Positively Positive - Living with HIV/AIDS:
HIV/AIDS News Archive - May 2013
Women and HIV: Make positive women and young women's voices count
31 May 2013 - "My power is my voice and my move to action is change." These were the words of 29 year old
Nargis Shirazi from Uganda speaking at a panel examining HIV and sexual and reproductive health and rights. She captured the essence of strong
messages resonating at the 3rd Global Women Deliver Congress on the need for greater attention to the voices and rights of women living with
HIV and greater engagement of young women.

Global Commission on Drug Policy releases report on Hepatitis C: " . ..the hidden epidemic "
Friday, 31 May 2013, Geneva, Switzerland - On 30 May, the Global Commission on Drug Policy released the report 'The Negative Impact of the War on Drugs on Public Health: the hidden Hepatitis C epidemic' during a press conference in Geneva, Switzerland.
Mathematical models to better combat HIV
May 31, 2013 - Philadelphia, PA - Prevention and treatment strategies designed by analyzing early viral dynamics
In a paper titled Stochastic Analysis of Pre- and Postexposure Prophylaxis against HIV Infection , authors Jessica Conway, Bernhard Konrad, and Daniel Coombs present
theoretical models of HIV dynamics immediately following exposure to the virus, thus providing a method to study infection and treatment at these early stages, as well as come up with preemptive strategies for prevention.
HIV cure: the long road ahead
31 May 2013 - Scientists from around the world met to
review the future of HIV scientific research at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, last week - 30 years after the discovery of HIV by a team based at the institute.The prospects for a cure for HIV infection were a major theme of
the meeting, which attracted around 500 scientists, chiefly from France and the United States.

Leading Scientists Call for a Human Vaccines Project in Science
May 30, 2013 - Accelerating Next-Generation Vaccine Development for Global Disease Prevention
A group of leading scientists advocate the creation of a Human Vaccines Project to accelerate the development of next generation vaccines against major global killers such as AIDS,
tuberculosis, malaria and other infectious diseases.
May 30, 2013 - WASHINGTON - Funding supports stable housing for individuals and families at extreme risk for homelessness
Today, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development announced $32 million in grant awards to assist more than 1,300 extremely low-income persons and families living
with HIV/AIDS annually.

A future without Aids?
Published on May 30, 2013 - Researchers are beginning to talk, tentatively, about the possibility of a future without HIV or Aids as new vaccine trials are hailed as a major breakthrough.

Food insecurity linked to HIV-treated drug users' deaths
May 30, 2013 - Food insecurity increases the risk of death among injection drug users living with HIV/AIDS even when they are receiving
life-prolonging antiretroviral therapy (ART), according to a new study involving Simon Fraser University.
New York City Successfully Locates HIV-Positive Patients 'Lost to Follow-Up'
Philadelphia, Pa. (May 30, 2013) - Intensive Effort Leads Most Patients to Restart Treatment, Reports Study in AIDS Journal
Public health officials in New York City have launched a successful program to locate HIV-positive patients who have been "lost to follow-up" and reconnect them with
treatment services, reports a study published in AIDS , official journal of the International AIDS Society. AIDS is published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins , a part of Wolters Kluwer Health .

Ontario drafting new rules for HIV-nondisclosure cases
May 30, 2013 - ONTARIO NEWS / HIV groups upset because attorney general has no plans to consult them
The Ontario government is writing guidelines for criminal prosecutions of HIV-positive people who don't disclose their status before having sex, according to the Ministry of the Attorney General.
Guidelines could address issues like bail conditions, plea bargains and the privacy of the accused. HIV groups have been calling on the province to introduce such guidelines since 2010, in the hope that they might stem the tide of prosecutions in Ontario,
where the majority of the country's HIV prosecutions take place.

Rise Above HIV CVBWF Inc I AM MORE Production
Published on May 29, 2013 - RISE ABOVE HIV is part of the CVBWF Inc organization for people who are affected or infected by HIV/AIDS. This Organization is a Place for us to Realize we are more than a disease. We define Our Lives....Not the Disease. This is a page for support, love and understanding and we are working to help lift the veil of shame for 34 million people living with AIDS who have endured stigma and discrimination.

