shared responsibility to tackle both HIV and the underlying determinants of health and health inequities that influence and fuel new infections with significant effects on people infected, affected and at risk.

Condomless sex increasing in US gay men - especially in HIV-negative and untested men
29 November 2013 - The proportion of gay men in the US who have had anal sex without a condom at least once in the past year has increased by 9% in the last six years, data from the country's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports.
Government of Canada and its partners invest in a cure for HIV
Montreal (November 28, 2013) - Research teams to advance science and develop new treatment approaches
The Honourable Leona Aglukkaq, Minister of Health, today announced Harper Government funding for new research to address HIV/AIDS in Canada. The funding will
support two community-based research centres,including one focused on helping Aboriginal Canadians, and four teams that will examine the link between HIV and health issues related to aging and mental health.
Shelves bare at AIDS Vancouver 'grocery store'
November 28, 2013 - One-day holiday event serves 800 clients and families
The shelves lining the tiny "grocery store" located on the main floor of the AIDS Vancouver office on Seymour Street at Helmcken are completely bare.

Micronutrient supplements delay HIV disease progression for patients with higher CD4 cell counts
28 November 2013 - Long-term micronutrient supplementation delays HIV disease progression in people with higher CD4 cell counts, results of a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows.
The research was conducted in Botswana and involved antiretroviral-naive people with CD4 cell counts above 350 cells/mm3. Supplementation with vitamins B, C and E plus selenium significantly slowed the rate of HIV disease progression.
Sexual risk lower among U.S. gay and bisexual men who accurately know their HIV status
November 27, 2013 - A new analysis of data from 20 major U.S. cities reveals continued signs of sexual risk among gay
and bisexual men, but shows dramatically lower sexual risk among those who accurately know their HIV status. The findings were published today in CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.
What is World AIDS Day?
27 Nov 2013 - AIDS is one of the most destructive pandemics in history and, every year on the 1st December, World AIDS Day aims to raise awareness about this global issue. It presents the world with a chance to unite and stand up to this vicious disease.
To show support for those living with HIV and AIDS and to remember those who have died, people are encouraged to wear a red ribbon in support.

Aboriginal AIDS Awareness Week shines a light on HIV rates among indigenous people
Nov 27, 2013 - VALERIE NICHOLSON REMEMBERS the room going silent the day she received her diagnosis.
After the doctor told her she had HIV, she was sent to another room to receive her medication, a place that she recalls as "the most scary thing in my life". And after the initial revelation, she didn't absorb anything that followed.

Massive Online Archive of AIDS Posters Completed in time for World AIDS Day
November 27, 2013 - In time for World AIDS Day on Sunday, Dec. 1, one of the world's largest collections of AIDS posters is now complete and available online, marking the
culmination of a multiyear project launched in 2011 during the 30th anniversary year of the identification of HIV/AIDS. Thanks to catalogers at the University of Rochester, more than 6,200 posters from 124 countries in 68 languages and dialects can be viewed by anyone with web access.
November 2013 - Some 35.3 million people around the world are living with HIV, which destroys the immune system and has caused more than 25 million deaths since AIDS first emerged
in the early 1980s, according to the World Health Organisation.

After diagnosis of hepatitis C, some gay men willing to consider risk-reduction practices
27 November 2013 - Qualitative study identifies need for better hepatitis C prevention information for gay men with HIV
HIV-positive gay men living with HIV in France need better information about the sexual transmission of hepatitis C, according to a researcher who interviewed 31 men about their experience of living with hepatitis C.

The Journey Begins
November 27, 2013 - So today is the launch of SeanStrub.com, which was created with the help of some great professionals:
designer Forest Evashevski, marketing, social media and PR gurus Alan Klein and Jay Blotcher at Public Impact Media Consultants, tech whiz Erik Smith at Macktez, and meme magician Scott Wooledge of Memeographs .

AbbVie Partners with HIV Community to Launch International Awareness Campaign Focused on Women Living with HIV
November 27, 2013 - Nearly half of adults living with HIV are women who face unique challenges throughout every stage of life
Women are the fastest-growing group within the population of people living with HIV globally.

