Positively Positive - Living with HIV/AIDS:
HIV/AIDS News Archive - April 2013

Stephen Lewis speaks on the politics of Treatment as Prevention for HIV/AIDS
Published on Apr 30, 2013 - Stephen Lewis is the board chair of the Stephen Lewis Foundation. He is a Distinguished Visiting Professor at Ryerson University in Toronto, and he is co-founder and co-director of AIDS-Free World in the United States.
New survey on HIV education: Progression, regression or stagnation?
30 April 2013 - Recent research in a range of countries shows that less than half of young people have comprehensive and correct knowledge about HIV. This matters a great deal, the
report contends, as education is the foundation for the success of all HIV programming.

29 April 2013 - Bob Leahy was in Vancouver last week for the International Treatment as Prevention Workshop, an important gathering of global leaders, experts and community, which left him highly optimistic
that we have the tools to end the epidemic. Here's his report.

Talking treatment as prevention with Julio Montaner
29 April 2013 - Bob Leahy sits down and asks the hard questions with treatment as prevention's foremost proponent, Dr. Julio Montaner, head
of the British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, while in Vancouver last week.
Synthetic derivatives of THC may weaken HIV-1 infection
30-Apr-2013 - New research published in the Journal of Leukocyte Biology suggests compounds that stimulate the cannabinoid type 2 receptor in white blood cells,
specifically macrophages, can weaken HIV-1 infection
A new use for compounds related in composition to the active ingredient in marijuana may be on the horizon: a new research report published in the Journal of Leukocyte Biology shows
that compounds that stimulate the cannabinoid type 2 (CB2) receptor in white blood cells, specifically macrophages, appear to weaken HIV-1 infection.
A majority of HIV-positive gay men in Dutch survey take their viral load into consideration if having unprotected sex
29 April 2013 - About 40% of men who answered a community survey for HIV-positive gay men in the Netherlands said they took their viral load into consideration in deciding whether or not use condoms.
This represents about two-thirds of those who actually did have unprotected sex.
HIV screening for all adults urged
April 29, 2013 - FOSTER CITY, Calif. - Convincing evidence of benefits from identifying and treating HIV infection before symptoms appear, panel says
A U.S. medical group recommends universal HIV screening for teens and adults.
Why Still So Few Use Condoms
Apr 29 2013 - With the "next-generation condom" initiative, Bill Gates is acknowledging that the practical reasons people don't use condoms warrant honest conversation.
Scientists on brink of HIV cure
27 Apr 2013 - Researchers believe that there will be a breakthrough in finding a cure for HIV "within months"
Danish scientists are expecting results that will show that "finding a mass-distributable and affordable cure to HIV is possible".
They are conducting clinical trials to test a "novel strategy" in which the HIV virus is stripped from human DNA and destroyed permanently by the immune system.

HIV/AIDS Awareness
Published on Apr 26, 2013 - With more than 62,000 people in Texas living with Aids a Brownsville family is
spreading their message about teaching safe sex at home. they started informing their children at a young age in order to keep them from making life changing mistakes.
Researchers stop the only current HIV vaccine efficacy trial
April 26, 2013 - Vaccine did not prevent HIV infection: non-significant increase in infections in vaccine recipients
NIAID stopped administering injections when the trial's independent data and safety monitoring board (DSMB) found during a scheduled interim review that there was no sign that the vaccine regimen was preventing
HIV infection, nor any sign that it was reducing viral load among vaccine recipients who became infected with HIV.

Billboard and Newspapers in Nairobi Proclaim that "Good Catholics Use Condoms"
25 April 2013 - Nairobi, Kenya - The Condoms4Life Campaign today assured Kenyans that Catholics support the use of condoms to prevent the spread of HIV. A billboard in Nairobi and newspaper ads in the Standard (today) and the Daily Nation (on Sunday) show an authentically Catholic message supporting the use of condoms as an HIV prevention method.
Consistent decline in partner numbers in US gay men in last decade, but no change in condom use
April 25, 2013 - Data from two national sex surveys in the United States show that gay and bisexual men (men who have sex with men, MSM) reported significantly fewer sexual partners in the previous year in a survey conducted between 2006 and 2010 than they did in one conducted in 2002. This decline was consistent across most ethnicities and age groups, but was particularly marked, and statistically significant, in younger men aged under 24.

HIV Therapy May Protect Heart Function in Children and Teens
April 25, 2013 - Antiretroviral (ARV) therapy among HIV-positive children and teens appears unassociated with impaired heart function, and it may in fact protect against heart disease, MedPage Today reports.