Targeting the HIV Virus: Researchers Use Supercomputer to Solve the Structure of the HIV-1 Capsid
Published on May 29, 2013 - The HIV virus is housed inside a protective shell called a capsid. One of the biggest
stumbling blocks to creating truly effective therapies to combat the virus is that no one knows the exact structure of the HIV capsid. Until now. Researchers
Klaus Schulten and Juan Perilla at the University of Illinois have successfully used the power of one of the fastest supercomputers in the world to create a detailed molecular map of the HIV-1 capsid.
Deciding what's risky - Australian gay men pay more attention to the sexual act than to their partner's HIV status or viral load
29 May 2013 - HIV-negative gay men in Sydney, Australia perceive the risk of HIV transmission to be different in different sexual contexts, according to a study by Dr Limin Mao and colleagues, reported in the May issue of AIDS & Behavior.
But men pay considerably more attention to condom use, withdrawal and sexual role than they do to their partner's reported HIV status or viral load in assessing the risk of transmission.

Kingston, Jamaica (May 28, 2013) - Unprecedented case deals with constitutional right to freedom of expression, addresses systemic homophobia
Freedom of expression is at the core of a major constitutional challenge using Jamaica's new Charter of Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. From May 27-31, AIDS-Free World's Maurice Tomlinson
will put those rights to the test against three of Jamaica's main television stations-TVJ, CVM and the Public Broadcasting Corporation of Jamaica (PBCJ)-over their refusal to air an ad promoting dignity and respect for LGBT people.
Speech: HIV AIDS and Human Rights: The urgent need to overcome stigma and discrimination
27 May 2013 - High-level meeting on HIV and Human Rights / Brussels
The high number of distinguished participants at this conference highlights both a strong interest in human rights in the context of HIV/AIDS, as well as a shared concern that Europe has
unresolved problems in this area.
In various speeches, declarations and statements we often refer to the urgent need to overcome stigma and discrimination - major barriers in the fight against HIV/AIDS.
But what does "stigma and discrimination" really mean in the daily lives of people affected by HIV?
African AIDS Champions accelerate efforts to achieve a generation free from HIV in Africa
ADDIS ABABA, 26 May 2013 - Champions for an HIV Free-Generation find new ways of mobilizing Africa's leadership on AIDS
The Champions for an HIV free Generation, first launched in 2008 by His Excellency Festus Mogae, former president of the Republic of Botswana, have pledged to ramp up efforts to stop new HIV infections in children, end stigma
and discrimination and expand effective HIV prevention and treatment programmes across Africa.
New UNAIDS and Lancet Commission to explore HIV and global health in the Post-2015 debate
ADDIS ABABA, 26 May 2013 - Malawi President Joyce Banda, African Union Commission Chairperson Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Director Peter Piot to co-chair the new UNAIDS and Lancet Commission: From AIDS to Sustainable Health
The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and leading medical journal The Lancet have convened a new commission of political and health leaders to explore the post-2015 agenda of AIDS and global health.

The New National Voice of People with HIV is...
Published on May 24, 2013 - Vlogger Mark S. King (My Fabulous Disease) attends a Town Hall Forum for people with HIV in Washington, DC,
and has some choice words for those involved in the demise of The National Association of People with AIDS.

HIV viral load, HIV treatment and sexual HIV transmission
May 2013 - HIV viral load is the amount of HIV (or number of virus) in the bodily fluids of someone living with HIV. It is measured in the blood as part of routine clinical care. A higher viral load
is associated with a higher risk of HIV transmission. Research shows that successful HIV treatment can reduce the viral load to "undetectable" levels and this can reduce the risk of HIV transmission.

New Danish results spark interest for future HIV cure research
May 23, 2013 - Danish scientists have been studying potential ways of curing HIV infection with the experimental cancer drug panobinostat.
Interim results of their clinical trial of this drug will be presented later this year at an international conference.

Blue Cross To Allow HIV/AIDS Patients to "Opt-Out" of Mandatory Rx Mail-Order Program
May 23, 2013 - Santa Monica, CA - Consumer Advocates Comment On Lawsuit Settlement and Health Insurance Exchange Announcement Today
Consumer Watchdog will announce the approval of a settlement with Anthem Blue Cross of California today of a lawsuit brought on behalf of HIV/AIDS patients allowing
them to opt-out of a program that would have required them to obtain their medications by mail order.
White House: 'Preparing the Future' HIV Program a Collaborative Community Model for Nation
May 22, 2013 - Newswise - In a city where one of every 40 people older than 13 is HIV positive, the JACQUES Initiative (JI)
at the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) has mobilized a "model" program of unprecedented health, psychosocial, and legal resources called Preparing the Future (PTF) that could make HIV testing and linkage to care more routine and normalized, say federal officials.

