Positively Positive - Living with HIV/AIDS:
HIV/AIDS News Archive - May 2015

AIDS/LifeCycle Participants Raise Record $16.3 Million to Fight HIV/AIDS
SAN FRANCISCO/LOS ANGELES, May 31, 2015 - 2,350 Cyclists and 618 Volunteer “Roadies” from 46 States and 21 Countries Begin Seven-day, 545-mile Journey from San Francisco to Los Angeles
AIDS/LifeCycle® announced today that participants raised a record-breaking $16.3 million dollars to support San Francisco AIDS Foundation and the HIV/AIDS-related services of the Los Angeles LGBT Center. Their achievement shattered
last year's amount by more than $800,000, maintaining AIDS/LifeCycle as the world's largest annual HIV/AIDS fundraiser.
Scientists say killing HIV's sugar intake kills its growth
May 31, 2015 - A groundbreaking study reveals that starving HIV of sugar prevents it from reproducing.
Scientists at Northwestern Medicine and Vanderbilt University say that after the virus invades an activated immune cell, it craves sugar and nutrients from the cell to replicate and fuel its growth throughout the body.
Daylong summit to focus on long-term HIV/AIDS survivors
May 31, 2015 - Test Positive Aware Network ( TPAN ) and Positively Aware will host a day-long summit for long-term survivors of HIV/AIDS, "The Reunion Project: Chicago," Friday, June 19, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., at the Center on Halsted.
The organizer of the summit is Jeff Berry, director of publications for TPAN and editor-in-chief of Positively Aware, TPAN's HIV-treatment journal of TPAN. In his role at TPAN, Berry oversees TPAN's website and works with the art director on any other informational materials that TPAN provides.
Tiko Kerr's new exhibit 'The Past is Personal' reveals private works
May 30, 2015 - New exhibit traces Kerr's journey from aspiring doctor to HIV/AIDS advocate and celebrated painter
Vancouver artist Tiko Kerr is known for his dynamic, colour-saturated depictions of Vancouver, and for his HIV/AIDS advocacy work.
His latest exhibit traces his 30-year journey as an artist by sharing works he's chosen to retain for himself...until now.

Jussie Smollett: An Activist to the Core
May 30, 2015 - Jussie Smollett, currently starring as Jamal Lyon in the Fox music-industry primetime soap opera "Empire"
"I think there is a certain level of complacency that we have as a generation as far as HIV/AIDS goes," he says. "It almost feels like it's the last generation's issue, but it's so not. It's right here. We've got to keep fighting, we've got to keep talking about it. We've got to keep protecting ourselves and protecting each other."
Friends for Life Society celebrates 20 years at the Diamond Centre for Living
May 30, 2015 - Society first operated out of two-bedroom apartment in Vancouver's West End
This weekend marks 20 years since the Friends For Life Society opened t
he doors to its West End Victorian home to help people with HIV, cancer and other life-threatening diseases.
The society had humble beginnings, operating out of a two bedroom apartment on Beach Avenue at the height of the AIDS epidemic.

Queen of the Desert returns, raising $30,000 for D.A.P.
PALM SPRINGS, CA, May 29, 2015 - Jazmyn Simone-Echelon crowned by Champagne Showers
A sold-out audience of more than 600 packed the ballroom at the Renaissance Palm Springs on May 27 to cheer on their favorite drag performer in the 2nd Annual Queen of the Desert lip-sync competition. And they all showed their appreciation – while contributing even more to Desert AIDS Project– by voting for their favorite Queen-wannabee.
Death metal drummer saving Romania's addicts from HIV
29 May 2015 - Addicts in Bucharest shoot up as many as 30 times a day. Paraic O'Brien went to meet the death metal drummer who is trying to stem Romania's drugs and HIV epidemic.

3rd Annual PRIDE Legacy Awards: Bradford McIntyre Presenter
May 28, 2015 - PINK Category: Sexuality (Sexual Health + HIV/AIDS Awareness)
The 3rd annual PRIDE Legacy Awards is a night to celebrate the legacy of activism and volunteerism, which has shaped Vancouver’s LGBTQ2+ community. This award recognizes an individual whose work has promoted sexual health.
Some chimpanzees infected with AIDS virus may harbor protective, humanlike gene
28 May 2015 - When Peter Parham’s postdoc first showed him data suggesting a gene in some wild chimpanzees infected with the AIDS virus closely resembled one that protects humans from HIV, he was skeptical.
HIV vaccine: Could a few special cells help protect millions of people?
May 28, 2015 - New analysis finds rare immune cells linked to HIV vaccine’s effectiveness
In the nearly 30-year hunt for a working HIV vaccine, researchers have fiercely debated what that vaccine will look like — and, when people receive the shot, what kind of immune response their bodies will mount that ultimately protects them from infection.
Declare your HIV sero status, Ugandans told
28 May 2015 - If more people come out publicly and declare their HIV sero status, it might help in reducing stigma among those infected and the spread of the epidemic, a health expert has said.
Tinder and Grindr dating apps blamed for surge in cases of HIV, syphilis and other STDs
28 May 2015 - Health officials warn of increase in 'high-risk behaviours'
The city recorded 173 new HIV infections in the first quarter of this year - the second-highest total reported in a single quarter in more than three decades.
The Face of HIV/AIDS: Then and Now
Published on May 27, 2015 - The Face of HIV/AIDS: Then and Now

UNAIDS welcomes further evidence that starting antiretroviral therapy early saves lives
GENEVA, 27 May 2015 - UNAIDS welcomes additional evidence that starting antiretroviral therapy at a higher CD4 (a measure of immune system health) level has a positive effect on the health and well-being of people living with HIV.
“Every person living with HIV should have immediate access to life-saving antiretroviral therapy,” said Michel Sidibé, Executive Director of UNAIDS. “Delaying access to HIV treatment under any pretext is denying the right to health.”

High lifetime costs of treating HIV show importance of investing in prevention
27 May 2015 - The lifetime cost for treating one HIV infection in the UK is almost £380,000, according to a model published in the online journal PLOS One. Switching to generic drugs once patents expired could reduce costs
to just over £100,000. The investigators based their calculations on costs associated with treating a 30-year-old gay man infected in 2013 who lived to the age of 72 years. It was assumed that standards of HIV treatment and care were those specified in the 2012
edition of the guidelines of the British HIV Association (BHIVA).
Breaking news: what do the START results mean for HIV positive people
27 May 2015 - On 27 May 2015, at least 18 months earlier than anyone expected, one of the largest ongoing HIV studies announced early results.
The news was given at a high-level press conference in Washington by Dr Anthony Fauci, head of the US National Institute for Allergy and Immune Diseases (NIAID).

