Positively Positive - Living with HIV/AIDS:
HIV/AIDS News Archive - December 2011
AHF Presents "Elizabeth Taylor: Our Champion" a Float in the Pasadena Tournament of Roses
Dec 30, 2011 - AHF is gearing up to present the 1st AIDS Awareness-themed float in the annual Pasadena Tournament of Roses Parade, Monday, January 2nd.

HIV Cure Research Workshop Report
December 30, 2011 - Toulon, France - The last edition of the "International Workshop on HIV Persistence, Reservoirs and Eradication Strategies" took
place in St Maarten, December 6-9, 2011. It is now time for the 210 participants to translate into their personal research what they have learned from this meeting.

Dr John Bartlett Shares Insight and Experience in New Podcasts
Philadelphia, Pa. (December 27, 2011) - First in Series of 'Stories in Medicine®' Podcasts Puts Focus on Infectious Disease
Beginning this month, the journal Medicine® launches a series of podcasts featuring pioneering infectious disease physician John Bartlett, MD. Medicine® is published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins , a part of Wolters Kluwer Health.
The Same Sex Bill passed by Nigerian Senate (24) - Afro-Nets
From: "Bradford McIntyre"
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2011 13:53:04 -0800
Ignorance promotes fear. Fear of what is not understood.
Homosexuality is completely natural, completely normal. The refusal of acceptance by governments, or anyone for that matter, simply shows a lack of understanding. One need only look to nature
to see that homosexuality exists in nature and in human behavior homosexuality has existed for as long as human life. Homosexuality exists in both males and females; in every nation, regardless of race, religion, or
culture. Homosexuality is normal.

Top Journal Names Discovery That HIV Treatment Can Prevent Spread of Virus "Breakthrough of the Year"
December 22, 2011 - Johns Hopkins researchers key part of team recognized for its scientific findings
The finding of a team of researchers - including several members from Johns Hopkins - that HIV treatment with antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) can actually prevent
transmission of the virus from an infected person to his or her uninfected partner has been named "Breakthrough of the Year" for 2011 by the journal Science.
Gladstone and UCSF scientists provide a global view of how HIV/AIDS hijacks cells during infection
15-Dec-2011 - Discovery offers new research avenues for fighting this global epidemic
Gladstone Institutes scientist Nevan Krogan, PhD, today is announcing research that identifies how HIV-the virus that
causes AIDS-hijacks the body's own defenses to promote infection. This discovery could one day help curb the spread of the HIV/AIDS pandemic.

Can mirtazapine assist recovery from crystal meth addiction?
20 Dec 2011 - Stimulants such as amphetamine and its more potent form, crystal methamphetamine (crystal meth, tina, ice),
quickly accumulate in the brain when ingested.

HIV/AIDS vaccine developed at Western proceeding to human clinical trials
DECEMBER 20, 2011 - London, Ontario CANADA - The first and only preventative HIV vaccine based on a genetically modified killed whole
virus has received approval by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to start human clinical trials.

Million-dollar gift to Western Heads East enriches lives of thousands in Africa
DECEMBER 19, 2011 - Thanks to a generous $1.06 million gift, The University of Western Ontario will expand its innovative, community-driven
Western Heads East program that provides disease-fighting probiotic yogurt to people living with HIV/AIDS in Africa.

Elements of Federal Spending Bill Jeopardize Nation's "AIDS-free Generation" Goal
Dec. 16, 2011 - As Congress finalizes federal funding for key domestic and global HIV and health programs for fiscal year 2012, the feasibility of turning the tide on the
HIV pandemic has been tempered by fiscal constraints and a return to federal policies based on ideology rather than science.

amfAR Deeply Critical of Re-Imposition of Ban on Federal Funding for Syringe Exchange
NEW YORK, December 16, 2011 - Spending bill to be approved by Congress reinstates anti-science policy
amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research, today voiced strong criticism of a ban on the use of federal funds for syringe exchange programs that
will take effect if Congress passes the fiscal year 2012 spending bill as expected.

Study Suggests Early ART in Recently HIV-Infected Patients Preferable to Delayed Treatment
DEC. 16, 2011 - Among people recently infected with HIV, immediate antiretroviral therapy (ART) appears preferable to deferring treatment,
according to a new study published in The Journal of Infectious Diseases and now available online.