CAHR2013 -Day 1 - Conference Opening and Mark A. Wainberg Lecture
Published on Apr 24, 2013 - Welcome to the 22nd Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research
Australia ups leadership role in the global AIDS response
24 April 2013 - Stepping up its leadership role in the response to AIDS, Australia is the new Vice-Chair of the Programme Coordinating Board of the Joint United Nations Programme on AIDS. The country has also kicked off the countdown to the next International AIDS conference to be held in Melbourne in July 2014.

HIV FOCUS program
Nearly one in five HIV-positive Americans-approximately 208,000 individuals-do not know they are infected. People with undiagnosed HIV account for an estimated two-thirds of sexually transmitted HIV infections because they do not know they are putting others at risk. Routine screening targets one of the major drivers of the epidemic: undiagnosed infection.

Stephen Lewis, Co-Director, AIDS Free World
Published April 24, 2013
30th Vancouver International AIDS Candlelight Memorial
In Solidarity: A Musical Tribute to People Infected and Affected by HIV and those we have lost to AIDS.
AIDS Vancouver is honoured to welcome everyone to celebrate with us the 30th Vancouver International AIDS Candlelight Memorial on Sunday May 19, 2013 beginning at 7:30pm in Alexandra Park
at the Band Stand. We have a stellar cast of performers this year to celebrate and perform a musical tribute to people affected and infected by HIV and to all of those friends and family we have lost to HIV/AIDS.
AIDS 'Patient Zero' was a publicity strategy, scholar writes
April 23, 2013 - "Patient Zero" - a promiscuous gay Canadian flight attendant - had spread AIDS from coast to coast. The story sparked sensational media coverage, drove a book onto the best-seller lists,
pushed the "gay disease" onto mainstream America's radar screen, and helped jump-start an activist movement, all of which eventually focused more money and scientific brainpower on an epidemic that had already killed tens of thousands.
It was also wrong - intentionally creating a scapegoat to publicize And the Band Played On, Randy Shilts' authoritative chronicle of the early years of AIDS. The book mentioned the case on just a dozen or so of its 630 pages.

From Africa to Asia Pacific: AIDS 2014 logo unites globe in fight against HIV
April 23, 2013 - Melbourne, Australia - A design concept from Tanzania, Africa has become the official logo if AIDS 2014 to be held in Melbourne, Australia in July 2014. This selection reflects the fact that the
International AIDS Conference is a truly global event which brings together countries and continents in the effort to overcome the HIV epidemic worldwide.
HIV spread in England 'could be halted within generation'
April 23, 2013 - The spread of HIV in England can be stopped within a generation, according to a new prevention campaign funded by the Department of Health.
There are around 90,000 people living with HIV in England. One person in four does not know they have it.
Overturn US anti-prostitution pledge to support sex workers and combat HIV
April 22, 2013 - Supreme court must put public health above 'misguided moralism' and end Pepfar policy that stigmatises sex workers

Treatment as prevention captures imagination of policy makers
April 21, 2013 - For the first time, foreign governments are sending high-ranking dignitaries to attend the conference to learn more about the made-in-Vancouver strategy that could pave the way for an AIDS-free generation.
Recreational use of HIV antiretroviral drug linked to its psychoactivity
April 21, 2013 - More than 1 in 270 people in the US are living with HIV and every 9.5 minutes someone is else is infected. The economic cost estimates associated with HIV/AIDS exceed
36 billion dollars a year. The development of effective drug treatments have allowed people with HIV to live longer with federal health officials now predicting that by 2015 one-half of the population with HIV in the US will be older than 50.
'It's a bit like a never-ending tsunami,' prof says of HIV
April 19, 2013 - HEALTH / Beyond Behaviours gay men's HIV conference held in Vancouver
Beyond Behaviours: Uncovering the Social Production of HIV Epidemics Among Gay Men was hosted by the CBRC in collaboration with
Universities Without Walls, and followed the Canadian Association for HIV Research (CAHR) conference which took place in Vancouver from April 11-14.

On display at Canada's HIV research conference
April 19, 2013 - It's a lively time of year here at Positive Women's Network. An Aboriginal women's retreat a couple of weekends ago, a workshop on HIV and menopause yesterday,
and now we're abuzz as our annual SpringBoard health conference approaches (register now! for details click here). In between we showed up at the Canadian Association for HIV Research (CAHR) conference, which was held in Vancouver this year. We had two poster presentations, the first on the development of our Pocket Guide on Aging for Women Living with HIV, and the second on shifting HIV service models. To get a better look at the posters, just click on them.