Starting Antiretroviral Treatment Early Improves Outcomes for HIV-Infected Individuals
May 27, 2015 - NIH-Funded Trial Results Likely Will Impact Global Treatment Guidelines
A major international randomized clinical trial has found that HIV-infected individuals have a considerably lower risk of developing AIDS or other serious illnesses if they start taking antiretroviral drugs sooner, when their CD4+ T-cell count—a key measure
of immune system health—is higher, instead of waiting until the CD4+ cell count drops to lower levels. Together with data from previous studies showing that antiretroviral treatment reduced the risk of HIV transmission to uninfected sexual partners, these findings support offering treatment to everyone with HIV.
HIV/AIDS relay crosses P.E.I.
May 27, 2015 - Brad Rodo decided to help attack the stigma around HIV and AIDS by lacing up his sneakers.
Hong Kong HIV cases reach second highest in decades
27 May, 2015 - Increasing numbers due to awareness and 'genuine rise in infections'
The city recorded 173 new HIV infections in the first quarter of this year - the second-highest total reported in a single quarter in more than three decades.

Bone Health
May 27, 2015 - Healthy bones provide our bodies with a structure that protects our internal organs. The skull protects the brain, the spine protects the spinal cord,
the ribcage protects the heart, liver and lungs, and so on. Our bones also store minerals. In addition, healthy bones allow us to move and engage in physical activity.

ViiV Healthcare and CHAI collaboration delivers second milestone with first filing with the FDA of generic dolutegravir by Aurobindo Pharma for the treatment of HIV
London, May 26, 2015 - ViiV Healthcare , Aurobindo Pharma, and the Clinton Health Access Initiative, Inc. (CHAI) announced today that Aurobindo Pharma has submitted an Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) for dolutegravir 50mg, for Tentative Approval, to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), for the treatment of HIV.
This is the first ANDA for a generic version of dolutegravir, less than two years after FDA approval of Tivicay® (dolutegravir) for sale in the United States.
160,000 Nigerian Adolescents Are HIV Positive – Report
May 26, 2015 - A report presented by Ms Victoria Isiramen of the National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA), has revealed that about 160,000 Nigerian adolescents are infected with the HIV virus while 11,000 have died from the epidemic.
Georgian Bay Grannies taking part in Stride to Turn the Tide to fight AIDS in Africa
May 26, 2015 - The Georgian Bay Grannies are making strides once again to help grandmothers and children across the world.
The grannies walk Sunday, June 7 at Sunset Point Park for the Stride to Turn the Tide of AIDS in Africa walk which is aimed at raising money for African grandmothers who are raising their grandchildren who have been orphaned as a result of the continent’s AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) pandemic.
This poster is HIV-positive. The people who read it are instantly touched.
May 26, 2015 - Information truly is the cure for ignorance. That's why each one of these posters comes with a single drop of dried blood.
According to the World Health Organization, at the end of 2013 close to 35 million people were living with HIV/AIDS worldwide. Thankfully, numerous medical advancements now allow people with the virus to continue living normal,
happy lives. But there are still tons of people who are confused about how the virus is transmitted. And for HIV-positive folks like Micaela, that can lead to some pretty painful encounters.
Homophobic violence hinders HIV response in Kenya
May 26 2015 - As the world embarks on an ambitious strategy to end AIDS by 2030, failure to protect the sexual and human rights of sexual minorities is putting this goal and many lives at risk.
In Kenya, as in many countries, men who have sex with men are cursed, rejected and even criminalised. Living in such a society prevents many from accessing HIV prevention services and health care. As a result HIV prevalence among men who have sex with men is three times higher than in the general population (Avert).
AIDS Foundation finds explicit content effective in promoting condoms
May 25 2015 - It's an evidence-based approach to sex education that is delivering measurable results in condom use amongst young gay and bisexual men, according to AIDS Foundation executive director Shaun Robinson.
Bracelet of Hope empowers women with new project
May 254 2015 - GUELPH - On her own wrist is a leather bracelet with pink and purple cloth beads, handmade by women in Lesotho, a tiny country in southern Africa that has been deeply impacted by HIV-AIDS.
While Russia grapples with HIV epidemic, Moscow’s addicts share their filthy needles
May 24, 2015 - Infection rates are set to hit three million, but drug use and unsafe sex - the main causes - are rife
The official count of Russians living with HIV has risen to 930,000 from 500,000 in 2010, and the actual number is probably much higher. (Of those registered, some 192,000 have already died.)
Cross Canada trek
May 24, 2015 - Four friends biking across country to raise money for HIV research
Chris Davidge, Tommy Spriet, Yanir Levy and Neil Schmitke set out form Vancouver on May 9 with a goal of riding 6,604 kilometres across the country for the Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research (CANFAR).
amfAR: The 22nd annual Cinema Against AIDS gala in Antibes, France
29 May 2015 - The 22nd annual Cinema Against AIDS gala in Antibes, France, May 21, raised more than $30 million for amfAR's AIDS research programs and the search for a cure.
$30 million raised at celebrity-filled French Riviera amfAR gala, but where was Sharon Stone?
May 22, 2015 - The highlight of the celebrity auction was the sale, at about 11.6 million euros ($13 million), of artist Jeff Koons' "Coloring Book" sculpture to billionaire Leonard Blavatnik. It was installed and much admired by guests at the event venue, the Hotel Du Cap-Eden Roc hotel.

Hepatitis C treatment for people in prison may be highly cost-effective in England
21 May 2015 - Reducing the duration of direct-acting antiviral treatment for hepatitis C will make treatment for people in prison in England highly cost-effective, and could provide an important opportunity for providing access to hepatitis C treatment
for people who inject drugs, Natasha Martin of the University of California San Diego told the International Liver Congress in Vienna, Austria, last month.
Syphilis: An old, easily diagnosed and treated disease … on the rise
May 2015 - Syphilis is currently epidemic among men who have sex with men in the United States and in many other parts of the world. Since 2000, rates of syphilis have been increasing in the U.S., as well as Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and Europe, primarily among MSM. This is occurring despite more than 70 years of remarkable progress in control of this disease.
Zim has highest condom usage in the world
2015-05-21 - Chinhoyi - Zimbabwe has the highest condom usage in the world and this has contributed to a reduction in HIV infections, the state-run National Aids Council (NAC) has revealed.
Januvia may prevent heart disease in HIV patients
May 21, 2015 - The antidiabetic drug Januvia demonstrated beneficial systemic and adipose anti-inflammatory effects in HIV-infected adults with impaired glucose tolerance, according to research published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.
HIV/AIDS: NYSC Urges Nigerians To Zip-Up
21 May 2015 - The National Youths Service Corp (NYSC) HIV/AIDS fighter club in Nasarawa state has advised Nigerians to Zip-up and avoid risky behaviours in order to ensure a zero HIV/AIDS-free society.
HIV activists fight hep C drug patent
21 May 2015 - "If a patent is granted, more than 1.2 million patients in the country could find access to sofosbuvir limited," said Mr Nimit, adding the company could end up monopolising the drug for 20 years.

