Positively Positive - Living with HIV/AIDS:
HIV/AIDS News Archive - March 2012

Revised U.S. Treatment Guidelines Focus on HIV and Aging
March 31, 2012 - If you're living with HIV, over 50 years of age and haven't yet started antiretroviral (ARV) therapy, revised guidelines from the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services now recommend HIV treatment, regardless of your CD4 cell count. This is just one key consideration in a new section, entitled "HIV and the Older Patient,"
added to the Guidelines for the Use of Antiretroviral Agents in HIV-1-Infected Adults and Adolescents, published March 27, 2012.
Study finds HIV 'superinfection' boosts immune response
29-Mar-2012 - SEATTLE - Findings may provide insight into HIV-vaccine development
Women who have been infected by two different strains of HIV from two different sexual partners - a condition known as HIV superinfection - have more potent antibody
responses that block the replication of the virus compared to women who've only been infected once. These findings, by researchers at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, are published online March 29 in PLoS Pathogens.

Revised U.S. Guidelines: HIV Treatment is Recommended for All People Living With HIV
March 28, 2012 - Antiretroviral (ARV) therapy is now recommended for all U.S. residents living with HIV, according to revised HIV treatment guidelines released by the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services on March 27, 2012.

Canadian Public Health Physicians Join BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS in Calling for Evidence-Based Drug Policy to Improve Community Health and Safety
28 March, 2012 - Vancouver, British Columbia - Dr. Perry Kendall of British Columbia and Dr. Robert Strang of Nova Scotia call for evaluation of
alternative strategies to reduce unwanted harms incurred by current approach to illicit drugs
Two Canadian chief provincial medical health officers have highlighted discordance between scientific evidence and drug policy decision-making, and endorsed a
discussion of new approaches, including the evaluation of taxation and regulation strategies as a more effective way to improve community health and safety in Canada.
Researchers Make Progress In Learning How To Activate Latent HIV (CROI 2012)
March 28 2012 - A review of several recent clinical advances indicates that researchers are
making progress in finding methods to activate latent HIV. Results also confirm that activating dormant HIV to render it susceptible to antiretrovirals may represent a viable strategy to reduce latent infection.
Early temporary treatment for HIV can delay the time to long-term treatment
27-Mar-2012 - A study in this week's PLoS Medicine suggests that when people are first infected with HIV (primary HIV infection), temporary treatment with antiretroviral drugs (cART) for 24 weeks can delay the
need to restart treatment during chronic HIV infection. These findings are important as currently, treatment for people with HIV is often deferred until the CD4 count falls below a certain level (350) or is based on clinical symptoms.
Study finds HIV-infected men at risk for spreading HIV despite taking HAART
March 27 2012 - Researchers from Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) and Fenway Health have found that highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART)
does not completely suppress HIV in the semen of sexually active HIV-infected men who have sex with men (MSM). The findings, which currently appear on-line in AIDS, could indicate a potential transmission risk in MSM, who are highly susceptible to HIV infection.

UNAIDS and NEPAD Agency sign agreement to advance Africa's AIDS response
ADDIS ABABA, 27 March 2012 - The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) Agency
today signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) calling for strategic collaboration to advance sustainable responses to HIV,
health and development across the African continent.

100,000 Endangered Species Condoms to Be Given Away for Earth Day
March 27, 2012 - TUCSON, Ariz. - Project Highlights Tie Between Human Overpopulation, Global Extinction Crisis
The Center for Biological Diversity will mark this year's Earth Day by distributing 100,000 free Endangered Species Condoms around the country. The Center collaborated
with artist Roger Peet to create a special edition of the colorful condom packages featuring a suite of species - from the dwarf seahorse to the polar bear - threatened by the world's growing human population.

Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network and HIV & AIDS Legal Clinic Ontario Welcome Sex Work Decision From Ontario Court of Appeal
But caution that some of our most vulnerable remain targeted by current laws
March 27, 2012 - The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network and the HIV & AIDS Clinic Ontario (HALCO) welcome the March 26th Ontario
Court of Appeal landmark decision on the constitutionality of Canada's sex work laws, but caution that sex workers who work on the street remain unable to negotiate safer sex and are thus still extremely vulnerable to harm.

UNAIDS urges Francophone countries to join forces against AIDS
GENEVA, 26 March 2012 - The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) is calling for closer collaboration between Francophone countries
in sharing innovation and expertise to strengthen the global AIDS response. Francophone countries and observers represent more than one-third of the United Nations Member States and account for a population of more than 890 million people.

