Positively Positive - Living with HIV/AIDS:
HIV/AIDS News Archive - March 2011
Study identifies promising target for AIDS vaccine
31-Mar-2011 - BOSTON - - A section of the AIDS virus's protein envelope once considered an improbable target for a vaccine now appears to be one of the most promising, new research by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute scientists indicates.

CATIE News - Gonorrhea-Shrinking treatment options
2011 Mar 31 - Gonorrhea is a relatively common infection among men who
have sex with men, but it is becoming more common in heterosexual people.

UN Secretary-General outlines new recommendations to reach 2015 goals for AIDS response
NAIROBI, 31 March 2011 - In lead-up to June High Level Meeting, progress report presents overview of efforts needed to help countries achieve universal access to HIV services and zero new HIV infections, discrimination and AIDS-related deaths
Thirty years into the AIDS epidemic, investments in the AIDS response are yielding results, according to a new report released today by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.
HIV protein unveils vaccine target
30-Mar-2011 - The finding could reveal new targets for vaccines to prevent HIV infection and AIDS. A paper describing the work was published online this week in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Could HIV-infected organs save lives?
03/30/2011 - Johns Hopkins researchers argue for reversing ban on transplanting infected organs and making them available to HIV-infected patients
If Congress reversed its ban on allowing people with HIV to be organ donors after their death, roughly 500 HIV-positive patients with kidney or liver failure each year could get
transplants within months, rather than the years they currently wait on the list, new Johns Hopkins research suggests.

Journal Publishes Dr. Koop's Personal Account of the AIDS Controversy
WASHINGTON, DC (March 10, 2011) - Paper Gives Details of One of the Most Significant Public Health Battles in History
The nation's war against AIDS began 30 years ago with a report that five gay men in Los Angeles were dying from Pneumocystis Carinii pneumonia, a
disease so rare that a handful of cases in a single year is like an epidemic. Now, former Surgeon General Dr. C. Everett Koop -- the official who witnessed these early deaths
and charted the nation's policies on HIV/AIDS -- is making public his personal account of what took place in the early days of AIDS, naming names and providing the behind-the-scenes
details of one of the most significant public health battles in the country's history.
Science reporter wins ASM Public Communications Award
Washington, DC - March 28, 2011 - The 2011 winner of the ASM Public Communications Award
is Jon Cohen from Science. "HIV/AIDS: Eastern Europe" is a package of seven stories published in Science on July 9, 2010.

CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: Awards for Action on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights
March 28, 2011 - The Awards for Action on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights were established in 2002 by the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network and Human Rights Watch.
Submissions must be received before Thursday, April 28, 2011 at 5:00 p.m.

Inflammation in HIV Disease
March 28, 2011 - Inflammation is a hot topic and of much concern for many PHAs. However the findings from various research do not provide specific answers but have at least started to look beyond HIV viral load and CD4+.
Elizabeth Taylor at the GLAAD Media Awards
Mar 25, 2011 - by GLAAD - Elizabeth Taylor accepts the Vanguard Award from Carrie Fisher at the 11th annual GLAAD Media Awards in 2000.

Parliament fails to fix law to save lives - Bill C-393 stalled to death in Senate
Ottawa, Friday, March 25, 2011 - Statement by concerned civil society organizations working for health and human rights
We are profoundly disappointed that certain members of the Canadian Senate have not seen fit to swiftly pass Bill C-393 and thereby help save
the lives of thousands of people dying of treatable diseases such as AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis in developing countries.

Asian Outreach Project Opens at AIDS Vancouver
March 25, 2011 - (Vancouver) - Due to the Asian Society for the Intervention of AIDS (A.S.I.A.) closing on March 31, 2011, AIDS Vancouver will
be housing their former IDU Outreach program, primarily serving Asian injection drug users (IDUs) in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside and Chinatown.

International AIDS Society (IAS) pays tribute to Dame Elizabeth Taylor
March 24, 2011 - Geneva, Switzerland - It was with great sadness that the International AIDS Society (IAS) learnt of the death
of the American Foundation for AIDS Research's (amfAR's) Founding International Chairman, Dame Elizabeth Taylor.

Washington, DC office for the XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012) opens to begin preparations for world's largest HIV/AIDS-related gathering
21 March 2011 (Washington, DC) - Local office to work with DC-area community and across the U.S. to engage diverse audiences
Marking another key milestone in the lead up to the XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012), the conference's local office is open and actively engaged in
outreach activities and logistical preparations for the biennial conference expected to convene more than 20,000 delegates from nearly 200 countries.