Suits - Poz Gay Working Men's Dinner Group - Saturday, May 30th, 2015 - Jade Dynasty Restaurant
May 30, 2015
11:00AM - 1:00PM
Jade Dynasty Restaurant
137 E Pender St Vancouver, BC.
RSVP rwaynesun@gmail.com
On most Saturdays, the Chinese Family tradition is to round up family members and go for a “Yum Cha” Dim Sum Lunch!
Join Bob Sung for a quiet moment in the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Park, then on to the Jade Dynasty Restaurant our “Family Style” Dim Sum Lunch. Bring your appetite!!!
Republic of Korea’s foreigners-only HIV test violated New Zealand teacher’s rights – UN experts
20 May 2015 - A New Zealand woman’s rights were violated when her employers in the Republic of Korea demanded that, as a foreign English teacher, she undergo HIV/AIDS
and drug tests as a condition of having her contract renewed, United Nations experts have found.

UCSF Moves Forward with Plans for New General Hospital Research Facility
May 20, 2015 - SFGH Building Would Support Longstanding Partnership, Catalyze Research Progress
Thanks in large part to groundbreaking research from the unique partnership between UC San Francisco and San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center (SFGH) , researchers are now focused on finding a cure for HIV, a disease that first emerged as an almost certain death sentence.“
The roots of the remarkable progress in HIV medicine over the last three decades can be traced to the partnership between UCSF and SFGH,” said Diane Havlir, MD, a UCSF professor of medicine and chief of the HIV/AIDS Division at SFGH.

CDC: Start Talking. Stop HIV.: Never Stop
Published on May 20, 2015 - Never stop talking about ways to protect yourself and your partner from HIV. Start Talking. Stop HIV., CDC's national campaign created by and for gay and bisexual men, promotes open communication about HIV prevention among sexual partners and encourages men in all types of relationships to talk about: HIV testing, their HIV status, condom use, and medicines that help prevent and treat HIV.
Staggering HIV/AIDS prevalence in Papua's Wamena
20 May 2015 - An Indonesian organisation, the AIDS Prevention Commission, says that over ten percent of the population of the Papua town of Wamena is infected with HIV/AIDS.
Fighting HIV where no-one admits it's a problem
20 May 2015 - The phrase "Aids epidemic" awakens distant memories in most of Europe, Australia or the Americas, where infection rates have generally been in decline for years. But as former
UK Health Secretary Lord Fowler explains, the phrase is not used in Russia either - despite failed policies that have allowed infection rates to soar.
Last year some 90,000 Russian people contracted HIV, compared with fewer than 3,000 people in Germany, which has one of the lowest rates of HIV infection in Europe. Germany's population may be half the size of Russia's but the difference here is a factor of 30.
Funds lacking for HIV medicine
May, 20 2015 - HA NOI (VNS) - Demand for anti-retroviral (ARV) medicines for people living with HIV/AIDS continues to grow but the State's budget allocation for purchasing ARVs is limited, said Bui Duc Duong, deputy director of the Viet Nam Administration of HIV/AIDS Control (VAAC) under the Ministry of Health.

HIV Reservoirs Remain Obstacles to Cure
May 19, 2015 - NIH Scientists Note Need for Better Understanding of Reservoirs’ Biology
WHAT:Antiretroviral therapy (ART) has proven lifesaving for people infected with HIV; however, the medications are a lifelong necessity for most HIV-infected individuals and present practical, logistical,
economic and health-related challenges. A primary research goal is to find an HIV cure that either clears the virus from an infected person’s body or enables HIV-infected individuals to suppress virus levels and replication to extremely low levels without the need for daily ART.
NYU Study Suggests Health and Social Inequities may Drive HIV Infection in Young Men Who Have Sex with Men
May 19, 2015 - HIV infections continue to rise in a new generation of young, gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (YMSM) despite three decades of HIV prevention as well as recent availability of biomedical technologies to prevent infection.
AskTheHIVDoc: Meet the Docs!
Published on May 19, 2015 - Get to know the HIV doctors behind #AskTheHIVDoc - Dr. Demetre Daskalakis and Dr. David Malebranche. In a frank, no-nonsense style, they answer common questions from gay men about HIV and sexual health.
Isentress causes less bone density loss than PIs
May 19, 2015 - Isentress with Truvada maintained greater bone density than those who were prescribed protease inhibitors, according to research in The Journal of Infectious Diseases.
Redesigned antibodies may control HIV: Vanderbilt study
May 19, 2015 - With the help of a computer program called "Rosetta," researchers at Vanderbilt University have "redesigned" an antibody that has increased potency and can neutralize more strains of the AIDS-causing human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) than can any known natural antibody.
Their findings, published online today in The Journal of Clinical Investigation , suggest that computer-redesigned antibodies may speed the search for an effective therapy or vaccine for a virus that so far has eluded all attempts to eradicate it.
New B.C. HIV cases dropping, but testing on rise
May 19, 2015 - Research cited by the B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS indicates that people who do not know their HIV status account for more than 50 per cent of new sexually transmitted infections.

UNAIDS calls for sustained commitment to develop an effective HIV vaccine
GENEVA, 18 May 2015 - On HIV Vaccine Awareness Day, UNAIDS is calling for a renewed global commitment to finding an effective HIV vaccine.
“A vaccine would be a major step towards ending the AIDS epidemic,” said UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé.