Gilead Sciences Submits Supplemental New Drug Application to U.S. Food and Drug Administration for Truvada® for Reducing the Risk of Acquiring HIV
FOSTER CITY, Calif.-(BUSINESS WIRE)- Dec. 15, 2011 - If Approved, Product Would Represent First Antiretroviral Indicated to Reduce Risk of HIV Infection in Adults -
Gilead Sciences, Inc. (Nasdaq: GILD) announced today that it has submitted a supplemental New Drug Application (sNDA) to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the approval of once-daily
Truvada® (emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate) for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to reduce the risk of HIV-1 infection among uninfected adults.
New book on HIV
from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
15-Dec-2011 - Written and edited by experts in the field, "HIV: From Biology to Prevention and Treatment" provides a
comprehensive review of HIV research, covering everything from the pathogenesis of HIV infection to prevention.

Study stimulates researchers to call for intensified HIV and HBV prevention and treatment efforts
15 December 2011 - In Canada and other high-income countries, co-infection with the hepatitis B virus (HBV) is
relatively common among some HIV-positive people, particularly gay and bisexual
men and people who share equipment for injecting substances.
Behavioral interventions can increase condom use, reduce sexually transmitted infections
15-Dec-2011 - PROVIDENCE, R.I. - Behavioral interventions aimed at reducing sexual risk behaviors, such as unprotected sex, are effective at both promoting condom use and reducing sexually
transmitted infections (STIs) long after the initial intervention, according to a new report in the December 15 issue of the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes.

UNAIDS Board approves efforts to accelerate progress towards 2015 targets
GENEVA, 15 December 2011 - The Programme Coordinating Board of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) convened from 13-15 December to review
and follow up on recommendations of the 2011 UN General Assembly High Level Meeting on AIDS.

Farha Foundation's CA MARCHE 2011 Campaign Comes to a Close and Brings In $350,000 for Quebec's HIV/AIDS Organizations
December 14, 2011 - MONTREAL, QUEBEC - "Together, we can do it!"
The Farha Foundation, Quebec's leading HIV/AIDS fundraising organization, would like to
thank everyone who took part in the 19th annual ÇA MARCHE campaign.

Anal HPV Infection: Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention
Presentation By: Stephen E. Goldstone, M.D. FACS
Assistant Clinical Professor of Surgery
Mt. Sinai School of Medicine
HIV Drug Reduces Graft-versus-Host Disease in Stem Cell Transplant Patients, Penn Study Shows
December 13, 2011 -(SAN DIEGO) - New Approach Redirects Lymphocytes From Harming Vital Organs, Without Dangers of Immunosuppression

GeoVax Labs' First Patient Inoculated in Phase 1/2 Clinical Trial for HIV/AIDS Therapeutic Vaccine
ATLANTA - December 13, 2011 - Important Milestone in Study of HIV-Infected Individuals Who Started Drug Treatment During Their First 18 Months of Infection
GeoVax Labs, Inc. (OTCBB:GOVX), an Atlanta-based biopharmaceutical firm ("the Company") developing vaccines that prevent and fight Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infections, announced that the first patient has been
inoculated in the Phase 1/2 clinical trial for the Company's HIV/AIDS therapeutic vaccine. This is the first study using GeoVax Labs' vaccines for the treatment of persons who are HIV infected.
Congresswoman Barbara Lee Attends Final Meeting of Global Commission on HIV and the Law
December 12, 2011 - Washington, D.C. - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) participated in the final meeting of
Global Commission on HIV and the Law in Geneva, Switzerland, with the world's policy, human rights, and HIV leaders to discuss the health and human rights of people living with and affected by HIV and AIDS.