Mon 21/03/2011 - MEDIA UPDATE
The campaign to fix Canada's Access to Medicines Regime (CAMR) - so that more affordable live-saving medicines can get
to developing countries - has just one more round to go. The Senate will be dealing with Bill C-393 this week - and the potential exists
to quickly approve this legislation and respect the will of the House of Commons - the people's will.
Lady Gaga raids a box of condoms for her latest outfit!
March 17, 2011 - She told the press "Today was a latex condom-inspired outfit because we're here to talk about safe sex. Today I really wanted
to be representative of what we women all over the world need to be concerned about, which is the leading cause of death in the world, which is HIV."
China Closes AIDS Website
2011-03-16 - An open letter blames Chinese leaders for covering up blood-selling schemes.
Chinese authorities have pulled the plug on the website of an AIDS advocacy group after it published an open letter about the trade in blood plasma and its role in spreading the virus.

TORONTO, March 16, 2011 - Maggie's should be permitted to present their perspective in Canadian court of law
We are troubled that an organization such as Maggie's will not have the opportunity to present their perspective before the Court as it deliberates on a matter of fundamental importance that affects them most directly.
HIV research included in journal
16-Mar-2011 - Research highlights new parameters for study of HIV
Dr. Anderson's article - co-written with Susan Cu-Uvin, MD, of The Miriam Hospital - is entitled "Clinical Parameters Essential to Methodology and
Interpretation of Mucosal Responses." It explores the clinical characteristics that are important for researchers to consider when they study the female genital tract in the quest for cures for HIV.

The award is part of a $5 million USD grants initiative recently announced by the M.A.C AIDS Fund as part of the 2011 VIVA GLAM campaign led by spokesperson Lady Gaga.
UNAIDS/UNDP/WHO concerned over sustainability and scale up of HIV treatment
GENEVA, 15 March 2011 - UNAIDS, UNDP and WHO encourage countries to use the flexibilities as set out in the TRIPS agreement to lower costs and improve access to HIV treatment

BC Persons With AIDS Society changes its name to Positive Living BC
MARCH 15, 2011 - VANCOUVER - HIV-positive British Columbians mark a new era for their community
BC-HIV-positive British Columbians redefined their collective identity today by officially renaming Western Canada's largest HIV/AIDS* organization "Positive Living Society of British Columbia (Positive Living BC)".
Tumor suppressor blocks viral growth in natural HIV controllers
14-Mar-2011 - Elevated p21 expression blocks key steps in viral life cycle
About one in 300 individuals infected with HIV are naturally able to suppress viral replication without antiviral drug treatment, an ability
that keeps viral levels extremely low and prevents the immune system breakdown that characterizes AIDS.
TORONTO, March 14, 2011 - Sex workers dangerously persecuted under Canadian law
The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network (Legal Network) and the British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS (BC-CfE) are among
several organizations that have today been granted joint intervener status in a landmark case before the Ontario Court of Appeal aimed at protecting the health and human rights of sex workers.

CAMR Legislation Must Pass in Canada's Senate Chamber
March 14, 2011, TORONTO - CTAC Congratulates Members of the House of Commons for passing Bill C-393
"The Senate must not delay in passing the new CAMR legislation", said Ron Rosenes, Vice Chair of CTAC. "We know the biggest obstacle to improving health and reducing rates of transmission lies in the cost of putting more people on treatment.

Research Suggests HIV-Infected Patients at Higher Risk for Bone Fractures
MARCH 11, 2011 - Study compared fracture rates among HIV patients with general U.S. population
A new study published in Clinical Infectious Diseases and available online examined differences in the rates of bone fractures between HIV-infected
patients and the general population and found higher rates of fracture among HIV patients.

HIV Specialist Dr. John G. Bartlett, MD Named to Leadership Team of the Forum for Collaborative HIV Research
WASHINGTON, DC (March 10, 2011) - Appointment Comes as the Organization Expands Its Role in Accelerating Scientific Advances in HIV/AIDS and Chronic Infection

March 10, 2011 - Calgary, AB - AIDS Calgary Awareness Association (ACAA) is proud to present an exciting
online auction, featuring 17 "One of a Kind" Carousel Animals created by revered marionette artist Ronnie Burkett.

CHF International to Implement Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Program with the Global Fund in Colombia
Silver Spring, MD (March 10, 2011) - CHF International (CHF), the Silver Spring-MD based
international development and humanitarian assistance organization, announced it signed an agreement with the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
to implement a two-year HIV and AIDS program in Colombia, with the possibility to extend it for another three years.

