Sunday, June 26, 2011
It's time to dust off your running shoes and start training for the 2011 Scotiabank Half-Marathon and 5K Walk/Run. This fun-tastic event takes place on June 26th, 2011 and the Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation will have teams participating in both races. The half-marathon begins at UBC and is a qualifying race for the New York City Marathon (and it's downhill most of the way!). The 5K starts and ends in Stanley Park. Please join Team Dr. Peter to help us raise funds for a great cause!
It's easy to participate:
1. Register online now and be sure to select Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation as your charity to qualify for the Early Bird registration fee.
2. Join the Team Dr. Peter page and start fundraising. We ask each team member to raise a minimum of $50. In return, your team will be behind you all the way to the finish line - with training tips, bag storage on race day, 'volun-cheerers' to keep you motivated, swag gifts and other treats.
3. Tell your friends - You've done it; now get others to do it too! Running is more fun when you have a buddy or a regular group to run with so forward this email to your entire contact list now or recruit a team from work or school to join you. Don't forget to ask friends to pledge you too!
Pick up your race packet and visit the Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation booth at the Health & Runners' Expo at the Empire Landmark Hotel (1400 Robson Street, Vancouver) upstairs in the Crystal Ballroom on:
Friday June 24th, 11:00am to 7:00pm
Saturday June 25th, 10:00am to 5:00pm
IMPORTANT! Please bring a printout of your registration email confirmation OR a piece of photo ID to packet pickup.
Schedule for the Scotiabank Charity Challenge on Sunday, June 26:
7:00am Half-Marathon starts at UBC Thunderbird Arena
9:15am 5K Fun Run/Walk starts at Stanley Park Fish House
9:00-11:00am Shuttle buses from finish back to UBC (free, but not guaranteed)
10:00am Half Marathon course closes
10:15am 5K course closes
10:30am Awards Ceremony on stage at finish area at Ceperley Park
Schedule for the Scotiabank Charity Challenge on Sunday, June 26:
7:00am Half-Marathon starts at UBC Thunderbird Arena
9:15am 5K Fun Run/Walk starts at Stanley Park Fish House
Shuttle buses from finish back to UBC (free, but not guaranteed)
10:00am Half Marathon course closes
10:15am 5K course closes
10:30am Awards Ceremony on stage at finish area at Ceperley Park
"Reproduced with permission - Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation "
Dr.Peter AIDS Foundation