Thursday, June 9 - Friday, June 10, 2011
Novotel Toronto Centre
45 The Esplanade, Toronto
Policy-makers, legal professionals, health researchers, students, activists, community organizations and
people living with HIV or from communities particularly affected by HIV will gather at this year's Symposium on
HIV, Law and Human Rights to explore two related themes:
- how the use of the courts has influenced and is currently influencing, HIV-related law and policy in
Canada; and
- how communities can engage with or organize around litigation as a strategy for advancing human rights of people living with or vulnerable to HIV.
Two days of skills-building workshops and panel discussions will provide delegates with an opportunity
to learn about HIV-related legal and human rights issues, learn skills to advance human rights in the response
to HIV, and develop new partnerships and alliances.
For more information go to http://www.aidslaw.ca/EN/AGM2011/index.htm