Host: WORLD (Women Organized to Respond to Life-threatening Diseases)
When: Wednesday September 7 at 5:30pm
Where: 449 15th Street, Suite 303, Oakland, CA 94612
RSVP: Naina Khanna at
Mobilize Oakland and the Bay Area for the
2012 International AIDS Conference!
Join us at WORLD, a local community partner for IAC 2012, to get
updates and help kickoff the first local planning meeting for IAC 2012.
Congresswoman Barbara Lee will address the meeting via phone and
light refreshments will be served.

About Positive Womens Network
We are a network of HIV + women and allies organizing and advocating for our rights. For more information
"Reproduced with permission - Positive Womens Network (PWN) "
Positive Womens Network (PWN)