Hep C Transmission Among Gay Men Dates Back Decades; HIV a Major Risk Factor
April 19, 2013 - Hepatitis C virus (HCV) has transmitted among gay men since the early days of the AIDS epidemic, with HIV-positive men at much higher risk, particularly those with
lower CD4 counts, aidsmap reports. Publishing their findings in the online edition of Clinical Infectious Diseases, investigators from the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study (MACS) followed 5,310 men who have sex with men (MSM) between 1984 and 2011, all of whom entered the study without hep C.
Zambia's Anti-Gay Obsession Is Worsening Its HIV Epidemic
Apr 19 2013 - One prominent traditional chief recently called for "gay people to be caged."
One of Africa's leading human rights activists was arrested on April 7 after appearing on live television -- when police officers reportedly "stormed the station" and "tried to stop the interview," reports The Guardian and BBC.
B.C.'s HIV positive women call for gender-focused care to curb death and transmission
April 19, 2013 - VANCOUVER - Battling HIV-AIDS is a full time job for a British Columbia woman who's had the disease for more than 25 years and struggles to find care in a province with "seriously inadequate" health-care resources for women living with the illness.
After decades of HIV/AIDS, political barriers still restrict treatment
Andi Schwartz / National / Friday, April 19, 2013 - FEATURE / Experts say new trade negotiations could increase cost of providing life-saving drugs
Despite decades of effort, barriers to HIV treatment still exist - and could be getting worse. Organizations are calling on Canada to pull out of trade talks that could turn back years
of activism and drive up the cost of treatment worldwide.

Uganda's Soaring HIV Infection Rate Linked to Infidelity
April 19, 2013 - KAMPALA - HIV activists are struggling to find ways to address one of Uganda's biggest health crises: soaring HIV infections among couples, caused largely by cheating spouses. The
subject can be too politically and culturally sensitive to discuss.
Elevated prevalence of HIV and viral hepatitis in men injecting anabolic steroids
18 April 2013 - Addressing a topic that has received remarkably little research attention over the years, Dr Vivian Hope of Public Health England told the British HIV Association conference yesterday that injection of
image- and performance-enhancing drugs is rising in England and Wales. Moreover, his research suggests that men may be acquiring bloodborne viruses through this route - 1.5% had antibodies to HIV, 8.8% had antibodies to hepatitis B and 5.5% to hepatitis C.
HIV in breastmilk spikes at weaning
17 April 2013 - Findings bolster case for maternal drug therapy beyond feeding's end.
The amount of HIV in an infected mother's breast milk spikes when weaning begins, according to a study published today in Science Translational Medicine1. The findings are likely to add urgency to efforts to ensure that
infected mothers without access to formula take antiretroviral drugs throughout and beyond the time that they wean their infants.
South African clinics already achieving zero new HIV infections in children
17 April 2013 - Maternity clinics in South Africa have the potential to achieve zero transmission of HIV from mother to child, according to a review at Tygerberg Infectious Diseases Clinic
comparing infant and maternal outcomes before and after the April 2010 recommendation of lifelong antiretroviral therapy for all mothers with CD4 cell counts below 350 cells/mm3.
AIDS Vancouver
Volunteer Recognition Event
An evening of Thanks to Recognize all our Volunteers
April 25, 2013 - 6pm to 9pm
AIDS Vancouver would like to remind all our volunteers that our upcoming Volunteer Recognition Event will be taking place on
Thursday April 25th, 6-9pm.
Frost & Sullivan: New Drug Candidates Hold Tremendous Promise for European HIV Drugs Market
LONDON - 16 April 2013 - Patients to benefit from potential for improved efficacy in less commonly used types of ARV therapies and one-pill-daily combination drugs
The anticipated launch of drugs currently in the pipeline, together with the introduction of oral combination pills, are set to have a profound impact on the European HIV drugs market.
New technique to deliver life-saving drugs to the brain
Apr 16, 2013 - In a study published in the April 16 issue of Nature Communications, researchers from FIU's Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine describe a revolutionary technique they have developed that can deliver and fully release the anti-HIV drug AZTTP into the brain.
The Enduring Legacy of AIDS Walks
Apr 16, 2013 - In the '80s, AIDS hit the LGBT community like the proverbial ton of bricks. From the very beginning of the epidemic, locals AIDS Walks served to help then-fledgling AIDS support organizations.
From the first walk organized by Craig Miller in Los Angeles in 1985 to today's many such walkathons, they have continued to survive and thrive as vital fundraisers while other such events have fallen by the wayside.

