May 6, 2011 - Neuilly-sur-Seine, France - The International Symposium of HIV
and Emerging Infectious Diseases (ISHEID) Congress is announcing its HIV AIDS 2012 conference, to be held in Marseille, France from May 23 to
May 25, 2012. This is an important conference -a "meeting of the minds" if you will- consisting of some of the top researchers
and scientists in the field of HIV research and care. Abstracts will be shared, speeches will be made, and networking
opportunities will be plentiful for everyone who attends. The congress believes that the information disseminated
in this conference is vital information that will go a long way toward hopefully finding a cure for HIV and AIDS.
Through this AIDS 2012 conference, the congress aims to do three major things. First, it will allow HIV health
care professionals to exchange ideas and experiences so the approach to caring for people with HIV can improve. Secondly,
it provides an avenue for new HIV research findings to be shared, and hopefully improve the daily care of HIV patients.
Finally, it wishes to reaffirm the global commitment toward reducing the overall toll that HIV puts on the world at
large, both for the people who are stricken with the virus and those who are responsible for caring for them.
There are several main topics to be discussed at the AIDS 2012 conference. The pharmacogenomics will
be covered, as well as the progress being made in the field of antiretroviral therapy. What happens during acute HIV
infection, as well as the reservoirs of viral genetic material created in the process, will also be examined. The
right for patients to have access to HIV care and the evaluation of that care is another hot topic on the
itinerary for the conference. Furthermore, presentations will be made consisting of research about
the prevention of HIV transmission and the never-ending search for a cure.
The world's top health care professionals will be in France during this three-day conference, meeting with
colleagues, sharing research, and discussing what can be done to further the search for a cure for HIV and AIDS. The
ISHEID Congress is welcoming those who wish to come. This International HIV AIDS 2012 conference is being held in
beautiful Marseille, France, and the weather in late May should be quite attractive. Enjoy the scenery and
ambience; however, keep in mind that some important information is ready to be discussed and absorbed.
The researchers and scientists who work tirelessly on finding ways to attack HIV should be commended
for their efforts, and their quest to find a cure should be admired and encouraged as well.
About the conference:
The Steering Committee contains Professor Jean-François Delfraissy (Director of the French Agency of AIDS Research, Paris, France),
Jose Gatell (Barcelona, Spain), Guido Poli (Milano, Italy), Jean-Pierre Routy (Montreal, Canada),
Christine Rouzioux (Paris, France), Vicente Soriano (Madrid, Spain), Hans-Jürgen Stellbrink (Hambourg, Germany)
and Stefano Vella (Rome, Italy). Website: http://www.isheid.com/en/committees/interview.html
Alain Lafeuillade, Overcome, Blvd Paul Emile Victor, 92523, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France;
Ph: +33 (0) 1 40 88 97 97;
Email: isheid@overcome.fr
Web: http://www.isheid.com
"Reproduced with permission - "ISHEID"