Free health care a blessing for persons living with HIV
November 27, 2013 - THE heavily criticised free health care regime introduced under the former Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) Government has been a saviour for the hundreds of Jamaicans living with the dreaded HIV/AIDS virus.
AIDS proves stubborn in Europe as new HIV infections rise
Nov 27, 2013 - (Reuters) - Some 131,000 people were newly infected with HIV in Europe and nearby countries in 2012, an 8 percent rise from a year earlier and a worrying reversal of a recent downward trend in AIDS cases in the West.

Proportion of people in southern Africa starting ART with advanced HIV disease falls
27 November 2013 - The proportion of people in sub-Saharan Africa who started antiretroviral therapy (ART) with advanced HIV disease decreased significantly between 2006 and 2011, research in published in the online edition
of Clinical Infectious Diseases shows. In 2011, 29% of patients had advanced disease when they started ART compared to 42% in 2006.
Advocates decry Ottawa's HIV strategy as China, B.C. cement partnership
Nov. 26 2013 - Vancouver - The proportion of people in sub-Saharan Africa who started antiretroviral therapy (ART) with advanced HIV disease decreased significantly between 2006 and 2011, research in published in the online edition
of Clinical Infectious Diseases shows. In 2011, 29% of patients had advanced disease when they started ART compared to 42% in 2006.

BC-CfE to lead new HIV fellowship program with China
Vancouver, B.C. (November 26, 2013) - New HIV Treatment as Prevention fellowship will bring B.C. research and innovation to China
The made-in-B.C. Treatment as Prevention strategy continues to make huge advances internationally after a new Fellowship program was announced between Centre for Disease Control and Prevention in China and the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS (BC-CfE).
The new HIV Treatment as Prevention Fellowship will allow top Chinese scientists to come to Vancouver to work with researchers and clinicians at the BC-CfE.

China joins forces with British Columbia to conquer HIV/AIDS
Vancouver, B.C. (November 26, 2013) - Government of B.C. signs memorandum of understanding between China and the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS to support Treatment as Prevention expansion
China and British Columbia are partnering to advance the global fight against HIV/AIDS through the further implementation of the made-in-B.C. HIV Test and Treat strategy, also referred to as Treatment as Prevention.
B.C. HIV-AIDS control program heads to China
November 26, 2013 - VANCOUVER - The discovery of HIV in a Chinese sect whose members refuse to wear condoms and believe that sex is a fundamental, God-given privilege was the
impetus for an agreement on a prevention plan between British Columbia and China.
Watch Video...

HIV: Time to get tested
Published on Nov 26, 2013 - For the first time, a hospital trust tests all its out-patients for HIV. The NHS suspects that a fifth of HIV-positive people may not know they carry the disease, and early detection makes for much better treatment.

World AIDS Day 2013, Together we can STOP HIV/AIDS
Published on Nov 26, 2013 - "With your help, Together, we can STOP HIV/AIDS" - Dr. Julio Montaner.
Dr. Julio Montaner pioneered the Treatment as Prevention strategy, and the British Columbia Ministry of Health has committed to the model for the world to follow in the fight against HIV/AIDS. In B.C., the
provincial therapeutic guidelines recommend highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) be offered to most HIV-positive individuals regardless of their CD4 cell count.

The Other HIV Stigma: An Inside Job
November 25, 2013 - The most commonly recognized form of stigma is what Goffman, one of the earliest researchers to study the issue, called "enacted stigma." This comes from outside an individual
and takes many forms including shunning, silence, ignoring, outright discrimination, and all kinds of abuse: emotional, verbal and physical. There is another form of stigma, however, that is largely unrecognized and which continues to
flourish, effectively preventing us from getting closer to zero. This stigma is what Goffman called "felt stigma." Simply put, this is stigma that someone internalizes about themselves: It truly is an inside job.

Zero Discrimination Campaign
Published on Nov 25, 2013 - Join Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Open up, Reach out for #zerodiscrimination.

