Positively Positive - Living with HIV/AIDS:
HIV/AIDS News Archive - October 2013
PEP Can Stop You From Getting HIV
The AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT) is launching a new awareness campaign to educate gay, bi and trans men about the effectiveness of PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis), an
anti-HIV medication that can potentially stop HIV infection within 72 hours of exposure when taken daily over four weeks.
Scientists Capture Most Detailed Picture Yet of Key AIDS Protein
LA JOLLA, CA-October 31, 2013 - The finding represents a scientific feat as well as progress toward an HIV vaccine
Collaborating scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) and Weill Cornell Medical College have determined the first atomic-level structure of the tripartite HIV envelope
protein-long considered one of the most difficult targets in structural biology and of great value for medical science.
The new findings provide the most detailed picture yet of the AIDS-causing virus's complex envelope, including sites that future vaccines will try to mimic to elicit a protective immune response.
Preclinical Study Offers Hope for New Approach to Controlling HIV
LA JOLLA, CA-October 31, 2013 - A team of scientists from The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) and other institutions demonstrated that a
group of recently discovered monoclonal antibodies could be a new tool that can control HIV.
Monoclonal antibodies show promise as effective HIV therapy
30-Oct-2013 - BOSTON - Preclinical study provides strong basis for clinical trials in humans
A research team led by investigators at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) has demonstrated that a group of recently discovered antibodies may be
a highly effective therapy for the treatment of HIV. Published on-line today in the journal Nature, the findings encourage the development of these monoclonal antibodies as a novel therapy in humans.

HIV Rates Drop in South African Town After Circumcision Rollout
30 October 2013 - Orange Farm was the site of the first of three trials to demonstrate that male circumcision lowers chances of HIV acquisition 50% to 60% in heterosexual African men. The
community-based Bophelo Pele project included free VMCC. To determine the impact of VMCC on population-level HIV rates, researchers conducted this study.

CD4 Count at First HIV Visit Not Up "Meaningfully" in Almost 20 Years
30 October 2013 - CD4 count when HIV-positive people in developed countries make their first office visit did not change substantially from 1992 through 2011, according to results of a meta-regression analysis incorporating data from 44 studies.
Atherosclerosis in HIV patients linked to infection, not treatment
30-Oct-2013 - Length of infection increases risk for atherosclerosis
HIV infection, not antiretroviral therapy (ART), is associated with risk for atherosclerosis in patients with no history of smoking, particularly those infected for eight
years or more. Results of the study led by Moïse Desvarieux, MD, PhD, at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health and at the Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM), are published in the latest issue of the journal AIDS.
Early HIV antiviral treatment found to be cost-effective in South Africa, India
30-Oct-2013 - "Treatment as prevention" - early initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART) for HIV-infected individuals with uninfected sexual partners
to prevent viral transmission - appears to make economic sense, along with meeting its clinical goals of helping infected patients stay healthy and reducing transmission. A model-based analysis of
data from an important clinical trial projected that early ART for such patients in both South Africa and India would be very cost-effective over the lifetime of patients. In fact, early ART in
South Africa would actually save money during the first five years. The report appears in the October 31 New England Journal of Medicine.

