Through Prayer, Education, Advocacy and Service
March 6 - 12, 2011
March 4, 2011 - The National Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS is the coming together of all people of faith to unite with purpose, compassion and hope. Through the power of God's love we will educate every American about HIV prevention facts; encourage and support HIV testing; advocate for the availability of compassionate care and treatment for all those living with the disease in every community in America; and love unconditionally all persons living with and affected by HIV/AIDS.
The purpose of The National Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS is to bring national attention to the AIDS epidemic in the United States and the extraordinary role faith communities can and are playing in AIDS prevention, education, service and advocacy.
The National Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS will promote the continuous national mobilization and education of faith communities to take an even greater role in the implementation of AIDS education and services within their local communities and across the nation.

The mission of The Balm In Gilead is to prevent diseases and to improve the health status of people of the African Diaspora by providing support to faith institutions in areas of progra
m design, implementation and evaluation which strengthens their capacity to deliver programs and services that contribute to the elimination of health disparities.