Positively Positive - Living with HIV/AIDS:
HIV/AIDS News Archive - March 2009

United States: Promote an Inclusive Approach to Sexual and Reproductive Health Programs
(New York, March 31, 2009) - Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people have been denied access to HIV services funded with
U.S. foreign assistance, the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC) said today in a letter to Secretary of State Clinton. IGLHRC called for a more inclusive approach
to sexual and reproductive health policy overseas, and the appointment of a Global AIDS Coordinator prepared to promote LGBT health and rights.

AHF to IAS: Return Int'l Aids Conference to U.S. in 2012
AIDS Healthcare Foundation Offers to Advocate for the Lifting of the U.S. Ban for HIV-Positive Travelers
GENEVA-(BUSINESS WIRE)-March 31, 2009 - In a meeting last Friday with officials from the International AIDS Society (IAS),
a global delegation from AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), the largest AIDS group in the U.S., which currently provides medical care to more than 98,000 individuals in 21 countries
worldwide in the U.S., Africa, Latin America/Caribbean and Asia, requested that the 2012 XIX International AIDS Conference take place in the United States, ending more than fifteen years of
being excluded due to the United States' ban on HIV-positive travelers entering the country or applying for residency.

AHF Meets with WHO & UNAIDS, Urges Swift Action on Access to AIDS Treatment, Testing and Condoms
Int'l Delegation, Led by New AHF Chief of Global Affairs Jorge Saavedra M.D., Presents Letters Signed By Hundreds of Medical Providers,
AIDS Activists Seeking Change in Guidelines to Raise Treatment Initiation Threshold for All and Recommend Full-Course Therapy for all HIV+ Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women
March 27,2009 - Geneva, Switzerland - An international delegation from AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), the largest AIDS group in the US which currently provides medical care to more than 98,000 individuals in 21 countries worldwide in the US, Africa, Latin America/Caribbean and Asia, met today with officials from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) to call for action and partnership to vastly increase global access to HIV/AIDS treatment, testing and condoms.
Discovery of Protein that Reactivates Herpes Simplex Virus Helps Solve Medical Mystery
Landmark Study Provides Molecular Target for Finding New and Better Therapies
March 26, 2009 - Research in Public Library of Science (PLoS) Pathogens appears to solve a long standing medical mystery by identifying a viral protein, VP16, as the molecular key that prompts
herpes simplex virus (HSV) to exit latency and cause recurrent disease.
USAID Announces Newly Approved FC2 Female Condom® to Protect Sexual Health of Women in Developing Countries
WASHINGTON, D.C. - MARCH 24, 2009 - The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved use of the FC2 Female Condom® (FC2) made by the Female Health Company (FHC). FC2 is a woman-initiated barrier method that helps protect
against sexually transmitted infections, HIV/AIDS, and unintended pregnancy.

20 March 2009 (Geneva, Switzerland) - Pope Benedict XVI 's comments on the role that condoms
play in preventing the further spread of HIV are irresponsible and dangerous, says Julio Montaner, President of the International AIDS Society (IAS).

HIV entry ban undermines public health
GMHC report claims immigrants diagnosed with HIV later than native-born
March 18, 2009 - Today Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC) released a new report, Undermining Public Health and Human Rights: The United States HIV Travel and Immigration Ban. The report
details the history of the U.S. HIV travel and immigration ban, including its public health, human rights, and economic tolls.

Colombia: Protest the Murder of LGBT Human Rights Defender
The rights violated in this case include: The right to life, the right to be free from discrimination and the right to equality
The Issue
On March 6, 2009, unknown men killed the human rights defender Álvaro Miguel Rivera in the city of Cali, Colombia.