Urgent need to address "resurgent" gay global epidemic, says English public health chief
23 November 2013 - There is an increasing and potentially catastrophic HIV and sexual health epidemic in gay men and men who have sex with men (MSM) in every part of the world, Professor Kevin Fenton, the National Director
of Health and Wellbeing at Public Health England, told the BHIVA autumn conference last week.
Heroes, Heartbreak & Hope: How AIDS made us better
November 22, 2013 - In three decades, more than 70 million people across the globe have become infected with HIV and 35 million have died. Much of the burden of the pandemic has shifted to sub-Saharan Africa and outcomes, at least in the Western world, have been profoundly transformed by anti-retroviral therapies.
Shirley Young keeps son's legacy alive at Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation
November 22, 2013 - Dr. Peter Jepson-Young lost his battle with AIDS more than 20 years ago, but his mother visits him every day through her work at the centre he created.

November 22, 2013 -Dear Prime Minister:
Re: Access to medicines and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement
Last week, the text of the intellectual property chapter being negotiated as part of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement was leaked.
The leaked text confirmed what has long been suspected: the US government is pushing for provisions to be included in the TPP that would further hinder access to affordable medicines for millions of people in developing countries, as well as undermining equitable access in Canada.
Thirty years of AIDS timeline
November 22, 2013 - 1982 The first people with AIDS symptoms show up at St. Paul's Hospital. The B.C. Cancer Agency establishes a committee of physicians concerned about AIDS.
The Perils of Being a Long-Term HIV/AIDS Survivor
11/21/2013 - In my circle, suicides among long-term HIV survivors seem higher than average these days. Depression and long-term HIV go hand in bloody hand.

People who aren't taking HIV treatment are a major source of transmitted resistance in Swiss gay men
21 November 2013 - Individuals who have never taken antiretroviral therapy (ART) are the main source of transmitted HIV drug resistance among gay men, Swiss research published in the online edition of Clinical Infectious Diseases shows.

Dr. Julio Montaner recognized for life-changing HIV innovations
November 21, 2013 - Dr. Julio Montaner has been awarded the Rx&D Health Research Foundation's prestigious Medal of Honour for outstanding contributions to health
sciences and public health innovation.
The Rise of HIV in Older Adults
November 21, 2013 - More than one-third of HIV-positive individuals in the U.S. are over age 50. What accounts for the rise in HIV among older adults?
Dealing with frequent, minor illnesses is an inevitable fact of aging, but some older adults face serious conditions such as HIV that drastically alter their quality of life. HIV in older adults is more prevalent
than ever before, and managing the disease after age 50 comes with a number of unique challenges and considerations.

Statement by the President on the HIV Organ Policy Equity (HOPE) Act
November 21, 2013 - Earlier today, I signed into law the HIV Organ Policy Equity (HOPE) Act, a bipartisan piece of legislation that allows scientists to carry out research into organ donations from one person with HIV to another. For decades, these organ transplants have been illegal.
21/11/2013 - We are drawing closer to celebrating World Aids Day. My intention is to dedicate this article to, and salute, all those family members and friends living with HIV/AIDS.
HIV Prevention: 1 In 5 People With HIV Are Unaware They Have The Virus
21/11/2013 - Some 21,900 people out of 98,400 with HIV do not know they have it, according to 2012 data from Public Health England, although the figures are slightly down on the previous year.

Ahead of World AIDS Day 2013 UNAIDS reports sustained progress in the AIDS response
GENEVA, 20 November 2013 - Renewed commitment needed in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa and for key populations.
The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) reports that new HIV infections have been on the rise in Eastern Europe and Central Asia by 13% since 2006. The Middle East and North Africa has seen a doubling of new HIV infections since 2001.
The red scarf campaign targets the fact one-third of all Canadians who have HIV, don't know it
November 20, 2013 - In Kenya 1.5 million people are living with HIV, and there are about 100,000 new infections every year. Despite this, some sex workers are having unprotected sex - and taking
antiretroviral drugs afterwards to cut the infection risk. How reckless is this?
Sex workers using anti-HIV drugs instead of condoms
20 Nov 2013 - In Kenya 1.5 million people are living with HIV, and there are about 100,000 new infections every year. Despite this, some sex workers are having unprotected sex - and taking
antiretroviral drugs afterwards to cut the infection risk. How reckless is this?
Safe sex revolution? Bill Gates funds scientific research to develop thinnest, strongest condoms ever
20 Nov 2013 - The material is said to be ideal for phones and laptops but now Manchester scientists want to use it to make condoms stronger

Surrey BC Red Ribbons 4 Life 6 - THE EVENT
Sunday, December 1, 2013
6:00pm until 10:30pm
Columbia Theatre, 530 Columbia Street
New Westminster, Britich Columbia
Doors 6pm Vigil at 7pm - Entertainment 7.15pm - Raffles, Auctions
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Brian Conway, M.D. R. C.P.C.

