Positively Positive - Living with HIV/AIDS:
HIV/AIDS News Archive - July 2012

A Campaign to End HIV
July 2012 - Vancouver, BC - Creating a movement to change the course of history by changing the course of HIV
It starts by encouraging every person who's ever been sexually active to have an HIV test.

Why Your Dentist Needs to Know About Your Facial Fillers
Summer 2012 - Interestingly, the researchers found that people with confirmed infections had had prior dental work. It is possible that this work, which included routine dental cleaning, may have damaged or contaminated the
Bio-Alcamid implants with bacteria, leading to infections. As a result, Dr. Loutfy recommends: "HIV-positive people who have facial implants should always tell their dentists, hygienists and surgeons -- any oral healthcare professional -- about their implants prior to receiving any dental care."

30/07/2012 - This Resource Kit is intended to provide both people living with HIV and service providers with useful information and tools to make informed and empowered choices about how to respond to criminalization.
30/07/2012 - Cette trousse de ressources vise à fournir aux personnes vivant avec le VIH et aux fournisseurs de services des informations et des outils pratiques leur permettant de faire des choix éclairés et habilitants, en réponse à la criminalisation.
The end of AIDS? We have the tools
Jul. 30 2012 - The federal Conservatives have done everything in their considerable power to decimate Canada's HIV response, including trying to close the country's only supervised injection site and further criminalizing injection drug users and sex workers. Criminalization drives these Canadians underground and away from health services, leaving them susceptible to HIV infection.
New condom guide for gay and bi men launched
30 July 2012 - HIV and sexual health charity Terrence Higgins Trust has launched an online guide instructing gay men in condom use.

Françoise Barré-Sinoussi (France) Becomes IAS President Chris Beyrer (USA) Becomes IAS President-Elect, Dr. Anton Pozniak (UK) is the New Treasurer
Thursday, 26 July, 2012 (Washington D.C., USA) - Professor Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, Nobel Laureate, becomes new President of the International AIDS Society as the
XIX International AIDS Conference closes in Washington, D.C. Dr. Chris Beyrer of Johns Hopkins University is new President-Elect and Dr. Anton Pozniak (UK) is Treasurer
Bone marrow transplant eliminates HIV traces from two patients' DNA: Call it a cure?
July 27. 2012 - (CBS News) - Two men who've had HIV for years may now be free of the disease following bone marrow transplants, researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston announced Thursday.
Vancouver Sisters AIDS Walk in Heels || CATWalk for Life
Jul 27, 2012 - JOIN or SUPPORT the Vancouver Sisters Team:
The Vancouver Sisters of the Abbey of the Long Cedar Canoe are a
group of 21st century nuns who do charitable work in support of Vancouver's queer communities. Their work is primarily focused on HIV/AIDS and homelessness in Greater Vancouver. For more information about the Sisters, visit www.yvrsisters.ca
Ending HIV/AIDS: Julio Montaner
July 27. 2012- Vancouver - For his thoughts on the possibility of an "AIDS-free generation", we were joined by Doctor Julio Montaner. He is the Director of the British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS. He is also the Chair in AIDS Research at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of British Columbia and the Past-President of the International AIDS Society. Julio Montaner was in Washington DC.

This World Hepatitis Day, CTAC demands co-infected people not be left behind
July 27, 2012 - Toronto, ON: - On the eve of World Hepatitis Day, the Canadian Treatment Action Council (CTAC) calls
on provincial pharmaceutical plans to reverse their decisions that prohibit coverage of two new Hepatitis C drugs boceprevir (Victrelis) and telaprevir (Incivek) for HIV and Hepatitis C co-infected patients.

In The Life Media and The Black AIDS Institute Journalist Delegation Present:
New York, July 27, 2012 - In The Life Media, producer of the most honored and influential lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) journalism on public television and online,
partners with The Black AIDS Institute Journalist Delegation to present web-exclusive coverage of the state of HIV and AIDS in 2012.

