Positively Positive - Living with HIV/AIDS:
HIV/AIDS News Archive - September 2016

Hepatitis C infection and reinfection among men who have sex with men need higher priority, US and European studies show
30 September 2016 - At current rates, around one third of MSM could be reinfected with HCV within five years of cure, European study predicts
Public health officials in Michigan have identified a cluster of more than 20 cases of apparently sexually transmitted hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection among HIV-positive gay and bisexual men, according to a report at the 2016 STD Conference last week in Atlanta.
A recently published related study saw a high rate of HCV reinfection among gay men and concluded that prevention measures are needed to address the risk of HCV recurrence after spontaneous clearance or a cure.

Syphilis rates rising among gay men in US, CDC data show
29 September 2016 - At current rates, around one third of MSM could be reinfected with HCV within five years of cure, European study predicts
New state-level data reveal that syphilis cases continue to rise among gay and bisexual men in the US, with men in the south having the highest rates, according to a presentation at the 2016 STD Prevention Conference
last week in Atlanta. A related study found that half of gay and bisexual men in 20 US cities were screened for syphilis during the past year, with 11% testing positive.

Ocular Syphilis May Coincide With New HIV Infections
September 29, 2016 - A considerable proportion of those diagnosed with the potentially blinding STI in North Carolina are simultaneously diagnosed with HIV.
People newly infected with HIV may be at higher risk of developing ocular syphilis, MedPage Today reports. Cases of the potentially blinding form of the sexually transmitted infection (STI) have been seen in Seattle and San Francisco,
prompting the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to issue an advisory to clinicians to test for HIV among those diagnosed with this form of syphilis.
One in 10 children has 'Aids defence'
29 September 2016 - A 10th of children have a "monkey-like" immune system that stops them developing Aids, a study suggests.
The study, in Science Translational Medicine, found the children's immune systems were "keeping calm", which prevented them being wiped out.
Dr Thomas C. Quinn Outlines Measures to Prevent HIV Infection
September 29, 2016 - Focus on behavioral interventions to prevent HIV transmission has been unsuccessful but the more recent intervention of using antiretroviral drugs has more promise, said Thomas C. Quinn, MD, director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Global Health.
All Ages Matter In Fight To End HIV/AIDS For Good
09/29/2016 - On a rainy weekend in mid-September global leaders vowed to help "end HIV/AIDS for good" by pledging a total of US$12.9 billion to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria during the Fifth Replenishment Conference, hosted by Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
The Grandmothers Advocacy Network applauds this commitment and Canada's leadership in making this happen. However, we are far from "ending it for good." Indeed, this laudable goal will not be achieved without a deliberate effort to include people of all genders and ages -- including older women.
CA Gov. Jerry Brown Signs Bill Mandating PrEP Education for HIV-Negative Test Recipients
September 29, 2016 - California Governor Jerry Brown has signed a bill into law that will require that HIV-negative people who are tested for the virus to receive information from
their medical care provider or the person administering the test about the availability of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), information they were not heretofore required to receive.
This is the first legislation of its kind to be passed in any state. Advocates hope the new information will massively reduce the number of new HIV cases

Reaching Gay Men is Paramount in Ending HIV
September 29, 2016 - Summary: Tell us how you are implementing the National HIV/AIDS Strategy by reaching and serving gay men in your community.
IAVI, Selexis expand collaboration for development of HIV vaccines
September 29, 2016 - Selexis SA announced it has expanded its collaboration with the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative to develop high-performance research cell banks for the
manufacturing of multiple HIV envelope proteins to induce the generation of neutralizing antibodies against HIV via vaccination.
HIV-Positive Kids May Hold Clue to Cure
September 28, 2016 - Despite high levels of virus, they maintain normal immune system without medication
A cohort of HIV-positive children from southern Africa might help redirect research on a cure for the virus, researchers are reporting.
The 170 children have never been treated for HIV but retain a near-normal immune system and show no signs of progressing to AIDS despite continuing viral replication, according to Philip Goulder, MD, DPhil, of Oxford University, and colleagues.

Toronto-led team explores different PrEP deployment scenarios
28 September 2016 - Now that Truvada is approved as part of a package of HIV prevention tools, some researchers are beginning to study how it might be deployed on a relatively large scale.
Such studies are important to assess additional elements that may be needed to maximize the impact of PrEP, calculate the cost of such an intervention and estimate the impact of the large-scale deployment of PrEP on the course of
the HIV epidemic. Cost figures will become important when discussions are held with health policy analysts and health departments about planning the large-scale deployment of PrEP.

September 28, 2016 - New York, New York - GMHC released the following statement in response to today’s announcement that the New York City Council will allocate $100,000 to the city’s health department to study supervised injection facilities (SIF), a program that provides supervised injection rooms where people who use intravenous drugs can inject pre-obtained drugs under medical supervision. Supervised injection facilities are designed to reduce the health and societal problems associated with injection drug use. These funds come from a $5.6 million allocation in the city’s most recent budget targeted toward ending the AIDS epidemic.

I Will Be Heard: Countering the Narrative of 1 in 2
September 28, 2016 - I WILL BE HEARD:
Countering the Narrative of 1 in 2
The landscape ahead for our movement can be reduced to a single key moment in 2016: the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI). There, the Director of CDC's Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention (DHAP) Eugene McCray took to the mic at the plenary to present new analyses on the lifetime risk of acquiring HIV:
HIV and Low Vitamin D: A Look at Mechanisms
September 28, 2016 - HIV and tuberculosis (TB) have both been associated with low vitamin D levels, and so has treatment with efavirenz.
In order to examine the relationships among these 4 things—HIV, TB, efavirenz, and low vitamin D levels—certain facts need to be considered:
As gay black men face HIV crisis, advocate says ‘No choice but Hillary Clinton’
September 27, 2016 - Hillary Clinton, by contrast, has offered the most robust LGBTQ equality agenda of anyone who has run for president. Just this summer Clinton released a detailed plan to fight the HIV and AIDS
epidemic both in the U.S. and abroad and to create an AIDS-free generation once and for all. As president, she would increase access to Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and other HIV prevention methods, fight to remove barriers to accessing care, protect the Ryan White HIV and AIDS program, and work to end stigma and discrimination against people living with and affected by HIV.

Start Talking. Stop HIV. Music Video featuring Alex Newell
Published on Sep 27, 2016 - Music video of the song Collect My Love by The Knocks, featuring Alex Newell and gay couples exploring the variety of HIV prevention options available.