World AIDS Day, 2013: What's the prescription for an 'AIDS-free' Canada?
On December 1, World AIDS Day, let's take a measure of our progress in achieving an 'AIDS-free' world.
HPV vaccination rates alarmingly low among young adult women in South
30-Oct-2013 - GALVESTON, Texas - Rates vary by region; indicate need for publicly funded vaccine programs
Initiation and completion rates for the human papillomavirus vaccine series are significantly lower in the South than any other geographic region, according to a new study
from researchers at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston.
HIV - Geneticists map human resistance to AIDS
29-Oct-2013 - Do our genes hold the key to future AIDS therapies? Using a supercomputer, scientists analyzed the genomes of thousands of strains of the HIV virus and have produced the first map of human AIDS resistance
The key to future HIV treatment could be hidden right in our own genes.
Older children with HIV may need to start treatment sooner to normalize future CD4 count
29-Oct-2013 - Although younger children with HIV are at high risk of disease progression if not treated, new research published
this week in PLOS Medicine indicates that they have good potential for achieving high CD4 counts (a measure of a type of white blood cell that correlates with immune
function) in later life provided antiretroviral therapy (ART) is initiated according to current treatment guidelines. However, the research also suggests that the
recommended CD4 count thresholds for ART initiation are unlikely to maximize immunological health in children who have never received ART before the age of ten years.
Low CD4 cell count increases heart attack risk for people with HIV
28 October 2013 - Immunodeficiency is an important risk factor for heart attack in people living with HIV, results of a large US study published in the online edition of the Journal of Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndromes show. People with recent and nadir (lowest-ever) CD4 cell counts below 200 cells/mm3 were significantly more likely to have a heart attack compared to matched controls. But people living with HIV with nadir or recent
CD4 cell counts above 500 cells/mm3 were no more likely to have a heart attack than the HIV-negative controls.
HPV Strains Affecting African-American Women Differ from Vaccines
Oct. 28, 2013 - NATIONAL HARBOR, M.D - Two subtypes of human papillomavirus (HPV) prevented by vaccines are half as likely
to be found in African-American women as in white women with precancerous cervical lesions, according to researchers at Duke Medicine.

Data Signals Minority Resistant HIV Variants Can Be Transmitted
27 October 2013 - Antiretroviral-resistant minority HIV variants (those than cannot be detected by standard resistance testing) can be transmitted from an HIV-positive person to an
HIV-negative partner, according to three lines of evidence established by researchers in Zurich.

Canada falling behind in tackling hepatitis C
Toronto, ON (October 25, 2013) - Hepatitis C symposium highlights need for national action plan
Today, international researchers will present a compelling case for government action on hepatitis C. The disease can now effectively be screened, diagnosed,
treated and often cured. Unfortunately, progress has hit a critical moment; in order to prevent thousands of unnecessary deaths and to avoid soaring acute care costs, Canada needs a national action plan to identify, treat and cure more patients with hepatitis C.
Fauci Discusses HIV/AIDS in Grand Rounds Lecture
October 25, 2013 - A three day product expo for People Living with HIV/AIDS organized by the Manipur Industries Development Council (MIDC) with support from
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Manipur State AIDS Control Society (MACS) at the Iboyaima Shumang Leela Shanglen from October 23 had concluded yesterday.
Some 'High-Risk' Kidneys May Be Safe for Organ Transplant: Study
FRIDAY, Oct. 25 (HealthDay News) - Many kidneys from deceased donors that are classified as "high-risk" are safe if the organs are screened using current methods, according to a small new study.

Awards for Action winners announced
On December 1, 2013 at 7:00 p.m., please join us at the Bram and Bluma Appel Salon (Toronto Reference Library) to celebrate the Canaadian HIV/AIDS Network and to honour the 2013 recipients of the Awards for Action on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights - the Grandmothers Advocacy Network (Canadian recipient) and Alternatives-Cameroun (international recipient).
Annonce des lauréats des Prix de l'Action
Le 1er décembre 2013 à 19 heures, soyez des nôtres, au Salon Bram and Bluma Appel (Bibliothèque de référence de Toronto) pour une célébration du Réseau juridique canadien VIH/sida et un hommage aux lauréats et lauréates des Prix de l'Action de 2013 contre le VIH/sida et pour les droits humains - le Mouvement de soutien des grands-mères (lauréat canadien)
et Alternatives-Cameroun (lauréat international).