AIDS 2012 Ignites Momentum for the Beginning of the End of the AIDS Epidemic
Friday, 27 July 2012 (Washington, D.C., United States)- Scientific, Political and Community Leaders Call for Collaborative Partnerships and Investments in Research, Treatment and Prevention to Turn the Tide on HIV
Only with coordinated efforts to expand HIV prevention and treatment initiatives, integrate HIV programs into broader health services, maintain funding, and improve human rights across vulnerable populations will the
international community begin to end the AIDS epidemic
Award Winning Vito Russo documentary VITO, opening in Vancouver theatres July 27th
July 27. 2012- Vancouver - Having won awards the globe over, the incendiary and moving documentary on the life of
legendary author, cinephile, and activist Vito Russo, VITO, will open at Vancouver's Denman Cinema
Fighting H.I.V. Stigma, Photo by Photo
July 27, 2012- The South African photojournalist Gideon Mendel spent more than a decade documenting H.I.V./AIDS in Africa.

International AIDS Society welcomes new funding commitments by the US Government announced at AIDS 2012 by Secretary Hillary Clinton
Thursday, 26 July, 2012 (Washington D.C., USA) - The International AIDS Society (IAS) applauds the U.S. Government for pledging new funds to further their response to HIV.
The announcement was made by the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, at the 19th International AIDS Conference currently being held in Washington D.C.
The Canadian Minister of Health Fears of Evidence
Jul 26, 2012 - The Canadian Minister of Health, Leona Aglukkaq, is not popular among AIDS activists: she does not accept the evidence that harm reduction programs, like Insite, the first safer injection site in North-America, effectively reduce the risks of HIV transmissions and overdose deaths.
New HIV Cure Research Released Today at the XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012)
Thursday, 26 July, 2012 (Washington D.C, US) - A new study has been released at the XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012) in Washington today
confirming that patients treated early and then taken off antiretroviral therapy have shown no signs of a resurgence of their HIV infection.
2 HIV patients in Boston show no signs of virus after bone marrow transplant
July 26, 2012 - WASHINGTON - Two HIV-positive patients in Boston who underwent bone marrow transplants for cancer were later found to have undetectable blood levels of HIV, according to research presented at the 2012 International AIDS Conference Thursday.

Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network Faces Major Funding Cuts
26 July 2012 - As the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network marks its 20th anniversary, we face an unprecedented challenge with recent news of a drastic cut in funding under Canada's federal AIDS strategy - a cut
that significantly undermines our ability to continue our work in defending and promoting human rights in the response to HIV.
Will MSM use over-the-counter rapid HIV tests to screen sexual partners?
26 July 2012 - If men who have sex with men (MSM) have the option of using rapid HIV testing to screen potential sexual partners, will they do so?
Mondo Guerra: Designing for a Positive Life
07/26/2012- Known for his signature look -- big glasses, a bowtie, fancy socks, and of course his pompadour -- the 34-year-old designer from Denver, Colo., bared his soul on national television when
he revealed that he was HIV-positive during an episode of Project Runway.

Real participation of Key Affected Populations, Men who have Sex with Men, Sex Workers, Transgender People and Injecting Drug Users key to Turning the Tide of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic
Thursday, 26 July 2012 (Washington, D.C., United States) - Former U.S. First Lady Laura Bush to address the conference
"If we are to take advantage of the huge possibilities that the science is now affording us in tackling the epidemic, we urgently need the most vulnerable populations at the table,
but at the same time we need governments to be brought to account for policies that are criminalizing sexual preference and people´s behaviours rather than dealing with these issue as public health
concerns;" said Dr. Elly Katabira, AIDS 2012 International Chair and President of the International AIDS Society (IAS).