Harm reduction, expanded HIV treatment key to Vancouver's drug strategy
March 10, 2011 - With a crowd of more than 50 policy-makers, service providers,
and community advocates in attendance, BC-CfE director Dr. Julio Montaner and researchers Dr. Thomas Kerr and Dr. Kate Shannon presented
a wealth of evidence to support the expansion of HIV treatment and the use of harm reduction interventions, such as supervised injection and the decriminalization of sex work.
Mike Malloy Partners with T.J. Martell Foundation to Fund Cancer & AIDS Research
NEW YORK, March 10, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ - Radio Host Encourages Supporters to Donate Used, Idle Smart Phones
Beginning today, supporters can visit http://tjmf.flipswap.com/ to donate used or idle cell phones to support the Foundation and reduce electronic pollution to
the environment; the website enables donors to print free shipping labels to use when sending in their donation.
US: Mississippi Policies Fuel HIV Epidemic
March 9, 2011 - (Jackson) - State's Approaches Impede Access to Information, Prevention, Treatment
Thousands of Mississippians are at risk for HIV, and many who are infected are denied lifesaving measures and treatment because of counterproductive state laws and policies, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today.
Students Urge Parliament to Make Medicines Affordable Worldwide
March 9, 2011 - Vancouver - With pivotal vote today, Universities Allied for
Essential Medicines calls on House of Commons to reform Access to Medicines Regine (CAMR)
University students across Canada are calling on the House of Commons to vote today to ease the export of affordable, life-saving medicines to developing countries.

RICHMOND, VA-March 8, 2011 - Churches and faith leaders across the country, kicked off the 22nd annual National Week of Prayer for
the Healing of AIDS this week with events around the country to pray, educate and support those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS.

No Celebration for HIV-Positive Women on International Women's Day
March 8, 2011, TORONTO - HIV/AIDS leading cause of death among women of reproductive age Canadians
Women across the globe have little to celebrate this International Women's Day in relation to HIV/AIDS, given that it continues to be the
leading cause of death among women of reproductive age.
Cancer in HIV-positive patients
8-Mar-2011 - Most HIV-positive patients die of cancer. In the latest issue of Deutsches Ärzteblatt International (Dtsch Arztebl Int 2011; 108[8]: 117), Manfred Hensel's research group presents epidemiological data.

March 7, 2011 - In an open letter released today, some of this country's leading physicians and scientists are
urging Members of Parliament and Senators to support important reforms to Canada's Access to Medicines and in the process save thousands of lives.

NIH Study Examines Best Time for Healthy HIV-infected People to Begin Antiretrovirals
June 28, 2010 - A major new clinical trial seeks to determine whether HIV-infected asymptomatic individuals have less risk of
developing AIDS or other serious illness if they begin taking antiretrovirals sooner rather than later, based on their level of CD4+ T-cells. An HIV-infected individual's
level of CD4+ T-cells - commonly referred to as their CD4 count - is a key measure of immune system health. The study is co-funded by the National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health.

KISS Picture Kondoms Featuring Gene Simmons
March 5, 2011 - Introducing the second generation of KISS Kondoms,
but the world's first approved condoms to feature a full color image right on the latex!

The National Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS
March 4, 2011 - March 6 - 12, 2011
The purpose of The National Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS is to bring national
attention to the AIDS epidemic in the United States and the extraordinary role faith communities can and are playing in AIDS prevention, education, service and advocacy.

CATIE News - FDA revises instructions on the use of atazanavir during pregnancy and after birth
2011 Mar 3 - The use of potent anti-HIV therapy (commonly called ART or HAART) has greatly extended the survival of HIV-positive people
by helping to lower production of HIV and allowing the immune system to partially repair itself. ART has additional benefits: for instance, HIV-positive women who take ART during
pregnancy can significantly reduce the amount of HIV in their blood (viral load) and, therefore, the risk of transmitting HIV to the fetus. These additional steps also help reduce
the risk of transmitting HIV to the infant:

Thursday, March 24, 2011
Make a difference. Dine out & support people living with HIV/AIDS
ATS issues report on emerging issues in HIV-associated pulmonary disease
3-Mar-2011 - The report examines the evolving landscape of HIV and its associated diseases in areas
where combination antiretroviral therapies (ART) are available, as well as offering insight into the trends occurring in areas of the world where ART use

THSTI & IAVI Announce New HIV Vaccine Design Program in India
NEW DELHI, March 3, 2011 - The Translational Health Sciences and Technology Institute (THSTI), an autonomous
institute of the Indian government's Department of Biotechnology, and the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) announced today an agreement to
jointly establish, operate and fund an HIV Vaccine Design Program in India.
Latest findings of Dartmouth HIV/AIDS study could turn treatment 'on its head'
3-Mar-2011 - LEBANON, NH - A clinical study of anti-HIV/AIDS medicines
in the developing world is on the verge of turning "the whole treatment world on its head," according to Dartmouth pediatrician Paul Palumbo.