"Project Runway" alum Jack Mackenroth launches "HIV Equal" campaign
October 25th, 2013 - Designer and "Project Runway" alum Jack Mackenroth, in conjunction with World Health clinicians and photographer Thomas Evans, is launching a multimedia campaign titled "HIV Equal" to reduce the stigma around HIV/AIDS and encourage
testing. The campaign will encourage participants to take an "HIV Equal" photo while also getting tested.
Why Aren't You Out About Your HIV-Positive Status?
10/24/2013 - Through the last decades of the LGBT movement, we have learned that the most effective way to change perceptions is to come out. It forces people to face their prejudices, and it is almost always a positive experience, even in the face of potential discrimination.
Sharon Stone Receives Nobel Peace Summit Award For AIDS Charity Work
24 October 2013 - Sharon Stone was commended for her charity work with AIDS and HIV at the Nobel Peace Summit in Poland.
Sharon Stone was the recipient of a Nobel Peace Summit Award on Wednesday (Oct 23rd).
The ceremony took place in the Polish capital Warsaw and Stone received the award for her work fighting AIDS and HIV.
Case of 'clear remission' in HIV-infected baby garners international attention
October 24, 2013 - Luzuriaga expresses cautious optimism, explains next steps on heels of stunning case
A case report on a 3-year-old Mississippi child born with HIV and treated with a combination of antiviral drugs shortly after birth who remains free of active
infection 18 months after all treatment ceased has received widespread media attention. Katherine Luzuriaga, MD, professor of molecular medicine, pediatrics and medicine and vice provost for clinical and translational research who worked with doctors from Johns Hopkins Children's Center and the University of Mississippi Medical
Center on the stunning case, is senior author on the report published in the Oct. 24 New England Journal of Medicine .

Curing HIV/AIDS Gets Tougher: Study Shows Far More 'Hidden' and Potentially Active Virus Than Once Thought
10/24/2013 - Discovery of a larger than expected latent reservoir of HIV confounds "shock and kill" cure strategy
Just when some scientists were becoming more hopeful about finding a strategy to outwit HIV's ability to resist, evade and otherwise survive efforts to rid it from the body, another hurdle has emerged to foil their plans, new research from Johns Hopkins shows.
Late testing rates declining in Europe, but largely in gay men
24 October 2013 - Over Europe as a whole, the proportion of people testing late for HIV decreased between 2002 and 2010, a presentation at the 14th European AIDS Conference in Brussels last week showed, and the average CD4 count on diagnosis increased. However,
these changes have mainly been seen in gay men; heterosexual people and, especially, older people are still much more likely than average not to be diagnosed until they have a low CD4 count or are even sick with AIDS-related conditions.
AIDS Vancouver: The evolution of The 30 30 Campaign
Oct 24, 2013 - VANCOUVER- It was in early 2012 that Brian Chittock, Executive Director at AIDS Vancouver, first began considering what
to do for AIDS Vancouver's 30th Anniversary. A significant milestone in the history of Canada's oldest AIDS service organization, Brian wanted to ensure the date was marked by
an event both memorable and relevant to AIDS Vancouver and its ever-evolving mission.

AIDS Risk 20% Higher With 500-749 CD4s Than With 750-999 in Europe
23 October 2013 - Compared with Europeans who had a current CD4 count between 750 and 999 cells/µL, those with 500 to 749 cells/µL had a 20% higher incidence of AIDS-defining illness. The
risk in the 500-749 CD4 group was even higher for AIDS-defining malignancies.
HIV elimination in South Africa could be achieved by current treatment policy
October 22, 2013 - The current antiretroviral treatment policy in South Africa could lead to elimination of HIV within the country over the next 24 to 34 years, but a universal test and treat (UTT)
approach could achieve elimination 10 years earlier according to new research published this week in PLOS Medicine.

New Report Examines DoD's Infectious Disease Efforts Related to Global Health
October 22, 2013 - " The Kaiser Family Foundation today released a new report providing providing an overview of the Department of Defense's infectious disease
efforts related to global health. The report looks at how the department's infectious disease activities are organized internally and coordinated with other U.S. government agencies and partners. It
identifies the various department funding streams for infectious disease efforts and spotlights the department's work to address two of global health's key infectious disease challenges, HIV/AIDS and malaria.
Calls for improved HIV/AIDS care in Manitoba and Canada
October 22, 2013 - Dr. Julio Montaner says increased testing can end epidemic
British Columbia's influential HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment advocate Dr. Julio Montaner was in Winnipeg early this month to help lobby for improved disease prevention and treatment in Manitoba.
Breast milk protein may be key to protecting babies from HIV infection
Oct. 21, 2013 - A substance in breast milk that neutralizes HIV and may protect babies from acquiring HIV from their infected mothers has been identified for the first time by researchers at Duke Medicine.