Seniors With HIV Have a Higher Risk of Many Chronic Health Conditions
September 27, 2016 - A comparison of Medicare beneficiaries saw that HIV was linked with a higher risk of conditions like diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis.
People age 65 and older have a higher risk of numerous chronic conditions if they are living with HIV.
Why We Still Need a National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
September 27 2016 - Yes, even after 35 years we still need to raise HIV and AIDS awareness in the gay community.
HIV has been associated with the gay male community for so long it's hard to believe we still need to raise awareness about HIV and AIDS among gay men. But we do. Here's why.
Get Tested! National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is Sept. 27
09/27/2016 - September 27 is the annual observance of the National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. First observed in 2008, the purpose of this day is to: raise HIV/AIDS awareness among gay men, encourage testing and advocate for greater treatment and prevention services for gay men. It is also a day to recognize the disproportionate impact of HIV/AIDS on gay men.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), gay and bisexual men are the population most affected by HIV.

Digital Communication for National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day 2016
September 27, 2016 - Each national health observance offers another opportunity to promote messages about HIV prevention, care, treatment, and research and to encourage personal action. For National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NGMHAAD) – September 27 – we have assembled digital communication assets you can use across social media platforms.

Research Shows Promising Trends in HIV Testing and Earlier Diagnosis among Gay and Bisexual Men—But Many Living with HIV Still Have Unmet Needs
September 27, 2016 - In the years we have been writing about National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, there has often been good news tempered by bad news. This year is no different. As we work to raise awareness
and spur action on this National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, we have evidence that our efforts in HIV testing are paying off, but we also have evidence that we need to do more to support the overall health of gay and bisexual men living with HIV.

Dutch model finds PrEP for high-risk gay men is cost-effective at current prices and cost-saving at generic prices
27 September 2016 - A mathematical modelling study based on the HIV epidemic in the Netherlands has found that daily pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) would be cost-effective even at current drug prices if it was targeted at gay men at high risk of HIV infection.
HIV, AIDS cases in South Korea on rise
2016-09-27 - Despite the shrinking number of HIV infections and AIDS patients worldwide, the rates of HIV and AIDS among South Koreans has increased sharply over the past decade, data showed Tuesday.
According to World Health Organization data gathered by the ruling Saenuri Party’s lawmaker Yoon Jong-pil, the number of new HIV infections and AIDS patients around the world decreased 35 percent from 2000 to 2015, while the number in South Korea quadrupled over the same period.
#BeInTheKnow: National Gay Men's HIV & AIDS Awareness Day
September 27, 2016 - Today marks National Gay Men’s HIV & AIDS Awareness Day, an opportunity to focus our attention on the impact of HIV and AIDS on gay and bisexual men in the U.S.
UNESCO unveils video on comprehensive sexuality education for young people
26 September 2016 - The United Nations cultural agency today released a new video that outlines how comprehensive sexuality education helps young people develop the knowledge and skills to make conscious, healthy and responsible choices about relationships and sexuality.
The Being a Young Person video, released by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), outlines the vital role that comprehensive sexuality education plays in ensuring the sexual and reproductive health of all young people. It is recognized as an age-appropriate, culturally relevant approach to teaching about sexuality and relationships by providing scientifically accurate, realistic, non-judgemental information

The first ever Scotiabank AIDS WALK to tHrIVe raises $156,000 and counting
September 26, 2016 - Vancouver, BC: A lively and dynamic crowd of close to 1,000 participants and 200 volunteers gathered at The Roundhouse Community Centre
and made their way on foot to the Malkin Bowl on September 25th to raise money for people living with HIV (PLHIV) in British Columbia as part of the inaugural Scotiabank AIDS WALK to tHrIVe. Through their enthusiastic efforts, a total of $156,000 and counting has been raised.

People Who Start HIV Meds in Richer Nations Have Better Life Expectancy
September 26, 2016 - Poorer countries also show a discrepancy between the life spans of men and women beginning antiretrovirals.
There is a wide disparity in life expectancy between those beginning HIV treatment in high-income nations versus middle- or low-income nations.
Publishing their findings in HIV Medicine, researchers analyzed data from eight cohort studies that estimated life expectancy in people starting HIV treatment.
Zimbabwe’s prominent HIV/AIDS activist
September 26, 2016 - Award-winning HIV/AIDS campaigner in Zimbabwe, Martha Tholanah, is calling for the inclusion of minority groups in national reproductive health programs in order to fight stigma and discrimination.
Martha Tholanah has received international recognition for her work. She is a recipient of the 2015 David Kato Vision and Voice Award, an accolade that recognizes and supports the work of leaders who uphold the rights and dignity of LGBTI communities around the world. She was also awarded the prestigious Elizabeth Taylor Award at this year's World AIDS conference in Durban, South Africa.

NIH funds research network focused on HIV-infected youth
September 26, 2016 - Studies also will address HIV prevention among at-risk groups.
“Most new HIV infections occur in young people,” said Bill G. Kapogiannis, M.D., network co-director and medical officer at the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), the NIH institute providing much of the funding for the awards. “Many in this population go a long time before they find out they have HIV and often do not get the care they need.”
A 'Normal Heart' for abnormal times
SEPTEMBER 26, 2016 - When playwright Larry Kramer's "The Normal Heart" premiered in 1985, HIV/AIDS was a mysterious, frightening force — an "insidious killer," as a doctor puts it in the play — wreaking deadly havoc.
Thankfully, treatment with powerful antiretroviral drugs can now suppress the disease and save lives. Still, it's sobering to remember that nearly 700,000 Americans have died since HIV/AIDS began its rampage, and that many of the victims have been gay or bisexual men.
AIDS pageant in Uganda seeks to stem stigma, discrimination
September 25, 2016 - KAMPALA, Uganda (AP) - Organizers of the HIV-themed beauty pageant, which launched in 2014, say one way of curbing the irrational fear of AIDS that fuels discrimination
is for more people living with HIV to open up about their status rather than conceal it.
As AIDS Walk funding takes dive, organizers shift focus to helping HIV survivors thrive
September 24, 2016 - An annual charity walk Sunday in support of people living with HIV in B.C. has changed its theme for 2016 to focus on boosting its benefactors’ health and happiness.
In its 31st year, the event has changed its name to the Scotiabank AIDS WALK to tHrIVe. Its goal has shifted beyond helping people to survive with HIV to helping them thrive, said Neil Self, chair of Positive Living B.C.
Sri Lanka maintains lowest HIV/AIDS prevalence in S.E.Asia
September 24, 2016 - Sri Lanka still maintains the lowest HIV/AIDS prevalence in South East Asia which is less than 0.01.
HIV non-disclosure laws dangerous and illogical
September 23, 2016 - Legislators should heed the scientists.
Their verdict is clear: The data supports decriminalizing non-disclosure if just one of these measures -- effective ART or condom use -- is in place to protect one's partner. The consensus paper was published in 2014 to remedy the poor understanding of HIV transmission among prosecutors and judges. The authors expressed an ethical duty not only in the interest of justice, but also "to remove unnecessary barriers to evidence-based HIV prevention strategies." Two years later, we're still not listening.

