Positively Positive - Living with HIV/AIDS:
HIV/AIDS News Archive - October 2009
Ban congratulates US leader for lifting entry restriction based on HIV status
31 October 2009 - Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today congratulated United States President Barack Obama for announcing that travel restrictions for people living
with HIV from entering the country will be removed.

'Project Runway' Designer Comes Full Circle to Educate About Living with HIV and Combat Stigma Associated with the Disease at United States Conference on AIDS
San Francisco, CA, October 31, 2009 - Jack Mackenroth to bring Living Positive By Design campaign to San Francisco
, from the hit reality television series "Project Runway," is visiting San Francisco
for the United States Conference on AIDS (USCA) and is bringing Living Positive By Design, his national HIV and AIDS education initiative, to the city.

Nutritional Supplements Delay the Progression of AIDS in HIV-Infected Patients not Receiving Antiretroviral Treatment According to the Harold Foster Foundation
October 30, 2009 - SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE) - Data presented today from a 310 patient, 52 week, double-blind, controlled clinical trial demonstrates
that a micronutrient supplement, Replenish+T delays the progression of AIDS in HIV-infected patients not receiving antiretroviral treatment (ART).1

Obama Lifts US Travel Ban on HIV-infected; Updated AIDS Bill Puts New Focus on Testing
Los Angeles, CA - October 30, 2009 - President Overturns 22 Year Ban on HIV-positive Travelers to US;
also Signs Ryan White CARE Act, Which Places New Emphasis on Testing, Calling for 5 Million HIV Tests Annually
AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) today lauded President Barack Obama for lifting a 22 year-old ban prohibiting HIV-positive foreigners from traveling to the US.
Obama Lifts HIV/AIDS Travel Ban, Video
October 30, 2009 - After a 22 year ban, people with HIV/AIDS will be allowed into the USA, effective Monday.

Immigration Equality has learned that President Obama will announce the final repeal of the HIV Travel and Immigration Ban, which prohibits people living with HIV from traveling or immigrating to the United States,
during a White House ceremony later today. The ban, which has been in effect since 1987, will end following a 60-day waiting period.
HIV tamed by designer 'leash'
29-Oct-2009 - Researchers have shown how an antiviral protein produced by the immune system, dubbed tetherin, tames HIV and other
viruses by literally putting them on a leash, to prevent their escape from infected cells. The insights reported in the October 30th issue of the journal Cell, a Cell Press publication, allowed the research
team to design a completely artificial protein -- one that did not resemble native tetherin in its sequence at all -- that could nonetheless put a similar stop to the virus.

Researchers, Public Health Experts Urge Russia to Expand HIV Prevention Programmes for People Who Inject Drugs As Regional AIDS Conference Opens in Moscow
28 October 2009 (Moscow, Russian Federation) - Evidence-based Programmes in Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan and Russian Scale-up of HIV Treatment Highlight Potential for Action
As Moscow prepares to host the 3rd Eastern Europe and Central Asia AIDS Conference (EECAAC) on 28-30 October, the Eurasian
Harm Reduction Network, the International AIDS Society and the International Harm Reduction Association issued a joint call to the Russian Government to dramatically expand access to HIV prevention programmes for people who inject drugs.
Sperm may play leading role in spreading HIV
26-Oct-2009 - Sperm, and not just the fluid it bathes in, can transmit HIV to macrophages, T cells, and dendritic cells (DCs),
report a team led by Ana Ceballos at the University of Buenos Aires in Argentina. By infecting DCs, which carry the virus and potently pass it to T cells, sperm may play a leading role in spreading HIV. The article appears in the November 23,
2009 issue of the Journal of Experimental Medicine (online October 26).

Bio-Alcamid Treatment Subsidy Program
October 22, 2009 - The Subsidy Program is OPEN
has opened the Fall season Subsidy Program.
The Bio-Alcamid Treatment Subsidy Program is avialable for people living
with HIV in need of facial aesthetic restoration for facial wasting/lipoatrophy who are unable to afford treatment. The Face Forward Foundation recognizes how important this restorative treatment is and
together with our sponsors (Polymekon, Pur Medical, Medicard) and the treating physicians, we work to ensure
its accessibility to those living with HIV with facial wasting/lipoatrophy.
Syphilis survey reveals need for accurate testing for early infection
22-Oct-2009 - Although syphilis is one of the oldest known diseases,
most health professionals do not have access to the tests necessary to reliably diagnose it in its earliest and most infectious stage.
A recent survey of infectious diseases specialists regarding the diagnosis and treatment of syphilis appears in the November 15, 2009
issue of Clinical Infectious Diseases, now available online.