Road to AIDS 2012 Sparks Discussion and Dialogue on National HIV/AIDS Strategy
3.26.2012 - New York, NY - Last night local residents and leadership convened to discuss the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS)
and its local implementation. The town hall held at GMHC was the eighth stop on the ROAD TO AIDS 2012, a nationwide tour engaging communities across the country in
conversations about the state of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in America. With more than 150 attendees, the discussion was insightful and lively.

HIV, stigma and discrimination - Booklet
2012 Third Edition
This booklet is for people living with HIV and is about stigma and discrimination. The booklet explains what stigma and discrimination are, makes some suggestions
for how to deal with these problems and gives information about your legal rights.
New memory for HIV patients
March 26 2012 - The hallmark loss of helper CD4+ T cells during human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
infection may be a red herring for therapeutics, according to a study published on March 26th in the Journal of Experimental Medicine.

Theater for Incarcerated Women and UCSF Women's HIV Program
March 2012 - Dancing with the Clown of Love: Women, Theater and HIV
Interviews with the organizers of "Dancing with the Clown of Love," a theater performance that
explores the subjects of HIV/AIDS, drug abuse, prisons, trauma and how they affect the lives of women.

Suits Dinner March 26th 2012 - The Edge Chateau Granville
Join other working guys on March 26th at The Edge on Chateau Granville 1100 Granville Street.

The Momentum Health Study
The Momentum Health Study is a new sexual health study for men in the Greater Vancouver Area.
This study will obtain accurate estimates of HIV prevalence, community infectivity and changes in HIV risk behaviour among MSM in the region.

Vancouver/Whistler - Thursday, March 29, 2012
Dining Out For Life is BC's largest restaurant fundraiser, benefiting A Loving Spoonful and Friends For Life.
Simulation explains why HIV cure is elusive
March 23, 2012 - New research from the University of Adelaide shows why the development of a cure
and new treatments for HIV have been so difficult for scientists to crack.

Understanding Risk: A Conversation
March 2012 - Editor Bob Leahy interviews CATIE's James Wilton
about the tricky topic of communicating risk in the age of undetectable viral load
The Global Epidemic the U.S. Forgot
By Christiane Amanpour, Matthew Drake, Iva Zoric, David Miller & Mark Monroy
Patients living with HIV are dying in denial
Mar 23 2012 - HIV advocates and physicians say they still encounter people with the disease
who don't seek treatment, increasing their risk of death and spread of the disease. By the time they go to hospital, they have deeply compromised immune systems, and sometimes full-blown AIDS.

IAVI and NineSigma webinar
March 22, 2012 - NineSigma, a global leader in open innovation and the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI)
are hosting a free webinar on March 28th at 10am EST on how to leverage open innovation to fulfill an organizational mission. In collaboration with NineSigma, IAVI leveraged the power of open innovation and awarded two researchers to develop solutions for generating stable protein complexes for use in AIDS vaccines.

Leading scientists, community leaders and policy makers to gather in Montreal to present and discuss the newest HIV research findings
Ottawa (March 22, 2012) - Organizers of the 21st Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research - to be held in Montreal from
April 19 to 22 - officially announced the conference theme and research programme today. The conference, which will bring together more than 800 of Canada's top
scientists, physicians and community leaders, will include five major plenary presentations focussing on the paramount issues facing the global HIV/AIDS response.

High prevalence of condom use errors and problems-implications for HIV prevention messaging
Mar 22,2012 - Condoms are the cornerstone of HIV prevention efforts and are widely promoted as the most effective method of preventing the sexual transmission
of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). However, the effectiveness of condoms depends on how consistently and correctly they are used.

Canada's top outcomes in HIV/AIDS research
March 22, 2012 - We need your input to build examples of important advances in HIV research and practice
over the past two years - resulting in full or in part from CIHR funding.
Please send us copies of key publications from your work, and ideally, a brief description of the importance of the work and why the outcomes of your
CIHR-funded research and/or knowledge translation efforts will make a difference for those living with or vulnerable to HIV/AIDS.

GMHC Commemorates its 30th Year of HIV/AIDS Services at New York Anniversary Gala
March 21, 2012, New York, NY - Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC), the nation's oldest AIDS service organization, will host a gala fundraising event on Wednesday, April 18, 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm, at Gotham Hall. The evening will commemorate the agency's 30th year of
prevention, care and advocacy services for thousands affected by HIV/AIDS.