Vancouver selected to host the 8th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention (IAS 2015)
22 May 2013, Geneva, Switzerland - The world's largest international open scientific conference on HIV/AIDS will be held in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada from 19 to 22 July 2015
The International AIDS Society (IAS) has announced the selection of Vancouver as the host of the 8th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention (IAS 2015) . IAS 2015 will take place at the Vancouver Convention Centre , 19 - 22 July 2015.
Held every two years, the IAS conference is a unique forum for scientist, clinicians, public health experts and community leaders to examine the latest developments in HIV science and also explore how such developments can be realistically applied in implementation programmes.
UNAIDS reports more than 7 million people now on HIV treatment across Africa--with nearly 1 million added in the last year-while new HIV infections and deaths from AIDS continue to fall
GENEVA, 21 May 2013 - New UNAIDS report highlights progress in the AIDS response in Africa
The number of people in Africa receiving antiretroviral treatment increased from less than 1 million in 2005 to 7.1 million in 2012, with nearly 1 million added in the last year alone.

Option B+ - for a generation born HIV free
May 20, 2013 - UNICEF correspondent Leonie Marinovich reports on a new treatment for preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Malawi.

May 20, 2013 - LIGHTING CANDLES WITH BRADFORD McINTYRE at 30th AIDS Candlelight Memorial Vancouver.

In Solidarity: A Musical Tribute to People Infected and Affected by HIV and those we have lost to AIDS.
May 20, 2013 - "Good evening! My name is Bradford McIntyre.
On behalf of AIDS Vancouver and sponsoring organizations, welcome to the 30th Vancouver International AIDS Candlelight Memorial. In Solidarity: A Musical Tribute to People Infected and Affected by HIV and to those we have lost to AIDS.
Here in Canada, there are an estimated 78,000 infections. With infections among our women, our youth, our aboriginal communities, our seniors and we are seeing an increase of infections among our GLBT communities. One in four gay men in Vancouver are unaware they are HIV+. HIV Infections here are approximately 8,000, and climbing.
30th Vancouver International AIDS Candlelight Memorial with Leora Cashe and The Vancouver Men's Chorus May 19 2013
In Solidarity: A Musical Tribute to People Infected and Affected by HIV and those we have lost to AIDS.
May 20, 2013 - "For this evenings Musical Tribute to People Infected and Affected by HIV and those we have lost to AIDS, the songs are not about HIV and AIDS, they are simply for us to enjoy; while holding the consciousness of why it is that we are here this evening," says Master of Ceremonies, Bradford McIntyre.
Case workers can re-engage a high proportion of HIV-positive people lost to long-term care
20 May 2013 - Caseworkers helped 50% of HIV-positive people in New York City who had dropped out of care re-engage with HIV medical care, investigators report in the online edition of AIDS. Feeling well was the main reason why these
people had initially disengaged from care.

30 years of HIV science: Imagine the future
May 21-23, 2013, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France
May 2013 will mark the 30th year since the publication in Science reporting for the first time the identification of a retrovirus associated with
AIDS-related syndromes, now referred to as human immunodeficiency virus. To celebrate this anniversary, the Institut Pasteur in collaboration with the U.S. National
Institutes of Health, ANRS and sidaction is organizing an international symposium. The objective of this symposium is not to trace the history of the discovery of the virus, but to focus on the critical challenges and the future priorities that remain in HIV science as a result of 30 years of fantastic achievements.

HIV vaccine is 'doable' says co-discoverer of AIDS virus
Dr. Robert Gallo, co-discoverer of the AIDS virus, ahead of the 30th anniversary on Monday of the identification of what is now known as HIV.

Positive Living and AIDS Vancouver to get a new building
May 18, 2013 - Vancouver City Council approved a rezoning application for the Wall Financial Corporation May 15 that will provide a new home for Positive Living BC and AIDS Vancouver as well as 81 units of social housing.
Higher rates of HIV in US black gay men may be due to smaller choice of partners and more age mixing
May 18, 2013 - Limited partner choice, wider age gaps between partners, and mistaken beliefs about HIV status in regular partners are all driving the substantially higher rates of HIV in US black gay men relative to other ethnicities, a recent study suggests.