Latino Commission on AIDS and Merck Launch Innovative Bilingual HIV Educational Campaign
(Washington, D.C.) July 25, 2012 - Today, during the XIX International AIDS Conference, the Latino Commission on AIDS, in collaboration with
Merck (known as MSD outside of the U.S. and Canada), launched Sharing Stories, Creating Hope, an innovative multimedia HIV educational campaign.

A tale of two epidemics: HIV and unjust criminalization
July 25, 2012- Indeed, the epidemic of over-criminalization is a growing menace to public health and human rights here in Canada - threatening not only those members of our communities who live with HIV,
but ultimately putting all Canadians at greater risk and undermining our collective efforts to end AIDS.
Activists optimistic at Intl. AIDS Conference
July 25, 2012 - Some attendees at the conference are saying they can see a day when HIV is no longer transmitted, reports Danielle Nottingham.
Ten community-based organizations receive prestigious Red Ribbon Award for innovative response to AIDS
WASHINGTON, DC, 25 July 2012 - The 2012 winning organizations are from Egypt, Haiti, India, Iran, Kenya, Mexico, Myanmar,
Sri Lanka, the Russian Federation and Uganda. Over 1400 nominations from more than 120
countries were received by the Red Ribbon Award secretariat, which is hosted by the Joint
United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) in partnership with other UN
organizations, AIDS 2012, the Global Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS, STOP AIDS
NOW!, the Global Network of Women Living with HIV/AIDS and the International Council of
AIDS Service Organizations.

'Substantial Minority' of MSM Would Use Condoms Less When on PrEP
July 25, 2012- A "substantial minority" of men who have sex with men (MSM) anticipated that they would use condoms less if they were taking PrEP, or pre-exposure prophylaxis, according to results of a survey conducted by Douglas Krakower, MD, of Harvard Medical School/Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and his colleagues.
Cancer Drug May Flush Out 'Hidden' HIV: Study
WEDNESDAY, July 25 (HealthDay News) - Strategy could help battle'reservoir' of germs, but research in early stages.
Now, researchers report that they may have discovered a way to use a cancer drug to make the infected cells more visible, potentially allowing them to be killed.
Obama Skipping AIDS Conference for Campaign Draws Activists' Ire
July 25, 2012 - For all the dignitaries on the schedule at the International AIDS Conference this week in Washington, including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Microsoft Corp. co-founder Bill Gates and former President Bill Clinton, it's the absence of one that has activists talking.

Turning the Tide for Women, Children and Youth
Wednesday, 25 July 2012 (Washington, D.C., United States)- Howard K. Koh, Assistant Secretary for Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, to address the Tuesday Plenary
Women are still bearing the burden of the HIV/AIDS three decades into the epidemic and need to be a priority in research, care, treatment at all levels, experts told delegates today at the XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012) taking place in Washington, D.C. this week.
Treatment as Prevention' Can't Succeed Without a Major Focus on Human Rights
July 24, 2012 - Since 1996 in British Columbia, we have been able to carefully document the impact of progressive expansions of HIV treatment coverage. Our experience serves
as a witness of the power of TasP in preventing morbidity, mortality, and transmission. In brief, we have found that by expanding access to HIV testing and treatment we have driven new AIDS diagnoses to a record low, currently over 85 percent lower than in 1996.
A Map of Loss: The AIDS Quilt Goes Online
July 24, 2012 - The AIDS quilt is so large that even the National Mall cannot hold it all at once. But the Internet can.
Over the last 25 years, families and friends of those who have passed away from AIDS have contributed 6'-by-3' panels -- about the size of an average grave -- to a giant tapestry known as the AIDS Quilt. Today
that quilt is, in a literal sense, monumental, its size a testament to the disease's toll. With nearly 50,000 panels, it weighs more than 53 tons and would cover 1.3 million square feet were it ever to be displayed all at once. It is said to be the largest piece of community folk art in the world.
AIDS Activists March to the White House
July 24, 2012 - When a group of activists shouted Monday as she began her keynote speech at the XIX International AIDS Conference in Washington, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton quipped,
"What would an AIDS conference be without a little protesting?"
HIV/AIDS prevention and care for women faulted
24 July 2012 - Health minister says funding for aboriginal HIV/AIDS groups was protected in budget cuts
The federal government gets a failing grade on supporting girls and women in the fight against HIV/AIDS, according to a new report card.
Syringe exchange expansion in United States would be cost-saving
24 July 2012 - According to a mathematical analysis presented at the 19th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012) in Washington, DC, providing clean syringes to reduce
HIV transmission among Americans who inject drugs is considerably less expensive than treating the new cases of HIV that would occur in the absence of this intervention.

