Positively Positive - Living with HIV/AIDS:
HIV/AIDS News Archive - June 2010

ViiV Healthcare Awards Grants from the Positive Action for Children Fund of £3.6m
30 June 2010 - Independent expert panel selects 12 global projects aimed at improving the health and welfare of women, children and families affected by HIV
Today ViiV Healthcare awarded a total of £3.6m in grants to support 12 projects focused on preventing HIV transmission from mother-to-child, to improve the health and wellbeing of women, children and their families around the globe.

CAHR offers four doctoral scholarships, in partnership with the CIHR
2010-06-30 - Again this year, CAHR will fund four HIV Research Studentships, one in each of the following research tracks: Basic Science,
Clinical Science, Social Science, Epidemiology/Public Health. The award is intended to provide special recognition to students who are pursuing a doctoral degree in Canada or abroad and whose main focus is on HIV/AIDS.

Insite under attack once again
06/29/2010 - Vancouver's safe injection site is under attack again from the same source as always, the federal government. You would think these guys would learn.
Their constant poking and prodding had the courts toss out the federal drug laws for a time. I have no idea what the status of that is or if it's even been dealt with.

Leaders call for strengthened response to the HIV epidemic in the Middle East and North Africa
Dubai, 29 June 2010 - At a high-level policy dialogue organized by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS),
the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Bank, senior officials from government, donor agencies, development partners and civil society today launched a consensus
statement calling for an accelerated regional response to the HIV epidemic in the Middle East and North Africa.

Japan Contributes $10 Million for AIDS Vaccine Development
New York, June 28, 2010 - The International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) announced today that the Government of Japan pledged a US$10 million grant to support AIDS vaccine research and development over the next five years. The grant, which will be channeled through a newly established World Bank trust fund, is the first of its kind from the Japanese government to IAVI.

June 28, 2010 - Routine HIV testing is central to ending the HIV/AIDS pandemic. In the United States, someone becomes infected with HIV every nine and a half minutes.
More than 20 percent of the estimated 1.1 million Americans living with HIV infection do not know they are infected.

The Vienna Declaration: A Global Call to Action for Science-based Drug Policy
28 June 2010 [Vienna, Austria] - In Lead Up to XVIII International AIDS Conference, Scientists and Other Leaders Call for Reform of
International Drug Policy and Urge Others to Sign-on
Three leading scientific and health policy organizations today launched a global drive for signatories to the Vienna Declaration ( www.viennadeclaration.com ),
a statement seeking to improve community health and safety by calling for the incorporation of scientific evidence into illicit drug policies. Among those supporting the declaration
and urging others to sign is 2008 Nobel Laureate and International AIDS Society (IAS) Governing Council member Prof. Francoise Barre-Sinoussi, co-discoverer of HIV.
G8 meets over "greatest economic crisis in generations
June 26, 2010 - We, the Leaders of the Group of Eight, met in Muskoka on June 25-26, 2010.
Our annual summit takes place as the world begins a fragile recovery from the greatest economic crisis in generations.
Statement by the President on National HIV Testing Day
Jun 25 2010 - This Sunday is National HIV Testing Day, an occasion to raise awareness
of the steps each of us can take as individuals to fight HIV/AIDS.
G20 leaders must heed call for HIV/AIDS meds
Jun 25 2010 - Activists demand change at annual AIDS candlelight vigil in Toronto
As hundreds gathered in a downtown Toronto park Thursday night for the annual AIDS candlelight vigil, Tim Morley shook his head and studied a nearby memorial wall.

CATIE News - Sexual function in HIV-positive women
2010 June 24 - hanks to the benefit of anti-HIV therapy, women in high-income countries are living longer.
Surveys in the United States have found that most women remain sexually active after a diagnosis of HIV infection. Most research on the sexual behaviour of
HIV-positive women is focused on assessing the risk of HIV transmission. However, issues related to other aspects of women's sexual health-such as those
listed below-in the context of HIV infection have received comparatively little attention:

Launch of the Global Commission on HIV and the Law: "Addressing punitive laws and human rights violations blocking effective AIDS responses"
Geneva, 24 June 2010 - The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), with the support of the UNAIDS Secretariat,
launched the Global Commission on HIV and the Law today. The Commission's aim is to increase understanding of the impact of the legal environment on national
HIV responses. Its aim is to focus on how laws and law enforcement can support, rather than block, effective HIV responses.
Study confirms benefit of routine, jail-based HIV testing for inmates
24-Jun-2010 - PROVIDENCE, RI - Routine, jail-based HIV testing of inmates can successfully identify a substantial proportion of people unknowingly infected
with HIV and could play a critical role in preventing the spread of the disease, according to a new report in this week's U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.