Global Fund Celebrates Efforts of Partners Chevron, The Coca-Cola Company, (RED) and PEPFAR at Capitol Hill Event
Washington, D.C., March 21, 2012 - Public-Private Partnerships Play Integral Role in Worldwide Effort to Provide Access to Lifesaving Prevention, Treatment and Care
Government of Canada Invests in AIDS Committee of York Region
March 21, 2012 - NEWMARKET, Ontario - On behalf of the Minister of Health Leona Aglukkaq, Lois Brown, Member of Parliament
for Newmarket-Aurora, today announced support for a community-based project to raise awareness and visibility of the impact of HIV in the region.
Forty Years Ago This Week: National Commission On Marihuana Recommends Decriminalizing Cannabis
21 March 2012 - First And Only Federal Commission On Pot Policy Determined, "The Criminal Law Is Too Harsh A Tool" To Apply To Possession Offenses: Commission's Recommendations Still, If Not More, Applicable Today
Forty years ago tomorrow, on March 22, 1972, the first and to date only Congressional Commission ever to assess marijuana policy called on Congress to amend federal law so that the possession and use of small quantities of cannabis by
adults would no longer be a criminal offense.
Transmitted HIV Drug Resistance on the Rise in U.S.
March 21, 2012 - New surveillance data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggest that about two in 10 individuals infected with HIV in recent years
involved strains of the virus harboring mutations conferring at least partial resistance to one or more available antiretroviral (ARV). The report was presented Wednesday, March 7, at the 19th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections in Seattle.

Insite - Vancouver's supervised injection facility
March 20, 2012 - If you're only going to ever watch one of my videos, please watch this one.
Marijuana-Like Chemicals Inhibit Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in Late-State AIDS
3/20/2012 - Newswise - Mount Sinai School of Medicine researchers have discovered that marijuana-like
chemicals trigger receptors on human immune cells that can directly inhibit a type of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) found in late-stage AIDS,
according to new findings published online in the journal PLoS ONE.
Serosorting does help prevent HIV - up to a point
19 March 2012 - A meta-analysis of HIV-negative gay men's sexual behaviour and HIV incidence rate in four HIV prevention studies, presented earlier
this month at the 19th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), has found that attempting to 'serosort' by restricting unprotected sex to partners known to be HIV negative does have efficacy as an HIV prevention strategy, when compared with using no strategy at all.

The Female Health Company Announces the Launch of its FC2 Female Condom Online Training Program
CHICAGO, IL - March 19, 2012 - The Female Health Company (NASDAQ-CM: FHCO) announced today that it has officially launched a free, interactive FC2 Online Training Program for health care providers.
Chemotherapy Plus Stem Cell Transplantation Is Not Sufficient To Cure HIV (CROI 2012)
Mar 19, 2012 - Results from a small study indicate that high-dose chemotherapy plus stem cell transplantation in which participants received a transplant
with their own stem cells is insufficient to cure HIV in people with HIV.

Sunday April 29
6 - 10PM
Vancouver Convention Centre
1055 Canada Place
Summit Room (West Pier)
Positive Living BC & ViiV Healthcare Shire Canada present a bi-annual awards gala honouring our
heroes in the BC HIV/AIDS movement, AccolAIDS 2012.
AIDS ACTION NOW! is a community-based group engaged in the struggle against HIV/AIDS.
Inquiry launched over AIDS contrarian's teaching
19 March 2012 - Academic freedom should not be misused to spread theories that opponents say lack scientific evidence.
The University of Florence has launched an inquiry into the teaching activities of an academic who assisted on a course that denies the causal link
between HIV and AIDS, and supervised students with dissertations on the same topic.
Condoms... An Instrument Of Crime???
By Victoria Michaels
18/03/2012 - Pittsburgh, PA has now joined the list of cities - including New York City - where cops are using condoms possession to justify arrests, but sex worker advocates and safe sex advocates alike in New York are pushing for a new legislative bill which would put a halt to condoms being considered an "instrument of crime."

Native Americans Demand to Be Included in U.S. HIV Prevention Plans Honoring the 6TH ANNUAL NATIONAL NATIVE HIV/AIDS AWARENESS DAY
March 17, 2012 - On March 20, 2012 the 6th annual National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day-American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians across
the U.S. challenge individuals, health providers, and government agencies to raise awareness about the impact of HIV in Native communities. As health
departments move forward in implementing the National HIV/AIDS Strategy released in June 2010 ("the Strategy"), Native American health workers are
finding their communities are being left out of local HIV prevention plans.