Experts ask: The Treatment as Prevention Revolution - Can we make it real? Is the search for an HIV cure becoming more feasible?
Tuesday, 24 July 2012 (Washington, D.C., United States)- Howard K. Koh, Assistant Secretary for Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, to address the Tuesday Plenary
French President François Hollande to address the plenary via video
"Treatment as Prevention is the biggest scientific revolution in HIV/AIDS since the first antiretrovirals became available in 1996, and access to antiretrovirals has saved millions of lives," said Dr. Elly Katabira,
AIDS 2012 International Chair and President of the International AIDS Society (IAS).

WASHINGTON D.C. - July 24, 2012 - Canada failing women, young women, girls and trans women as it relates to HIV
As a resource-rich, developed country, Canada has the potential to be a model student in addressing legal, ethical and human rights, research, stigma, discrimination,
diagnosis, treatment, prevention, HIV education, care and support needs for women, young women, girls and trans women. Despite this, the Canadian federal government is the dunce in the corner of
the classroom, according to the 2012 Canadian Report Card being released on July 24 by the Coalition for a Blueprint for Action on Women and Girls and HIV/AIDS.
Elton John's Keynote Address at AIDS 2012
24th July 2012- Watch Elton's keynote speech
Can Public-Private Partnerships Help Those who Think Globally, Act Locally?
7/23/2012 . Washington, DC - This session will bring together some of these global leaders to discuss how, in their experience,
public-private partnerships are an innovative way to bring together diverse organizations and target the same goal of efficient local programmes that, at the same time, translate into powerful advocacy tools at the global level.
We Can End AIDS
Washington, D.C. (July 23, 2012) - As tens of thousands of people will convene in Washington, D.C. for the XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012), on July 24th at 12:00pm women will come together to march from the Walter E. Washington Convention Center to Lafayette Square in the WE CAN END AIDS Mobilization for Economic Rights & Human Justice (www.wecanendaids.org).

FDA Grants CLIA Waiver to bioLytical Laboratories INSTT Rapid HIV Test Innovative Screening Assay Detects HIV Antibodies in 60 Seconds or Less
Richmond, BC, Canada - July 23, 2012 - The INSTI(TM) Rapid HIV-1 Antibody Test, the world's only proven 60-second test for HIV/AIDS, is being made more widely available to the U.S. population. Found to meet the CLIA Waived performance requirements for finger-stick blood samples, INSTI(TM) can now be used by HIV testers and healthcare providers in a significantly expanded variety of settings.

HIV/AIDS cases hard to treat and prevent in drug users
Jul 23, 2012 -WASHINGTON, DC (NEWS1130) - Vancouver delegates are in Washington, DC for the International AIDS Conference
Other countries look to Vancouver as a leader in the battle to end new HIV infections and the treatment as prevention model is a good example of that. However, Maxine Davis with the Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation
says doctors here are finding it tough to help those marginalized in the health care system.
B.C. AIDS doctors join international chorus targeting the 'war on drugs'
July 23, 2012 - VANCOUVER - Two prominent Canadian doctors have joined an international campaign calling on world leaders to stop the spread of AIDS by ending the so called war on drugs.