Annual AIDS Candlelight Vigil in Toronto
TORONTO, June 23 - On the eve of the G20 Summit, thousands will gather to call for action on HIV/AIDS. The annual AIDS Candlelight
Vigil will be held on Thursday, June 24, 2010 at the AIDS Memorial in Cawthra Square Park, in downtown Toronto. This year, as the world's most powerful political leaders gather in Toronto, we will use this opportunity to highlight the failure of the world's political
leaders to provide a response to the 12 million people living with HIV/AIDS around the globe who need access to medication and care.

CATIE News - Long-term consequences of kidney injury in HIV
2010 June 23 - Acute kidney injury, formerly called acute renal failure, is a rapid decline in the functioning of the kidneys.
Typically, acute kidney injury (AKI) develops when the concentration of the waste product creatinine in the blood increases significantly. Compared to HIV-negative people, some
studies have found that HIV-positive people are twice as likely to experience AKI.

23 June 2010 (Geneva, Switzerland) - In 2005 the international community made an historic commitment to achieve universal access to HIV prevention,
treatment and care by 2010 at the Group of Eight (G8) summit in Gleneagles, Scotland. Despite important progress, the world is not yet on track to achieve this commitment, and there are
troubling signs that donors and implementing countries are capping or shrinking funding for the HIV response.
The prevalence and drug sensitivity of tuberculosis among patients dying in hospital in South Africa
22-Jun-2010 - A large, systematic postmortem study carried out in South Africa by Ted Cohen and colleagues has revealed that 94% of deceased patients were HIV infected and 50% had culture-positive tuberculosis at the time of death.

Toronto, June 22, 2010 - AIDS activists called today on G8 and G20 leaders to take decisive action during their upcoming summits in Toronto to help overcome HIV/AIDS both in Canada and in developing countries.
This year is the target date set by G8 countries for achieving "universal access" to HIV prevention services and to HIV care, treatment and support. Yet global action on AIDS is falling off the G8 agenda, despite repeated promises.
Aubrey J. Tingle Prize presented to Dr. Julio Montaner
June 21, 2010 - BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS clinical director is , created in honour of the founding President and CEO of the

Canadian AIDS Society Calls for Social Justice in HIV: Freedom, Rights, Dignity
June 18, 2010 - OTTAWA, ONTARIO - The Canadian AIDS Society (CAS) calls for social justice in HIV as people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHIV/AIDS)
assemble to attend the annual PLWHIV/AIDS Forum and the CAS annual general meeting.

"Canada must do more to help in global HIV prevention" -Allan Ronald
2010-06-18 - Dr. Allan Ronald told a crowd of HIV/AIDS researchers at the 2010 CAHR Conference that Canada must do more to bolster its international HIV prevention efforts.

CAHR's 2010 Studentship competition will be conducted as part of the CIHR SHOPP Program
2010-06-18 - Again this year, CAHR will fund four HIV Research Studentships, one in each of the following research tracks:
* Basic Science
* Clinical Science
* Social Science
* Epidemiology and Public Health.

The 2010 CAHR Conference generated a lot of media interest
2010-06-18 - The 2010 CAHR Conference attracted a larger-than-expected number of delegates as well as a large amount of media interest.
This was due mainly to recent news about increased rates of new HIV infections among Saskatoon's First Nations and IDU populations.

Notice of news conference: Toronto, June 22, 2010
This year is the target date set by G8 countries for achieving "universal access" to HIV prevention services and to HIV care, treatment and support, yet global action on AIDS is falling off the G8 agenda, despite repeated promises.
Date: Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Time: from 11:00AM to 12 Noon
Location: Room G in Oakham House, Ryerson University campus,
55 Gould Street (between Church and Yonge streets), Toronto, Canada.
Orphaned elderly serious casualty of African AIDS epidemic, Stanford study finds
17 - Jun - 2010 - STANFORD, Calif. - The rise in AIDS death rates in sub-Saharan Africa has led to a burgeoning new category of neglected individuals - nearly a million orphaned elderly, or older adults living alone without the benefit of any caregivers, Stanford University School of Medicine researchers have found.