Renowned UBC HIV/AIDS researcher wins prestigious national honour from the Government of Austria
Vancouver, British Columbia (March 16, 2012) - B.C.'s Dr. Julio Montaner awarded Grand Decoration of Honour for significant contributions to combat HIV/AIDS
Dr. Julio Montaner, head of the Division of AIDS in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of British Columbia (UBC) and director of the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS (BC-CfE),
a program at Providence Health Care, has been awarded the Grand Decoration of Honour for Services to Austria by the Government of Austria.

Tools for Access: Oral Health Care and People Living with HIV and HIV/Hepatitis Co-infection
When: Friday, March 30, 2012 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Join this afternoon session to pilot test CTAC's new Tools for Access workshop entitled Oral Health Care and People Living with HIV and HIV/Hepatitis Co-infection.

Updated Kaiser Resources on HIV/AIDS Epidemic in the U.S.
March 16, 2012 - The Kaiser Family Foundation has updated a number of key resources on the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the U.S. The updates reflect new surveillance data released this week by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Magic Johnson and wife Cookie on HIV
March 16, 2012 - The moving, tragic and inspiring journey of Dab Garner (Dab the AIDS Bear Project).
Nicoli Nattrass on Pro-Science Advocacy and Challenging AIDS Denialists
March 16th, 2012 - We conclude our week-long feature on The AIDS Conspiracy: Science Fights Back, by Nicoli Nattrass with an excerpt from her conclusion in which she considers the challenges in confronting AIDS denialists particularly in the Internet Age:

Join us for FREE panel discussion "Criminalization of HIV
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Location: Debates Room at Hart House, 7 Hart House Circle, University of Toronto (Map: http://bit.ly/zzo366) Presented by: CIHR Social Research Centre in HIV Prevention
Join us for this stimulating discussion with international and Canadian experts who will share their research, experience, and insight on the criminalization
of HIV non-disclosure and the potential implications for policy and practice.
SiriusXM OutQ and Greater Than AIDS Empower Gay Community to "SpeakOUT"
March 16, 2012 - New York - SiriusXM OutQ and Greater Than AIDS Empower Gay Community to "SpeakOUT" Limited-run
series of live, call-in shows takes in-depth look at AIDS in Gay America-from the bedroom to the doctor's office to the community to
Capitol Hill
SiriusXM OutQ, the nation's first and only 24/7 LGBT radio channel, and Greater Than AIDS, a national movement to
respond to AIDS in America, announced today the launch of SpeakOUT: Real Talk about AIDS in Gay America, a limited-run series of live,
call-in shows that will connect listeners across the country with medical experts, people living with HIV and notable members of
the LGBT community to have an honest and challenging dialogue about the current state of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the gay
community as well as the country at large.

AccolAIDS "People's Choice" Award
Voting for who should receive the AccolAIDS "People's Choice" Community Award is now open!
All votes must be received by 5pm on 26th April 2012 and the recipient of the Award will be announced at the AccolAIDS Gala.

The C Word - The Search for a Cure for HIV/AIDS
a community Forum on research and advocacy
Tuesday March 20, 6:00 PM, Holiday Inn Express Downtown, Nashville, Tennessee
The C Word will be a highly accessible and interactive discussion about renewed efforts to find a functional cure. Two internationally
recognized researchers will be on hand to share their insights.
B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS marks 20 years
Mar 16, 2012 - The B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS is celebrating its 20-year anniversary on Friday, marking two decades on the leading edge of new treatments for the disease.

Pre-exposure prophylaxis-adherence is key and may explain disappointing trial results
15 Mar 2012 - Pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, is currently being studied as a potential method for a person who is at risk
of HIV infection to reduce their risk of becoming infected. It involves taking anti-HIV medications on a regular basis.
Nicoli Nattrass on the AIDS Conspiracy
March 15th, 2012 - The Conspiratorial Move Against HIV Science and Its Consequences
Most people do not believe conspiracy theories about the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).
Trauma Drives HIV Epidemic in Women
3/15/2012 - Newswise - Physical violence, sexual abuse and
other forms of childhood and adult trauma are major factors fueling the epidemic of HIV/AIDS among American women. Scientists have known for years that traumatized women are at greater risk of becoming infected.
Government of Canada invests in HIV/AIDS project aimed at youth in Durham
March 15, 2012 - OSHAWA, Ontario - On behalf of the Minister of Health Leona Aglukkaq,
Dr. Colin Carrie, Member of Parliament for Oshawa, today announced support for a community-based project to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS in the region of Durham.