UCLA gets $7M to study substance use and HIV among minority men who have sex with men
By Enrique Rivero | October 21, 2013 - The National Institute on Drug Abuse has awarded UCLA a $7 million grant to investigate the links between substance abuse and HIV among Latino and African-American men who have sex with men.
Researchers will examine how non-injected drugs and alcohol can directly interact with the virus and other infectious diseases, to damage these men's health. Enrollment in the study begins in January.
HIV/AIDS conference hosted in Sudbury
21 October 2013 - The Opening Doors H-I-V/AIDS Conference will help educate health care providers, students and people living with the disease about current issues with H-I-V-AIDS.
Watcn Video ...

AIDS 2014 Conference Theme and Objectives
October 2013 - Stepping up the Pace - Theme of AIDS 2014
Stepping up the Pace recognizes that we are at a critical time and we need to capture the optimism that has recently emerged and build on it to ensure that HIV remains on top of the global agenda. The pace needs to further increase to ultimately reverse the trajectory of the epidemic.
Suicide rates tumble in people with HIV in Canadian study but psychiatric drug use remains high in Danish people with HIV
21 October 2013 - A study presented at the 14th European AIDS Conference last week found that the suicide rate in people with HIV in British Columbia, Canada, had fallen 35-fold since 1996 and was now close
to that in the general population. However, a second study from Denmark found rates of psychiatric drug use two to three times higher than in the general population, especially of sleeping pills and tranquillisers, and a marked rise in the use of
anti-psychotic drugs after seven or eight years of diagnosis.
Art4AIDS gallery to open in Dec., accepting entries
October 20, 2013 - The Health Education Office is accepting artwork for Art4AIDS, an art gallery focused on HIV/AIDS that will be opening on Dec. 4 in the Student Union.
Works of any and all mediums will be accepted, as long as they are related in some way to HIV/AIDS awareness. This includes, but is not limited to, paintings, collages, drawings, sculptures, crafts, and hand-sewn items.
Dual therapy with Kaletra and 3TC works well regardless of viral load
20 October 2013 - A dual combination of lopinavir/ritonavir (Kaletra or Aluvia) plus 3TC (lamivudine or Epivir) as first-line therapy produced good virological
suppression regardless of baseline viral load and was well tolerated in the multinational GARDEL study, according to a late-breaking report at the 14th European AIDS Conference this week in Brussels.

Successful new strategy based on dual therapy shows non-inferiority compared to standard of care triple combination in ARV-naïve patients
Brussels, October 18, 2013 - GARDEL Study results, designed, organized and directed from Argentina, were presented today at the European AIDS Conferences in Brussels.
In the framework of the 14th European AIDS Conference, researchers presented results of the 48-week GARDEL study, showing that a regimen containing two drugs can achieve similar results to the traditional approach with three drugs, which offers a simpler alternative with fewer side effects and less monitoring requirement.

Awards for Action on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights: Awards for Action 2013
SUNDAY, DEC. 1, 2013 7PM
Bram & Bluma Appel Salon, Toronto Reference Library
789 Youge St, Toronto
A World AIDS Day benefit in celebration of the Canaadian HIV/AIDS Network & the 12th Annual Awards for Action on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights.
The Awards for Action on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights were established in 2002 by the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network and Human Rights Watch.

Between the Sheets: Sexual Health and HIV
Wednesday, October 23, 2013, 6-8pm
Chateau Granville (Granville & Helmcken)
Dr Joss de Wet, Spectrum Health
Michael Crate & Jonathan Postnikoff, Gay Poz Sex (GPS) Facilitators
Can Cocaine Use Make You More Likely to Get HIV?
October 18, 2013 - A new study shows that cocaine exposure can damage T cell receptors, increase their susceptibility to HIV infection, and increase virus production.
More bad news for users of Bolivian marching powder. A new study from the UCLA AIDS Institute published in the October issue of the Journal of Leukocyte Biology reveals that cocaine can increase cell susceptibility to HIV infection.