Scientific advances bring HIV/AIDS epidemic to an historic turning point as global leaders meet at AIDS 2012 to discuss investment priorities in HIV/AIDS during the global financial crisis
Monday, 23 July 2012 (Washington, D.C., - United States)- U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci to address the Monday Plenary session
French President François Hollande to address the plenary via video
The huge scientific advances in the treatment and prevention of HIV infection over the past years have created unprecedented optimism that the fight against the HIV/AIDS epidemic can be won, but is being tempered by funding uncertainty amidst the ongoing global financial crisis, delegates heard today at the XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012) taking place in Washington, D.C. this week.

Harper Government targeted at AIDS 2012
Monday July 23, 2012 - Activists angered over funding cuts and regressive government policy protest the Canada exhibit booth
"The Harper government's lack of commitment on HIV and human rights is negligent and shameful", said Alex McClelland of Canada's AIDS ACTION NOW, the group who
organized the demonstration. "We need to act in order to save our lives and our communities", stated McClelland who is living with HIV.
Clinical Study in Rural Uganda Shows High Demand for Antiretroviral Drugs
7/22/2012 - Newswise - UCSF-Led SEARCH Study Suggests People with HIV/AIDS Would Take HIV Medicines at Early Stages of HIV, Before they Were Sick
An ongoing clinical study in rural Uganda, begun in 2011, suggests that many people infected with HIV/AIDS would take antiretroviral drugs if they were available to them-even before they developed symptoms from the disease.
Study examines characteristics, risk factors among HIV-positive persons born outside the US
22-Jul-2012 - WASHINGTON, D.C. - Compares results to persons with HIV born in the US
An examination of the characteristics of persons born outside the United States diagnosed with HIV while living in the U.S. finds that, compared to U.S.-born persons
with HIV, they are more likely to be Hispanic or Asian, and to have a higher percentage of HIV infections attributed to heterosexual contact, according to a study appearing in JAMA being published online.

HIV Suppression Not As Good As Previously Thought, Largest Study of Viral-Load Blood Tests Show
07/22/2012 - HIV-infected young adults, blacks, injection drug users and the uninsured less likely to have disease under control while taking antiretroviral drugs
In what is believed to be the largest and longest review of viral load test results in people with HIV disease ever performed in the United States, researchers found that the number of people sustaining viral suppression -- consistently, at 400 or fewer viral copies per milliliter of blood, year after year -- is roughly 10 percent less than previous estimates.
Researchers step up efforts to find an HIV cure
22 July 2012 - Scientists launched a road map for research into an HIV cure ahead of the 19th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012) in Washington DC, promising international
collaboration and calling for more funding to be devoted to research that can eventually deliver a course of treatment that will, at the minimum, allow people with HIV to remain off medication for life even it can't eradicate HIV from the body.

International AIDS Conference Opens in the U.S. for the First Time in 22 Years at Defining Moment in the History of the AIDS Epidemic
Sunday, 22 July 2012 (Washington, D.C., USA) - Assembled Scientists, Policymakers and Advocates Cautiously Optimistic that with Increased Resources
and Leadership Beginning of the End of the Epidemic is at Hand
"Our return to the United States after a 22-year absence comes at a time of extraordinary hope, a time when we believe that the end of the AIDS epidemic is possible, said
Elly Katabira International Chair of AIDS 2012 and President of the International AIDS Society (IAS).
Por primera vez en 22 años, la International Conferencia Internacional sobre el SIDA se celebra en Estados Unidos, en un momento definitorio para la historia de la epidemia del SIDA.
Los científicos, legisladores y grupos de defensa que se reúnen se muestran cautamente optimistas en relación a que, con más cantidad de recursos y mayor liderazgo, se pueda comenzar a lograr el fin de la epidemia.
Bajo el tema Juntos Cambiando el Rumbo, más de 21000 delegados de más de 195 países se reunieron en Washington, D.C. para la XIX Conferencia Internacional sobre el SIDA (AIDS 2012) con el fin de comenzar la marcha hacia el fin de la epidemia.
President Obama welcomes 2012 International AIDS Conference Attendees
July 22, 2012 - This week, the 19th International AIDS Conference comes to the U.S. for the first time since 1990- thanks to bipartisan action by Presidents Obama
and George W. Bush and the Congress to lift the ban on people living with HIV entering the United States. Thirty thousand participants are expected to attend the world's largest HIV/AIDS conference.