September 23, 2016 - Washington, DC // Berlin - Universities Allied for Essential Medicines (UAEM) welcomes the final report released by the United Nations High Level Panel on Access to Medicines (UNHLP). Reflecting the multi-stakeholder setup of the UNHLP, the
resulting recommendations present a pragmatic view. The report rightfully highlights that universities and publicly funded research must prioritize health objectives over financial returns, while highlighting that the current medical research and development (R&D) system is failing patients across the globe.

Developer of HIV Med Tenofovir Focuses on Fighting Zika
September 23, 2016 - Koen Van Rompay hopes to stop mother-to-child transmission of Zika virus, just like he did with HIV.
We can all thank veterinarian-turned-virologist Koen Van Rompay for helping develop tenofovir (known under the brand name Viread). Since its FDA approval in 2001, tenofovir has remained one of
the most widely prescribed meds for people living with HIV. It’s also one of two components in Truvada, the daily prevention pill taken by HIV-negative people.
Women Ex-Offenders Celebrate 'A Day With HIV'
SEPTEMBER 22, 2016 - The Medea Project: Theater for Incarcerated Women HIV Women's Circle will make you think twice about what this day means.
A Day With HIV is a social media-driven anti-stigma campaign started years ago by Positively Aware, which captures a single 24-hour period in the lives of people affected by HIV. Organizers of the annual event encourage everyone to post a picture to social media with a caption that mentions
the time and place of your photo, what inspired you to take it, and the hashtag #adaywithhiv.
For this year's A Day With HIV, Plus is proud to showcase four theater pieces written by HIV-positive women. Culled from Cultural Odyssey's The Medea Project: Theater for Incarcerated Women/HIV Women's Circle, the prose and poetry comes from formerly incarcerated women from the San Francisco County Jail.

Being a Young Person: Comprehensive Sexuality Education
Published on Sep 22, 2016 - In today’s changing world, growing up isn’t always easy. Imagine being without accurate information and
reliable skills as you navigate the journey to adulthood. Do myths end up masquerading as reality? Do peers, television, and the internet stand in for reliable resources and information? Fortunately, Comprehensive Sexuality Education or CSE, can make this journey easier, more certain and healthier for young people around the world.
Aurobindo Pharma receives USFDA tentative approval for Dolutegravir, allowing the product to be launched in the PEPFAR market
22 Sept 2016, Hyderabad, India - Aurobindo Pharma Limited is pleased to announce the tentative approval of Dolutegravir 50mg from US Food
& Drug Administration (USFDA) for the treatment of HIV. This important milestone marks the first FDA approval of a generic version of Dolutegravir (DTG), an integrase strand transfer inhibitor recommended
for use in treatment-naïve patients by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). Through an innovative collaboration with ViiV and the Clinton Health
Access Initiative, Inc. (CHAI), the product is expected to be launched in sub-Saharan Africa in late 2016.
UConn Exhibits Mark 35 Years of HIV/AIDS
Sep 22, 2016 - Three exhibitions at the University of Connecticut explore the social and political history of HIV/AIDS and mark 35 years since the first cases were diagnosed.

Wanted: Bioengineers to Cure HIV
September 22, 2016 - In a revolutionary approach to curing HIV, amfAR is soliciting “novel, high-risk, and potentially high-impact” proposals from bioengineers to address the main barrier to a cure: persistent reservoirs of virus not cleared by antiretroviral therapy (ART).
The aim is to foster innovative collaborations between HIV cure researchers and bioengineers —scientists who use engineering principles to solve medical problems, including disease diagnosis and treatment.
HIV: The Long View Initiative launches
September 22nd, 2016 - NEW YORK, N.Y. and RED BANK, N.J. - A Coalition of leading HIV/AIDS advocacy groups and stakeholder organizations today announced the launch of HIV: The Long View with the release of an evidence-based report that examines
the potential implications of future healthcare trends on HIV care and management in the United States. Members of the Coalition include the American Academy of HIV Medicine, Gay Men’s Health Crisis, HealthyWomen, National Council on Aging and National Black Leadership Commission on AIDS. In the
report, the Coalition recommends several key actions necessary to help improve the outlook for the long-term health of people living with HIV. Gilead Sciences is a partner and sponsor of the initiative.
National AIDS Memorial Grove marks 25 years
09/22/2016 - Over 200 volunteers, community leaders, and others gathered to commemorate 25 years of remembrance and pay tribute to friends and loved ones lost to HIV/AIDS at the National AIDS Memorial Grove in Golden Gate Park Saturday, September 17.

2016 Broadway Quilt Raises Funds for D.A.P.
Fans of Broadway and supporters of Desert AIDS Project can now buy raffle tickets for a chance to win a one of kind Broadway quilt containing 1,920 pieces of fabric from the costumes of twenty Broadway and Off-Broadway shows including “The Color Purple”, “Hamilton”, “Kinky Boots”, “Sunset Boulevard”, and “Wicked”.
“Shock and Kill”: Study Targets Dormant HIV
Sep 21, 2016 - In a new study published last week in Cell Host and Microbe, they discuss a method of targeting dormant HIV that they believe is 1,000 times more accurate than currently employed strategies,
allowing them to find one cell in a million that may be hiding the virus. Even despite antiretroviral therapy (ART), HIV takes refuge in “HIV reservoirs” where it can lurk for years.
New Warning Signs that Gonorrhea Treatment May be Losing Effectiveness
September 21, 2016 - More options urgently needed – encouraging progress toward one new treatment
“Our last line of defense against gonorrhea is weakening,” said Jonathan Mermin, M.D., director of CDC's National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention. “If resistance continues to increase and spread, current treatment will ultimately fail and 800,000 Americans a year will be at risk for untreatable gonorrhea.”
Circle of Friends To Reach Capacity Soon
September 2016 - The Circle of Friends at the National AIDS Memorial Grove was created to honor and remember our loved ones lost to AIDS as well as to be imprinted in solidarity to tell the world that this global tragedy must never be forgotten.
As we approach the beginning of our 25th year this fall, we can see there is space for approximately 100 more names to be added to the existing Circle of Friends. If you would like to add your name or that of a loved one before we reach capacity, please visit the Circle of Friends page on our website.
Adolescents continue to experience elevated HIV/AIDS - Lordina Mahama
September 21, 2016 - “Globally, HIV/AIDS is the leading cause of death among women, and girls, of reproductive age 15 to 49, with about 14 million children orphaned.”
According to her, “Adolescents continue to experience, elevated HIV vulnerability, with the greatest risk of exposure."