In Recognition of Aboriginal AIDS Awareness Week:
Strong Voices Gathering - Aboriginal People and HIV
Thursday December 5, 2013
8:30am - 3:00pm
Coast Plaza Hotel, 1316 33st NE, Calgary.
Join us on Thursday December 5, we will be hosting a full-day Community Gathering at the Coast Plaza Hotel, 1316 33st NE, Calgary.
'Dallas Buyers Club' highlights patient advocacy's role during HIV/AIDS epidemic
19 Nov 2013 - According to one infectious disease expert, the storyline closely reflects the real life events of Ron Woodroof and provides a great example of how patient advocacy hastened the development of effective HIV medications during the early years of the outbreak.

New campaign warns of serious disease trending in Vancouver gay community
November 18, 2013 - VANCOUVER, BC - A new campaign developed by Vancouver Coastal Health and and British Columbia Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) is warning gay and bisexual men that a serious illness is trending within their community.
"Syphilis rates are at epidemic proportions in the Lower Mainland," said Dr. Réka Gustafson, medical health officer, VCH. "In 2012, 371 cases were reported in B.C., and most of them are gay and bisexual men. This is the highest level in 30 years."
Two Steps Obama Can Take to Defeat AIDS
By DESMOND TUTU | November 18, 2013 - The first is to commit to doubling the number of people receiving antiretroviral treatment through the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief.
New HIV Infections Plummet 38 Percent in New York City
NOVEMBER 18, 2013 - Last month, the New York State Department of Health and Mental Hygiene released a report which indicated that, over the past 10 years, the rate of HIV infections decreased by an estimated 38 percent in New York City.
HIV/AIDS treatment success story opens up many possibilities
November 16, 2013 - Personalized medicine: Better outcomes for other diseases can be achieved by using the power of genomics
In the early 1990s, a person in B.C. was dying every day from complications related to HIV/AIDS. Two decades later, the number of deaths has dropped to almost zero.
Why? In large part due to the province's comprehensive HIV Treatment as Prevention strategy, pioneered in B.C. by Dr. Julio Montaner, which identifies people living with HIV and helps them access life-saving treatment.
U of M researchers find HIV protein may impact neurocognitive impairment in infected patients
November 15, 2013 - Research to be presented at world's largest pharmaceutical sciences meeting
A protein shed by HIV-infected brain cells alters synaptic connections between networks of nerve cells,
according to new research out of the University of Minnesota. The findings could explain why nearly half of all patients infected with the AIDS virus experience some level of neurocognitive impairment.
Gay health summit looks at life beyond HIV
Nov 14, 2013 - Today's gay life course impacted by generation and geography.
In its ongoing attempt to expand the conversation about gay health beyond HIV, the ninth annual BC Gay Men's Health Summit focused on the directions gay lives take overall, and how they're shaped by where they live and when they were born.

amfAR Applauds Passage of the HOPE Act
NEW YORK, NY, Nov. 14, 2013 - Legislation would allow research on organ transplants from HIV positive donors to HIV positive recipients
amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research, today hailed passage of the HIV Organ Policy Equity (HOPE) Act, which would allow research on organ donation from deceased
people with HIV to other HIV positive individuals. Such research is currently prohibited by an outdated federal statute that barred recovery of organs from deceased individuals with HIV infection,
even for research purposes. Passed by the Senate earlier this year, the HOPE Act now goes to the White House for President Obama's signature.