New Leaps Towards HIV Remission and Cure
December 12, 2011 - Philipsburg, St Martin, Netherlands Antilles - As researchers who participated to the "International Workshop on HIV Persistence, Reservoirs & Eradication Strategies" last week in
St Martin are heading back to their labs and clinics, they bring with them new data and ideas to work faster towards an HIV cure.The American National Institute of Health (NIH) and the French Agency for AIDS Research (ANRS) were supporting this workshop.
RI Hospital study analyzes link between HIV infection and overdose risk
12-Dec-2011 - PROVIDENCE, R.I. - Drug users who are HIV-infected have 74 percent greater risk of overdose
A new weapon has emerged to prevent HIV infection. Called pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, it is a strategy
of providing medications to at-risk people before they are exposed to the virus. Having shown great promise in recent phase 3 clinical trials, PrEP may soon be rolled out for public use.
Tropical disease experts report missed opportunity to transform global HIV/AIDS fight
(FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2011) - Global HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment efforts are missing
a major opportunity to significantly improve health conditions in poor countries by simply adding low-cost care for the many other chronic and
disabling diseases routinely afflicting and often killing these same patients, according to a panel of disease experts who spoke at the annual meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH).

TORONTO, December 9, 2011 - On the 20th anniversary of Johnson's courageous public announcement
that he was infected with the fearsome virus, we got an opportunity to sit down and talk with him about
that pivotal moment in his life, and his subsequent fight against HIV and AIDS.

TORONTO/OTTAWA, December 9, 2011 - Canadian civil society organizations working for global public health and human
rights welcome yesterday's statement from the Honourable Beverley J. Oda, Minister of International Cooperation, reaffirming Canada's support of and commitment
to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria - and to disbursing Canada's annual commitment to the Global Fund by the end of December.

Can metformin also protect arteries?
8 December 2011 - Reports suggest that cardiovascular disease is becoming
common among HIV-positive people. Even in otherwise-healthy HIV-positive adults, at least one study has found an increase in the sticky deposits called plaque that can build up in arteries.
Dec. 8, 2011 - XIX International AIDS Conference, July 22 - 27, 2012, Washington, DC, USA.
UCLA researchers suggest unconventional approach to control HIV epidemics
December 07, 2011 - A new weapon has emerged to prevent HIV infection. Called pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, it is a strategy
of providing medications to at-risk people before they are exposed to the virus. Having shown great promise in recent phase 3 clinical trials, PrEP may soon be rolled out for public use.

A Monkey Experiment Paves the Way Towards HIV Functional Cure
December 07, 2011 - Philipsburg, Sin Maarten - Since December 6th, 215 specialists are meeting in Sin Maarten for the "International Workshop on
HIV Persistence, Reservoirs & Eradication Strategies". Using a monkey model, Italian researchers show that spontaneous viral control is possible after discontinuing antiretroviral therapy.
The International Workshop on HIV Persistence, Reservoirs & Eradication Strategies is supported by the American National Institute of Health (NIH) and the French Agency for AIDS Research (ANRS).

Theratechnologies to discontinue COPD clinical program and accelerate path to profitability
Montreal, Canada - December 7, 2011 - The Company will now focus its efforts on tesamorelin's significant
potential for the treatment of excess abdominal fat in HIV patients with lipodystrophy.
When prophecy fails: How to better predict success in HIV prevention clinical trials
December 7, 2011- CHAPEL HILL, N.C. - New research from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill schools of medicine and
pharmacy may help explain the failure of some recent clinical trials of prevention of HIV infection, compared to the success of others that used the same drugs.

Give 30 HIV+ people training to become leaders
Dec. 7, 2011 - The DOES HIV LOOK LIKE ME? campaign facilitates the empowerment of people living with HIV or AIDS to challenge stigma and discrimination in their communities.
They will be trained to advocate and create awareness by discussing the realities of living with HIV or AIDS and encouraging people to get tested. The campaign Ambassadors, people living with HIV or AIDS,
are human rights leaders standing up to fight misconception, stigma and inequality with their faces, voices and individual stories.
Mayo Clinic Makes Kidney and Pancreas Transplant Available to HIV-Infected Patients
12/6/2011 -Newswise - JACKSONVILLE, Fla - Evidence is now solid that HIV-positive patients have the same favorable outcome
in terms of patient and allograft survival as non-HIV positive organ transplant recipients, says Mary Prendergast, M.D. , a kidney specialist whose focus is the care of patients who receive kidney and pancreas transplants.