Discharge Planning for People Living With HIV in Correctional Institutions
September 21, 2016 - People living with HIV may have received antiretroviral treatment while imprisoned. However, that treatment can easily be interrupted when they re-enter the community without sufficient resources or support.
A number of community organizations provide discharge planning and link people to medical care. This not only helps individuals, but also prevents the spread of HIV within the community, because people with undetectable viral loads are unlikely to transmit the virus.

Lin-Manuel Miranda Makes Surprise Appearance & Performance at GMHC Howard Ashman Cabaret Honoring Hamilton: An American Musical Lead, Javier Muñoz
September 21, 2016 - New York, New York - Award Presented at Sold Out Annual Howard Ashman Award & Cabaret Raising Funds for GMHC Programs, Services & Advocacy
Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC) honored Javier Muñoz, Broadway star in the lead role in "Hamilton: An American Musical," with the 2016 Howard Ashman Award for his activism in the fight against HIV/AIDS, at a Cabaret at Joe’s Pub
on Monday, September 19th. Two months after being diagnosed with HIV in 2002, Javier moved from San Francisco to New York City and one of the first places he came to for support was GMHC. “The first place I went to for assistance was GMHC. It was at GMHC
that I started my fight to live,” said Javier in his remarks Monday night. Javier has consistently spoken out about his status –particularly in the media—because of the stigma directed at people living with HIV/AIDS.

Spanish study gives reassurance: small HIV blips do not predict treatment failure
21 September 2016 - A very low viral load (20-49 copies/ml) during HIV therapy does not increase the risk of the subsequent virological failure of treatment (viral load above 200 copies/ml), according to Spanish research published in HIV Medicine.
The findings of the study will provide reassurance that patients with very low level viraemia (VLLV) do not need to change their antiretroviral therapy.
Disparities in HIV PrEP Use Among Gay and Bisexual Men
September 21, 2016 - A new report on pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) revealed low awareness and uptake among young gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (YMSM), according to the University of California.
Through a partnership between APLA Health and the California HIV/AIDS Research Program (CHRP), researchers examined the results from a statewide survey that included more than 600 YMSM responders. Researchers examined the current levels of PrEP awareness and use, the likelihood of use, and the barriers to PrEP access.

PrEP Use May Stunt Bone Growth in Young Men
September 20, 2016 - After losing bone density during a year on PrEP, young men recouped their losses a year later but didn’t catch up with norms.
Truvada (tenofovir/emtricitabine) as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) may stunt bone growth among young men, the National AIDS Treatment Advocacy Project reports. Even though they may regain bone mineral
density lost while taking PrEP, young men who have not yet reached peak bone mass may miss out on key periods of bone development.
Researchers find a potential signature of cognitive function impairment in people living with HIV
September 20, 2016 - UH researchers have identified a unique epigenetic footprint in specific types of immune cells from blood that can identify individuals with HIV that have a range of impairments in cognitive function.
Reliable biomarkers such as that identified by the researchers offer insight into how HIV-associated cognitive impairment develops but also promises improved diagnostic testing and improved treatment decisions.
Saskatchewan government refuses to declare emergency on HIV epidemic
Regina, Sept 20 2016 - Despite the growing number of HIV/AIDS epidemic and the recommendation of the doctors, the Saskatchewan government will not be declaring a public health emergency in the province for the said disease.
On Monday, at a press conference in the capital, Denise Werker, Saskatchewans deputy chief medical health officer, announced the government has no such infrastructure under the provinces health care act to make such a declaration.

UNAIDS welcomes ASEAN’s pledge to Fast-Track the HIV response
BANGKOK, 20 September 2016 - The Heads of State of the ten Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) member states have endorsed the ASEAN Declaration of Commitment
on HIV and AIDS: Fast-Tracking and Sustaining HIV and AIDS responses to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030. This endorsement occurred during the 28th and 29th ASEAN Summits and Related Summits which took place in Vientiane, Lao PDR from 6-8 September.
Positive Living North hosts Scotiabank AIDS Walk this Friday
September 20, 2016 - This Friday at noon, the Scotiabank AIDS Walk will take place in downtown Prince George. Hosted by Positive Living North, the 1.5km walk will begin at Canada Games Plaza and make its way through downtown during the lunch hour.
It’s a national event and will take place in more than 50 communities across the country. 2016 is the 20th anniversary of the first national AIDS WAlk, Since 1996, the event has raised more than $42 million.
Global Fund, activists say Ukraine making progress in funding anti-AIDS programs
Sep. 20, 2016 - After years of delays, the Ukrainian government has finally started to provide more financing for treating people with HIV and tuberculosis, international donors and activists say.

UNAIDS encouraged for future of HIV funding as donors pledge full support to the Global Fund
GENEVA, 20 September 2016 - UNAIDS applauds all donors and partners for their demonstration of a strong commitment to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund). At its Fifth Replenishment Conference in Montreal,
Canada, donors pledged US$ 12.9 billion of the US$ 13 billion called for by the Global Fund for the three-year period 2017–2019.
For the three diseases, the Global Fund estimates that the amount raised will save 8 million lives, avert 300 million infections and help build sustainable systems for health.
University of Virginia Program Uses Peer Coaches to Fight Rural HIV AIDS Stigma
Sep 19, 2016 - In small towns the stigma associated with having the HIV virus can be more acute than in big cities. Fear of people finding out their HIV status can keep people in rural America from seeking testing and care.
HIV Positive Project Runway Winner Reveals New Art Installation in SoFlo
09/19/2016 - Mondo Guerra, runner up of Project Runway season eight and the winner of Project Runway All Star, revealed a new art installation focusing around the changing face of HIV this weekend.
The installation ran at the 2016 United States Conference on AIDS (USCA) in Hollywood, Florida from Sept. 15 to 18.
NIH to Fund Genomic Research Into HIV/AIDS Drug Response
NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) - The National Institutes of Health is seeking grant applications for projects using genomic technologies to investigate the underlying genetics of HIV/AIDS drug responses and comorbidities with the goal of generating data that can
be used to develop new therapeutics and guide treatment regimens.