Centre saved renowned artist's life
March 15, 2012 - Vancouver artist Tiko Kerr says he's lucky and thankful to be alive.
Kerr tested positive for HIV in Sydney, Australia, in 1985 when he was 32 years old.

In Developing Countries, Female Sex Workers 14 Times More Likely to Become Infected by HIV
March 15, 2012 - Female sex workers in low- and middle-income countries are nearly 14 times more
likely to be infected by HIV compared to the rest of country's population, according to an analysis by researchers at the Johns Hopkins
Bloomberg School of Public Health. The findings suggest an urgent need to scale up access to quality HIV prevention programs in these
countries. The study was published online in The Lancet Infectious Diseases.

HIV and AIDS: then and now
March 15, 2012 - Canada's leading AIDS research centre is marking 20 years of pioneering lifesaving breakthroughs as
it changes the face of HIV and AIDS in B.C. and the rest of the world.

White House Names San Francisco HIV/AIDS Leader to National Post
March 14, 2012 - UCSF's Grant Colfax to Direct U.S. AIDS Policy Office
President Barack Obama appointed Grant Colfax, MD, as the director of the Office of National AIDS Policy today (March 14.)

HIV/AIDS: Book review - AIDS at 30: A History
KAMPALA, 14 March 2012 (PlusNews) - While tracking the progress and pitfalls of the global fight against HIV/AIDS, Victoria
Harden shows in her book, AIDS at 30: A History,
that understanding how we got here is key to charting the path to overcoming the pandemic.

Providence Health Care nurses come to Saskatchewan's aid in battle against HIV infection
VANCOUVER, MARCH 14, 2012 - A group of Providence Health Care (PHC) nurses experienced in working with HIV patients in marginalized
populations have responded to the huge rise in HIV infections in Saskatchewan and are sharing best practices with their provincial counterparts.

Research on possible future treatment options for gonorrhea
14 Mar 2012 - In Canada, research by public health scientists has found that gonorrhea is on the cusp of becoming
resistant to cefixime and ceftriaxone. To forestall the development and spread of cephalosporin-resistant gonorrhea, the Public Health Agency of Canada has
recently alerted health care professionals to interim guidance on this issue.

Broader Screening for Hepatitis C Would Be Cost Effective, Study Suggests
March 14, , 2011 - Linking those infected with care is key to reducing related mortality and morbidity
Broader screening to identify people infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) would likely be cost effective, according to a new report
published in Clinical Infectious Diseases and available online .

Real Heroes: HIV positive woman helps 20,000 others
Kousalya Periaswamy was the first Indian woman to openly admit that she was HIV positive.
Study finds a quarter of adults with HIV were abused as children
14-Mar-2012 - DURHAM, N.C. - One in four HIV patients was found to have been sexually abused as a child,
according to a two-year Duke University study of more than 600 HIV patients. Traumatic childhood experiences were also linked to worse health outcomes among these patients, who are aged 20 to 71.
Global Fund welcomes $340 million contribution by Japan
13 March 2012 - Geneva - Highest Contribution Ever Made by Japan, Leading Supporter of the Global Fund
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria today welcomed a $340 million contribution by Japan, the highest amount that
Japan has ever made in 10 years of vigorous support for the Global Fund. Japan is now making its first payment of US$ 216 million for its 2012 contribution.

Inovio Pharmaceuticals' PENNVAX®-B HIV Vaccine Demonstrates Strong T-Cell Immune Responses in Therapeutic Vaccine Trial
BLUE BELL, Pa., March 13, 2012 /PRNewswire/ - Significant T-cell responses against multiple HIV antigens demonstrate potential of Inovio's synthetic vaccines for HIV therapy
This data is a first for DNA vaccines by yielding robust T cell immune responses in people chronically infected with HIV.

High Blood Pressure Increases Heart Attack Risk in HIV
March 13, 2012 - Elevated blood pressure-including levels that don't yet meet the definition of hypertension-is associated with a "substantially greater" risk
of a heart attack among people living with HIV, compared with HIV-negative controls, according to a Veterans Health Administration study
reported Wednesday, March 7, at the 19th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections in Seattle.

Changes to first-line therapy for gonorrhea in Canada
March 13, 2012 - Gonorrhea is a common sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by bacteria called N. gonorrhoeae . These
germs are easily spread by inadequately protected intercourse (for example, starting without a condom) and, of course, unprotected anal, oral and vaginal sex.