POZitive Portrayals
An ART Experience for
World AIDS Day
NOV 23 - Dec 5
Official Reception: Sat., Nov. 30th, 1-4 pm
The Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa
Nov 30 - Jan 5
Official Reception: Sat., Nov. 30th, noon - 4 pm
The Station Gallery, Whitby
In honour of World AIDS Awareness Week, the AIDS Committee of Durham Region is showcasing the work of local artists at two Durham galleries.
'Over 3.46 Million Nigerians Living With HIV/AIDS'
November 13, 2013 - Dr. Udeme Asibong, a consultant family physician at the University of Calabar, has revealed that over 3.46 million Nigerians are living with the dreaded HIV/AIDS virus. He therefore asked the Federal Government to increase funding for HIV/AIDS programs to control the spread of the virus in the country.
HIV prevention plan in London gets £3.4m funding
13 November 2013 - Up to £3.4m has been provided for a new three-year HIV prevention programme in the capital, London Councils said.
The services, beginning from 2014, will be aimed at gay men and African communities, and will include condom distribution and outreach work.
Redesigned protein opens door for safer gene therapy
13-Nov-2013 - A fusion protein engineered by researchers at KU Leuven combining proteins active in HIV and Moloney murine leukaemia virus (MLV) replication may lead to safer, more effective retroviral gene therapy.

Aboriginal AIDS Awareness Week 2013: Vancouver Workshop - December 6
Media Advisory - November 13, 2013 - Think Global - Act Local: Indigenous People and HIV & AIDS
Co-hosted by the Dr. Peter AIDS Centre, local practitioners will share insights in relation to the international context, and highlight First Nation, Metis, and other community perspectives. Trevor Stratton, Coordinator of International Indigenous Working Group on HIV and AIDS, will attend and share his experience working with Indigenous partners who are responding to HIV and AIDS in their own communities. This session is free and open to everyone; light refreshments served.
Key Note Speaker: Dr. Julio Montaner, Director of the British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS; Director of IDC; and Physician Program Director for HIV/AIDS PHC.
How are you #FacingAIDS?
Nov. 12, 2013 - HIV gov - Now in its sixth year, the Facing AIDS photo-sharing initiative allows people around the world to help fight stigma and encourage HIV testing. This year, it's easier than ever to participate, and more social.

Blood Industry Conspiracy in Early Days of AIDS Epidemic Chronicled in New Book Being Released on World AIDS Day
November 12, 2013 - Book exposes blood industry decision against sooner AIDS testing during early days of AIDS epidemic contaminated the blood supply. The jury verdict against
the blood group was affirmed on appeal to the New Jersey supreme court and fueled a congressional investigation into industry practices.
"Every Last Drop: How the Blood Industry Betrayed the Public Trust" by George T. Baxter, Esq., has been released in Commemoration of World AIDS Day.
Shocking survey reveals Scots are still stuck in the past when it comes to being in the know about AIDS
11 Nov 2013 - IGNORANCE and prejudice amongst Scots regarding the biggest health crisis of the 80s are still alive and well, claims a recent survey.
A survey by Scottish charity Waverley Care has revealed that more than half of all Scots do not know how the virus is transmitted with many believing myths that it can be passed on by kissing, sneezing or sharing a toilet seat.

David Furnish: The story of AIDS became a message about hope
November 11, 2013 - David Furnish wants people to watch 'How to Survive a Plague', a new film about the AIDS epidemic. He says we should never forget those who "stood up and fought" against apathy in the 1980s.
Novel Microbicide Gel for Vagina and Rectum Shows Potential for HIV Prevention
Nov. 10-14, 2013 - Arlington, Va. - Researchers developed a first-of-its-kind microbicide gel formulation that shows promise for safe vaginal and rectal
administration to prevent the sexual transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). This research is being presented at the 2013 American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) Annual Meeting and Exposition, the world's largest pharmaceutical sciences meeting, in San Antonio, Nov. 10-14.
HIV's 'invisibility cloak' is exposed, raising hopes for effective treatment
10 November, 2013 - Knowing how HIV 'hides' from the immune system may lead to treatments
Scientists have found an "invisibility cloak" that allows the Aids virus to lurk unnoticed in human cells after infection and replicate without triggering the immune system.
AFL 2013 - Art for Life
20th Annual Art For Life Fine Art Auction & Gala
Saturday, November 16, 2013 from 7:30 PM to 11:00 PM (PST) Vancouver, BC
This year marks the 20th anniversary of Art For Life, one of Vancouver's most established charitable art auctions. Now set in a spectacular venue at CBC Studios, Art For Life 2013 will be inspired
by the evolution of Vancouver's local art scene over the past two decades, featuring 110 artworks from Vancouver's top artists valued at over $200,000.
10 Interesting Facts about HIV/AIDS in the US
Nov 2013 - A lot of the time, people tend to think of HIV/AIDS in terms of very specific locations around the world. Africa is home to staggering numbers of people living
with HIV/AIDS and is usually the first country that comes to mind when thinking about AIDS.
However, HIV/AIDS exists in countries all over the world, including the US.