CATIE News - The Assert study-a look at drug safety
2010 June 17 - Two common nuke components of HIV treatment regimens in high-income countries are as follows:
* Kivexa - a fixed-dose once-daily formulation of two anti-HIV drugs (abacavir and 3TC) sold under the brand name Kivexa in Canada and the European Union and as Epzicom in the United States
* Truvada - a fixed-dose once-daily combination of two anti-HIV drugs (tenofovir and FTC) sold under the brand name Truvada in high-income countries

ViiV Healthcare and amfAR Partner to Optimize HIV Treatment for Infants and Children in Asia
(TK CITY) June 17, 2010 - $2 million initiative created to generate clinical evidence and develop strategies to support life-long pediatric care and help inform global treatment guidelines
Today, ViiV Healthcare and TREAT Asia, a Bangkok-based program of amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research, announced a groundbreaking two-year partnership that aims to improve access and optimize the quality of healthcare for infants and children living with HIV across Asia.

AIDS Drug Combinations Given to Pregnant Women Block 99 Percent of HIV Transmission to Breastfed Babies
June 16, 2010 - Boston, MA - Findings in Botswana Study Suggest Women Taking Antiretroviral Drug Combinations Can Breastfeed Safely
An international clinical trial led by researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) has found that AIDS-fighting antiretroviral drug combinations given
to pregnant and breastfeeding women in Botswana, Africa, prevented 99% of the mothers from transmitting the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) to their infants.
New York, NY, June 16, 2010 - Ciara, Kelly Rowland, MTV's Sway Calloway and New Boyz Join Effort to Help Get Out the Word about HIV and STD Testing
The first Be Greater Than AIDS: Get Yourself Tested Week will kick off on June 19th, calling on Americans, especially young people, to get tested for HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
in the week leading up to National HIV Testing Day (June 27th). The campaign will spotlight 10 cities -- Atlanta, Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, Newark, New York, and Washington D.C. --where free testing is available and other special events are taking place.

CATIE News - Emerging candidate biomarkers for monitoring kidney health
15 June 2010 - A widely used assessment of kidney function is the level of the waste product creatinine in the blood. This can be
used by itself (as the absolute concentration of creatinine) or it can be used in equations to derive the eGFR (estimated glomerular filtration function). However, kidney and toxicity specialists
have known that there are problems when relying on creatinine levels to reveal information about kidney damage. Before we delve into this issue, we first present some information about the workings
of the kidneys, which is relevant to the issue of kidney injury arising from exposure to some medicines.

A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Efficacy of and Barriers to Liver Transplantation in HIV: Synthesis of Data to Inform Policy and Guide Clinical Practice
You are invited to attend Dr. Curtis Cooper's knowledge transfer meeting hosted by the Canadian Treatment Action Council. Dr. Cooper's study will inform public health policy and furhter efforts to secure access to liver transplantation for people living with HIV.
Date: June 14, 2010
Time: 10:00 AM - 2:00PM
475 Youge Street, Toronto, Ontario

AIDS/LifeCycle Rides into Los Angeles After Traveling 545 Miles and Raising $10 Million to Fight AIDS
LOS ANGELES, June 12, 2010 - San Francisco-to-Los Angeles bike ride is world's largest annual HIV/AIDS fundraiser
More than 2,400 participants in AIDS/LifeCycle arrived at the Veterans Center in Los Angeles today after traveling 545 miles from
San Francisco over the past seven days in the world's largest annual HIV/AIDS fundraising event. In its ninth year, the event raised $10 million to support the services
of San Francisco AIDS Foundation and the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center that prevent new HIV infections and care for those living with HIV/AIDS.

CATIE News - Tenofovir - pilot study finds good impact on lipids
2010 June 11 - HIV infection causes the body to increase production of chemicals that trigger inflammation. Such inflammation is only partially reduced
with anti-HIV therapy. Prolonged inflammation appears to cause unfavourable changes to many organ systems, including the cardiovascular system.
Canadians track infectious disease threats at World Cup
TORONTO, ON., June 10, 2010 - Researchers track airplane travel, media reports to provide real-time analyses on potential threats to mass gatherings
Two Canadian researchers will be keeping a close eye on what hundreds of thousands of soccer fans take to the World Cup in South Africa _ and what they potentially bring home.

Toronto, June 10, 2010 - Two of the world's leading advocates on HIV/AIDS will deliver a strong message to G8 and G20
leaders this Friday evening.

JHSPH Faculty Tackles Immune System Differences between the Sexes
June 9, 2010- In the book Sex Hormones and Immunity to Infection, Sabra Klein, PhD, assistant professor at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health's W. Harry Feinstone
Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, explores the differences in the immune systems of men and women and how these differences can impact disease.

