In Recognition of Aboriginal AIDS Awareness Week:
Strong Voices Gathering
- Aboriginal People and HIV
Thursday December 5, 2013
8:30am - 3:00pm
Coast Plaza Hotel, 1316 33st NE, Calgary.
November 19 , 2013 - Join us on Thursday December 5, we will be hosting a full-day Community Gathering at the Coast Plaza Hotel, 1316 33st NE, Calgary.
Speakers include:
- Elder Pam Heavy Head
- Canadian Red Cross Bill Daniels
- Strong Voices Storyteller
Denise Lambert
- Kimamow Atoskanow Foundation
Scott Calling Last
- Elbow River Healing Lodge
Registration is free but space is limited
Lunch and Snacks provided.
Family Friendly
To register please email:
For more information call
Cherri Low Horn,
Strong Voices
Aboriginal Program Coordinator at 403-508-2500 ext. 115

AIDS Calgary:
AIDS Calgary is a local not-for-profit AIDS service organization that offers support services to individuals who are at-risk for, infected or affected by HIV/AIDS and provides prevention and education throughout the Calgary, Medicine Hat, and Bow Valley regions. For more information, please contact AIDS Calgary at (403) 508-2500 or online at
Reproduced with permission -
"AIDS Calgary Awareness Association"
AIDS Calgary
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