National Woman and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day Discussion
to be Held on Campus
WASHINGTON (March 2, 2011) - The Howard University School of Social Work and Alpha Chapter, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., will co-sponsor National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women's Health and the U.S. Health Services and Resources Administration Office of Women's Health.

New Report: World's Premier AIDS Event Neglects Populations Most at Risk for HIV
March 2, 2011 - Independent assessment indicates severe underrepresentation of gay men, transgender people, sex workers and people who use drugs at the biennial International AIDS Conference
A new report indicates that the International AIDS Conference (IAC), a biennial event convened by the International AIDS Society (IAS) that has become the world's premier gathering for people working in the field of
HIV, suffers from gross underrepresentation of populations most at risk for HIV infection, including men who have sex with men (MSM), transgender people, sex workers and people who use drugs.

On behalf of the convening organizations, we are pleased to announce that early online registration for the 6th North American HIV/AIDS and Housing Research Summit (Summit VI) is now open.

NIH-funded study shows early brain effects of HIV in mouse model
March 2, 2011 - A new mouse model closely resembles how the human body reacts to early HIV infection and is
shedding light on nerve cell damage related to the disease, according to researchers funded by the National Institutes of Health.
New drug regimens cut HIV spread from mother to infant
2-Mar-2011 - NIH findings offer additional safeguard for children of mothers untreated during pregnancy
Pregnant women who are unaware that they have HIV miss the chance for drug treatment that can benefit not only their
own health, but could also prevent them from transmitting the virus to their infants.
Effectiveness of expanding harm reduction and antiretroviral therapy in a mixed HIV epidemic
1-Mar-2011 - Effectiveness and cost effectiveness of expanding harm reduction and antiretroviral therapy in a mixed HIV epidemic: a modeling analysis for Ukraine
FDA Drug Safety Communication: Safety Review update of Abacavir and possible increased risk of heart attack
[03-01-2011] - Safety Announcement
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is updating the public about its ongoing safety review of abacavir and a possible increased risk of heart attack.
Abacavir is an antiviral medication used in combination with other antiretroviral drugs for the treatment of HIV-1 infection.
CROI - Day 2: Selected highlights of NIH-supported research
1-Mar-2011 - HIV/TB co-infection, microbicide developments among key topics presented
The 18th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections is taking place at the Hynes Convention Center in
Boston from February 27 through March 2. Day two of this major HIV/AIDS research conference included the following selected presentations
from scientists supported by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health.

Merck's ISENTRESS® (raltegravir) Demonstrated Durable Reductions in HIV-1 Viral Load and Sustained Tolerability At Three Years of Treatment in Previously Untreated Adult Patients Infected with HIV-1
BOSTON, March 1, 2011 - Merck (NYSE: MRK), known as MSD outside the United States and Canada, announced today that new Phase III data showed that adult patients
with HIV-1 infection maintained undetectable viral loads and increases in CD4 cell counts at three years of treatment with ISENTRESS® (raltegravir) tablets in combination therapy, comparable to treatment with efavirenz in combination therapy.
Here Media Empowers Gay Community to be "Greater Than AIDS"
March 1, 2011 - World's Largest Gay Media Company Partners on Cross-Cutting HIV/AIDS Campaign, Launches New Informational Resources
Here Media, the world's largest gay media company, has joined with Greater Than AIDS -- a new national movement to respond to AIDS in America -- to inform and engage the LGBT community about HIV/AIDS.
National Digital Repository of HIV Resources: HIV Sector Community Consultation
The National Digital Repository of HIV Resources (NDR) Project Team is looking for people to take part in HIV Sector Community Consultation.
The English teleconference calls will take place on March 15th and 16th, 2011 from 1 to 2pm EST.
APPEL DE PARTICIPANTS Référentiel électronique national de ressources sur le VIH : Consultation communautaire dans le secteur du VIH
L'Équipe de projet du Référentiel électronique national de ressources sur le VIH (RÉN) est à la recherche de participants en vue d'une consultation communautaire dans le secteur du VIH.
Les conférences téléphoniques en français auront lieu les 22 et 23 mars 2011, de 13 h 00 à 14 h 00 (HNE).

Aging and HIV Forum
DATE & TIME: Thursday, 10 March 2011 from 6 until 8 pm
TOPICS & PRESENTORS: Dr Greg Bondy and Dr Iain Mackie