Stars and activists turn out to 'Unite for an AIDS-Free Generation'
WASHINGTON, DC/GENEVA, 21 July 2012- Alicia Keys, Annie Lennox, Bill Gates were part of an inspirational evening to usher in the beginning of the end of AIDS
On the eve of the opening of the historic International AIDS Conference, a stellar cast of artists, political leaders, and community activists came to Washington, D.C. to mark
more than three decades of the global response to the HIV epidemic.

July 21, 2012 - AIDS ACTION NOW! is at AIDS 2012 in Washington D.C. this week to draw attention to the Harper Government's agenda to dismantle our country's health system and HIV
response. We will be vocal and active in variety of ways all week. ACTION = LIFE!

The United States National Institutes of Health, the Centers for AIDS Research and the International AIDS Society announce a new round of innovative HIV research awards
21 July 2012 (Geneva, Switzerland) - The International AIDS Society (IAS), in partnership with the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the NIH-supported
Centers for AIDS Research (CFAR), today announced the launch of the special round Toward an HIV Cure of the joint research grant programme, Creative and Novel Ideas in HIV Research (CNIHR).rship with nations and communities most highly impacted by HIV.

Call at AIDS 2012 for action to remove HIV-related travel restrictions
Saturday, 21 July, 2012 (Washington, D.C.) - HIV Travel Restrictions: Latest Developments
Satellite Session - International AIDS Conference 2012
Washington DC
To date, there are still 46 countries, territories and areas that apply some form of restriction on the entry, stay and residence of people living with
HIV ("HIV-related travel restrictions"). In many cases, these restrictions were put in place when there was great fear and little knowledge about how HIV was transmitted and what the health implications were of being HIV positive.

CTAC at AIDS 2012
July 21, 2012 - The Canadian Treatment Access Council (CTAC) is one of a few selected organizations to participate in the
Global Village at the XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012), which will take place at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. from July 22 - 27, 2012.
Le CCSAT à AIDS 2012
Le Conseil canadien de surveillance et d'accès aux traitements (CCSAT) est l'un des quelques organismes sélectionnés
pour participer au « Village global » à la 19ème Conférence internationale de lutte contre le sida (AIDS 2012), qui aura lieu au
Walter E. Washington Convention Center à Washington, D.C. du 22 au 27 juillet 2012.
DRACONIAN: Love and Death with the War on Drugs
Jul 20, 2012 - DRACONIAN: Love and Death with the War on Drugs is a 10-minute documentary about HIV positive activist Ott Suwannawong and the murderous crackdown on drug users in Thailand in 2003.

Obama Missing 'Historic Opportunity' By Not Appearing In Person At AIDS 2012
July 20, 2012 - "President Barack Obama has a standing invitation to speak at the [XIX International AIDS Conference in Washington, D.C., next week], and he likely would be welcomed with loud cheers given his progressive HIV/AIDS policies," journalist
Jon Cohen writes in a Slate opinion piece. "But Obama apparently can't carve out the time, which both runs the risk of angering a volatile community and squandering a historic opportunity," he continues.

Demonstration Insite Safe Injection Facility Launched at AIDS 2012 Conference
July 20, 2012) - WASHINGTON, DC - At AIDS 2012 the PHS Community Services Society, the non-profit organization that
operates Insite, will demonstrate how and why Insite works. A mock safe injection facility located in the Harm Reduction Networking Zone of the conference will
demystify safer injection and demonstrate the principles that have made the facility a success.

