April 14, 2011 - A new online resource for the HIV vaccine research community, the HIV Vaccine electronic (e) resource,
or ""HIVe," premiers today at www.vaccineenterprise.org/HIVe.
Developed by the Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise (Enterprise), HIVe
serves as a global clearinghouse of information for the HIV vaccine research community and a virtual meeting place to exchange
information on all aspects of HIV vaccine research and development. HIVe includes easy-to-navigate links to jobs, grants,
scholarships and training opportunities; the latest HIV vaccine research news; prominent guest speakers weighing in on
the most pressing issues in the field; upcoming events; and an open forum where visitors can post their opinions,
participate in debates and discussions, exchange information and pose questions to colleagues.
HIVe helps connect the global community of HIV vaccine researchers, with a focus on the needs and interests of young and early-career
investigators (YECIs) who face increasing career development challenges.
HIVe was proposed and shaped by the Enterprise Young and Early Career Investigators Committee and is a result of
the 2010 Scientific Strategic Plan of the Global
HIV Vaccine Enterprise, a collaborative framework to accelerate HIV vaccine research and development.
Whether you are an HIV vaccine researcher or community educator, a twenty year veteran or just beginning your career,
HIVe will offer valuable information and perspectives to bring us all closer to a safe and effective HIV vaccine.
HIVe premieres at www.vaccineenterprise.org/HIVe. Please visit the HIVe....and
let us know what you think!