Microclinics Help Keep Kenyan HIV Patients in Care
May 18, 2015 - Activating Patients’ Existing Social Networks Reduces Stigma
A team led by researchers from UC San Francisco, Organic Health Response, and Microclinic International is reporting results of a study that showed significant benefits of microclinics – an innovative intervention that mobilized rural Kenyan HIV patients’ informal social networks to support their staying in care.
Beyond neutralization: antibody-mediated cytotoxicity in HIV control
May 18, 2015 - As HIV continues to spread despite improved prevention strategies, the only possibility to end the loss of lives caused by the epidemic is a vaccine that either prevents the infection or controls the progressive loss of immune cells that leads eventually to AIDS.
The design of either of those vaccines requires a better knowledge of the natural mechanisms that block the virus at the entry site or its replication.
Cycle4CANFAR team reaches Calgary during 6,600 km AIDS research fundraising trip
May 18, 2015 - Ten days into a journey from Vancouver, British Columbia to Sydney, Nova Scotia, four post-secondary students from Ontario and Alberta have increased their fundraising goal as they attempt to raise funds, and awareness, for HIV/AIDS research.
HIV-Positive Father Shares Photo With His HIV-Negative Family To Break Down The Stigma
May 18, 2015 - A photo of a man and his family has gone viral after trying to remove the stigma of being HIV-positive.
Andrew Pulsipher from Phoenix is HIV positive, but has a wife and three children who are all HIV negative.
"Having a negative family can be the most positive thing in your life" he has written over the photo which shows his children and wife holding 'negative' symbols on their signs.
HIV/AIDS Kills People in Florida More Than Anywhere Else
May 18, 2015 - The Centers for Disease Control released a map that shows where it rates of the “most distinctive” cause of death in each state – and Florida leads the nation in deaths from HIV.
Department of Health Reminds Pennsylvanians about the Importance of Finding a Vaccine for HIV
May 18, 2015 - Currently, there are an estimated 1.1 million people in the United States and 34 million people globally who are living with HIV infection. In 2011, 1.7 million people died from AIDS-related causes.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, Pennsylvania had the tenth highest total number of HIV diagnoses of all states in the nation in 2013.
This Story Made an Insurance Company Cover AIDS Drugs
May 18, 2015 - Can you trust your insurance company’s drug formulary? Robert Shore thought he could. He was wrong.
If Shore were to become infected with HIV, Assurant would cover it, no problem (Truvada is also used to treat people who have HIV, in combination with other drugs). But as for prevention? He was out of luck.
And it’s not just him. Men in Florida and Georgia have reported receiving the letter. Truvada costs about $13,000 a year without insurance.
Tens Of Thousands Take Part In Annual AIDS Walk
May 18, 2015
Cuomo honored at AIDS Walk in Central Park for plan to reduce HIV cases by 2020
May 18, 2015 - On May 18, 1997, then US president Bill Clinton committed to developing an Aids vaccine within 10 years. Nearly 20 years later, we still don't have one. And every day in Thailand, 22 people become newly infected, the great majority of whom are under age 25.
Hope for a vaccine soars on HIV Day
18 May 2015 - On May 18, 1997, then US president Bill Clinton committed to developing an Aids vaccine within 10 years. Nearly 20 years later, we still don't have one. And every day in Thailand, 22 people become newly infected, the great majority of whom are under age 25.

Gambian President condemned by US for threat to slit gay mens’ throats
May 17, 2015 - The US National Security Advisor has condemned comments made about Gambian President Yahya Jammeh about slitting the throats of gay men.
In a statement made by National Security Adviser Susan Rice today, she condemned Gambian Jammeh’s comments, saying he made an “unconscionable” threat against gay men.
Conference aims to improve gay men’s health care in BC Interior
May 17, 2015 - Doctors less aware of gay needs but improving, says Interior Health officer
How much do doctors and other health care providers know about the needs of gay and bisexual men in BC's Interior?
A conference planned in Kelowna on May 19 aims to raise awareness and enhance doctors' skills to ensure that men who have sex with men in the Okanagan have access to good health care too.
'I'm living proof that HIV isn't a death sentence': Survivor celebrates 30th anniversary of diagnosis
May 17, 2015 - ANN NIMMO, one of the first Scots to be diagnosed with the virus, is approaching her sixtieth birthday having expected to die within seven years.
She’s got a cake and is planning to have a small get-together with friends to mark living with HIV for 30 years.
One of the first Scots to be diagnosed with the virus when testing was made available in 1985, Ann said: “I never thought I’d make it to 40, never mind 60.
Black tie, costumes _ and body paint: Vienna hosts Europe's biggest AIDS/HIV charity event
May 16, 2015 - VIENNA (AP) - Actress Charlize Theron was among the celebrities in attendance and took the stage to urge continued support both for her South African AIDS charity organization and the world-wide fight against HIV — a message backed by her partner, Sean Penn.
Homophobia fueling HIV
16 May 2015 - Our society is too focused on arguing whether LGBT people belongs with others, whether their behavior is legal or not or finding ways to convert them to be ‘straight’ rather than seeking a way
to minimize consequent mental and physical health issues. We make it a taboo in discussions and deprive the younger generation of education. Entangled in all these negative attitudes and phobias against a human being’s sexual orientation, it seems
like we have been overlooking more important consequences of that orientation. Health care officials say that in order to combat HIV/AIDs, we have to first combat homophobia.
Stigma priemere: Movie buffs caution Nigerians on HIV discrimination
May 16, 2015 - According to Dagogo Diminas producer and director of the movie premiered recently at the National Film Corporation, Lagos, Stigma is when you look
down on somebody and you shut your mind to love. “Africans are in denial. We stigmatise one another in everything not just in HIV/AIDS,” he said. More so, they are willing to partner with people, non-governmental organisations, government parastatals and the media to propagate the message of Stigma around the world.
Vancouver HIV researcher raises $3.3M
May 15, 2015 - HIV researchers at Stellenbosch University want to take their research about the disease directly to people and will today launch an educational video that aims to teach communities about
the disease and start conversations about the so-called HIV cure.