Inconsistent condom use among HIV-positive women in the ''Treatment as Prevention Era'': data from the Italian DIDI study
17 October 2013 - Introduction: Translation of the evidence regarding the protective role of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) on HIV sexual transmission rates into sexual behaviour patterns of HIV-infected subjects
remains largely unexplored. This study aims to describe frequency of self-reported condom use among women living with HIV in Italy and to investigate the variables associated with inconsistent condom use (ICU).
UGA researcher develops new medicine that attacks HIV before it integrates with human DNA
October 17, 2013 - Athens, Ga. - Thirty-four million people are living with human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, worldwide and each year some 2.5 million more are infected, according to the World Health Organization.
New medicine developed at the University of Georgia attacks the virus before it integrates with human DNA, understood by researchers as the point of no return.
Researchers and advocates discuss the microbicides pipeline in Europe
17 October 2013 - The first day of the 14th European AIDS Conference, which opened yesterday in Brussels, featured a satellite symposium on development of HIV microbicides, broadly defined to include
a variety of approaches to pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP).
Experts debate whether HIV cure is 'hype or hope'
17 October 2013 - Is a functional cure for HIV feasible within the foreseeable future or is it a hopeless quest robbing resources from more practical approaches to improve the lives
of people living with HIV? This question was the crux of a mock trial held yesterday on the opening day of the 14th European AIDS Conference in Brussels.

Boosted DNA Vaccine Fails to Ward Off HIV Infection in Large US Trial
17 October 2013 - Results of the HVTN 505 randomized trial in the United States, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, detail failure of a DNA vaccine with an adenovirus-vector boost to prevent HIV infection in US men and transgender women who have sex with men.

Lower Neurocognitive Problem Rate in People With HIV Who Exercise
17 October 2013 - Exercise has been tied to lower risk of neurocognitive impairment in the general population, but potential links between exercise and neurocognitive impairment had not been explored
people with HIV before this study. Some degree of neurocognitive impairment affects almost half of people with HIV, even those otherwise responding to antiretroviral therapy.
B.C. the lone province to adopt HIV 'treatment as prevention' strategy
17 October 2013 - For the second time in the past month, a foreign country has adopted a made-in-B.C. "treatment as
prevention" strategy to combat HIV and AIDS. But while Brazil now joins a handful of countries in implementing the World Health Organization-backed treatment, B.C. remains the only province in Canada to do so.

Brazil to adopt B.C.'s Treatment as Prevention strategy as country's national HIV/AIDS policy
Vancouver, B.C. [October 17, 2013] - Momentum builds globally for HIV strategy pioneered by BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS
Brazil has announced plans to adopt the Treatment as Prevention (TasP) strategy to combat HIV and AIDS, becoming the latest country to implement the strategy pioneered by the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS (BC-CfE).