CATIE News - Are high tenofovir levels linked to kidney damage?
09 June 2010 -- Researchers in Spain and Italy have been investigating the potential for tenofovir to cause kidney dysfunction. They think that there might be some people who are predisposed
to developing tenofovir toxicity. This predisposition appears to occur because in some people there are not sufficient transporter proteins to remove tenofovir and flush it into urine. Tenofovir levels in these people can therefore build up in the blood and kidneys, causing side effects.
2010 International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases
9-Jun-2010 - ournalists are invited to attend and cover the 2010 International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases (ICEID), to be held July 11-14, 2010, at the Hyatt Regency, Atlanta,
Georgia. The meeting is being organized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the American Society for Microbiology, the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists, the Association of Public Health Laboratories and the World Health Organization.

Toronto: June 9, 2010 - The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network is welcoming to Canada one of world's foremost leaders in the fight against AIDS, Dr. Michel Kazatchkine, Executive Director of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

08 June 2010 - GENEVA - 7 Million People Treated for TB 122 Million Bed Nets Distributed for Malaria
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria today announced its mid-year results which show that 2.8 million people with HIV have received life-saving antiretroviral (ARV) treatment, a 22 percent increase on results reported in June 2009.

Updated HIV therapy guidelines would reduce risk of transmission, save lives, billions in costs
Vancouver, British Columbia (June 7, 2010) - Comprehensive study shows earlier treatment leads to numerous and significant individual and societal benefits compared with 2006 guidelines
Researchers from the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS (BC-CfE) and the and the University of British Columbia today released a comprehensive study revealing that the 2008 IAS-USA therapy guidelines for commencing HIV treatment would create significant benefits for individuals infected with HIV and society as a whole.

Canadians for Safe Access Denounces Police Raids of Medical Cannabis Dispensaries
June 7, 2010 - Medical cannabis dispensaries, also know as compassion clubs, have played a vital role supplying safe access to cannabis for the critically and chronically ill in Canada for over 12 years. These organizations provide access to a variety of high quality cannabis strains and preparations that can effectively alleviate pain, muscle spasms, nausea, anxiety, and other serious symptoms. Compassion clubs are also at the forefront of academic peer-reviewed research on medical cannabis in Canada.
Consortium Seeks Best Treatment for HIV-positive Cancer Patients
June 7, 2010 - Washington, DC - Georgetown researcher says it is important to expand access for these patients to NCI sponsored clinical trials
Preliminary findings from a unique study with sunitinib suggest that it might be possible to tweak the dosage of chemotherapy drugs used to treat HIV-positive cancer patients
to achieve therapeutic benefit. Given the type of drug cocktail patients use to treat their HIV, much more or considerably less chemotherapy may be warranted, say the researchers, part
of the NCI-supported AIDS Malignancy Consortium (AMC). The trial design is being presented at the 2010 annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO).

DATE: Monday June 14th 2010
TIME: 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Parliament Hill, Centre Block, Room 238S
The HIV/AIDS and TB (HAT) Parliamentary Caucus is an all party, non-partisan initiative dedicated to developing a better understanding of the needs of people living with or affected by HIV/AIDS or Tuberculosis.
DATE : Lundi 14 juin 2010
HEURE : 18 h 00 - 21 h 00
LIEU : Colline du Parlement, édifice du Centre, pièce 238S
Le Caucus parlementaire sur le VIH/sida et la tuberculose est une initiative non partisane appuyée par tous les partis qui souhaitent favoriser une meilleure compréhension des besoins des personnes atteintes du VIH/sida ou de la tuberculose.

ViiV Healthcare and Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation Partner to Expedite Access to ARV Treatment for Infants and Children
07 June 2010 - Today, ViiV Healthcare and the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation announced a new partnership that will expedite access to lifesaving HIV care
and treatment and help children live longer, healthier, and more productive lives. ViiV Healthcare has committed $2m over a two-year period to fund the partnership.

The Female Health Company Announces Issuance of U.S. Patent for its FC2 Female Condom
CHICAGO, June 7, 2010 - The Female Health Company (NASDAQ-CM: FHCO) today announced that on June 1, 2010, the U.S. Patent office
issued patent number U.S. 7,726,316 B1 for its second generation product, the FC2 Female Condom. In addition to the newly issued U.S. patent, Spain, Greece and Turkey recently issued patents on the FC2 Female Condom.

Toronto, June 11-12
June 4, 2010 - Notice of events and potential interview subjects
The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network is holding its 2nd Annual Symposium on HIV, Law and Human Rights in Toronto on June 11-12. Over 150 policy-makers,
legal professionals, health researchers, activists and people living with or vulnerable to HIV/AIDS will be in attendance. Speakers and participants will address a number of controversial
topics on AIDS and human rights.