This Positive Life: Now Over 50, Ed Viera Reflects on HIV's Challenges and Lessons
April 16, 2013 - "I'm doing damn good," says Ed Viera, Jr., who was diagnosed with HIV in 1987.
Women with HIV shown to have elevated resting energy expenditure
Philadelphia, PA, April 16, 2013 - Antiretroviral therapy does not affect resting energy expenditure among women with HIV,
according to Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics report
Close to "The purpose of our study was to compare REE in HIV-infected women who have never been on antiretroviral therapy (ART), those on ART with
virologic suppression, those on ART with detectable HIV-1 RNA, and HIV-negative, healthy women." Antiretroviral therapy typically consists of at least three drugs to fight against fatal HIV effects and improve quality of life.
Circumcision alters penis microbiome, could explain HIV protection
16-Apr-2013 - Circumcision drastically alters the microbiome of the penis, changes that could explain
why circumcision offers protection against HIV and other viral infections. In a study to be published on April 16 in mBio®, the online open-access journal of the American Society for
Microbiology, researchers studied the effects of adult male circumcision on the types of bacteria that live under the foreskin before and after circumcision.

Former Positive Living chair Ken Buchanan dies
April 15, 2013 - PROUD LIFE / 'He was a real champion for the rights of people even when he was really sick'
HIV/AIDS activist Ken Buchanan is being remembered by members of Vancouver's queer community as a compassionate, good-humoured and caring man who fought passionately for the rights of those living with HIV/AIDS.
He died at St Paul's Hospital April 15, leaving his partner of four years, William.

Viread and Epivir Lower Risk of Hepatitis B Infection in HIV-Positive Gay Men
April 15, 2013 - Gay men with HIV in a small study in Thailand had three times the risk of developing high-grade precancerous anal lesions (HGAIN), a precursor to anal cancer,
aidsmap reports. About a third of the men developed these lesions in a single follow-up year. Publishing their findings in the online edition of the journal AIDS, researchers studied 123 HIV-positive and 123 HIV-negative gay men in Bangkok.

South Africa Turns to Single-Pill Once-Daily Fixed-Dose ART
15 April 2013 - South Africa plans to provide a single-pill fixed-dose combination (FDC) of efavirenz, tenofovir, and emtricitabine to about 180,000 people in the coming weeks, SouthAfrica.info reports. The once-daily complete
antiretroviral combination will cost 89 rand ($10) monthly.

The Dating Gamble
April 15 2013 - The HIV-positive guy you won't date may be your safest bet after all.
You may think that dating an HIV-positive man increases your risk of infection. In fact, it likely does the opposite. If your prospective mate has the gumption to disclose his positive status before
the first round of cocktails, you can be certain that he has taken steps to protect your negative status.

LIVE WEBCAST to Introduce a New Campaign with Alicia Keys to Reach Women in the U.S. on HIV/AIDS
Monday, April 15 from noon-1pm ET on the Kaiser Family Foundation website
On Monday, April 15 at noon (Eastern Time), the Kaiser Family Foundation will stream a live webcast to introduce EMPOWERED , a new campaign to reach women about HIV/AIDS from Grammy Award-winning artist and HIV advocate Alicia Keys and Greater Than AIDS . The program will include a discussion with experts about the impact of HIV/AIDS on women in the U.S.
Addicts shoot up in safe haven in Canada
Apr. 12 2013 - Vancouver, British Columbia (CNN) - Clean needles stop the spread of infections like HIV and Hepatitis C, and daily access to medical staff is all the more important for people living in harsh, exposed conditions.
Read more & Watch Video...
HIV-AIDS non-disclosure should be a crime, study of gay and bisexual men finds
Apr. 11 2013 - The research is being presented Thursday at the Canadian Association for HIV Research conference in Vancouver. The data have also been packaged in graphic form in the hope the material will be posted in health clinics, community centres and high schools.
Congresswoman Barbara Lee Marks First-Ever National Youth HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
Apr 10, 2013 - Washington, D.C. - Close to 76,400 young people (defined by ages 13-24) currently live with HIV
in the United States, and only 40% know their status. Today, young people under age 30 represent about 40% of all new HIV infections in the U.S. though
account for only 21% of the population. This epidemic particularly affects communities of color: African-American youth represent 60% of new infections among all young people.

amfAR Welcomes Increased AIDS Funding in President's Budget Proposal, Including Important Increase for Global Fund
NEW YORK, April 10, 2013 - Foundation Voices Concern over Continued Reductions to PEPFAR Program
amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research, on Wednesday welcomed the President's fiscal year 2014 budget proposal, which includes increases in funding for AIDS research and domestic programming, and a significant increase for the
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria, compared to the fiscal year 2012 budget. But the Foundation raised concern about the President's continued proposed reductions for bilateral HIV/AIDS funding through the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).