More Restaurants, More Community Support For D.A.P. From Dining Out For Life 2015
PALM SPRINGS, CA, May 15, 2015 - On-track to set a new record of more than $175,000 raised!!
Many people who chose to “Dine Out, Fight AIDS” on Thursday, April 30 also slipped a little something extra into envelopes for Desert AIDS Project. Those envelope donations of nearly $26,000 from the total of 54 participating restaurants, coffee shops, bars, and other businesses – along with generous sponsorships
of more than $47,000 – put Dining Out For Life 2015 on pace to break our local records as we expect to raise a total of more than $175,000!
Video to debunk HIV cure fallacy
May 15, 2015 - Cape Town - HIV researchers at Stellenbosch University want to take their research about the disease directly to people and will today launch an educational video that aims to teach communities about
the disease and start conversations about the so-called HIV cure.
Celibacy 'compromise' for gay blood donors is discriminatory
May 15, 2015 - (CNN) - "While the new policy is a step in the right direction toward an ideal policy that reflects the scientific research, it still falls short of a fully acceptable solution because it continues to stigmatize gay and bisexual men," says David Stacy of
the Human Rights Campaign. "This policy prevents men from donating life-saving blood based solely on their sexual orientation rather than actual risk to the blood supply. It simply cannot be justified in light of current scientific research and updated blood screening technology."
For 'Project Runway' designer Mondo Guerra, HIV/AIDS activism is personal matter
May 15, 2015 - Mexican-American fashion designer Mondo Guerra has been breaking barriers and stigmas regarding living with HIV ever since coming out as positive five years ago on “Project Runway.”
While the 37-year-old Denver native is very open about living with HIV and how his life has changed since, it wasn't always the case.
Do not disclose status of HIV/AIDS patients: HC to govt
May 15, 2015 - Court had previously directed Central government to frame guidelines regarding non-disclosure of medical status of patients.
The Delhi High Court has directed the Centre and the Delhi government to issue a circular restricting all hospitals under their jurisdiction to not publicly disclose the medical status of any patient, especially those suffering from HIV/AIDS.
Diabetes drug may reduce heart attack risk in HIV patients
May 14, 2015 - In patients with HIV, a diabetes drug may have benefits beyond lowering blood sugar. A new study from researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis suggests the drug may prevent cardiovascular problems because
it works to reduce inflammation linked to heart disease and stroke in these patients.
UC Santa Cruz HIV Vaccine Research
Published on May 14, 2015 - Phil Berman, a veteran vaccine researcher now at the University of California, Santa Cruz, explains why he is optimistic about the prospects for an effective AIDS vaccine.
Faces - United Nations Free & Equal
Published on May 14, 2015 - This video from the United Nations Free & Equal campaign celebrates the contributions that millions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people make to families and local communities around the world.
Do not disclose status of HIV/AIDS patients: HC to govt
May 15, 2015 - Court had previously directed Central government to frame guidelines regarding non-disclosure of medical status of patients.
The Delhi High Court has directed the Centre and the Delhi government to issue a circular restricting all hospitals under their jurisdiction to not publicly disclose the medical status of any patient, especially those suffering from HIV/AIDS.
Novel mechanism and potential treatment strategies for CVD in HIV patients
May 2015 - Epidemiological studies suggest cardiovascular disease, including myocardial infarction and stroke, are increased 50% to 100% among HIV patients compared with non-HIV patients. Moreover, data suggest cardiovascular disease rates remain high
in this population, even as rates of morbidity and
mortality from HIV-related infections continue to improve with more effective ART.
Beyond ART: Primary care pharmacotherapy for people living with HIV
May 2015 - As highly active ART options continue to grow and improve, patients being treated for HIV infection are living much longer, healthier lives. As such, primary care disease screening and management recommended for the general population must also be provided to the aging HIV population.
Russia warns of two million HIV carriers in five years
May 14, 2015 - Russia's AIDS epidemic is worsening and at least two million people are likely to be infected with HIV in about five years as the virus increasingly affects the heterosexual population, the country's top AIDS specialist said on Thursday.
Russia has registered more than 930,000 people with HIV, of whom some 192,000 have died, said Vadim Pokrovsky, head of the country's state AIDS centre.
Hundreds With HIV Could Donate Organs to Others With HIV: Study
May 14, 2015 (HealthDay News) - Although ban was lifted on such surgeries in 2013, none has taken place, researchers say
Although ban was lifted on such surgeries in 2013, none has taken place, researchers say
California judge bans abstinence-only teaching in teenage pregnancy 'hot spot'
May 14, 2015 - Ruling says sex education must be ‘medically accurate and free of bias’ in suit against Clovis Unified school district which has some of state’s highest teen pregnancy and STD rates
Protesters Against HIV Drug Prices Arrested in Moscow
May 14, 2015 - Eight activists were arrested Thursday outside the presidential administration building in Moscow for staging a protest against the shortage and rising cost of medicine for HIV/AIDS patients, the OVD-Info news site reported.

Israel AIDS Task Force strips off to encourage HIV testing
May 14, 2015 - The Israeli AIDS Task Force has stripped off to encourage LGBT people to test for HIV.
The Task Force – which works to prevent the transmission of HIV in the country – snapped photos for a new campaign ahead of Pride Month.
The virus that spilled over and stained medicine
May 14 2015 - THE greyest heads among us still think of HIV/AIDS as a terrible, new disease. But younger adults have never known a world without it, and many of the youngest think of it only as an annoying condition you
take a pill for. They know nothing of the anguish and heroism that once surrounded the words HIV/AIDS.
Indiana community's HIV outbreak a warning to rural America
May 14, 2015 - AUSTIN, Ind. - This small, close-knit community is a picture of rural America, with stubble-filled cornfields and a Main Street lined by churches, shops and sidewalks. It's also the
unlikely epicenter of the largest outbreak of HIV, the AIDS virus, in Indiana's history -- and a warning to the rest of the nation.
Hero Judge Rules Abstinence-Only Sex Ed Is Illegal
05.13.15 - A judge has ruled that abstinence-only programs are in violation of California law and promote “medically inaccurate information.”
Abstinence-only programs don’t qualify as sex education and are in violation of California law, a Fresno County Superior Court judge has ruled.
Persistence yields progress in AIDS vaccine research at UC Santa Cruz
May 13, 2015 - Veteran vaccine researcher Phil Berman has developed a new approach based on an old vaccine and recent advances in HIV immunology

Around Town: HIV-positive teen, mom share uplifting story at CANFAR luncheon
May 13, 2015 - High up in the Rideau Club that overlooks our fair city, a 17-year-old teen born with HIV captured the undivided attention of her well-heeled and well-connected audience through her remarkable story of turning a curse into a blessing.
FDA Recommends Lifting Lifelong Ban On Blood Donations By Gay, Bisexual Men
13 May 2015 - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Tuesday issued new draft guidelines
recommending that a decades-old policy imposing a blanket ban on blood donations from men who have sex with men be removed.
Instead, the agency suggested, a man should be barred from giving blood only for one year after he has had sex with another man.
Banning gay sex is not just wrong in Africa, it leads to more HIV
13 May 2015 - HIV expert Lucy Maroncha says the laws in Kenya are only leading to an increase of HIV cases
In Kenya, stigma and discrimination against sexual minorities, particularly men who have sex with men and transgender people, is putting them at increased risk of HIV.
Gambia’s president threatens to slit the throats of gay men
May 12, 2015 - Gambian President Yahya Jammeh is one of the world's most quixotic dictators, a man who has ruled his tiny sliver of a nation for two decades with an iron fist, an extensive network of secret police and a seemingly endless stream of outrageous proclamations.
HHS lifts HIV organ-donor ban
May 12th, 2015 - The policy, which goes into effect June 8, means kidneys and livers from donors infected with the human immunodeficiency virus can be collected and transplanted
into HIV-infected recipients through specified clinical research studies.
NEVER TOO LATE: Ryan White’s mother inspires Austin amid HIV outbreak
May 12th, 2015 - AUSTIN - In 1984, a 13-year-old boy from Kokomo named Ryan White was diagnosed with AIDS. He withstood cruelty from his neighbors, borne from fear and ignorance of the little-known disease.
In 2015 more than 30 years later, health officials in Austin want to ensure that victims of the same disease amid its historic HIV outbreak are not faced with the same prejudices.
13 Dynamic Women in HIV Activism
May 12th, 2015 - In an effort to honor those who have worked to treat, educate and advocate for change, HIV Equal would like to recognize the researchers, caretakers and activists through a
series of stories to give appreciation for all of the hard work that these people do. Here’s a list of 13 women making a difference in the fight against HIV. Sisterhood is still powerful.
Study shows role of disease-fighting cells in HIV-related neurological damage
May 12, 2015 - Findings add to evidence macrophage accumulation is central to brain injury
Despite symptom-stifling anti-retroviral drugs, as many as half of all patients living with HIV experience neurological damage tied to chronic inflammation in the brain fueled by the body's own immune defenses.