The International AIDS Society Urges Strong and Swift Opposition To Proposed Anti-Homosexuality Legislation in Uganda
22 October 2009 - (Geneva, Switzerland) - Measure Would Authorize Execution of People Living with HIV Who Engage in Same-sex Sexual Behaviour and Have a Chilling Effect on HIV Prevention and Care
today urged Uganda's political and public health leaders to oppose and reject the Anti-Homosexuality Bill presented last week in Uganda's parliament.

Congress Enacts AIDS Bill to Test 5 Million; AHF Urges President Obama to Act Swiftly
Washington, DC - October 21, 2009 - House and Senate Pass Bill Placing Greater
Focus on Finding Undiagnosed HIV Positive Individuals; Largest Global AIDS Organization Lauds Congress
for Updating Ryan White CARE Act to Prioritize Testing and Maintain a Focus on Medical Care While Cutting Bureaucracy
HIV care providers applaud Congress' extension of Ryan White program
21-Oct-2009 - Medical providers on the front lines of HIV care applaud the U.S. Congress for extending the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, helping to ensure that more than half a million low-income, uninsured, or underinsured people living with HIV/AIDS have access to lifesaving care.
The HIV Medicine Association (HIVMA) and the Ryan White Medical Providers Coalition (RWMPC) are pleased with Congress' four-year extension of this critical safety net and urge President Obama to quickly sign this important legislation.
Feelings of stigmatization may discourage HIV patients from proper care
21-Oct-2009 - The feeling of stigmatization that people living
with HIV often experience doesn't only exact a psychological toll -new UCLA research suggests it can also lead
to quantifiably negative health outcomes.
Death by denial
October 21, 2009 - People who deny that the HIV virus causes AIDS continue to persist in their beliefs despite overwhelming scientific evidence
to the contrary, nurtured by the broad reach of the Internet and cherry-picked scientific claims, AIDS authorities said Monday (Oct. 19).

Fear, a World Disease
October 16, 2009 - Fear has spread around the world at the speed of a hurricane.
Uganda: 'Anti-Homosexuality' Bill Threatens Liberties and Human Rights Defenders
October 15, 2009 - (Kampala) Proposed Provisions Illegal, Ominous, and Unnecessary
The draft "Anti-Homosexuality Bill" introduced on October 14, 2009 in Uganda's parliament would violate human rights and should be withdrawn immediately,
a group of 17 local and international human rights organizations said today.
Statement by Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, on National Latino AIDS Awareness Day
Thursday, October 15, 2009 - "National Latino AIDS Awareness Day is a reminder of HIV and AIDS' heavy impact on the Latino community. Every nine and a half minutes someone new is infected with HIV,
and almost one-fifth of people who are living with HIV and AIDS are Latino."

October 15, 2009 - This seventh annual National Latino AIDS Awareness Day marks an occasion for all of us to consider the impact HIV has had on the Latino community and what we can do to prevent
future infections among the largest and fastest growing ethnic minority group in the United States.
Since the HIV/AIDS epidemic began, more than 82,000 Latinos in the United States have died.
Univision and Kaiser Foundation Mark National Latino AIDS Awareness Day with New Campaign Featuring People Living With HIV/AIDS
LOS ANGELES, CA - October 15, 2009 - "Testimonials Aim to Inspire Hope and Debunk Myths in Response to Latino AIDS Crisis
Univision Communications Inc. and the Kaiser Family Foundation today unveiled the second phase of "SOY..." (I AM...), the groundbreaking Spanish-language media campaign
featuring the personal stories of a diverse group of Latinos living with HIV and their loved ones. The new campaign materials will debut on the Univision Network, the Telefutura Network and
Galavision in conjunction with National Latino AIDS Awareness Day (NLAAD) on October 15th and continue throughout 2010.

NIH Awards New Grants to Build Capacity in Informatics in Global Health
October 14, 2009 - The Fogarty International Center, part of the National Institutes of Health, today announced it will award more than $9.23 million to eight global health informatics programs over the next five years.
Pitt researchers find candidates for new HIV drugs
PITTSBURGH, Oct. 13 - While studying an HIV protein that plays an essential role in AIDS progression, researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
have discovered compounds that show promise as novel treatments for the disease.