Canada continues to support the global fight against HIV/AIDS
May 17, 2013 - Ottawa, Ontario - Canada recognizes the need to continue the global fight against HIV/AIDS and to find a solution
that ends HIV/AIDS here at home and around the world. In recognition of World AIDS Vaccine Day on May 18, the Honourable Julian Fantino, Minister of International
Cooperation, reaffirmed Canada's contribution to this effort and announced the renewal of its support to the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS),
the lead multilateral organization coordinating the global response to HIV/AIDS.
IT STARTS WITH ME heralds a new era in which testing, treatment and condoms can stop HIV being passed on.
HIV Research for Prevention 2014 (HIV R4P)
May 2013 - HIV Research for Prevention 2014: AIDS Vaccine, Microbicide and ARV-based Prevention Science (HIV R4P). This
first HIV R4P biennial meeting will take place 28-31 October 2014 at the Cape Town International Conference Centre in Cape Town, South Africa.

May 19th is National Asian & Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
May 17, 2013 - As we celebrate Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) Heritage Month and the many accomplishments of AAPIs, we also want to
recognize that these communities still face many barriers to health and health care, including HIV/AIDS. To recognize these challenges, May 19 th has been designated as the National Asian
& Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. The theme for this year's observance is: "Saving face can't make you safe. Talk about HIV-for me, for you, for everyone."

New Report Documents Widespread Neglect by Governments and Donors
NEW YORK, May 16, 2013 - Underfinancing, Discrimination, and Stigma Undermine Fight Against HIV Among Gay Men, Other Men Who Have Sex with Men, and Transgender People
Today amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research and the Center for Public Health and Human Rights (CPHHR) at The Johns Hopkins University jointly released a new report that provides the first ever
comprehensive analysis of the financing and implementation of HIV programs for gay men, other men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender individuals in six countries - Botswana, Malawi, Namibia, Swaziland, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
The Latino Commission on AIDS Mourns the Passing of José Colon
New York, Wednesday, May 15, 2012 - "Our sincere condolences go to the family and friends of José Colon, and especially to his partner of 18 years, Anselmo Fonseca.
While we at the Latino Commission on AIDS mourn his passing, we also remember him dearly and gratefully for his selfless and tireless work on behalf of people living with HIV/AIDS.

Danish researchers issue statement: "We are not on the brink of an HIV cure"
May 15, 2013 - Over the past several weeks some media outlets have grossly misinterpreted press releases and results from a clinical trial that occurred in Denmark. These media claimed that a team of Danish
scientists stated that an HIV cure was imminent. Unfortunately, these incorrect internet news stories have unfairly raised hopes. Now, in an attempt to correct the misinterpretations of their data, the Danish scientists involved in that work have
issued a very clear press release stating that, while their work has exciting potential, " we are not on the brink of an HIV cure ."

Toronto Public Health urges vaccination against bacterial meningitis for MSM travelling to New York
May 14, 2013 - Since 2010 an outbreak of bacterial meningitis has been occurring in New York City among men who have sex with men (MSM). Twenty-two cases have been
reported, including four in 2013. The age of cases ranged between 21 and 59 years. Public health authorities in New York have disclosed that seven of the 22 infected people have died, including three from the most recent five cases. Furthermore, 12 of these cases of bacterial meningitis have occurred among HIV-positive men, five of whom have died. The bacteria responsible for this outbreak are Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C.
New Research Uncovers Willful Misrepresentation of Medical Data in Creation of AIDS "Patient Zero" Myth
May 13, 2013 - According to extensive research conducted for his recently released book, Philadelphia University scholar and professor Phil Tiemeyer says
the infamous myth of a "Patient Zero" who brought AIDS to the U.S. in the early 1980s was based on a willful misrepresentation of Centers for Disease Control data and a calculated effort to
manipulate the media to generate publicity for a book on the crisis itself.
Harper Government supports innovation in the fight against tuberculosis, malaria and HIV/AIDS
May 13, 2013 - Ottawa, Ontario - Canada will continue to be a leader in the fight against three of the world's most
devastating diseases: tuberculosis, malaria and HIV/AIDS, announced the Honourable Julian Fantino, Minister of International Cooperation, following a meeting
with Mark Dybul, the new Executive Director for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

Asians, Pacific Islanders Reveal How HIV Affects Their Lives, Communities in New Digital Story Series
San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) May 13, 2013 - To commemorate May 19th, 2013-the 9th annual National Asian & Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day-the Banyan Tree Project
is hosting a series of Twitter chats throughout the month premiering twenty new digital stories from Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (AAs and NHPIs) living with or affected by HIV. The
Twitter chats are co-hosted by partner organizations across the nation and facilitate thoughtful online conversations about the ways we are all affected by HIV.
70,000 Infants Infected Annually With HIV/AIDS In Nigeria - NACA
Published on May 12, 2013
The National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA) has revealed that 70,000 infants are infected with HIV/AIDS through mother to child transmission in Nigeria annually.