People living with HIV call for stronger focus on access to quality treatment, human rights and involvement
Washington DC/ Amsterdam, 20 July 2012 - LIVING2012: the Positive Leadership Summit ended today on a
high note with people living with HIV making a strong call to global leaders in the HIV response to increase access to quality treatment, protect and promote the rights of people living with HIV and involve people with HIV in scaling up the HIV response.
International AIDS Society and amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research, to Honor Pioneering Iranian Doctors Arash Alaei and Kamiar Alaei with Inaugural Elizabeth Taylor Award
20 July 2012 (Washington, DC) - Brothers to Receive Award from Actress Sharon Stone at Opening Session of XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012)
Dr. Arash Alaei and Dr. Kamiar Alaei sat in prison during the last International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2010) as supporters held signs urging their release. On Sunday, 22 July, the brothers will stand before the assembled AIDS 2012 delegates
to accept the inaugural Elizabeth Taylor Award in Recognition of Efforts to Advocate for Human Rights in the field of HIV to honor their efforts to put issues of drug use and HIV on Iran's national health care agenda and their engagement in human rights issues after their release from prison.

Showcasing Canadian Efforts in the Fight Against HIV/AIDS at AIDS 2012 in Washington
July 20, 2012 - Canada Exhibit, funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada, is a partnership, guided by CAS, of 35 organizations, including federal,
provincial and territorial governments, as well as non-governmental organizations and community-based AIDS service organization. It highlights the work being done in field of HIV/AIDS by over
100 Canadian organizations, both domestically and abroad.
Condom seizures from sex workers are undoing years of progress on HIV/Aids
20 July 2012 - Police in major American cities are using condoms as evidence of sex work, thereby discouraging their use
HIV-positive people speak out ahead of Aids conference - video
20 July 2012 - This video by photographer Gideon Mendel will be shown at the opening of the Aids 2012 conference in Washington DC
The AIDS Response Owes a Great Debt to LGBT Communities
07/20/2012 - As we prepare for the XIX International AIDS Conference in Washington D.C., I reflect with profound admiration and gratitude on the leadership against AIDS by the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) communities
in the United States and across the globe. The global AIDS response would never have reached where it is today without their courageous, inspiring and consistent action and activism over the last 30 years.
WHO endorses use of HIV medicines for prevention
July 20, 2012 - (Reuters) - The World Health Organization has endorsed using HIV medicines among people who do not have the infection
but are at high risk of getting it and suggested that poor and wealthy countries alike set up pilot projects to better understand the benefits.
We are going to win this fight in B.C.'
July 19, 2012 - AIDS expert Dr. Julio Montaner vows to make difference with widespread HIV testing
B.C. is at the forefront of the fight to eliminate HIV worldwide, says B.C.'s standard-bearer.

"Now More Than Ever" Campaign gives voice to thousands restricted from attending the XIX International AIDS Conference in Washington, D.C.
Washington D.C. (July 19, 2012) - Newly re-launched hivhumanrightsnow.org and social media channels will share the stories,
videos and messages from people who use drugs, sex workers and their allies unable to attend the world's largest AIDS conference.
People who use drugs and sex workers are facing legal restrictions from attending the upcoming International AIDS Conference (IAC) in Washington, D.C., despite
the fact that they represent two of the world's populations at highest risk of being or becoming infected with HIV.
AIDS conference in US thanks to Rep. Lee
July 19, 2012 - Washington - The International AIDS Conference will open on U.S. shores for the first time since San Francisco hosted the event in 1990, because Rep. Barbara Lee, an Oakland Democrat,
insisted on ending a U.S. ban on travelers carrying the HIV virus.
Inaugural Global Scientific Strategy Towards an HIV Cure launched ahead of the XIX International AIDS Conference in Washington D.C.
Thursday, 19 July, 2012 (Washington D.C, US) - World´s leading HIV/AIDS Scientists and Stakeholders to gather in Washington D.C. to discuss Global Alliance on HIV Cure research.
The Inaugural Global Scientific Strategy Towards an HIV Cure: was launched today ahead of the XIX International AIDS Conference
amid renewed optimism from the world´s leading HIV/AIDS scientists that the future prospects for finding an HIV cure are increasing.