Greater Loss to Care in Kaposi's Patients Starting ART in Zimbabwe
09 November 2013 - People with Kaposi sarcoma (KS) when starting antiretroviral therapy (ART) in Zimbabwe had a significantly greater rate of loss to care than people starting ART
without KS, according to results of a retrospective case-control comparison.
AIDS Action Honors Three Who Are Making Significant Contributions To Fight Against HIV
BOSTON, November 8, 2013 - Longtime HIV educator, local art business, and leading research institute to receive Commitment to Action Awards
AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts will honor three longtime collaborators with its Commitment to Action Award at its annual meeting Wednesday, Nov. 20 at Fenway Health, 1340 Boylston St., Boston.
This year's honorees are Cynthia Owens, a grandmother and longtime HIV educator; the Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT, and Harvard; and local business Stanhope Framers. The Commitment to Action Awards are given annually to
individuals, groups, and businesses whose contributions to AIDS Action serve as an example that a willingness to take action to make a difference can result in lasting change.

Study focuses on women living with HIV in Canada
11/08/2013 - A team of investigators, including two researchers from SFU, is investigating social inequities that Canadian women living with HIV face when seeking support and care.
Putting HIV in Its Place (Part 1)
11/08/2013 - Close to 2 million individuals in the U.S. are living with HIV, out of a population of 310 million! Our segment continues to grow at 50,000 a year, minus the 18,000
who still succumb to the ravages of AIDS. We come from all walks of life: rich and poor, white and black and Hispanic, gym rats and drug users, young and old. Despite the ubiquitous nature of HIV, the epidemic remains
largely invisible. For that reason, many of us feel alone.
To Those Who Stood Against AIDS Apathy: Thank You
11/08/2013 - I remember seeing the first TV reports about a mysterious new disease called "AIDS" when I was a closeted young man in Canada.

HIV may be becoming less fit as it adapts to the immune system
08 November 2013 - HIV, at least in some parts of the world, may be developing a lower replicative capacity as it adapts to variations in the human immune system, studies in southern Africa and elsewhere suggest.
By SEAN STRUB - Release Date: January 14, 2014
Sean Strub, founder of the groundbreaking POZ magazine, producer of the hit play "The Night Larry Kramer Kissed Me," and the first openly HIV-positive candidate for US Congress, charts his remarkable life-a story
of politics and AIDS and a powerful testament to loss, hope, and survival.
UNAIDS welcomes Ugandan President's launch of massive HIV prevention and treatment campaign
GENEVA, 8 November 2013 - President encourages Ugandans to take an HIV test
The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) expresses deep gratitude to Ambassador Eric Goosby for his outstanding work on the AIDS response as United States Global AIDS Coordinator
and head of the Department of State's Office of Global Health Diplomacy. Ambassador Goosby stepped down from his position on 1 November 2013.
Everybody's favourite auntie:
Linda Fillmore's special brand of philanthropy
Nov 7, 2013 - The maternal figure and philanthropist was born into a Saskatchewan farming family during the Great Depression, the story goes.
Fillmore and her sister, Doreen, left the farm at 18 to enrol in beauty school in Regina, then started dancing in a club.
UNAIDS commends Ambassador Eric Goosby for his visionary leadership in the AIDS response
GENEVA, 7 November 2013 - The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) expresses deep gratitude to Ambassador Eric Goosby for his outstanding work on the AIDS response as
United States Global AIDS Coordinator and head of the Department of State's Office of Global Health Diplomacy. Ambassador Goosby stepped down from his position on 1 November 2013.