The human tragedy of denying AIDS
New book examines the spread of HIV/AIDS denials and misinformation
March 18, 2009 - Since the discovery of HIV and the ensuing AIDS epidemic, a frightening group of people has spread destructive misinformation - and outright
denials - about the virus. Seth Kalichman, editor of the journal AIDS and Behavior, debunks these dangerous myths in the new book Denying AIDS, published by Springer. Denying AIDS captures the contradictions inherent in AIDS denialism and
exposes the scientific and sociopolitical forces involved in AIDS denial.
The Pope Is Wrong on Condoms
March 17, 2009 - Washington DC - Jon O'Brien, president of Catholics for Choice, issued a response to Pope Benedict's statement on condom use.
Call to Action: PLHIV - Write Your Rights!
"Get Up - Speak Up! Write Your Rights!", loudly called WLHIV activists Celina Menezes and Preeti Ahuja, at the Women's Press Club in New Delhi, India on the eve of International Women's Day, launching a message to be heard around the world.
March 11, 2009 - To mark International Women's Day 2009, Women Living with HIV are launching a global initiative on Rights and Responsibilities, and invite their sisters and brothers, comrades and peers from around
the world to participate in the collective drafting of the PLHIV Charter for HIV Care.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration Approves New Female Condom
March 11, 2009 (Washington, D.C.) - Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted regulatory approval to the FC2 female condom, a lower-cost, second generation product manufactured by the Female Health Company-a move widely praised
by HIV/AIDS and women's health and rights advocates globally.

Nations Should Reject UN Drug Policy
New 10-Year Plan Omits Critical Protections on HIV and Human Rights
(Vienna , March 11, 2009) - The new UN Political Declaration on Drugs, designed to guide drug policy for the next 10 years,
lacks critically important measures for treating and stemming the spread of HIV, Human Rights Watch, the International AIDS Society, and the International Harm Reduction Association said today.

CAHR 2009 Program Update
The 18th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research (CAHR 2009) will be held at the Westin Bayshore in Vancouver from April 23 to 26, 2009. Early Bird registration for CAHR 2009 is available until Monday, March 16. Please visit the CAHR 2009 Website to register by March 16 to save on your registration fee!
Christine Maggiore Died from AIDS
March 9, 2009 - Christine Maggiore's death certificate states that the immediate cause or condition result resulting in her
death was disseminated herpes viral infection. Bilateral bronchial pneumonia is given as the underlying cause, and oral candidiasis is given as a significant condition
contributing to death. Based on her statements and her career, Maggiore was HIV-positive (see her book, and note that Alive and Well, the group she started, is described
on its website as having been "founded in 1995 by a group of HIV positive diagnosed men and women"). In HIV-infected people, all of the above conditions are AIDS-defining
opportunistic infections, and in combination they are hauntingly typical of AIDS in the years before ARVs. Many people who have died of AIDS shared the same constellation of
opportunistic infections that killed Ms Maggiore. HIV-negative individuals almost never have all of these opportunistic infections simultaneously.
New Stanford list of HIV mutations vital to tracking AIDS epidemic
MARCH 5, 2009 - STANFORD, Calif. - In a collaborative study with the World Health Organization and seven other laboratories, researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine have compiled a list of 93 common mutations of the AIDS virus associated with drug resistance
that will be used to track future resistance trends throughout the world.

Dining Out For Life
On Thursday, March 12, 2009 thousands will fill their plates to fight AIDS.
Over 200 restaurants from Whistler to White Rock and into the Valley
will join the fight against AIDS by donating 25 percent of their food revenue from meals
sold during this important event.
CALL NOW: AIDS funds at risk in Budget Bill
Call Your Senators NOW
Urge them to Pass the "Fiscal Year 2009 Omnibus Appropriations bill" to get critical increases to HIV programs and funding for a National AIDS
March 5, 2009 - Right now, the Senate is looking at Fiscal Year 2009 (FY09) Omnibus legislation. This Omnibus Appropriations Bill includes funding for the majority of domestic HIV/ AIDS programs

IGLHRC Update: More on the Anti-Gay Seminar in Uganda
March 5, 2009 - The International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC) and Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) have learned new details about the ongoing 3-day anti-gay conference in Uganda featuring some of the most virulent homophobes from the U.S. religious right. Here are some developments from the first day, reported by our partners who attended the event:

Uganda: The U.S. Religious Right Exports Homophobia to Africa
(New York, March 4)- The International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC)
and Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) condemned a seminar designed to attack lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Ugandans under the cloak of religion.

ART Initiation at <350 - Call on WHO and UNAIDS to Save Lives!
March 4, 2009 - Please join in the call to the leadership of WHO and UNAIDS to take immediate, evidence-based action to update the official guidelines for anti-retroviral treatment initiation to <350 CD4.
  Visual AIDS - March Web Gallery curated by Bernard Leibov
March 2009
Liminal:Subliminal:Sublime curated by Bernard Leibov