
December 2, 2011 - Calgary, Alberta - In our HIV/AIDS support and Shift programs, we serve and assist individuals and families by improving their quality of life and helping them reach individualized goals. We provide a continuum of professional and compassionate services to meet the many diverse needs of our clients. These services include counseling, case management, information and referral, financial assistance, housing support, nutrition programs, social events, workshops groups, as well as many other services.
One of our services is the Holiday Hamper program which provides clients in our programs with a grocery card and a gift. The gift card allows clients to choose grocery items that fit their cultural, religious and dietary needs. Around the holidays, there are often extra expenses such as gifts, insulated winter items, higher utility bills, transportation costs, etc. The Holiday Hamper program provides additional support to many of the individuals and families we serve who are living on low incomes.
Many clients remark that this is the only holiday gift they receive. Others share that beyond the actual gift itself, the program reminds them that someone cares. One client told us "Christmas Holiday Hampers help me tremendously! What I get, I use to a great extent and [it] lasts me a long time! Keep up the great work [in] helping a lot of others during the joyous Christmas season."
You can be part of making a difference in the lives of people we serve by donating to this program. To donate online, please go to www.aidscalgary.org or mail your donation to AIDS Calgary Awareness Association, 110 - 1603 10 Ave. SW, Calgary, AB, T3C 0J7.
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AIDS Calgary is a local not-for-profit AIDS service organization that offers support services to individuals who
are at-risk for, infected or affected by HIV/AIDS, Sexually Transmitted Infections and Hepatitis C and provides prevention and
education throughout the Calgary, Bow Valley and Medicine Hat region. For more information, please contact AIDS Calgary at
(403) 508-2500 or online at www.aidscalgary.org.
For more information, please contact:
Jamie Schneider,
Communication Coordinator
AIDS Calgary Awareness Association
(403) 508-2581
Reproduced with permission -
"AIDS Calgary Awareness Association"
AIDS Calgary