An Enduring Vision Raises Over $3.45 million for EJAF's Work
October 17, 2013 - On Tuesday, October 15, 2013, Sir Elton John continued his humanitarian efforts to raise money for HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, and awareness programs across the United States, the Americas, and the
Caribbean at the Elton John AIDS Foundation (EJAF)'s 12th annual benefit An Enduring Vision held at Cipriani Wall Street (55 Wall Street). American Airlines, Frank Guistra, Robert K. Kraft, and Wells Fargo served as the Presenting Sponsors of the benefit, and the star-studded evening raised over $3.45 million for the Foundation.
More US teens susceptible to HSV-1 infection, a growing cause of genital herpes
OCT. 17 2013 - A new study suggests a growing number of U.S. adolescents lack antibodies that may help protect them later in life against an increasingly important cause of genital herpes.
Published in The Journal of Infectious Diseases and available online, the findings show that fewer of today's teens have been exposed in their childhood to herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), a common cause of cold sores, than
U.S. adolescents in previous years. Without these antibodies, today's teens may be more susceptible-when they become sexually active-to genital infections also caused by the virus, particularly through oral sex.
Anal cancer screening may be appropriate for all women with HIV, French researchers suggest
16 October 2013 - Women living with HIV had a higher risk of anal pre-cancerous changes than cervical changes linked to human papillomavirus (HPV), French researchers
reported at the 14th European AIDS Conference in Brussels. They suggested that all women with HIV ought to be screened routinely for pre-cancerous changes in the anal canal.
Calling all Gay, Bi, and Trans Men who have SEX with other Men
16 October 2013 - Think HIV Criminalization is stigmatizing and unjust? Have something to say about it? We want to hear about it!
With our Think Twice Campaign we are looking for men who have sex with other men to tell their stories and thoughts that challenge the current push towards criminalization of people living with HIV.
We will be having a community meeting on Sunday, November 3rd at the 519 from 2-4pm
Belgium launches robust national HIV plan
16 October 2013 - Belgium has taken a substantial step forward in its AIDS response this week with the launch of its first and much-anticipated National Strategic Plan on
HIV. The plan was endorsed at the very highest level, with Queen Mathilde joining a number of top-ranking Belgian ministers and UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé to oversee the 15 October launch.
Elusive secret of HIV long-term immunity
16-OCT-2013 - CHICAGO - Discovery offers hope of new, shorter HIV treatment if drugs are started right away
These rare individuals who do not require medicine have an extra helping
of a certain type of immune protein that blocks HIV from spreading within the body by turning it into an impotent wimp, Northwestern Medicine® scientists report. The new finding comes from analyzing cells from these rare individuals and HIV in the lab.
European physicians condemn impact of Russian anti-gay law on HIV prevention and care
16 October 2013 - 14th European AIDS Conference opens with strong political statements
The European AIDS Clinical Society (EACS) has strongly condemned the discriminatory legal and policy environment being promoted by Russian politicians against gay men, lesbians and transgender people.
HIV-positive people not on antiretrovirals are prone to inflammation-related bone loss
16 October 2013 - HIV-positive people not taking antiretroviral therapy experienced more bone mineral density loss at the hip and were somewhat more likely to develop osteopenia or osteoporosis than HIV-negative
individuals, researchers reported at the IDWeek 2013 conference held recently in San Francisco. They also found that bone loss amongst people with HIV appeared to be linked to inflammation.
HIV-positive young women have adequate response to human papillomavirus vaccine
16 October 2013 - HIV-positive girls did not respond as well to the quadrivalent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine as HIV-negative girls of the same age, but they responded as well as HIV-negative older women, probably giving them sufficient protection
from infection, according to a late-breaker presentation at the IDWeek 2013 conference recently held in San Francisco.
Integrating HIV into wider public health campaigns
16 October 2013 - In the new edition of HIV & AIDS treatment in practice (HATIP), NAM's senior editor, Keith Alcorn, examines the concept of multi-disease prevention campaigns which target a range of public health issues in a concentrated burst of activity in one area.
New HIV Strain in Russia Spreading Rapidly - Scientists
MOSCOW, October 16 (RIA Novosti) - A scientific research center in Siberia said Wednesday that it has discovered a new strain of HIV in Russia and that the virus is spreading "at a rapid rate."
Duke University School of Nursing Launches HIV/AIDS Nurse Practitioner Specialty Concentration
October 15, 2013 - Duke University School of Nursing is accepting applications for its new HIV/AIDS specialty concentration within the Primary Care Nurse Practitioner major for the fall 2014 semester.
How To Use an FC2 Insertive Condom
Published on Oct 15, 2013 - CORNER Condoms Health Educator Lethy Liriano demonstrates how to use an FC2 Insertive Condom in honor of Global FC2 Insertive Condom Day (September 16th)
A healthy, hopeful future
15 October 2012 - Kai was born with HIV but did not know until he was 11. Depressed and unsure of his future, he sometimes postponed his anti-retroviral (ARV) drug doses or did not
bother taking them at all. When his doctor asked whether he had taken his medicine on time, Kai would always answer "yes".
HIV morning-after pill comes to Ontario
October 15 , 2013 - HIV morning-after pill comes to Ontario
Watch Video...

