July 2, 2013
30 30 AIDS Vancouver Campaign: 1984
In 1984
- AIDS Vancouver starts the Buddy program, allowing volunteers in the community to help support people living with HIV/AIDS.
- AIDS Vancouver’s 'What are my chances?' is circulated, encouraging people to make informed choices to minimize the risk of STIs and HIV/AIDS.
- DARE (Dedicated AIDS Resource Effort) is created to fundraise for the AIDS epidemic in Vancouver.
- AIDS Vancouver has awareness meetings with bathhouse owners, and distributes posters urging bathhouse clients to refrain from donating blood.
- Artibano Milito, a hemophiliac from New Westminister, dies from an from a HIV+ blood transfusion at age 27. The Milito family propelled an inquiry into this, mainly to dismiss any rumours that their son was homosexual.
Related article:

The 30 30 Campaign
The 30 30 campaign was created in 2013 to celebrate AIDS Vancouver's 30th anniversary. The campaign pieces together the dynamic history of HIV in Vancouver, told by and for those who where there. 3030.AIDSVancouver.org

About AIDS Vancouver
The first AIDS service organization in Canada. AIDS Vancouver was founded in 1983 as the first AIDS service organization in Canada.
"Reproduced with permission - AIDS Vancouver "
AIDS Vancouver
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