EXTENDED DEADLINE: apply for Key Populations Officer vacancy
May 12, 2015 - GNP+ has extended the deadline for the position of Key Populations Officer until 22 May!
The ideal candidate will be highly self-motivated, competent in at least one HIV-related specialisation, well organised, collegial and able to work quickly and effectively under pressure both independently and as a member of a team.
S/he must have a demonstrated commitment to working to improve the quality of life of people living with HIV and strengthening the level of meaningful engagement of people living with HIV in the design and implementation of policies and programmes.
13 Dynamic Women in HIV Activism
May 12th, 2015 - In an effort to honor those who have worked to treat, educate and advocate for change, HIV Equal would like to recognize the researchers, caretakers and activists through a
series of stories to give appreciation for all of the hard work that these people do. Here’s a list of 13 women making a difference in the fight against HIV. Sisterhood is still powerful.

CAHR Announces Funding for New Doctoral Research Students
May 11, 2015 - The Canadian Association for HIV Research (CAHR), along with its funding partner, announced $315,000 in funding today for three Doctoral Research Awards in the field of HIV research. With
an individual award value of $35,000 per annum, the three funded students will undertake HIV research at universities and research institutes across Canada.

Greek government repeals stigmatising law that contravenes human rights of people living with HIV
11/05/2015 - The Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+) and Positive Voice, the first national organisation for people living with HIV in Greece, welcome the news that the Greek government has
repealed Health Regulation No. GY/39A, which contravenes human rights and has already deterred people living with and at risk of HIV from seeking testing, treatment and care services.

Bill C-2: A Supreme Court legacy of indecision
May 11, 2015 - Bill C-2, the Respect for Communities Act, has passed through the House of Commons and is now under debate by the Senate Committee of Legal and Constitutional Affairs. The committee will meet again to discuss the bill on May 13, collecting
testimony that will eventually be presented to the Senate to determine the bill’s final fate.
Trial to Study Whether Statins Reduce Stroke, Heart Attacks in HIV Patients
May 11, 2015 - The Washington University AIDS Clinical Trials Unit is the first in the nation to open a clinical trial evaluating whether statins reduce heart attacks and strokes in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
GMHC to Ring The Nasdaq Stock Market Opening Bell in Commemoration of the 30th Annual AIDS Walk New York
May 11, 2015 - Last week we started our first workshops for our project 'Asia against AIDS- Back To Zero: Indonesia' with two students from Jakarta: Dita and Dila, two young women who studied PR and Communication and who are helping us set
up this new social media platform- and learning a lot about
HIV/AIDS along the way!
Our 'Asia against AIDS- Back To Zero: Indonesia' Workshop Is Gaining Speed!
May 11, 2015 - Last week we started our first workshops for our project 'Asia against AIDS- Back To Zero: Indonesia' with two students from Jakarta: Dita and Dila, two young women who studied PR and Communication and who are helping us set up this new social
media platform- and learning a lot about
HIV/AIDS along the way!
Hunt for AIDS cure accelerates as GSK and U.S. experts link up
May 10, 2015 - Britain's GlaxoSmithKline, which decided last week to retain rather than float off its HIV drugs business, is to collaborate with U.S. scientists in developing a cure for AIDS.
'What's a condom?': Unsafe sex puts Vietnamese factory workers at risk
May 10, 2015 - HO CHI MINH CITY - According to the Center for Creative Initiatives in Health and Population, almost all factory workers have insufficient knowledge about safe sex practices and nearly one in three are not aware
of the need to use condoms.

MSMGF Appoints Jack Mackenroth as New Senior Communications Officer
May 9, 2015 - The Global Forum on MSM & HIV (MSMGF) appointed HIV activist Jack Mackenroth as its new Senior Communications Officer. Jack will be responsible for implementing the MSMGF’s communications strategy
and for ensuring the agency’s brand recognition. In addition, he will maintain the agency’s commitment to global information exchange and knowledge translation, helping to ensure that advocates and stakeholders working for the health and human rights
of men who have sex with men are well supported to continue their respective work.

In Conversation with … Ron Rosenes
May 9, 2015 - How have your background and lived experience influenced your activism?
My academic background did not prepare me in any way to become an HIV and AIDS activist. I studied French, Russian and Latin growing up in Ottawa, and found the perfect teaching job out of university,
at a CEGEP in Montreal. While I enjoyed being in the classroom, it was not what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, so I
left and started a business venture with a friend. But coming back to activism, I may have always been preparing in some way to get involved in the HIV community.
Strategies to uncover undiagnosed HIV infection among heterosexuals at high risk and link them to HIV care with high retention: a seek, test, treat, and retain study
May 9, 2015 - Over 50,000 individuals become infected with HIV annually in the U.S, and over a quarter of HIV infected individuals are heterosexuals. Undiagnosed HIV infection, as well as a lack of retention in care among those diagnosed, are both primary factors contributing to ongoing HIV incidence.
Using 'Berlin Patient,' symposium at Columbia University to talk about cure for HIV
May 8, 2015 - For years he was known only as the "Berlin Patient," and naysayers refused to believe Timothy Ray Brown was cured of HIV and acute myeloid leukemia with a single bone-marrow transplant.
But not only have tests conducted by the National Institutes of Health proved that Brown is HIV- and cancer-free; an effort gets underway Saturday in Manhattan to broach the possibility of a cure for others...
HPTN 052 Hailed as Breakthrough to Help End AIDS Epidemic in BBC Documentary
May 8, 2015 - The landmark HPTN study showing a 96% reduction in HIV transmission is being hailed as a breakthrough in achieving an AIDS-free generation in a new BBC documentary series entitled "The Fight Against AIDS." In a five-part series,
NIAID Director Anthony Fauci looks back at the scientific breakthroughs of the global HIV/AIDS epidemic that have transformed the disease from a death sentence to a treatable, preventable disease.