New York, NY, September 19, 2016 - 130 Signatories Welcome Clinton’s Remarks on High Drug Prices, Urge Further Commitment
Following Secretary Clinton remarks in Cleveland last month on the high price of hepatitis C cures, a group of 130 national advocates today called on the presidential candidate to prioritize the prevention
and treatment of viral hepatitis. Welcoming Secretary Clinton's focus on high drug prices, the advocates urged her to go further to address the deadliest infectious disease in the US, and to support specific proposals in her platform:
Decrying Criminalization
September 19, 2016 - Concordia Lecture Series Prompts Discussion on HIV Non-disclosure
The sentiment surrounding HIV/AIDS is often one of discomfort. But the reluctance to speak openly about such a significant and impactful disease is hurting the people closest to it.
Under current Canadian legislation, HIV non-disclosure is criminalized. It exercises some of the most punitive aspects of our criminal justice system, explained Alexander McClelland, a writer and researcher currently working on a PhD at Concordia.
Sask. government asked to call medical state of emergency over HIV, AIDS
September 19, 2016 - A small group of doctors, patients and indigenous groups gathered today at the Saskatoon Tribal Council Health Centre to highlight the number of people living with HIV and AIDS in Saskatchewan.
The group is calling the illness an epidemic, and is asking the provincial government to call a medical state of emergency.

A Look at Mexico: HIV, Gender, Migration and Criminalization
September 19, 2016 - How are HIV, gender, immigration and criminalization connected? How do HIV, silence and stigma affect people living in and migrating from Mexico? Speakers explored these connections and
efforts to overcome the silence and stigma in "HIV Is Not a Crime: Immigration and HIV Decriminalization," a webinar sponsored by the SERO Project and the HIV Prevention Justice Alliance (HIV PJA).
Targeting dormant HIV
September 19, 2016 - Discovery of a novel, advanced technique to identify the rare cells where human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) hides in patients taking antiretroviral therapy (ART)
The rate of HIV-Why wake up the virus? To better kill it, of course. A team from the University of Montreal Hospital Research Centre (CRCHUM) has taken an important step forward in the search for a HIV/AIDS cure.
The laboratory of Dr. Daniel Kaufmann has developed a highly accurate technique for detecting the rare cells that hide the virus and prevent current therapies from curing HIV infection.
Free-Trade Deals Are Making It Much Harder to Fight AIDS
September 19, 2016 - The Trans-Pacific Partnership and its ilk protect profits at the expense of prevention.
The day-to-day impact of such trade rules might not directly affect access to HIV/AIDS treatment, which currently relies on international aid, established public-health protections carved into World Trade Organization “TRIPS” rules, and special voluntary exemptions
granted by the industry to expand treatment access in poorer countries. But the TPP would, overall, vastly expand Big Pharma’s monopoly power over public-health resources.
Saskatchewan should declare HIV-AIDS public health emergency
September 19, 2016 - The rate of HIV-AIDS in Saskatchewan, particularly in First Nations communities, is so high that the province should declare a public-health state of emergency.
That’s the view of a group of doctors in the province who, on Monday, are issuing a cri de coeur for action.
Fiji shows positive response to deal with HIV/AIDS
September 19, 2016 - The steps taken by Fiji to deal with HIV/AIDS has shown positive achievements, leading to a decrease in stigma and discrimination for the past five years.
The new Permanent Secretary for Health and Medical Services, Philip Davis says there’s a need to encourage more HIV/AIDS testing in Fiji.
Talking HIV and Aging with Digital Resources #NHAAD
September 18, 2016 - Today is National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day (NHAAD). Michelle Scavnicky of The AIDS Institute and her colleagues are the leaders in planning for this observance. We asked Michelle about how she sees digital tools supporting this year’s observance.
Calgary HIV/AIDS walk raises $75,000 for Alberta programs; combats stigma
September 18, 2016 - Calgarians and Alberta minister Stephanie McLean share personal stories
There were more than 200 people at event Sunday afternoon and, as of that time, more than $75,000 was fundraised, close to organizers’ $100,000 fundraising goal.
Adriana Garriga-Lopez, PhD: HIV/AIDS Epidemic Through Puerto Rico's Lens -
September 18, 2016 - Conference Coverage USCA 2016
Adriana Garriga-Lopez, PhD, Kalamazoo College focuses her research on HIV/AIDS in Puerto Rico.
Global fund raises $12.9 bln to fight AIDS, TB and malaria
Sep 18, 2016 - Montreal - A global fund has raised over $12.9 billion from international donors as part of a campaign aimed at effectively eradicating AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis by 2030, conference organizers said on Saturday.
Puerto Rico's HIV AIDS Problem Grows As Economy Tanks
September 18, 2016 - As of August, 2016 there are 20,409 people living with HIV in Puerto Rico, and an estimated one person in six has the virus but does not know it.
About 20% of the new cases diagnosed are full-blown AIDS, a sign that testing is not reaching HIV positive people early enough.
Stigma, Strengthening HIV Prevention and Care for Gay Men of Color, and Social Media Fellows Featured in Facebook Live Events from USCA 2016
September 18, 2016 - As the 2016 U.S. Conference on AIDS (USCA) continued on September 17 in Hollywood, Florida, AIDS.gov shared more conference highlights via three Facebook Live events.

