Positively Positive - Living with HIV/AIDS:
HIV/AIDS News Archive - May 2020

UNAIDS celebrates the life of pioneer AIDS activist Larry Kramer
GENEVA, 28 May 2020 - Founder of Gay Men’s Health Crisis,
ACT UP and award-winning playwright sadly dies aged 84
The AIDS movement has lost one of its earliest and leading activists, Larry Kramer, who passed away on 27 May 2020 in New York City. Mr Kramer was one of the first to raise the alarm in the United States of America about the spread of the AIDS epidemic and throughout his life he actively rallied support to accelerate research into treatment and support for people living with HIV.
HIV Immunity - The Potential of Gene Therapy
May 8, 2020 - Contrary to antiretroviral drugs, gene therapy could be used to give the human body immunity to HIV. Dr. David Hardy, a member of American Gene Technologies (AGT)’s HIV Scientific Advisory Board, tells his story of his lifelong commitment to mitigate the effects of the HIV virus. In the past, he helped to treat the symptoms of the virus as best as he could. Today, he is advising AGT as they pursue a gene therapy treatment intended to give patients ultimate immunity to the HIV virus.