30th International AIDS Candle Light Memorial 2013
Published on May 12, 2013
Over 1,200 community agencies across 115 countries having this memorial always on the third Sunday in May, this year falls on the 19th.

Friends For Life 20th Anniversary Party
Thursday, May 30, 2013
7:00pm until 10:00pm
Celebrities Nightclub
Tickets $30 in advance
$40 at the door
Affinity Auto VIP Party $65 (6:00pm)
Join us in raising a glass at our 20th Anniversary Party presented by TELUS, as we celebrate two decades of bringing care and compassion to those in our community who need it most.

The 30 30 Campaign
May 2013 - Vancouver - The 30 30 campaign was created in 2013 to celebrate AIDS Vancouver's 30th anniversary. The campaign pieces together the dynamic history of HIV in Vancouver, told by and for those who where there.
RSVP for the 30th Anniversary Celebration!
AIDS Vancouver is turning 30 this year, and we want you to join the celebration. Wrapping up the iconic 30 30 Campaign in style, the legendary Commodore Ballroom is
rolling out the red carpet and playing host for an evening of remembrance and celebration July 30th, 2013. Musical talent, live painting
and dynanmic hosts will fill the stage as guests dine on canapés and small plates. The evening will feature the inaugural Red Ribbon
Awards, honoring some of AIDS Vancouver's remarkable champions, as well as the premiere of the final video of The 30 30 Campaign series.

MAY 22, 2013

New PHAC testing guide includes recommendations to promote routine HIV testing
May 9, 2013 - PHAC recently released an HIV Screening and Testing Guide that "seeks to reduce the number of undiagnosed
HIV infections in Canada by offering a framework for care providers to explore options that will enhance their ability to provide HIV testing, as well as to better
tailor their testing approaches to meet the specific needs of their practice and clients."
These guidelines include the following recommendations to address the barriers listed above and to improve HIV testing in Canada.

Standing in solidarity for health and rights:
30th International AIDS Candlelight Memorial
May 2013 - On Sunday the 19th of May, over 200,000 people worldwide will participate in the 30th International AIDS Candlelight Memorial.
Communities from Armenia to Zimbabwe and in cities as far north as Reykjavik in Iceland and as far south as Punta Arenas in Chile will take time together to remember the loved ones we have lost to AIDS and to celebrate the lives of all those living with HIV through sometimes difficult circumstances.
Everyone Has a Story:
Stigma, Shame and Disclosure
Conversations of Survival and Leadership
"Everyone Has a Story" (EHAS) is an educational capacity and skills-building initiative for health care professionals and HIV-positive women. EHAS uses video-based storytelling
to empower individuals to address stigma, navigate disclosure, build strong relationships with providers and live healthier lives.

ORIGAMI CONDOMS: The First Anal Condom Begins Clinical Trial in Boston
9 May 2013 - ORIGAMI Condoms, based in Los Angeles, CA, has been in development of the world's next generation of condoms. The company's unique silicone condom designs include
the first condom designed and clinically tested for anal intercourse, the ORIGAMI Anal Condom. A Phase 1 Clinical Trial is underway in collaboration with researchers at The Fenway Institute of Boston.
Louis Turpin - Day 1 BCS 1992
May 8, 2013 - In December of 1992, in honor of international AIDS day, Louis Turpin came to BCS to speak to the students about living with HIV/AIDS . Louis passed away in October of 1993.

Immune cells that suppress genital herpes infections identified
SEATTLE - May 8, 2013 - Discovery has implications for development of a vaccine to prevent and treat HSV-2 and similar infections
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and University of Washington scientists have identified a class of immune cells that reside long-term in the genital
skin and mucosa and are believed to be responsible for suppressing recurring outbreaks of genital herpes. These immune cells also play a role in suppressing symptoms of genital herpes,
which is why most sufferers of the disease are asymptomatic when viral reactivations occur.