Fred Lee’s Social Network: Record helping of Passion as foodies dish out for Dr. Peter Centre; shining upbeat light on mental health
September 18, 2016 - Today, the event — sponsored by Scotiabank for the seventh consecutive year — is one of Vanhattan’s top culinary galas. Returning to Yaletown’s Roundhouse, the foodie fete drew a capacity crowd to the community space-turned-party palace to taste culinary creations
from the city’s top restaurants, bakeries and caterers while supporting the Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation.
Trudeau, Gates raise billions for AIDS, TB and malaria fight
September 17, 2016 - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Saturday that a record $12.9 billion has been raised for The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria over the next three years. ncluding U2 frontman Bono and Trudeau, to discuss the impact of a few life-saving pills.
Kenyan mother, daughter with HIV share personal story at Montreal AIDS conference
September 17, 2016 - The guest list at the Global Citizen Concert to End AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in Montreal was stacked: Microsoft founder Bill Gates, hip hop star Usher and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
But a Kenyan mother and daughter living with HIV shared one of the event’s most powerful messages as they met with dignitaries, including U2 frontman Bono and Trudeau, to discuss the impact of a few life-saving pills.
Plan International Canada Congratulates Global Fund on Reaching $13B Goal, Urges World Not to Forget Most Vulnerable, Adolescent Girls
TORONTO, Sept. 17, 2016 /CNW/ - Plan International Canada congratulates fellow partners in the Global Fund for today's historic announcement of raising global commitments of $13 billion to maintain momentum in the effort to end malaria, tuberculosis and HIV. At the same time,
Plan is calling for an unwavering focus on the adolescent girls who are disproportionately affected by these epidemics simply because they are young and female.

Through a Journal, an Long-Term HIV Survivor Looks Back at the Early Years
September 17, 2016 - In 1991 when I was 29, I learned I was infected with HIV. I was devastated, and for the first several months, it was not a good place to be. But, in the midst of my sadness, anger,
depression and a whole range of other emotions, I again began to journal my thoughts. I had been told that I had maybe five to seven years before I would succumb to AIDS. It was due to this that I felt the need to record my journey in my own
words. I am now sharing some of my journal entries to allow a glimpse into my struggle to come to terms with the news I had received.
20th annual AIDS Benefit at Chicago Academy for the Arts Sept. 23-24
2016-09-17 - CHICAGO -Each year, Chicago Academy for the Arts students produce and perform in a variety show to support HIV/AIDS research and organizations. The 20th Annual AIDS Benefit takes place Sept. 23rd and 24th at The Academy, 1010 W. Chicago Avenue, Chicago, IL 60642.
Local HIV/AIDS walk keeps growing
09/17/2016 - Sixth annual event through downtown raises funds, awareness
Scores of people turned out for the sixth annual Scotiabank AIDS walk in Winnipeg under sunny skies Saturday.
The event, which is held in cities and towns across Canada the same day every year, is gaining traction here, organizers said.
AIDS Walk in Winnipeg aims to raise awareness, end stigma
Sep 17, 2016 - Winnipeggers will take to downtown streets Saturday afternoon hoping to raise support and awareness for those living with HIV/AIDS.
Stop labelling addicts 'bad people making bad choices,' says B.C. doctor
Sep 17, 2016 - Fight stigma and beat the addiction crisis like B.C. beat AIDS, says Dr. Patricia Mark
A Vancouver Island addiction expert says stamping out stigma against addicts is a crucial step to stemming the tide of drug-related deaths, just as activists did during the HIV/AIDS epidemic once seen as a "dirty disease from dirty people."
National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day marks progress, challenges
September 17, 2016 - Maine groups are helping caregivers and patients deal with the unintended consequences of the drugs that have allowed people to live longer with HIV.
A little over 35 years ago, a small group of men gathered in New York City to take action when no one else knew quite what to do. The men were reacting to the first story published by The New York Times
on a disease that usually struck older patients but was killing men as young as 26 – a story with the headline “Rare Cancer Seen in 41 Homosexuals.”
It was at this point that Gay Men’s Health Crisis, the first AIDS service organization, was created, and the fight was on.
Grandmother reaches out to AIDS-ravaged Africa
09/17/2016 - Bev Suek loves her 10 grandchildren but can’t imagine raising them all by herself.
This summer, she met many grandmothers in sub-Saharan Africa who are raising grandchildren orphaned by AIDS.
Fighting The World's Deadliest Diseases Requires More Than Just Money
09/16/2016 - Dollars are desperately needed to fight AIDS, TB and malaria, but they will not stretch very far if the international trade barriers that currently restrict access to essential medicines continue to prevent low-income people and countries from
getting the treatments they need. Access to low-cost generic drugs must be improved. Second-line treatment for people with HIV/AIDS, for example, are already priced far out of reach of many patients in poor countries.
Prompt ART reduces HIV patients' cancer risk
September 16, 2016 - Immediate initiation of combination ART can reduce the risk for infection-related cancers in newly diagnosed HIV patients, a recent analysis indicated.
Dance for Life turns 25
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016 - The Event: What began as simple wish by Chicago performance artist, Keith Elliott, to help his fellow dancers afflicted with HIV/AIDS, has blossomed into 25 years of Dance for Life, which on Aug. 20 celebrated its ongoing support within Chicago's dance community.
Justin Trudeau hosts Global Fund conference in Montreal
September 16, 2016 - Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is playing host to world leaders in Montreal, in town for a global initiative to fight HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis.
The Global Fund wants to raise $13 billion to fight those diseases with a goal to eradicate them by 2030.
Editorial: Sask. needs HIV strategy
September 16, 2016 - By now, what’s surprising isn’t the epidemic of HIV cases in Saskatchewan that Regina infectious diseases specialist Dr. Alexander Wong has called a “national disgrace,” but it’s the deplorably slow government response to
tackling a problem whose toll keeps mounting in ruined lives and potential future medical costs.
‘A First World country with Third World rates’: Saskatchewan at the epicentre of HIV in Canada
September 16, 2016 - PRINCE ALBERT, Sask. - Saskatchewan is one of the few places in the industrialized world where people are still dying from AIDS and HIV.
The province has a rate of new HIV cases twice the national average.

UNAIDS urges donors to commit to fully funding the Global Fund
GENEVA, 15 September 2016 - Ahead of the Fifth Replenishment Conference of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria (Global Fund), to be held in Montreal, Canada, on 16 and 17 September, UNAIDS is calling on donors to fully fund the Global Fund. The Global Fund, a financing institution that raises and invests funds to support HIV, tuberculosis and malaria programmes, is calling for US$ 13 billion over the three-year period 2017–2019.
Northern Health supporting HIV/AIDS programs
September 15, 2016 - Northern Health is awarding $1.59 million to eight agencies and 23 First Nations communities as part of the provincial STOP HIV/AIDS initiative.
Opinion: Canada's Global Fund role a reminder of HIV and AIDS issues at home
September 15, 2016 - Friday and Saturday, Montreal will play host to the Fifth Replenishment Conference of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. While much of the discussion will be focused on developing countries (the Global South), where the fund has played a crucial role since is creation in 2002, this is also an appropriate time to take stock of Canadian realities.
The Effects of HIV on the Body
September 2016 - Despite interest in self-testing, many men value sexual health clinic services
Among English gay men who have never previously taken a test for HIV, self-testing and self-sampling are the most popular options for a future HIV test,
but a significant proportion would use a sexual health clinic, the best-established site of HIV testing in the country. Men with higher levels of sexual risk (who tend to test more often) would be most likely to return to a sexual health clinic, but there is interest in self-testing too.