Dab Garner: 30 Years Living with HIV/AIDS
March 2012 - The moving, tragic and inspiring journey of Dab Garner (Dab the AIDS Bear Project).
Superinfection: second HIV infections happen as often as first ones
Mar. 10, 2012 - Two studies of people with HIV in Rakai, Uganda and Mombasa, Kenya presented at the 19th Conference
on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections show that the rate at which they acquired second, subsequent strains of HIV was about the same as the HIV incidence rate in the general population.

First Guidelines Issued for Getting People Newly Diagnosed with HIV Disease Into Care and Keeping Them on Treatment
March 9, 2012 - Leading AIDS experts at Johns Hopkins and other institutions around the world have issued new guidelines to promote entry
into and retention in HIV care, as well as adherence to HIV treatment, drawn from the results of 325 studies conducted with tens of thousands of people infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
A Community 'Knows its Own Needs Best'
March 8, 2012 - On a rainy February afternoon in the downtown offices of AIDS Vancouver, Mikey Arzadon and Valerie Nicholson
preside over an open house and member sign-up event for the Harvest Co-op, a new organization bringing fresh and healthy organic food to people living with HIV/AIDS.
HIV Rates for Black Women in Parts of the US Much Higher than Previously Estimated
3/8/2012 - Newswise - NEWARK, N.J. - Newark is one of six locations in the United States that are the focus of a
new study whose findings indicate that the HIV incidence rate for US women living in areas hardest hit by the epidemic is much higher than the overall estimated incidence rate in the US for black women.
Deeper view of HIV reveals impact of early mutations
SAN FRANCISCO, CA, March 8, 2012 - Study uses advanced gene-sequencing technologies to track viral evolution
Mutations in HIV that develop during the first few weeks of infection may play a critical role in undermining a successful early immune response,
a finding that reveals the importance of vaccines targeting regions of the virus that are less likely to mutate.
SAN FRANCISCO, CA, March 8, 2012 - The presentation took place as part of a session titled, "ADVENT Trial: Crofelemer for the Treatment
of Secretory Diarrhea in HIV+ Individuals" during the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI). Crofelemer is a product of San Francisco-based Napo Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Bacterial STD Linked to Increased Risk of HIV
Newswise - Philadelphia, Pa.(March 8, 2012) - Emerging' Infection Could Be Important Risk Factor for HIV Infection in Women
A common sexually transmitted bacterial infection more than doubles the risk of HIV infection in African women, reports a study in the March issue of AIDS . The journal
is published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins , a part of Wolters Kluwer Health .
Drug helps purge hidden HIV virus, study shows
8-Mar-2012 - Seattle, Washington - A team of researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have successfully
flushed latent HIV infection from hiding, with a drug used to treat certain types of lymphoma.
First findings released from Swaziland HIV incidence measurement survey announced at CROI 2012
8-Mar-2012 - Seattle, Washington - The first findings from a nationally representative HIV survey
were presented today at the 19th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2012) in Seattle, WA. The Swaziland HIV Incidence
Measurement Survey (SHIMS) found that overall HIV prevalence, or percentage of the population living with HIV infection, is 31% among adults ages 18-49.

New CDC Campaign Aims to Stem HIV Crisis among Black Women
March 8, 2012 - To combat the high toll of HIV and AIDS among black women in the United States,
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention today launched Take Charge. Take the Test., a new campaign to increase HIV testing and awareness among African-American women.

International Woman's Day 2012: GNP+ calls for more protection of women's and girls' rights in the HIV response
8 March 2012 - The Global Network of people living with HIV (GNP+) urges
all stakeholders in the HIV response to better utilize opportunities to promote the health and dignity of women and girls, living with and affected by HIV.
"A lot more can be done to promote women's and girls' rights as part of the HIV response," says GNP+ co-chair Anna Zakowicz.

Remarks by Stephen Lewis, Co-Director, AIDS-Free World at International Women's Day events: United Nations Human Rights Council Panel moderated by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Ms. Navi Pillay and Meeting of Council Diplomats
March 8, 2012 - Honor Women By Naming And Shaming Zimbabwe
Here in Geneva, at the Human Rights Council, on International Women's Day, I have a case I want to make. It's about Zimbabwe. It should have been made by the
United Nations, but it hasn't been made by the United Nations. Frankly, that's unforgiveable.