June 3, San Francisco City Hall, Front Steps, 11:30 AM - Gero Hütter, MD, the Berlin physician who performed the historic
stem cell transplant in 2007 that has to date functionally cured an American patient with HIV/AIDS, will be honored by San Francisco Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi and the
AIDS Policy Project on the steps of San Francisco City Hall.

The Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation
in partnership with CAMP WENDAKE
June 3, 2010 - Camp Snowy Owl will be held from Sunday August 15th to Friday August 20th, 2010
The goal of the Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation is to establish, build and maintain a financial
resource available to organizations dedicated to HIV/AIDS education, prevention, direct or support services, primary care and/or the expansion,
enhancement of existing HIV/AIDS services. The Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation is a fully recognized charitable Foundation established in memory of Louis Turpin.

Study of MicroRNA Helps NIH Scientists Unlock Secrets of Immune Cells
June 3, 2010 - With the rapid and continuous advances in biotechnology, scientists are better able to see inside the
nucleus of a cell to unlock the secrets of its genetic material.

More than 2,500 to Leave San Francisco June 6 on AIDS/LifeCycle, Expecting to Raise $11 Million to Fight AIDS
SAN FRANCISCO/LOS ANGELES - June 3, 2010 - San Francisco-to-Los Angeles bike ride is world's largest annual HIV/AIDS fundraiser
More than 2,500 bicyclists and volunteer "roadies" from nearly every state and eight countries will set out from San Francisco to Los Angeles on June 6 as participants in AIDS/LifeCycle,
the world's largest annual HIV/AIDS fundraising event. In its ninth year, the event is expected to raise more than $11 million to care for those living with HIV/AIDS and to prevent new infections.

Steelcase Surface Materials Honored at the Crystal Alpha Awards Gala
New York - June 2, 2010 - Specially-Designed Textiles Recognized for Community Contribution
Steelcase Inc. (NYSE: SCS) announced today that it was honored at the Crystal Alpha Awards gala for its integration of the
alphaPOLLACK Collection into its Select Surfaces offering. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of these fabrics directly benefits the Alpha Workshops.
Ford Foundation Initiative to Tackle HIV Crisis in United States
NEW YORK, 2 June 2010 - Grants Will Target the Spread of the Disease in the South and Among African Americans, Women and Latinos
The Ford Foundation today announced a $25 million effort to fight the disproportionate yet largely hidden impact of HIV/AIDS on marginalized communities in the United States.

The Female Health Company Receives Order for 3.5 Million FC2 Female Condoms for Distribution at 2010 World Cup
CHICAGO, June 2, 2010 - (NASDAQ: FHCO) is announcing today that its second-generation FC2 Female Condom®, which received regulatory approval from the Food and Drug Administration in March as
an HIV prevention method, is now available for purchase in the United States.

1 June 2010 - GENEVA - The Global Fund largest private sector contributor (PRODUCT)REDTM, has passed a funding milestone of US$ 150 million to support Global Fund HIV and AIDS programs in Rwanda, Lesotho, Swaziland, Ghana, Zambia and South Africa. (PRODUCT)RED is today one of the largest consumer-based private sector initiatives to raise money for an international humanitarian cause.

CAHR 2010 - 19th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research
Conference Downloads:
2010 Abstracts

CAHR 2010 - CAHR Abstracts 2010
CAHR Conference 2010 Abstract O071:
The Youth Injection Prevention (YIP) Project: At-Risk Youth Share Perspectives with Youth Co-Researchers on Preventing the Transition into Injection Drug Use

CAHR 2010 - CAHR Abstracts 2010
Epidemiology and Public Health: Poster Presentations - Poster Session

CAHR Conference 2010 Abstract O047:
Population-Specific HIV/AIDS Status Report: Aboriginal Peoples - Public Health Policy, Program and Research Implications

CAHR 2010 - Basic Sciences: Poster Presentations - Poster Session
CAHR Abstracts 2010

HIV/Antiretroviral Update
Conference event for General Public, Healthcare Professionals, Persons with AIDS, Policy Makers
June 11, 2010 - 08:00 - 16:00
The Spring HIV/Antiretroviral Update will take place on Friday June 11, 2010 from approximately 8:00 am to 5:00 pm at the Sheraton Wall Centre Hotel located across from St. Paul's Hospital in Downtown Vancouver.

Suits Dinners Coming Up
Monday May 31st
Monday June 28th
Monday July 26th
This monthly dinner, takes place at a restaurant in the Vancouver area on the last Monday of each month, and offers working men a chance to build community and combat isolation and stigma. SUITS provides a forum where HIV poz men can meet other professionals, network and have a positive influence on the community.