Where would gay men prefer to take their next HIV test?
15 September 2016 - Despite interest in self-testing, many men value sexual health clinic services
Among English gay men who have never previously taken a test for HIV, self-testing and self-sampling are the most popular options for a future HIV test, but a significant proportion would use a sexual health clinic, the best-established
site of HIV testing in the country. Men with higher levels of sexual risk (who tend to test more often) would be most likely to return to a sexual health clinic, but there is interest in self-testing too.

September 15, 2016 - New York, New York - GMHC released the following statement in response to Sweden’s achievement as the first country to reach the UNAIDS/World Health Organization (WHO) 90-90-90 target. 90-90-90 treatment goals
were launched in October 2014, with an objective that by 2020, 90% of people with HIV will be diagnosed, 90% of diagnosed people will be in care, and 90% of people receiving care will have durable HIV suppression. Research recently published in HIV Medicine shows that at
the end of 2015, 90% of HIV cases in Sweden were diagnosed, 99.8% of people were linked to care, and 95% of people taking antiretrovirals for at least six months had a viral load below 50 copies/ml.

United States Conference on AIDS 2016 Is September 15 to 18
September 14, 2016 - The 20th annual United States Conference on AIDS (USCA) takes place Thursday, September 15, though Sunday, September 18, at the Diplomat Resort in Hollywood, Florida.
Sponsored by the National Minority AIDS Council (NMAC), the conference includes a master lecture series, workshops, round tables, seminars, research presentations, an exhibition hall (look for POZ at booth No. 123) and opportunities to network and share experiences.

Sweden the first country to achieve UNAIDS/WHO 90-90-90 target
14 September 2016 - Sweden has become the first country to achieve the UNAIDS/World Health Organization (WHO) 90-90-90 target, research published in HIV Medicine shows. At the end of 2015, 90% of HIV cases in Sweden were diagnosed, 99.8% of
people were linked to care and 95% of people taking antiretrovirals for at least six months had a viral load below 50 copies/ml.
Street dance raises money for Yukoners living with AIDS, hepatitis C
Sep 14, 2016 - Politicians, advocates bust a move in Whitehorse
Dennis Ellis, who was first diagnosed as HIV-positive in 1985, says attitudes have changed a lot in Yukon over the years.
"I see and hear less ignorance," he said at a fundraising "dance party" in downtown Whitehorse on Wednesday.
HIV-positive Magic Johnson locked himself in bathroom to reveal diagnosis to lovers
September 14, 2016 - Cookie Johnson opens up about how disease took its toll on their marriage in Believing in Magic memoir.
Dealing with the magnitude of his HIV diagnosis was never going to be an easy task, but Magic Johnson's wife has recalled how the former basketball star went into survival mode when having
to inform his lovers that he had the disease. In her new memoir, Cookie Johnson reveals that the Lakers point guard 'locked himself in a room and called the long list of women with whom he'd been intimate.'

The Positive Side: Fall 2016
Fall 2016 - Welcome to The Positive Side, CATIE’s health and wellness magazine for people living with HIV.

Vancouver Agreement touted as national model for fighting addiction crisis
September 13, 2016 - The Trudeau government is considering a move to revive and revamp the Vancouver Agreement, a tripartite accord to rescue the Downtown Eastside from a 1990s public health crisis, as part of a broader plan to export that approach across the country.
Penn Medicine trial investigates kidney transplants from HCV-positive donors
September 13, 2016 - Penn Medicine announced today the launch of a clinical trial investigating the safety and efficacy of transplanting kidneys from deceased donors positive for hepatitis C virus infection to patients without the infection on the kidney transplant wait list.

Managing non-communicable diseases among people living with HIV
13 September 2016 - Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) – including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancers, and other illnesses – will represent a significant challenge for HIV care in low- and middle-income countries as the population of people on
HIV treatment grows and ages, the 21st International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2016) held in Durban heard in July.
Alexis Arquette's Death: How Do People Die from AIDS?
September 13, 2016 - Actress Alexis Arquette has died from complications related to AIDS, according to news reports, but how exactly, does someone die from the disease?
Study finds barriers to accessing HIV prevention pill
September 12, 2016 - APLA Health, in partnership with the California HIV/AIDS Research Program (CHRP) of the University of California, today (Sept. 12) released a new report on pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) titled “Addressing PrEP Disparities
among Young Gay and Bisexual Men in California.” The report includes results from a statewide survey of more than 600 young gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (YMSM) and examines current levels of PrEP awareness and use, likelihood of use, as well as barriers to PrEP access.
VIDEO: HIV cure research focuses on sterilizing, functional approaches
September 12, 2016 - In this video, Ya-Chi Ho, MD, MS, PhD, instructor of medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and co-leader of the HIV Cure Scientific Working Group at the Johns Hopkins Center for AIDS Research, reviews the approaches to HIV cure that were discussed at ASM Microbe 2016.
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VIDEO: HIV cure research focuses on sterilizing, functional approaches
September 12, 2016 - In this video, Ya-Chi Ho, MD, MS, PhD, instructor of medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and co-leader of the HIV Cure Scientific Working Group at the Johns Hopkins Center for AIDS Research, reviews the approaches to HIV cure that were discussed at ASM Microbe 2016.
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TSRI Scientists Discover Antibodies that Target Holes in HIV's Defenses
LA JOLLA, CA – September 12, 2016 - New Findings Could Lead to New AIDS Vaccine Candidates
A new study from scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) shows that “holes” in HIV’s defensive sugar shield could be important in designing an HIV vaccine.
It appears that antibodies can target these holes, which are scattered in HIV's protective sugar or “glycan” shield, and the question is now whether these holes can be exploited to induce protective antibodies.
Older Adults Dominate the USA HIV/AIDS Epidemic
September 12, 2016 - The annual HIV and Aging Awareness Day occurs on Sept. 18th. Older adults are dominating the USA epidemic. In major metro areas more than half of all those living with HIV are age 50 and older.