Op-ed: An HIV Guidebook for the Newly Diagnosed Is Long Overdue
May 8, 2015 - A decade after the first National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, men remain the face of the disease.
I was living in Memphis at the time of my diagnosis. And despite the fact that we had community-based organizations that provided HIV services to black LGBT people, they often had to adapt existing HIV literature because of how inaccurate and exclusionary most of the brochures were.
Thankfully, things are changing. As an HIV fellow at the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, I’m enormously proud of our new resource What Do I Do? A Handbook to Understanding Health and HIV. Made possible by a grant from the Elton John AIDS Foundation, it’s the guidebook I needed then — and it’s the guidebook that’s still needed, especially in the American South.

A Written End-of-Life "Conversation" from the Toronto Town Hall
May 8, 2015 - I have recently been faced with my own mortality at age 63 (soon 64), and only now understand the importance of having to put end-of-life plans in place.
Having been HIV+ since 1980 (on record February 1984 - Study results), and again diagnosed with cancer for the third time, and potentially facing the challenges of ALS, I was faced with very frank and necessary
conversations with two close friends, and my 92 y/o aunt, about my end-of-life preparations and arrangements.

New report suggests Ottawa drug users would benefit from safe injection site
May 8, 2015 - A new study suggests a significant number of Ottawa’s most serious drug addicts would use a safe injection site if one ever opened in this city.
Never Take Another HIV Pill
May 7, 2015 - Hate taking your HIV medications orally? Have trouble remembering to take them as prescribed? Then you’ll love this news.
A new implanted device could revolutionize HIV treatment by eliminating adherence as a factor in reaching successful outcomes. The matchstick-size device is designed to be implanted under the skin, where it can automatically deliver carefully measured doses of antiretroviral ARV drugs.
Sacramento Woman May Hold Key To Cure For HIV, AIDS
May 7, 2015 - SACRAMENTO (CBS13) - A Sacramento woman is part of a rare population of people who are infected with HIV, but somehow keep the virus from damaging their immune system.
Scientists hope these HIV controllers hold the key to finding a cure.
DUSON Announces First Graduate of the HIV/AIDS Nurse Practitioner Specialty
May 7, 2015 - MSN graduate Amanda Paya remembers being inundated as a child with images in magazines and on television of people dying from AIDS.
She recalls the panic conveyed through the media of the disease that was still so new and that no one understood.
Co-Founder of The Vangardist: Why We’re Fighting HIV Stigma With Blood
May 7, 2015 - We wanted to make a statement about the stigma of being HIV-positive, so we decided to print a magazine with ink mixed with the blood of three HIV-positive donors.
We’ve gotten a big reaction. Some people didn’t understand that the edition can’t harm anybody. It’s safe to handle. It stands for touching someone with HIV, hugging them, supporting them.

HIV-Positive Youth: Linking Them to Early Treatment Essential for Long-Term Health
May 6, 2015 - Of approximately 35 million people living with HIV globally, young people under the age of 24 make up almost half of all new infections (46%). In 2013, there were approximately 6,000 new HIV infections per day with approximately 1,716 of these among young people ages 15-24 years (33%). Adolescent girls and young women in particular make up one in four of these new infections. In Canada, nearly one-quarter of all new HIV diagnoses in 2013 were among youth.
Elton John: Congress can end AIDS
May 6, 2015 - Grammy-winning legend Elton John is urging Congress to strengthen its fight against HIV to help end AIDS within his lifetime and “change the course of history.”
Cryptococcal antigen screening recommended for HIV patients with low CD4 counts
May 6, 2015 - Patients hospitalized with HIV and low CD4 counts should receive routine cryptococcal antigen testing, according to recent data presented at ECCMID 2015.

HIV infection and low CD4 count associated with hardening of arteries
06 May 2015 - While universal infant hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccination has already led to major advances in reducing new infections in some settings, further expansion of prevention and treatment are needed to significantly reduce HBV transmission and liver disease mortality, according to an analysis presented at the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) 50th International Liver Congress this week in Vienna, Austria.
The Power of Story - HIV/AIDS Writing Workshop
May 14, 2015
Thu 5:30pm to 8:30pm
Location: Alliance Health Project Services Center, UCSF
We all have HIV/AIDS stories, some we have told and some we have never shared. Stories help us make sense of our experience, and can change over time. The narrative process promises unexpected discoveries, new connections, and often, healing—for ourselves, our families, and our communities.
Interview: China setting HIV/AIDS example: UNAIDS chief
May 5, 2015 - BEIJING - A senior UN official on Tuesday praised the measures China has taken in HIV/AIDS prevention, saying China has set a "very good example".
Are Scare Tactics Off the Table for Public Health Campaigns Targeting HIV?
NEW YORK (May 4, 2015) - Columbia Scholars Highlight Potential and Pitfalls of Health Campaigns that Can Frighten, Disgust, and Stigmatize
Over the last ten years, public health campaigns in New York City around smoking, obesity, and HIV underwent a dramatic shift to use fear and disgust to spur behavior change, sometimes with the unintended consequence of stigmatizing affected populations. In a new article published in the May issue of the journal Health Affairs, scholars at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health explore the implications of this shift to fear-based campaigns in the present public health environment.
M-Coalition, HIV & Arab men who have sex with men
May 4, 2015 - Global data on HIV spread are clear: the virus is much less diffused in Arab countries than in the rest of the planet. But in these countries, men who have sex with men (MSM) are 50 to 130 times more likely to be exposed to HIV than the local general population, so it is clear that there is a big problem to be solved, especially if we take into account not only alarming epidemiological data, but also social stigma and the presence of laws that criminalise homosexual relations. To defend MSM's right to health in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA Region), some Arab activists have founded last year M-Coalition (m-coalition.org), a project hosted by the Arab Foundation of Freedom and Equality (AFE; afemena.org). Il grande colibrì interviewed Johnny Tohme, executive director of the organisation.
Study Illustrates How Chickenpox Virus Can Cause a Stroke in an HIV Patient
May 4, 2015 - Patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can, in rare cases, experience bleeding on the brain that causes a type of stroke called intracerebral hemorrhage. A Loyola University Medical Center case study demonstrates that a virus called varicella-zoster can cause inflammation of blood vessels in the brain. This inflammation, known as cerebral vasculitis, can cause both hemorrhagic and non-hemorrhagic strokes.
Study reveals how a Rab protein controls HIV-1 replication
4-May-2015 - HIV-1 replication requires the coordinated movement of the virus's components toward the plasma membrane of an immune cell, where
the virions are assembled and ultimately released. A study in The Journal of Cell Biology reveals how a Rab protein that controls intracellular trafficking supports HIV-1 assembly by promoting high levels of an important membrane lipid.
Saskatchewan HIV/AIDS Rates Highest in Canada
4-May 2015 - Saskatchewan currently has the highest rate of HIV in the country. The province's medical system has not been testing enough and does not have a proper baseline.
Dr. David Torr, the consulting medical health officer for the Cypress Health Region says many people don't know they're infected.
Artwork sales assist AIDS education
May 4, 2015 - ON THE CANVAS: South African Secondary School Workshop Exhibit, presented in partnership between Art for AIDS International and University of Johannesburg’s Department of Community Engagement
A London-based aid agency is hosting a new art exhibition of works by South African secondary school students.