Thai HIV Vaccine Hype Misrepresents Data; AHF Calls for Independent Review of AIDS Vaccine Effort
Los Angeles, CA - October 12, 2009 - AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) , the largest non-profit
HIV/AIDS healthcare provider in the US which now provides treatment and services for more than 110,000 individuals in 21 countries worldwide in the US, Africa, Latin America/Caribbean and Asia,
expressed frustration and dissapointment at the news that data that seriously undermining a widely reported Thai HIV vaccine trial were not released publicly when other, more favorable data from the vaccine trial were publicly reported late last month.

October 9, 2009 - today calls for an independent
Inquiry into the safety of HPV vaccine, and appeals to all Members of Parliament to press for this.
The ANH says: "Young girls in the UK-as well as their parents and guardians-deserve to have the full facts on the risks and benefits of this vaccine to help them make properly informed choices."

AHF Hails WHO Report on 4M in Treatment; Notes Millions Still Need Testing and Treatment
SAN FRANCISCO, CA (September 28, 2009) - today hailed the news that four million people from low and middle
income countries living with HIV/AIDS were on lifesaving antiretroviral treatment in 2008, a 36% increase over 2007. The news came in a new report, (September 2009) released by the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS).

Pfizer's Selzentry Poised To Be Most Expensive First-Line AIDS Drug
Los Angeles, CA - October 8, 2009 - AIDS Healthcare Foundation - Responding to today's news that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Antiviral Advisory Committee has approved Pfizer Inc.'s AIDS therapy, Selzentry (maraviroc),
for use in therapy-naïve patients, strongly criticized Pfizer for its current pricing of the drug the at an Average Wholesale Price (AWP) of $13,767 per-patient
per-year-which, if this price remains when use is expanded, would make it the most expensive first-line AIDS drug on the market.
October 8, 2009 - Scientists have discovered a potential retroviral link to chronic fatigue syndrome, known as CFS, a debilitating disease that affects millions of people in the United States. Researchers from the
Whittemore Peterson Institute (WPI), located at the University of Nevada, Reno, the National Cancer Institute (NCI),
part of the National Institutes of Health, and the Cleveland Clinic, report this finding online Oct. 8, 2009, issue of Science.
World's First Engineered T Cell Receptor Trial Opens with New Cellular Therapy for HIV
October 8, 2009 - (Oxford, UK and Philadelphia, PA) Researchers at and the , today
announced the approval of an Investigational New Drug (IND) application from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and opening for enrollment of the first ever study using patients' cells carrying an engineered T cell receptor to treat HIV (SL9 HA-GAG-TCR). The trial may have important implications
in the development of new treatments for HIV potentially slowing - or even preventing - the onset of AIDS.

Recent UN Progress Report on Universal Access Illustrates Need for Greater Financial and Political Commitment to AIDS on the Part of the G8 and Other Donors
7 October 2009 (Geneva, Switzerland) - Responding to a recent UN report demonstrating a 36% increase in global coverage for HIV treatment during 2008, the today
urged world leaders not to mistake recent progress for "mission accomplished" and emphasized the need for sustained political leadership and financing by the G8 and other donors to maintain recent momentum and leverage similar results for HIV prevention.
FDA Marks 100th HIV/AIDS Drug Authorized for Purchase Under PEPFAR
October 6, 2009 - The today marked today marked
the recent approval of the 100th antiretroviral drug in association with the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), aimed at the prevention, treatment, and care of people infected with and affected by HIV/AIDS worldwide.
Respect Life and the Truth on Respect Life Sunday
October 3, 2009 - Jon O'Brien, president of , issued the following statement on Respect Life Sunday:
This Sunday, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops holds its annual Respect Life Sunday. On this occasion, we would like to encourage the US bishops to also respect the truth. A recent publication by the USCCB, a brochure
entitled Contraception: The Fine Print, and recent polls on healthcare reform prove that the bishops' desire to promote their own views on reproductive health leads them to play fast and loose with the truth.
Einstein to develop anti-HIV drug delivery system
October 2, 2009 - (BRONX, NY) - $7.2 million NIH grant could produce device that protects women for weeks
The National Institutes of Health has awarded Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University a four-year, $7.2 million grant to develop a microbicide-releasing vaginal ring to prevent HIV transmission.

Second-Generation Female Condom Is Now Available in the United States; FC2 Female Condom Will Cost 30 Percent Less than Predecessor
CHICAGO, IL-October 1, 2009 - Company Makes Announcement at a Meeting of Southeastern Reproductive Health Organizations; FHC Makes Special Commitment to Expand Access in U.S. Regions with Highest AIDS Case Rates
(NASDAQ: FHCO) is announcing today that its second-generation FC2 Female Condom®, which received regulatory approval from the Food and Drug Administration in March as
an HIV prevention method, is now available for purchase in the United States.