Young poz people have sex. Get over it.
Young people living with HIV are having sex, and it's their right. That's just one of the messages included in a new booklet being launched by Positive Youth Outreach (PYO), a program of the AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT).

IAS 2013 conference programme live online - announcing keynote speakers, participating scientists and abstracts
Wednesday, 8 May 2013 (Geneva, Switzerland) - Dr Steve Deeks, HIV cure specialist, keynote speaker at opening session
Strategies for pursuing an HIV cure, the impact of starting antiretroviral therapy at higher CD4 counts and innovative models for HIV testing and care feature heavily in the IAS 2013 programme announced today.

Vancouver International AIDS Candlelight Memorial
May 7, 2013 - AIDS Vancouver is honoured to welcome everyone to celebrate with us the 30th Vancouver International AIDS Candlelight Memorial on Sunday May 19, 2013 beginning at 7:30pm in Alexandra Park at the Band Stand. We have a stellar cast of performers this year to celebrate and perform a musical tribute to people affected and infected by HIV and to all of those friends and family we have lost to HIV/AIDS.
This is a very special year as it marks the 30th Anniversary of the Vancouver International AIDS Candlelight Memorial as well as the 30th Anniversary of AIDS Vancouver.
AIDS Vancouver's 30 30 Campaign: Telling the story of Vancouver's HIV movement
by Craig Takeuchi on May 7, 2013 - AIDS Vancouver announced on Tuesday (May 7) that for its 30th anniversary, it will launch an extensive video campaign that will provide a retrospective of the past 30 years of the HIV movement in Vancouver.

May 7, 2013 - Vancouver - Campaign interviews 38 prominent Vancouverites involved with fight against HIV/AIDS
In recognition of its 30th anniversary, AIDS Vancouver today announced a new video campaign that chronicles the stories of HIV/AIDS in
Vancouver over the past 30 years. The videos feature 38 community leaders sharing their experiences and memories; the first video premieres on July 1st at 3030.AIDSVancouver.org, and a new video will be released each day for 30 days.
IAPAC Launches myHIVclinic.org
WASHINGTON, DC (Monday, May 6, 2013) - Webportal Focuses on Comorbidities, Health Aging with HIV
The International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (IAPAC) today announced the launch of myHIVclinic.org, a multi-language webportal meant to support clinicians in the management of HIV-associated comorbidities as well as the promotion of healthy aging with HIV for patients who are living longer because of life-saving and -enhancing antiretroviral therapy (ART).

Celebrating African Grandmothers: HEROES OF THE CONTINENT
Juried Art Exhibit and Craft Sale
Thursday May 9 - Sunday May 12 - 10 am - 6pm
River Market
New Westminster Quay
Royal City Gogos invite you to attend Celebrating African Grandmothers, Juried Art Exhibit and Craft Sale.
With almost no support, grandmothers have stepped forward to care for millions of children orphaned by AIDS, sometimes as many as ten to fifteen in one household. They display astonishing reserves of love, courage and emotional resilience, even while grieving the loss of their own adult children.

In Solidarity: A Musical Tribute to People Infected and Affected by HIV and those we have lost to AIDS
30th Vancouver International AIDS Candlelight Memorial
May 19th 2013 at 7:30 PM in Alexandra Park,1755 Beach Avenue, at Bidwell
The 30th Vancouver International AIDS Candlelight Memorial event will be emceed by Bradford McIntyre, Vice-Chair, AIDS Vancouver. Along with speakers there will be a cast of performers
to celebrate and perform a musical tribute to people affected by and infected with HIV and all the people we have lost to AIDS. You won't want to miss this memorable event!.

Enterprise Web Briefing on Vaccine-Induced Sero-Positivity/Reactivity Consultation
Thursday, 2 May at 11:00 a.m. EDT
Please join us on Thursday, 2 May at 11:00 a.m. EDT for a web briefing on the Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise's latest Timely Topics in HIV Vaccines consultation
on Vaccine Induced Sero-Positivity/Reactivity (VISP/R). The Enterprise, IAVI and NIAID will present highlights from the recent consultation, including preliminary recommendations to develop a coordinated field-wide approach to VISP/R.

Special 30th Anniversary Logo - International AIDS Candlelight Memorial
In solidarity: 30th International AIDS Candlelight Memorial - 19 May 2013
Now available, the special 30th Anniversary logo of the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial. This logo was especially created to be printed on t-shirts or other materials.

Cinema Against AIDS XX
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Cinema Against AIDS XX to benefit amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research