Queen of the Desert returns Wednesday, May 27 to benefit Desert AIDS Project
PALM SPRINGS, CA, May 4, 2015 - “Desert Icons” a-plenty supporting this D.A.P. benefit
With Ethylina Canne, Fan Favorite from last year’s inaugural Queen of the Desert event, and the seen-everywhere Bella da Ball as Mistresses of Ceremonies, the Renaissance Palm Springs is sure to be rocking
mid-week as the So-Cal lip sync competition returns on May 27 for its second year of fun and Drag Queen Fierceness.
Researchers 'un-can' the HIV virus
4-May 2015 - If the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a bit like a hermetically sealed tin can no one has yet been able to break open,
the good news is that researchers at the CHUM Research Centre, affiliated with the University of Montreal, have identified a way to use a "can opener" to force the virus to open up and
to expose its vulnerable parts, allowing the immune system cells to then kill the infected cells.
This breakthrough, published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, opens a new path in the fight against HIV and could ultimately lead to the design of a vaccine
to prevent transmission of the virus. This innovative approach could also be part of the solution for one day eradicating the virus. Despite recent advances, 35 million people are
infected with HIV-1 worldwide.
ActionPlus to fight HIV infections in schools
May 4 2015 - ActionPlus Foundation, a charity, has launched its National Campus HIV Educational Programme (CHEP) at Boso Senior High Technical School.
It was aimed to fight the spread of HIV infection among second and third cycle students through sexual health education.
Local bylaws risk stigmatizing HIV patients
May 04 2015 - The regulations, the center said, would also discourage people from taking HIV tests for fear that they would be forced to confess their status if they were diagnosed as HIV-positive.
Patients with AIDS at increased risk of developing age-related macular degeneration
May 4 ,2015 - Patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) have a four-fold increase in their risk of developing intermediate-stage age-related macular degeneration (AMD) compared to people of
the same age who are not infected with HIV, according to results from the Longitudinal Study of the Ocular Complications of AIDS (LSOCA) presented today at the 2015 ARVO Annual Meeting in Denver, CO. The results of the study, led by the National Eye Institute-funded Studies of the Ocular Complications of AIDS Research Group, were also published online in the American Journal of Ophthalmology.
HIV/AIDS collections: online educational resources
May 3, 2015 - Lothian Health Services Archive will be launching a brand new website filled with educational resources, images and audio-visual material based on their UNESCO-awarded HIV/AIDS collections on Friday 15 May 2015.
The development of this website follows on from a 12-month Wellcome Trust funded project to catalogue and conserve the collections. During this time, the huge education potential of the material became evident. Now, we seek to expose and promote
these newly accessible collections to a wider and more diverse audience.
German Magazine Vangardist Prints Cover Using HIV-Positive Blood
May 2, 2015 - The Vangardist, a German men's magazine, is printing an entire issue using HIV-infected blood in a quest to educate the public and eliminate misconceptions about HIV and AIDS.
92-year-old HIV/AIDS advocate remembers son, Tommy Sexton
May 2, 2015 - Actor, comedian and writer Tommy Sexton revealed he was battling AIDS before his death in 1993 at the age of 36.
His mother, Sara Sexton, has spent the past two decades educating the public about the disease, and raising money for the centre that's named in her son's honour. The Tommy Sexton Centre supports people living with HIV/AIDS.

Condom use higher in young HIV-positive women with gender-equal views, study finds
2 May 2015 - Perceiving men and women as equals may encourage the practice of safer sex among young women with HIV, a new study finds.
HIV AIDS Positive South Africans To Get Private Parts Tattoos, Marks For Identification
May 1, 2015 - A controversial bill that will likely place a stigma on HIV/AIDs victims has been passed in South Africa.
From now on, any person who tested positive for HIV will get a mark near their privates.
How Do We Honor Those Lost To AIDS? From The AIDS Quilt To New Memorials
May 1, 2015 - It was June 1981. “My dad is a doctor,” Grace Ryder O’Malley says, “and he diagnosed one of the first cases the week before I was born in Provincetown.”
It was the dawn of AIDS. And the Massachusetts town—long a resort and haven for the gay community—would be one of the places most ravaged by the disease. “As it exploded, this was a place where people came
and did try to seek refuge,” O’Malley says. “It’s still a place where people are coming.”
Which is why the seaside community at the tip of Cape Cod is planning to construct an AIDS memorial.
Local HIV/AIDS activist invited to the White House to share best practices
May 1, 2015 - “I’m Still Josh” goes to Washington
HIV/AIDS activist Josh Robbins has been invited to participate in a brainstorming session regarding outreach communication methods for the National HIV/AIDS Strategy.
The comprehensive, national HIV/AIDS strategy is overseen by the White House’s Office of National AIDS Policy (ONAP) and is current being updated.
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network Screens Documentary About Homophobia In Jamaica
May 1, 2015 - TORONTO, Ontario - The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network recently held a free public screening of The Abominable Crime, an award-winning documentary by Micah Fink about homophobia in Jamaica. In June it will be launching a
major campaign around some of the pillars of its work.
If We Take This One Step, Bill Gates Says We Could Save 21 Million People From AIDS By 2030
May 1, 2015 - Saving millions of lives from AIDS is most certainly in our reach, according to Bill Gates -- we just have to up the resources aimed at ending the virus.
In a blog post published on Wednesday, the philanthropist wrote about recent findings by the Lancet Commissions that found 21 million lives could be saved by 2030 "if the world accelerates the fight against HIV/AIDS."
HIV shedding high following male circumcision; reduced when healed
May 1, 2015 - Viral shedding appears to increase shortly following male circumcision, but drops off as the surgical wound heals, according to recently published data.
CAHR2015 - Conference Opening and Mark A. Wainberg Lecture
Published on May 1, 2015 - Welcome by Dr. Darrell Tan and Dr. Trevor Hart, Conference Co-Chairs
Promise Spring 2015: disease elimination
Published on May 1, 2015 - Dr. Julio Montaner is the director of the British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS (BC-CfE) at St. Paul's Hospital. Under his direction, the BC-CfE has developed a treatment strategy that prevents the transmission of the virus and that has turned what was once a death sentence into a manageable chronic condition.
In this video, Montaner shares insights into the past, present and future of the BC-CfE and why he is eagerly anticipating the International AIDS Society Conference taking place in Vancouver in July 2015.