Positively Positive - Living with HIV/AIDS:
HIV/AIDS News Archive - April 2011

Canada Votes 2011: Make HIV a Federal Election Issue
April 28, 2011 - With Canadians heading to the polls on Monday, May 2 - just around the corner - the Canadians HIV/AIDS Legal Network
posed some important questions to the five major parties, asking them to clarify their position on issues related to HIV/AIDS and human rights, in Canada and internationally.
Élection canadienne 2011: Faisons du VIH un enjeu électoral fédéral
28 avril 2011 - Le 2 mai, jour où les Canadiens et Canadiennes iront aux urnes, est à nos portes. Le Réseau juridique canadien
VIH/sida a posé d'importantes questions aux cinq principaux partis fédéraux, les invitant à clarifier leur position sur des enjeux liés au VIH/sida et aux droits humains, au Canada et à l'échelle mondiale.

CATIE News - PrEP study closes - questions remain unanswered
2011 Apr 27 - The decision to stop the study was made by an Independent Data Monitoring Committee (IDMC). These committees
are responsible for reviewing preliminary data from ongoing trials and deciding whether or not the trials should continue.
Severity of hepatitis C and HIV co-infection in mothers contribute to HCV transmission to child
27-Apr-2011 - IL28B gene plays role in spontaneous HCV clearance in infants
New research shows that high maternal viral load and co-infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are the only risk factors
associated with vertical transmission of the hepatitis C virus (HCV-VT).

Gaetan Dugas, so-called Patient Zero
Uploaded on Apr 26, 2011 - Richard McKay on Gaetan Dugas, the so-called Patient Zero

AIDS 2012 Conference Theme Announced
April 25, 2011 - The world leading AIDS experts will gather for the
2012 ISHEID conference in Marseille, France, May 23-25, 2012. The general AIDS conference theme will be 'From Universal HIV Testing to HIV Cure'.
Fighting HIV in South Africa should focus on couples, study finds
April 25, 2011 - A new study of sexual risk behaviors within long-term
couples in South Africa finds that HIV-positive people take almost as much risk in their sexual behavior when they
know their partner is HIV-negative or don't know their status, as when they know their partner is already infected.
Kids Born With HIV Growing Up Well
April 20, 2011 - Once facing an almost certain death sentence, most children born with HIV are now faring well into adolescence and adulthood,
according to a newly published study co-authored by Tulane infectious diseases expert Dr. Russell Van Dyke. The study was published in the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes.
How TRIM5 fights HIV
20-Apr-2011 - Thanks to a certain protein, rhesus monkeys are resistant to HIV. Known as TRIM5, the protein prevents the HI virus from multiplying once it has
entered the cell. Researchers from the universities of Geneva and Zurich have now discovered the protein's mechanism, as they report in Nature. This also opens up new prospects for fighting HIV in humans.

A Taste for Life 2011
Celebrating 13 years of Good Food for a Good Cause!
Join us on April 27, 2011
Help fight HIV/AIDS just by dining out!

Adaptive Trial Designs Could Accelerate HIV Vaccine Development
April 20, 2011 - NIH Scientists Review Lessons Learned from More than a Decade of Trials
Bold Documentary Exposes Ongoing HIV/AIDS Battle
Apr 19, 2011 - Oklahoma City, OK - The documentary showcases women in Botswana participating in a stigma-free
beauty pageant, Ugandan college students fighting the stigma of abstinence and gay-rights advocates at the International AIDS conference in Toronto
combating stigmatization. Unapologetic and courageous yet consistently inspiring, Miss HIV shines a spotlight on ideological agendas that often complicate an already complex human crisis.
Young people happy with their sexual experiences but many take risks
18-Apr-2011 - Youngsters are, on average, 16 years old and sober when they make their sexual debut with somebody they have known
for a while. However, condoms feature in just half of sexual encounters with new or casual partners, reveals a major survey on the sexual habits, attitudes and knowledge of young
people carried out by the University of Gothenburg on behalf of the Swedish Institute for Communicable Disease Control.