NAAT testing combined with social marketing campaigns improve detection of acute HIV infection among MSM in Vancouver
October 15 , 2013 - People who have recently become infected with HIV are at increased risk of transmitting HIV to
others and may account for up to half of new HIV infections in some populations. Several factors contribute to an increased risk of HIV transmission.
Only a fifth of pregnancies among women living with HIV in the US are planned
15 October 2013 - Only a fifth of pregnancies among women living with HIV in the United States are planned, research
published in the online edition of the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes shows. The majority of women were ambivalent about their pregnancy and planned pregnancies were associated with patient-initiated discussions about conception and pregnancy.

Antiretroviral Drug Costs Rise 70% From Year 1 to 5 for Thai Children
15 October 2013 - Antiretroviral drug costs rose 70% from the first year of treatment to the fifth year in a 1999-2009 observational study of children in Thailand. Protease inhibitor (PI)-based regimens accounted for 33% of total costs.
Experts lament low use of female condoms
14 October 2013 - Only about one in 10 Nigerians of reproductive age have ever seen a female condom, and less
than 3% of them has used it, say experts in reproductive health, raising concern about the lack of knowledge about the products.

Harper's war on science continues with a vengeance
Oct 13 2013 - If Stephen Harper agenda succeeds, the result is a diminished Canada, afraid of open-ended questions and speculative science.
Harper's true agenda, pretty much all along, has been to dismantle the government's great traditions of natural science and environmental stewardship, which until recently made Canada a world leader in both fields.announcement takes a cheeky approach to fundraising.
Lack of leadership responsible for rising HIV infection levels in some provinces: HIV expert
October 11, 2013 - A Canadian leader in the global fight against HIV/AIDS is chastising the federal government for failing to urge all jurisdictions to adopt the made-in-British Columbia approach to treating and preventing new infections, even as countries as diverse as China and the United States are rolling it out.
Early HIV-testing pilot project gets permanent nod in BC
Oct 10, 2013 - 'The earlier you identify, the earlier guys can respond to their situation': Robert
Gay and bisexual men in British Columbia will soon have greater access to a more accurate form of HIV testing that can detect the virus as soon as a week after exposure.
A BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) study released Oct 9 found that pooled nucleic acid amplification testing (NAAT), also known as the early HIV test, greatly improves the diagnosis of early or acute HIV infection.

Troubling treatment failure against an emerging sexually transmitted infection
10 October 2013 - The bacterium Mycoplasma genitalium (MG) is sexually transmitted and can cause inflammation of the urinary and genital tracts in men and women.
This germ may also be linked to other problems, including some cases of arthritis and, in women, pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility.
For background information please see the previous CATIE News story.

Economic Benefits, Racial Disparities and Addiction Highlighted in New amfAR Films on Syringe Services Programs
NEW YORK, Oct. 10, 2013 - Three new films urge Congress to end the ban on federal funding for syringe services programs
amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research, , today announced the release of three short films that demonstrate the benefits of syringe services programs, which are proven to reduce the
spread of HIV among people who inject drugs. The new films underscore the economic advantages and human impact of these services in the U.S., where injection drug use remains an important factor in the
HIV/AIDS epidemic and accounts for approximately eight percent of all HIV diagnoses
Recovering the history of direct action AIDS organizing in Canada
October 9, 2013 - SUDBURY, ON - It was an era when rage and creativity won life-saving victories. Neglected by governments,
scorned by much of the public, and facing rapid illness and death, in the mid-1980s people living with HIV/AIDS and their supporters began taking radical direct action in cities across North America. Yet this history
is in danger of being forgotten.