High profile speakers invited to attend 17th ICASA
10 April, 2013 - Africa's largest AIDS conference comes to South Africa in December
Current and former heads of state across Africa, top leadership from a broad range of UN agencies and cutting edge researchers from around the world will
deliver keynote presentations ranging from accountability across sectors to antiretroviral treatments, from new preventions to an update on a cure.

National Youth HIV Awareness Day
April 10, 2013 - What can young people do?
No increase in sexual risk taking by gay men in England, 2001 to 2008
10 Apr 2013 - Analysis of Gay Men's Sex Survey data shows that, overall, the proportion of men reporting unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) did not change between the 2001 and 2008
surveys. There was an increase in the number of men with diagnosed HIV reporting unprotected sex, but numerous other indicators showed no increase in risk taking.

National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day
Today, April 10th is National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day.
Congratulations to the advocates that created this day to bring attention and resources to the impact that HIV has on our young people. We know that more than
1/3 of all new HIV diagnoses are among youth ages 13-29. Our youth are our future, and by working with them we can help to ensure the health and wellness of the coming generations.
One-in-four deaths in pregnancy due to HIV in worst-affected countries
09 April 2013 - One-in-four pregnancy-related deaths is due to HIV in countries with a high HIV prevalence, a meta-analysis of 23 studies shows.
HIV-infected women have eight times the risk of a pregnancy-related death compared to uninfected women (pooled relative risk [RR]: 7.75, 95% CI: 5.37-11.16), according to results from the meta-analysis published in the advance online edition of AIDS.
Treatment Leads to Near-Normal Life Expectancy for People With HIV in South Africa
Apr. 9, 2013 - In South Africa, people with HIV who start treatment with anti-AIDS drugs (antiretroviral therapy) have life expectancies around 80% of that of the general population provided that they start
treatment before their CD4 count drops below 200 (cells per microliter), according to a study by South African researchers published in this week's PLOS Medicine.

Global Fund Targets $15 Billion to Effectively Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria
08 April 2013 - BRUSSELS - The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria announced a goal of raising US$15 billion so that it
can effectively support countries in fighting these three infectious diseases in the 2014-2016 period.

Gilead Submits New Drug Application to U.S. FDA for Sofosbuvir for the Treatment of Hepatitis C
FOSTER CITY, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Apr. 8, 2013 - Sofosbuvir Would Form Basis of First All-Oral Regimen for HCV Genotype 2 and 3 Patients, and Interferon-Sparing Regimen for Genotype 1 Patients
Gilead Sciences, Inc. (Nasdaq: GILD) today announced that the company has submitted a New Drug Application (NDA) to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for approval of sofosbuvir, a once-daily oral nucleotide
analogue for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. The data submitted in this NDA support the use of sofosbuvir and ribavirin (RBV) as an all-oral therapy for patients with genotype 2 and 3 HCV infection, and for
sofosbuvir in combination with RBV and pegylated interferon (peg-IFN) for treatment-naïve patients with genotype 1, 4, 5 and 6 HCV infection.
B.C.'s early HIV treatment program a model for Canada, study suggests
April 9, 2013 - Dr. Julio Montaner, director of the B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS at St. Pauls Hospital, is urging the rest of the country to follow B.C.'s lead in applying a drug regime called HAART to people diagnosed with HIV.
Dr. Julio Montaner, director of the B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, says HAART is being used too late for many patients and the rest of the country needs to follow B.C.'s lead in applying the therapy in conjunction with more testing for the disease.