President of Fiji shows continued commitment and leadership on AIDS
Geneva, 18 April 2011 - The President of Fiji, Ratu Epeli Nailatikau, has underlined his firm commitment and leadership on driving
forward the AIDS agenda as he confirms his attendance to the High Level Meeting on AIDS, taking place at the UN in New York from 8-10 June.

Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation Advocacy Video Nominated for Webby Award
April 18, 2011 - Washington, D.C. - The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation is proud to
announce that its advocacy video, "The Time to Eliminate Pediatric AIDS is Now," has been nominated for the 15th Annual Webby Awards in the Public Service and Activism category.

What's The Best Condom? The Question Should Be: What's The Best Condom for Me?
PRLog (Press Release) - Apr 16, 2011 - WowCondoms.com Announces Release of
"The Ultimate Condom Sampler" To Help People Find Their Best Condom.

Mali welcomes new generation of leaders for AIDS response
Geneva, 15 April 2011 - Over 100 young leaders from around the world are meeting in Bamako, Mali, for a three-day Global Youth Summit on HIV. The Summit, hosted by President Amadou Toumani Touré of Mali, is being held to create a new generation of leadership in the global AIDS response.
Orbinski offers hope in fight against AIDS
April 15, 2011 - We asked Orbinski, now a University of Toronto professor and chair of global health at the university's Dalla Lana School of Public Health, about AIDS today:
Genital herpes more virulent in Africa than in US
BOSTON, Mass. (April 15, 2011) - Strains of genital herpes in Africa are far more virulent
than those in the United States, researchers at Harvard Medical School report, a striking insight into a common disease with important implications
for preventing HIV transmission in a region staggered by the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

The AIDS 2012 Washington, DC office scales up for the XIX International AIDS Conference
14 April 2011 - A team of 25 will be put in place with four key positions being recruited immediately
The Washington, DC office for the XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012) is now scaling up its activities and logistical preparations
for the biennial conference which will convene more than 20,000 delegates from nearly 200 countries. AIDS 2012 will be held in Washington, DC from 22 to 27 July 2012 at
the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.

A New Online Resource for the HIV Vaccine Community
April 14, 2011 - A new online resource for the HIV vaccine research community, the HIV Vaccine electronic (e) resource, or ""HIVe," premiers today at www.vaccineenterprise.org/HIVe.

Outstanding Quality of Science at 6th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention (IAS 2011) Underlines Conference Goal of Translating HIV Research into Practice
14 April, 2011 (Geneva, Switzerland) - Current Registration Figures Suggest That Record Numbers of Delegates Will Benefit
From High Quality Science Programme
The 6th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention (IAS 2011) will examine basic, clinical and prevention sciences as well as
operations and implementation research. IAS 2011 will be held in Rome, Italy, from 17 -20 July, and will offer up a strong roster of plenary speakers and a high-quality scientific programme in a robust range of topics.

ST. RITA COMMUNITY BASED ORPHAN CARE - Education Endownment Fundraising
Theme: "Together we are the solution"
Join us and make a difference: There are several ways to get involved
Once, When We Were Heroes
Mark S. King's award-winning essay to commemorate World AIDS Day is a bittersweet look at the crisis, past and present. Includes a special video presentation.

HIV Rate in SF Could Be Cut Sharply with Expanded Treatment, Study Predicts
April 13, 2011 - If HIV-infected adults in San Francisco began taking antiretroviral treatments as soon as they were diagnosed,
the rate of new HIV infections among men who have sex with men would be cut by almost 6o percent over five years, according to a new study by scientists at the University of California, San Francisco.

Subaru of America, Inc. Teams Up with Dining Out For Life and Local AIDS Service Organizations to Raise Millions for HIV/AIDS
On April 28, Dining Out For Life will be held in nearly 60 cities across North America
CONSHOHOCKEN, Pa., April 12, 2011 - Subaru of America, Inc. is proud to mark its fifth year as
International Host Sponsor of Dining Out For Life(SM), an annual one-day fundraiser for HIV/AIDS care held in nearly 60 cities across North America.
On April 28, more than 3,500 restaurants will donate a generous percentage of each check to their local AIDS service organization.