MG-an emerging sexually transmitted infection
9 October 2013 - The bacterium Mycoplasma genitalium (MG) is sexually transmitted and can cause inflammation of the urinary and genital tracts in men and women. This germ may also be
linked to other problems, including some cases of arthritis and, in women, pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility.
New HIV Test In BC Helps Reduce Disease Spread: Study
October 9, 2013 - Vancouver - British Columbia will be the first in Canada to use a new, more accurate HIV detection test following the results of a
BC Centre for Disease Control study which found nucleic acid amplification testing (NAAT) greatly improved the diagnosis of early or acute HIV infection.
People with HIV have higher risk of death after heart attack
08 October 2013 - People with HIV had higher mortality than HIV-negative individuals after hospitalisation for acute coronary syndrome, but the excess risk disappeared for people on antiretroviral therapy
with high CD4 cell counts, researchers reported last week at the IDWeek 2013 conference in San Francisco.

Canada's HIV vaccine researchers ready to roll out their findings at AIDS Vaccine 2013
October 7, 2013 - International conference in Barcelona attracts world-class research from Canada
Canadian researchers will deliver some 24 presentations in Barcelona, Spain this week during AIDS Vaccine 2013 - the largest and most diverse
international conference of researchers, advocates, clinicians, private sector partners and public health experts working collaboratively to advance HIV vaccine discovery.
Many HIV-positive people not receiving recommended prevention counselling as part of their routine care
07 October 2013 - Approximately half of HIV-positive people in the United States are not receiving prevention counselling as part of their routine care, results of a study published in the online edition of AIDS show.

HIV, Health and Rehabilitation Survey
October 2013 - The aim of this survey is to describe the health-related challenges experienced by adults living with HIV, identify
other health conditions they may be living with, and the rehabilitation services and living strategies that they use to manage their health challenges.

Long-Acting HIV Antiretrovirals May Be Revolutionary. But Will They Be Worth It?
October 4, 2013 - Once-a-month HIV antiretroviral dosing is no longer a fanciful dream. Long-acting antiretrovirals are currently in development, and the first glimpses of early safety/efficacy data are not terribly far away.
So it's not outlandish for us to start thinking about where these drugs might fit into the HIV treatment armamentarium once they arrive.
Sir Elton John to Receive Lifetime Achievement Award from The Rockefeller Foundation
October 03, 2013 - NEW YORK - Rockefeller Foundation to Honor 'Rocket Man' for his Contribution to the Fight Against HIV/AIDS and the Stigma Associated with the Disease
The Rockefeller Foundation today announced that Sir Elton John will be the recipient of its Lifetime Achievement Award, which will be conferred during the Foundation's Centennial year at its upcoming
event - "A Celebration of American Philanthropy" - to be held on October 30, 2013 in Washington, D.C. The Rockefeller Foundation will also make a grant to the Elton John AIDS Foundation to further its good work.

Rectal sexually transmitted infections found to increase HIV risk
3 October 2013 - In high-income countries such as Canada, Australia and the U.S. and regions such as Western Europe, HIV infections continue to spread, particularly among men who have sex with men (MSM).

Fall HIV/Antiretroviral Update
October 1, 2013 - VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA - The Fall HIV/Antiretroviral Update will take place:
Monday, November 18, 2013
8:30 am to 5:00 pm
Grand Ballroom-North Tower
Sheraton Wall Centre Hotel (located across from St. Paul's Hospital in Downtown Vancouver)

Change of Leadership for the Community of People Living with HIV
October 1, 2013 - This week, the GNP+ says farewell to Kevin Moody, International Coordinator/CEO for GNP+ for the last seven years.
The 30 30 Campaign
VANCOUVER - 30 Days, 30 Stories
The 30 30 Campaign was created in 2013 to celebrate AIDS Vancouver's 30th anniversary. The campaign pieces together the dynamic history of HIV in Vancouver, told by and for those who were there.
The 30 30 Campaign, chronicles through video interviews the stories of both AIDS Vancouver and Vancouver's HIV epidemic, over the past 30 years.