Montréal, Canada -April 8, 2013 - Theratechnologies Inc. (TSX : TH) today announced the termination of its distribution and licensing
agreement with Ferrer Internacional, S.A. (Ferrer) for the commercialization of tesamorelin in Europe, Russia, South Korea, Taiwan and certain Asian countries for the treatment of excess abdominal fat in HIV-infected patients with lipodystrophy.
Ferrer was also responsible for regulatory activities for tesamorelin in these territories.
Invisible Women: Why Transgender Women Are Hit So Hard By HIV
April 8, 2013 - Why do transgender women have some of the highest HIV rates in the country?
Transgender women are the fastest-growing population of HIV-positive people in the country, according to Miss Major, a
70-year-old transgender woman of color and the executive director of TGI Justice Project, a San Francisco-based advocacy organization that
fights for the rights of transgender, intersex, and gender-variant people who are in prison or have served jail time.
Is It Time to Start Paying Men to Stay HIV-Free?
April 7, 2013 - A new study has one very radical suggestion: offering money to men as an incentive for them to stay HIV-free could not only cut HIV rates, but could also cut total medical costs.
Just $288 Dollars a Year to Cut a Person's Risk of Contracting HIV
AIDS Top Source Of Death From Infectious Disease in China In 2012
4/06/2013 - What's the biggest source of death from infectious disease in the country these days? By far in 2012, according to government figures, it was AIDS.

HIV-Positive Thai Gay Men at High Risk for Precancerous Anal Lesions
April 5, 2013 - Gay men with HIV in a small study in Thailand had three times the risk of developing high-grade precancerous anal lesions (HGAIN), a precursor to anal cancer,
aidsmap reports. About a third of the men developed these lesions in a single follow-up year. Publishing their findings in the online edition of the journal AIDS, researchers studied 123 HIV-positive and 123 HIV-negative gay men in Bangkok.

S.T.A.G.E. to benefit AIDS Project Los Angeles
April 5th, 2013 - BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. - S.T.A.G.E. is the longest-running annual musical HIV/AIDS fundraiser in the world. This one-night-only gala raises critical funds for APLA, which is one of the largest
non-profit AIDS service organizations in the United States. With nearly 30 years of service, APLA is a community-based, volunteer-supported organization with local, national, and global reach.
New HIV findings reveal genetic double-edged sword
Apr 5th, 2013 - A major international research study involving Murdoch University has found that individuals born with high numbers of a receptor known as HLA-C on their cells can naturally inhibit HIV.
Student Leader's HIV-Positive Status Blasted in Campaign Fliers
April 4, 2013 - A student running for student body vice president at the University of Houston-Downtown was the target of fliers that claimed the candidate was promoting a "homosexual agenda" and made a distasteful remark regarding his HIV status.
Review shows HIV self-testing to be acceptable, accurate and feasible, but finds little data on linkage to care for those testing HIV positive
April 04, 2013 - Self-testing for HIV is highly acceptable to people in a variety of settings, investigators report in the open-access journal PLoS Medicine.
Researchers Find Potential Map to More Effective HIV Vaccine
Apr. 3, 2013 - DURHAM, NC - By tracking the very earliest days of one person's robust immune response to HIV, researchers have charted a new
route for developing a long-sought vaccine that could boost the body's ability to neutralize the virus.
Self-testing for HIV could help slow spread of AIDS: study
April 3, 2013 - Getting people around the world to test themselves for HIV could help bring the HIV/AIDS epidemic under control, by finding infected patients earlier before they infect others, a new study suggests.
The study, led by the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre, looked at how willing people are to use home-based HIV self-tests over going to a clinic for a test - or not getting tested at all.
HIV Cases Among China's Students Increased Nearly 25 Percent
Apr 01, 2013 - Chinese health officials report that the number of students infected with HIV has increased by 24.5 percent year-on-year in 2012.
Research Deciphers HIV Attack Plan: How AIDS Virus Grooms Its Assault Team
Apr. 1, 2013 - A new study by Los Alamos National Laboratory and University of Pennsylvania scientists defines previously unknown properties of transmitted HIV-1, the virus that causes AIDS.

Updating the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program For A New Era: Key Issues & Questions For the Future
April 1, 2013 - The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program is a more than two-decade old federal effort that provides care and services to more than half a million people with and affected by HIV each year.

CAHR 2013 - Join CTAC to Draft a Treatment Access Bill of Rights for People Living with HIV in Canada
CTAC will be hosting an ancillary event on Thursday, April 11 from 13:00 -16:30 PST on drafting a Treatment Access Bill of Rights for People Living with HIV in Canada.
Date: Thursday, April 11, 13:00-16:30 PST
Address: The Westin Bayshore Hotel, 1601 Bayshore Dr., Vancouver, BC
Room: Cypress 2, Level 2
Registration: This session is open to all CAHR attendees, pre-registration required.
The purpose of the proposed event is to provide an opportunity for community members, policymakers, researchers and service providers to meet and contribute to the development of CTAC's forthcoming Treatment Access Bill of Rights for People Living with HIV in Canada