April 11, 2011 - New study finds a decrease in AIDS-defining cancers, offset by an increase in other cancers
People with HIV infection are known to be at increased risk for certain cancers not classified as AIDS-defining malignancies. Of these,
the most common are anal, lung, and liver cancers, and Hodgkin lymphoma.

Expansion of HIV/AIDS Vaccine Program Announced by GeoVax Labs, Inc.
ATLANTA, GA, April 11, 2011 - Adjuvant Gives 70% Prevention of Infection in Primates
GeoVax Labs, Inc. (OTCBB:GOVX), announced today that it is expanding its preventative HIV/AIDS vaccine development effort in collaboration with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the HIV Vaccine Trials Network (HVTN).
Scientists find method to probe genes of the most common bacterial STI
11-Apr-2011 - NIH finding will accelerate study of chlamydial infections
WHAT: In a new study from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes
of Health, scientists describe successfully mutating specific genes of Chlamydia bacteria, which cause the most common sexually transmitted infection in the United States as well as a type of blindness common in developing nations.
Hide/Seek: Portraits by Felix Gonzalez-Torres and David Wojnarowicz - National Portrait Gallery
Published on Apr 8, 2011 - National Portrait Gallery - Discussion by Jonathan Katz, co-curator of "Hide/Seek" and Chair of the Visual Studies Doctoral Program at SUNY-Buffalo.
"Untitled" (Portrait of Ross in L.A.) by Felix Gonzalez-Torres: Even as a minimalist, Felix Gonzalez-Torres also had a whimsical, humanistic side that showed the influences of pop art on his installations. In this "portrait" of his deceased partner, Ross Laycock, Gonzalez-Torres created a spill of candies that approximated Ross's weight (175 lbs.) when he was healthy. Viewers are invited to take away a candy until the mound gradually disappears; it is then replenished, and the cycle of life and death continues. While Gonzalez-Torres wanted the viewer/participant to partake of the sweetness of his own relationship with Ross, the candy spill also works as an act of communion. More darkly, the steadily diminishing pile of cheerfully wrapped candies shows the dissolution of the gay community as society ignored the AIDS epidemic. In the moment that the candy dissolves in the viewer's mouth, the participant also receives a shock of recognition at his or her complicity in Ross's demise.

Civil Society supports UN Member States to set new AIDS agenda
New York, 8 April 2011 - More than 400 civil society representatives have come together at the United Nations in New York for a one-day hearing on progress made in the HIV response.

Researchers Unveil HIV Persistence & Reservoirs Meeting Advanced Program
Toulon, France - April 08, 2011 - The Steering Committee has just announced the preliminary program of the next edition of the workshop, to be held December 6-9, 2011.
Despite major improvements in life expectancy and quality of life with antiretroviral therapy, today's treatment cannot cure HIV infection. To try to eradicate HIV from infected individuals,
researchers must figure out where the virus hides and how persistent infection is established in these sites.

[April 7, 2011, WASHINGTON] - Infectious Diseases Society of America Says Initiatives to Battle Life-Threatening Bad Bugs Must be Implemented Now

GeoVax Labs HIV/AIDS Vaccine Development Leadership to be Highlighted During 2011 World Vaccine Congress
ATLANTA, GA - April 7, 2011- CSO To Review Progress of Clinical Trials and Vaccine Technology
Harriet Robinson, Ph.D., Chief Scientific Officer at GeoVax Labs, Inc. (OTCBB:GOVX), will provide an update on the status of the Company's
therapeutic and preventative HIV vaccines at the 2011 World Vaccine Conference at the Gaylord National Hotel and Convention Center in Washington DC on Thursday, April 14.

Jointly published by the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network and the Open Society Foundations, this report examines the human rights content and impact of the Global Fund's work in three areas...