Remarks by Stephen Lewis, Co-Director of AIDS-Free World, delivered at a plenary session at the 2011 International Conference on AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Africa (ICASA) Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, December 6, 2011
06/12/2011 - With your indulgence, I'm going to deviate from the assigned topic. I shall address the Millennium Development Goals, but not in the way that was anticipated.
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton:
Remarks in Recognition of International Human Rights Day
December 6, 2011 - - FREE and EQUAL in DIGNITY and RIGHTS
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton: "Good evening, and let me express my deep honor and pleasure at being here.
I want to thank Director General Tokayev and Ms. Wyden along with other ministers, ambassadors, excellencies, and UN partners. This weekend,
we will celebrate Human Rights Day, the anniversary of one of the great accomplishments of the last century.
HIV Is Not a Crime, 2011
HIV IS NOT A CRIME, 2011. Film by Sean Strub, Edited by Leo Herrera.
World Top HIV Researchers Meet to Make Progress on an HIV Cure
Philipsburg, Sin Maarten (MMD Newswire) December 5, 2011 - Scientits working on HIV persistence
in viral reservoirs convene this week for a research workshop. Their findings have potential implications for the 34 millions of patients who
are chronically infected by HIV worldwide.
More than 210 international scientists meet from December 6 to 9 for the "International Workshop on HIV Persistence,
Reservoirs & Eradication Strategies". The workshop is supported by the American National Institute of Health (NIH) and the French Agency
for AIDS Research (ANRS).

Ontario study calls for pregnancy planning programs for HIV-positive women
5 December 2011 - A team of researchers led by Dr. Mona Loufty has surveyed more than 400 HIV-positive women
in Ontario about issues related to pregnancy.

New Guidelines to Respect, Protect and Fulfill the Needs of Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) in HIV Research
ADDIS ABABA; NEW YORK, December 5, 2011 - Research for new HIV treatment and prevention interventions that involve men who have sex with men (MSM) requires improved collaboration
between researchers and community-based organizations, according to a new guidance document released in conjunction with the International Conference on HIV/AIDS and Other STIs in Africa (ICASA), currently being held in Addis Abba, Ethiopia.
16th ICASA Kicks Off
Addis Ababa, 04 December 2011 - Heads of State and Government, former presidents, first ladies, members of parliaments, ministers,
high level representatives of UN agencies, donors, members of the diplomatic corps, renowned scientists, NGOs, PLHIV, and civil society gathered today at the Millennium Hall
in Addis Ababa for the opening ceremony of the 16th International Conference on AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Africa (ICASA 2011).
Investments for children must be at top of African HIV and AIDS agenda
ADDIS ABABA, 4 December 2011 - As the 16th International Conference on AIDS in Africa (ICASA) gets underway
in Ethiopia, UNICEF is appealing to governments and donors to keep up their support for HIV and AIDS programmes across the continent and seize the
opportunity to eliminate new infections among children.

Funding cuts and political will stand in the way of science potentially overcoming HIV/AIDS says President of the International AIDS Society
2 December 2011 - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - Africa's largest conference on AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections to open in Addis Ababa Sunday, December 4
More than 10,000 participants from around the world, including government representatives, scientists, health workers, policy makers, and people living with HIV and AIDS (PLHIV), will gather in Addis Ababa
on Sunday 4th December for the opening of the 16th International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa (ICASA 2011).

AIDS Calgary - Holiday Hampers
December 2, 2011 - Calgary, Alberta - One of our services is the Holiday Hamper program which provides clients in our programs with
a grocery card and a gift.n (ACAA) presents the 2011 Scotiabank AIDS Walk for Life
on September 25, 2011 at Eau Claire Plaza.

IAS response to President Obama's World AIDS Day Speech
1 December 2011 - Geneva, Switzerland - "President Obama's speech today is a shot in the arm for scientists, activists and people living with HIV around the globe
whose hopes for an AIDS free world are pinned on the recognition that science, matched with adequate funding, can get us thinking about overcoming AIDS," said Elly Katabira the president of the
International AIDS Society, custodian of the biennial International AIDS Conference, which will be held in Washington in July 2012.
Children with HIV/AIDS falling through the cracks of treatment scale-up efforts
[Geneva/New York, 1 December 2011] - Less than one-quarter (23%) of children with HIV/AIDS
who need treatment are getting it, according to a report released by the World Health Organization (WHO) on the occasion of World AIDS Day (1 December 2011).