The International AIDS Society Calls for Global Leadership Ahead of the 5th Global Fund Replenishment
September 12, 2016 - On 16 September 2016, the 5th Replenishment Conference of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria will commence in Montreal, Canada. There, donors from around the world will pledge their commitment to invest in the Global Fund and support its goal of raising US$ 13 billion to be spent over the next three years; an investment that would save an estimated 8 million lives by 2020.
The International AIDS Society (IAS) fully supports the Global Fund in its goal and urges all donors to reassert their commitment to fighting AIDS, tuberculosis (TB) and malaria.

Delays in updating HIV treatment guidelines in Africa blocking early treatment for millions
12 September 2016 - Delays in adopting the World Health Organization (WHO) 2015 recommendation of HIV treatment for all threaten the achievement of the 90-90-90 targets for HIV diagnosis and viral suppression by 2020, research carried out by the International Association of Physicians in Aids Care (IAPAC) indicates.
New Test Can Assist in Fight Against HIV
SEP 09, 2016 - This new test provides a way for healthcare officials to see if HIV-negative patients are using Truvada consistently, and thus, are receiving adequate protection from HIV transmission through sexual intercourse. - See more at: http://www.contagionlive.com/news/new-test-can-assist-in-fight-against-hiv#sthash.ldPH3gJI.dpuf

Study finds shift in cancers as HIV-positive people age
8 September 2016 - People living with HIV are at increased risk for some cancers. This risk arises from several factors, including co-infection with viruses that have the potential to cause cancer, elevated rates of smoking and alcohol use, and ongoing exposure to proteins produced by HIV. Taking anti-HIV therapy (commonly called ART) and achieving and maintaining an undetectable viral load and the ensuing increase in CD4+ cell counts greatly helps to reduce cancer risk.
New Technology Can Assist in Global Fight Against HIV & Hepatitis
SEP 08, 2016 - Researchers from Nanjing Biopoint, “a high tech medical diagnostic product company,” have made what they are calling a breakthrough when it comes to fighting the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The company uses a certain material when collecting blood samples that separates plasma from the rest of the blood, thus allowing it to be sent through the mail to a testing center on a dry sheet.
PEPFAR and AstraZeneca Launch Partnership Across HIV and Hypertension Services in Africa
September 8, 2016 – Washington, D.C. – The U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and biopharmaceutical company AstraZeneca today announced a $10 million (subject to the availability of funds), five-year global public-private partnership that will expand access to HIV/AIDS and hypertension services by offering them in an integrated manner at existing PEPFAR-supported HIV/AIDS sites, beginning in Kenya.

A Day With HIV
September 2016 – Thursday September 22
On Sept. 22, take your best shot against stigma
A Day with HIV is a social media-driven anti-stigma campaign that captures a single 24-hour period in the lives of people affected by HIV. On Thursday, September 22, grab your smartphone
or digital camera and capture a moment of your day. Post your picture on social media with a caption that mentions the time and place of your photo, and what inspired you to take it. Include our hashtag #adaywithhiv.

Income generation project boosts condom use among Burundian sex workers
07 September 2016 – Sex workers in Burundi have more negotiating power to demand safer sex, thanks to efforts to help them find new ways of earning an income.
This new source of income is helping the women improve their living conditions and gives them more say when it comes to insisting their clients use a condom.

Statins reduce risk of progression to cirrhosis in people with HIV/HCV co-infection
06 September 2016 - Treatment with statins decreases the risk of progression to liver cirrhosis in people with HIV and hepatitis C virus (HCV) co-infection, investigators from the United States report in AIDS. The protective effect
of statins was most evident in people with normal liver function, with a 30% increase in the amount of time taking statins reducing the risk of cirrhosis by approximately a third. The research also showed that several other metabolic risk factors were associated with progression to cirrhosis, especially in people with poorer liver function.
The more sex partners gay Vancouver men have, the better they are at practicing safe sex: study
Sep 03, 2016 - Researcher says education, outreach a factor in community that’s disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS
A new study has found that gay and bisexual men with more sexual partners are better at practicing safe sex.
The research out of the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS debunks a common myth that being more promiscuous puts you more at risk for the virus.

Vaginal ring for HIV prevention effective and acceptable
02 September 2016 – Women appreciate the discreet, long-acting product
An updated adherence analysis from the ASPIRE study indicates that consistent users of a vaginal ring containing dapivirine experienced 65% fewer infections, the 21st International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2016) in Durban, South Africa heard last month. Some additional
analyses suggested a higher level of effectiveness.
Moreover, African women who took part in the study told researchers that they liked the product, found it easy to use and preferred it to possible alternatives such as tablets or vaginal gels.

There’s Never Been a Better Time to Get Pregnant If One of You Has HIV
September 1, 2016 - Straight or gay, aspiring parents who have HIV in the mix have numerous options for conceiving a child without transmitting the virus.
Throughout the decade, scientific research has brought into increasingly sharp focus the awesome power of antiretrovirals (ARVs) to prevent HIV transmission.
Mounting evidence suggests that people with HIV virtually eliminate their risk of transmitting the virus to others by fully suppressing their virus through ARV treatment. (This is known as HIV treatment as prevention, or TasP). In fact, the risk of transmitting
HIV with an undetectable viral load may be zero.
Global Fund Report Shows 20 Million Lives Saved
01 September 2016 - Geneva - Programs supported by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria have saved 20 million lives, according to a report released today.
The Global Fund Results Report 2016, with cumulative results through the end of 2015, shows there have been one-third fewer deaths from AIDS, TB and malaria in the countries where the Global Fund invests. The Global Fund partnership, which brings together governments,
civil society, the private sector and people affected by the diseases, is on track to reach 22 million lives saved by the end of 2016.

Mike Pence Criticized HIV Activists While President of Antigay Think Tank
September 01 2016 - Republican vice-presidential nominee Mike Pence was the president of an antigay think tank that criticized the inclusion of HIV-positive speakers at the 1996 Republican National Convention.
From 1991 to 1994, Pence ran Indiana Policy Review, a conservative group that has a journal of the same name. Two years after he stepped down from the post, the current governor of Indiana claimed that the ’96 convention was an “endless line of pro-choice women, AIDS activists and proponents of affirmative action.”