Stay the Rights Course
UNAIDS Reference Group on HIV and Human Rights[1]
Statement to the 2011 United Nations High Level Meeting on AIDS
HIV-1 drug resistance mutations associated with increased risk of antiretroviral treatment failure
5-Apr-2011 - An analysis of data from 10 studies indicates that the presence of low frequency (also called "minority")
human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) drug resistance mutations, particularly those involving nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) resistance,
are significantly associated with an increased risk of first-line antiretroviral treatment failure, according to an article in the April 6 issue of JAMA.

Job opening: CAHR seeks Executive Director
April 2011 - The Canadian Association for HIV Research (CAHR) is currently accepting applications for the position of Executive Director.

Abbott Receives FDA Approval for Once-Daily Dosing of Kaletra ®
( lopinavir / ritonavir ) for Treatment-Experienced Patients
April 4, 2011 - ABBOTT PARK, Illinois (NYSE: ABT) and WATERTOWN, Massachusetts - Abbott and Enanta Pharmaceuticals today announced
12-week results from a Phase 2 study of ABT-450/r, an investigational, oral protease inhibitor being developed for the treatment of hepatitis C (HCV) infection.

CNN's Anderson Cooper to be honored at Annual Gala Cielo Latino
New York - Anderson Cooper, anchor of CNN's weeknight Anderson Cooper 360, will receive the 2011 Compañero Award on May 10th at the Latino Commission on AIDS's annual fundraising gala Cielo Latino, the Latino Commission on AIDS announced today.
AIDS Associated with an Increased Risk of Some Stomach, Esophageal Cancers
April 4, 2011 - ORLANDO, Fla. - Among people with AIDS, the risk of stomach
and esophageal malignancies is higher than among the general population, according to study results presented at the AACR 102nd Annual Meeting 2011, held here April 2-6.
A better understanding of the aging immune system
4-Apr-2011 - A new collaboration of university and non-university research institutes and two companies is
investigating why our immune defence is getting weaker when we become old.

April 2, 2011 - NEW ORLEANS, SEPTEMBER 21-23, 2011
The sixth annual North American Housing and HIV/AIDS Research Summit on September 21 to 23,
2011, in New Orleans will bring together researchers, policy experts, consumers and providers of HIV/AIDS housing to review findings
from research and policy initiatives, discuss evidence-based housing practice and policy, and develop community-driven research and advocacy strategies.
A new experimental diagnostic test able to quickly distinguish infection from tuberculosis disease
1 Apr. 2011 - The results of a preliminary study, the work of a research team of the Catholic University, National Institute of Infectious Diseases "L. Spallanzani" and the University of Sassari published on the international journal PLoS One

Dining Out For Life 2011
Dining Out For Life is back on Thursday, April 28, 2011 for its amazing 18th year!

AHF Billboards Commemorate Elizabeth Taylor, Champion for People Living with HIV/AIDS
Los Angeles, CA - April 1, 2011 - (AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF)) - This week AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), the largest
global AIDS organization, launched a public tribute to Hollywood legend Elizabeth Taylor with a number of billboards around Los Angeles commemorating her contribution to the AIDS fight.
MTV Calls on Audience to Live a GYT Lifestyle
New York, NY, April 1, 2011 - National Campaign Encourages Young People to Get Tested for STDs, Including HIV
Ludacris, Vinny from The Jersey Shore, Travie McCoy, Teen Mom's Catelynn and More Examine the "Top 10 Most Outrageous Sex Myths" in Special Airing on April 16th at 8:30 PM ET/PT

Canadian AIDS Society 2011 Federal Election Website
Following the budget presentation delivered by the government on March 22, 2011, which failed to include key issues that affect Canadians,
it is essential for people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS to make their voices heard to candidates which is why we have created a special election site for you to use as a reference tool.
Honouring BC Persons With AIDS Society 25th Anniversary
Saturday, April 9 - 6-10pm
Terminal City Club
837 West Hastings Street
Featuring Spoken Word Artist SHANE KOYCZAN