UNAIDS welcomes further evidence of the positive impact of antiretroviral therapy on preventing new HIV infections
GENEVA, 8 March 2012 - Researchers from the Africa Centre for Health and Population Studies have presented results which show that in areas where
antiretroviral therapy uptake is high (greater than 30%) people who do not have HIV are 38% less likely to acquire the virus than in areas of low uptake (less than 10%).
Interferon Decreases HIV-1 Viral Levels and Controls Virus after Stopping Antiretroviral Therapy in Patients
PHILADELPHIA - (March 7, 2012) - Wistar Scientist Presents Results from Clinical Trial at 2012 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections
The study provides the first clinical evidence for a means of reducing the persistent amount of HIV in patients and the ability to control HIV without continued antiretroviral therapy.

Men who have sex with men respond to on-going regional survey
PORT OF SPAIN, 7 March 2012 - In excess of 2400 men living in the Caribbean have participated in an on-going study about men who have sex with men (MSM).
More than 100 of them are from Barbados.

New Stanford immune-system sensor may speed up, slash cost of detecting disease
MARCH 7, 2012 - An inexpensive new medical sensor has the potential to simplify the diagnosis of diseases ranging from life-threatening immune deficiencies to
the common cold, according to its inventors at the Stanford University School of Medicine .
Lipoatrophy common in children receiving d4T in South Africa
07 March 2012 - Exposure to d4T (stavudine) among young children in sub-Saharan Africa remains the greatest risk factor for lipodystrophy syndrome (that includes
lipoatrophy and lipohypertrophy) for a significant proportion of children, urgently highlighting the need for early detection of abnormal body fat changes, researchers reported at a poster session at the 19th
Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections in Seattle this week.

GeoVax Labs Presents New Findings on Potential HIV Vaccine at 2012 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI)
ATLANTA - March 07, 2012 - Harriet L. Robinson, Ph.D., Chief Scientific Officer at GeoVax Labs, Inc. (OTCQB/OTCBB: GOVX),
a biotech company specializing in the development of HIV/AIDS vaccines, announced the results of a study
suggesting that scientists may be one step closer to a vaccine that protects against multiple exposures to HIV infections. The study results were unveiled by
Dr. Robinson during a presentation in Seattle at the 2012 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI).

Data from Phase 2 Study of an INCIVEK® Combination Regimen Showed 74% of People Co-Infected with Hepatitis C and HIV Had Undetectable Hepatitis C Virus 12 Weeks After Treatment Ended (SVR12)
March 6, 2012 - SEATTLE -(BUSINESS WIRE) - - INCIVEK was well tolerated with commonly used Atripla- and Reyataz-based HIV treatment regimens, and no patients experienced HIV breakthrough -
- Enrollment is ongoing in Phase 3 study evaluating 24- and 48-week treatment durations in people who are co-infected -
Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated (Nasdaq: VRTX) today announced interim results from an ongoing Phase 2 study designed to evaluate the safety and tolerability of INCIVEK ® (telaprevir)
tablets in combination with pegylated-interferon and ribavirin in people who are co-infected with genotype 1 hepatitis C virus and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
Rectal formulation of tenofovir gel safe and acceptable in early phase clinical study
March 6, 2012 - SEATTLE - Follow-up study planned to further assess gel's potential as a rectal microbicide to prevent HIV
A gel formulation of the antiretroviral drug tenofovir designed specifically for rectal use was found safe and acceptable, according to a Phase I clinical
study led by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded Microbicide Trials Network (MTN), and presented today at the 19th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI).
Few HIV-Positive People Can Control Disease Progression Without Antiretrovirals
March 5 2012 - Results from a United Kingdom-based study suggest that fewer than one in 1,000 HIV-positive
individuals can control HIV/AIDS disease progression naturally without antiretroviral therapy.
March 6, 2012 - Black Women from TV, Film and Music Speak Out in a Powerful New Message on National Women & Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (March 10th):
In support of National Women & Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (March 10), Greater Than AIDS, is partnering with the Community Education Group and the Department of Health and
Human Services Office on Women's Health to bring attention to the impact of the epidemic on women and girls in the U.S. -- especially Black women, who have been disproportionately affected -- with
new public service messages, social media content and free community resources.

Thirty Years and Filming
March 5, 2012 - If United in Anger: The History of ACT UP has you wanting more, here are three new films that look at the early days of the AIDS crisis.
Few HIV-Positive People Can Control Disease Progression Without Antiretrovirals
March 5 2012 - Results from a United Kingdom-based study suggest that fewer than one in 1,000 HIV-positive
individuals can control HIV/AIDS disease progression naturally without antiretroviral therapy.