New Publication Highlights Realities of Access to HIV Drugs and Other Essential Medicines for Key Populations Globally
Amsterdam, Cape Town, Oakland, 7 November 2013 - Policy brief examines challenges to accessing affordable HIV treatment for people living with HIV and key populations, provides recommendations for increasing access in middle-income countries
Today a number of global HIV networks released a joint policy brief entitled Access Challenges for HIV Treatment Among People Living with HIV and Key Populations in the Middle-Income Countries . The policy brief articulates how prevailing economic and trade interests
compromise access to life-saving generic drugs, resulting in a devastating impact on communities of people living with HIV and key populations, including men who have sex with men (MSM), transgender people, sex workers and people who inject drugs.
100 million condoms distributed in 2012
07/11/2013 - ZIMBABWE'S HIV prevalence rate has increased marginally to 15 percent despite the country being among the biggest users of condoms in the world, the National Aids Council (NAC) has revealed.

Neurocognitive Impairment in Over 8 Million Sub-Saharans With HIV
07 November 2013 - More than 8 million HIV-positive sub-Saharan Africans taking or not taking antiretroviral therapy (ART) have neurocognitive impairment (NCI), according to estimates based on 16 studies in 7 countries.
HIV infection raised chances of NCI more than 6 times in studies with HIV-positive and negative people, but ART sharply lowered odds of NCI.

Transmission and Prevention of HIV
Published on Nov 6, 2013 - The modes of transmission of HIV are numerous. This animation describes the common and less common ways in which HIV can be transmitted from one person to another. While HIV is most commonly spread from an infected person through vaginal or anal intercourse, as well as intravenous blood exposure through the sharing of needles, there are practices and measures that you can take to help minimize the risk of becoming infected.
Discovery of HIV 'invisibility cloak' reveals new treatment opportunities
6-Nov-2013 - Scientists have discovered a molecular invisibility cloak that enables HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, to hide inside cells of the body without triggering the body's natural defence systems.
Their study shows how 'uncloaking' the virus using an experimental drug triggers an immune response that stops the virus from replicating in cells grown in the laboratory.

Social Network Boosts HIV Testing Rate in US MSM in Randomized Trial
06 November 2013 - Peer-delivered facebook information on HIV encouraged African-American and Latino men who have sex with men (MSM) to request and use a home HIV test kit in a randomized controlled
trial. These preliminary findings from the Los Angeles area suggest the largely untapped potential of social networks such as facebook to promote prevention and care of HIV infection..

HIV/AIDS: How Everyone Benefits From Undetectable Viral Load
Published on Nov 6, 2013 - Suppressing the HIV virus to "undetectable" levels has long played a key role in
maintaining the health of people with HIV-and recent research shows it can also dramatically cut HIV transmission risk, with implications for individuals, couples, and populations.

National Aboriginal AIDS Awareness Week 2013: Leaders unite in Halifax to take "Getting to Zero" to the next level
Halifax, NS (November 5, 2013) - The Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network (CAAN) and Healing Our Nations will be co-hosting the Aboriginal AIDS Awareness Week Launch Event on December 1, 2013 in Halifax, NS. National Aboriginal
leadership will be present to support the launch of Aboriginal AIDS Awareness Week and will be followed by workshops across the country (Montreal, Ottawa, Prince Albert, Winnipeg, Toronto, and Vancouver) to continue discussions on Aboriginal HIV and AIDS issues in Canada Dec 1 - 6, 2013.

Enterprise "Strategic Directions for Therapeutic Vaccines Research" Webinar
Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 12:00 PM EST
The therapeutic HIV vaccine field has seen a revival in the recent years, largely associated with the cure agenda. The Enterprise, together with AVAC, the Treatment Action Group, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, organized a meeting
to discuss the state of the field and to provide strategic recommendations for future developments.