WORLD AIDS DAY: Guest Speaker Bradford McIntyre
December 1, 2011 - Vancouver, BC: Thursday December 1, 2011,
The Carnegie Community Centre Theatre
"My name is Bradford McIntyre. I am Positively Positive. I have been living infected with HIV since 1984."
When Will We See an AIDS-Free Generation?
Dec 1, 2011 - Jeffrey Brown discusses the state of the epidemic with U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator Ambassador Eric Goosby, clinic director Dr. Patricia Nkansah-Asamoah and David Ernesto Munar of the AIDS Foundation of Chicago.

IN THE LIFE - December 2011
"30 Years Positive"
December 1, 2011 - IN THE LIFE PREMIERES 30 YEARS POSITIVE: A Look Back At Groundbreaking HIV/AIDS Media Coverage Plus Harmony Santana & Rev. Charles King
Tonight, public television stations across the country will begin airing 30 Years Positive, an episode of the award-winning documentary series IN THE LIFE looking
back at multiple decades of media coverage of the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

Roll out the Red Carpet with the Canadian AIDS Society this World AIDS Day
December 1, 2011 - OTTAWA, ONTARIO - Commemorating World AIDS Day on the 30th year of HIV and on its 25th anniversary, the Canadian AIDS Society is inviting
corporate leaders, individuals and communities to join the HIV/AIDS movement
in Canada on the occasion of its fourth annual World AIDS Day Gala.

President Obama Vows to Put 6 Million on HIV Treatment by 2013 - HIV Physician-Scientists Respond
December 1, 2011 (WASHINGTON) - President Barack Obama renewed U.S. leadership in combating the AIDS pandemic
Thursday - World AIDS Day - pledging to put 2 million more people on life-saving antiretroviral treatment (ART) globally in the next two years, bringing the total to 6 million
on treatment by 2013 through the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) program.

Confusion over contradictory PrEP results
1 December 2011 - Pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, is currently being studied as a potential method for a person who is at risk of HIV
infection to reduce their risk of becoming infected.

December 1, 2011 - What will you do to make a difference on World AIDS Day this year?
Join POSITIVE LIVING BC at the Carnegie Community Centre (401 Main Street, Vancouver) for a day of workshops, speakers,
video presentations, food and refreshments, door prizes and fun from 9.30am-7.30pm.
Red ribbon: Celebrating 20 years of the iconic AIDS symbol
December 1, 2011 - Twenty years. That's how long it has been since the Visual AIDS Artists' Caucus created what they called "The Ribbon Project."
FLASHBACK: An AIDS Nursing Home Finds It Is No Longer the Last Stop (Joseph Breen 1997)
December 1, 2011 - An AIDS Nursing Home Finds It Is No Longer the Last Stop
While new drugs have made many patients stronger, officials at Rivington House and elsewhere see danger in the growing sense of optimism among those who have concluded that the disease is soon to be beaten.
"I don't think we've turned the corner," said Linda A. Domizio, director of professional services at Rivington House. "I think it's too premature to make any projections about what's going to happen in the future. It's a very difficult regimen to adhere to.
And we don't know what the long-term effects are going to be."
West must not give up on AIDS fight
December 1, 2011 - By Julio Montaner
Effective treatment of a person living with HIV
puts the virus into virtual long-term remission and dramatically reduces its transmission, preventing further infections.
World AIDS Day
Dec 1, 2011 - Interview with Dr. Julio Montaner

HPV/HIV Visiting Speaker
December 1, 2011 - "Safety and Immunogenicity of the Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus Vaccine in HIV-1 Infected Men"
Speaker: Dr. Stephen E. Goldstone, MD
Friday Dec. 9th 2011 12:00-1:00PM
HIV treatment in Canada lacking, advocate says
December 01, 2011 - TORONTO - Louise Binder has seen a lot of change since she was diagnosed with HIV in 1993,
but as World AIDS Day arrives on Thursday wonders why even in Canada people aren't being properly treated.
Living positive
December 1, 2011 - The focus is on living at the St. Paul's Hospital AIDS Clinic, reports the CBC's Ayesha Bhatty
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