IAPAC Guidelines Offer Recommendations to Optimize Entry into and Retention in HIV Care, and Treatment Adherence
WASHINGTON, March 5, 2012 - New Guidelines e-Published Today by Annals of Internal Medicine
The International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care (IAPAC) today announced the publication of a new set of
evidence-based guidelines meant to optimize entry into and retention in HIV care and adherence to HIV treatment. The "Guidelines for Improving Entry
into and Retention in Care and Antiretroviral Adherence for Persons with HIV" were developed by an expert IAPAC Panel and e-published today by the Annals of Internal Medicine.

Perelman School of Medicine Researchers Receive $2 Million Grant to Help Prevent Chronic Diseases among HIV Positive African American Men
March 5, 2012 - PHILADELPHIA - Researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine , the Annenberg School for Communication
at the University of Pennsylvania , and the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing , have received a $2 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to study novel approaches to preventing chronic diseases in HIV positive African American men.

One in Four U.S. HIV Patients Don't Stay in Care, Penn Study Shows
March 5, 2012 - PHILADELPHIA - More Than Half of Patients Found to Have Long Gaps in Between Appointments
Only about 75 percent of HIV/AIDS patients in the United States remain in care consistently, according to new research from
the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania published online this week in AIDS.

New indicator diseases reveal hidden HIV
2012-03-01 - HIV in Europe: Today, heterosexuals in Europe are at particular risk of carrying HIV for so long that they remain undiagnosed
until their immune system starts to fail and they become ill. An international study under the leadership of the HIV in Europe initiative has now revealed that a number of diseases,
including herpes zoster and certain forms of cancer, should be on the list of indicators for having HIV - and thus serve to prompt health care professionals to suggest an
HIV-test to their patients. The new results and guidelines are to be debated at a major international HIV conference in Copenhagen on 19th-20th March.

UC San Diego Sponsors Annual Women's Conference on HIV/AIDS
March 2, 2012 - March 10 Conference Honors National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
In observance of National Women & Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, the UC San Diego AIDS Research Institute (ARI) and Center for AIDS Research (CFAR)
are sponsors of "A Woman's Voice/Una Voz de Mujer," San Diego's annual women's HIV/AIDS conference.

HIV proves no obstacle for couples: Study
March 2, 2012 - Treatment, education allow couples to live normal lives: Vancouver Coastal Health
Today, HIV-AIDS is no more a death sentence than it is a barrier to love.
Deni Daviau, left, and Bradford McIntyre have been happily married and healthy for 10 years, despite the fact McIntyre is HIV-positive. A recent survey has shown advances in medical care and education are permitting couples to live out regular lives.

Exploring risks for MRSA infection-A tale of two studies
March 2, 2012 - A group of bacteria called S. aureus ( Staphylococcus aureus ) are commonly found on
the skin of animals and people.

March 1, 2011 - Exploring LGBT identity and censorship in American Art
Tonight public television stations across the country will begin airing Revisiting Hidden Histories, an episode from the award-winning
newsmagazine IN THE LIFEuncovering diverse expressions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) sexuality and gender difference in American art, and the forces that have censored them.
 New Gay Coaching: How To Stay HIV Negative Forever by Miami's Premier Gay Life Coach and Gay Matchmaker for Gay Men Over 40
Miami, FL (PRWEB) March 01, 2012 - Controversial new training program by Paul Angelo, Miami's Gay Matchmaker, offers new insight into how
to stay HIV negative forever. Every gay man who wants to stay HIV negative should consider learning how to prepare the mind for the future in an HIV uncertain gay world.
If peace of mind and staying HIV Negative is one's goal, Paul Angelo, the gay matchmaker from Miami has a new controversial program that every HIV negative gay man should hear about.

The Positive Side (Winter 2012): Wonder Woman
Winter 2012 - Health and wellness magazine for people living with HIV.
Will treatment as prevention make a difference to the UK epidemic? Health promoters respond
01 March 2012 - Whereas in previous years, delegates at the CHAPS conference of gay men's health promoters have demonstrated a certain scepticism with respect to 'treatment as prevention', the topic took centre stage in Bristol this week.
The AIDS Conspiracy: Science Fights Back
March, 2012 - Contemporary AIDS denialism, the belief that HIV is harmless and that antiretroviral drugs are the true cause of AIDS,
is a more insidious AIDS conspiracy theory. Advocates of this position make a "conspiratorial move" against HIV science by implying its methods cannot be trusted and that untested,
alternative therapies are safer than antiretrovirals. These claims are genuinely life-threatening, as tragically demonstrated in South Africa when the delay of antiretroviral treatment
resulted in nearly 333,000 AIDS deaths and 180,000 HIV infections-a tragedy of stunning proportions.