Current and former African Heads of State to attend ICASA in December, an indication of the importance attached to the conference
November 5, 2013 - PRETORIA, SOUTH AFRICA - ICASA conference to address issues critical to achieving goals for the reduction of HIV and AIDS in Africa against backdrop of growing challenges
His Excellency Mr Jacob Zuma, President of the Republic of South Africa, Her Excellency Ms Joyce Banda, the President of Malawi and The Honourable Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, Minister of Health of the Republic of South Africa, are among
the high-level speakers who have confirmed their attendance to the International Conference on AIDS and STI's in Africa (ICASA) taking place in Cape Town in December.
The HIV rebound nobody is discussing
Nov. 5, 2013 - Is an AIDS-free generation on the horizon? Not without the help of sex workers and other marginalized "key populations," public health officials say.
It's not just sex workers, of course. The same applies to injecting drug users, men who have sex with men, inmates and other groups in which HIV rates have moved against the global trend, and continue to rise. Which is why experts with
organizations as diverse as the World Health Organization and Human Rights Watch agree that government officials must do more to support these "key populations" -- no matter how illegal their activities may be -- if they want to see an AIDS-free generation
within their borders anytime soon.
Concentrated HIV Epidemics Could Make AIDS Unbeatable, UN Expert Warns
LONDON, Nov 4 (Reuters) - HIV epidemics are becoming more concentrated in marginalised groups such as sex workers, drug users and gay men, and could defy global attempts to combat AIDS if attitudes do
not change, a U.N. expert said.

Concordia University HIV/AIDS Project presents: RUINS
Published on Nov 3, 2013 - In Canada, people living with HIV can be charged with a criminal offense, if they do not disclose their HIV status to their sexual partners before they engage in physical contact.
Canada is now the number 2 country in the world for incarcerating people living with HIV on charges related to the transmission and exposure of the virus.
When: Saturday, November 30, 2013 - 6pm - 9pm
Location: Museum of Vancouver, 1100 Chestnut St., Vancouver, BC
You are cordially invited to AIDS Vancouver's Red Ribbon Reception on Saturday, November 30th, at the Museum of Vancouver. Join AIDS Vancouver in celebrating the close of their month long Red Ribbon Campaign.

Concordia University HIV/AIDS Project presents: RUINS
Published on Nov 1, 2013 - RUINS: Chronicle of an HIV Witch Hunt: Screening and Talk with Filmmaker Zoe Mavroudi
'A Day With HIV' Aims To Fight Stigma And Raise AIDS Awareness
11/01/2013 - Sept. 21 marked the annual celebration of "A Day With HIV," a day each year that seeks to combat the stigma of HIV/AIDS through a collective series of personal photographs and portraits.
'Philadelphia' 20th Anniversary: HIV/AIDS Pioneer Michael Gottlieb To Commemorate Film's Release In New York
11/01/2013 - The Columbia University Medical Center will honor World AIDS Day with a special commemorative event marking the 20th anniversary of Jonathan Demme's "Philadelphia."
The 2013 Red Ribbon Campaign
The Red Ribbon Campaign officially launched on November 1st, 2013!
With the theme of "Creating Community", this year's Red Ribbon Campaign seeks to overcome stigma by forging connections with other communities
as well as strengthening existing bonds.
Why You Should Watch Dallas Buyers Club This Weekend
BY Mark S. King November 01 2013 - On the heels of two worthy AIDS documentaries comes this new Hollywood blockbuster that may just take home an Oscar.
AIDS drug supplier Ronald Woodroof dies; Dallas native sought out alternative treatments
November 1, 2013 - Editor's note: This story was originally published Aug. 18, 1992, in The Dallas Morning News.
Graveside services for Ronald Woodroof, founder of the Dallas Buyer's Club, an underground supplier of experimental AIDS medications, were held Monday at Restland Memorial Park in Dallas. Memorial services will be announced later.

AIDS Vancouver's 30-year campaign is a chronicle of change
GENEVA, 1 November 2013 - Shifting demographics of the AIDS epidemic demands a new focus to reach people above the age of 50--a population currently underserved by HIV services.
The United Nations Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) has released a supplement to the 2013 UNAIDS Report on the global AIDS epidemic focused on the issue HIV and aging.
AIDS Vancouver's 30-year campaign is a chronicle of change
November 2013- Thirty years ago, five gay men came together to address an epidemic. Aquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome was taking the lives of once perfectly healthy yourg men, and no one understood why. Rumours and misinformation seemed to spread as quickly as the sickness, itself. Something had to be done.