July 19, 2012 - Canada failing women, young women, girls and trans women as it relates to HIV
Press conference to launch 2012 Canadian Report Card on Women and Girls and HIV/AIDS

International AIDS Society Announces Recipients of Innovative HIV Research Awards
18 July 2012 (Geneva, Switzerland) - The International AIDS Society (IAS) today announced the recipients for the
second round of the research grant programme, Creative and Novel Ideas in HIV Research (CNIHR).

IAS Presidential Award Honours Prof. Michel Kazatchkine for Visionary and Dedicated Leadership in the Fight against AIDS
18 July 2012 (Geneva, Switzerland) - The International AIDS Society (IAS) honours Prof. Michel Kazatchkine, former Executive Director Global Fund to Fight AIDS,
Tuberculosis and Malaria, with the IAS Presidential Award for his extraordinary impact on the global response to the HIV epidemic. During his tenure, Prof. Kazatchkine greatly expanded access to
antiretroviral medications and was an active proponent of human rights, transparency, and meaningful engagement and partnership with nations and communities most highly impacted by HIV.
Infection With 2 HIV Strains Slows Disease Progression
July 18, 2012 - For people infected with HIV-2 and then HIV-1, it takes longer for AIDS to develop, study finds

ViiV Healthcare Expands Commitment to Addressing Gaps in Paediatric HIV Research, Care and Treatment
London, United Kingdom, 18 July, 2012 - ViiV Healthcare Collaborates with Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) & Mylan Pharmaceuticals on First-of-its-Kind Agreement to Provide a Paediatric Dispersible Fixed Dose Combination for Treatment of HIV
ViiV Healthcare today announced a broad range of groundbreaking initiatives as part of its ongoing commitment to address the gaps in care and treatment of paediatric HIV.
Donor nation support for HIV stands firm but investments remain at 2008 levels
WASHINGTON, D.C., July 18, 2012 - U.S. continues to account for more than half of all donor government investments
Donor nation funding in 2011 for HIV in low- and middle-income countries returned to prior levels after a drop in 2010, but has been roughly flat since the recession
hit world economies in 2008, according to an annual funding analysis from the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS).

FDA Approves Drug To Reduce Risk Of HIV Infection
18 Jul 2012 - This is the first drug the FDA has indicated for uninfected adults at high risk of acquiring HIV through sex.
St. Paul's gave six years to our son, Dr. Peter
July 18, 2012 - On Sept. 28, 1986, our son, Peter, was admitted to St. Paul's Hospital on life support with AIDS. He was a young doctor who had just completed his medical internship at Ottawa General.

New ad campaign wants everyone to take HIV test
July 18, 2012 - VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) - 3500 people in BC are believed to have the disease and not know it
HIV researchers in BC are hoping you will get tested for the disease. A new ad campaign called Change HIVstory hopes to reach those who might not know they have the disease.

Vancouver Coastal Health & Providence Health Care aim to change the course of "HIVstory"
July 18, 2012 - VANCOUVER, BC - Vancouver Coastal Health and Providence Health Care unveiled a bold new campaign today to stop HIV in Vancouver.
CHANGE HIVSTORY makes Vancouver the epicentre of a movement that will change history: the beginning of the end of HIV.
Hepatitis C may increase deaths from both liver-related and other diseases
JULY 18, 2012 - In a long-term study of people infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV), researchers found increased deaths from
both liver-related and non-liver related diseases in patients with active infections who had not cleared their infection.

It's Different Now -
Campaign Launch - Change HIVSTORY
July 18, 2012 - VANCOUVER, BC - Vancouver Coastal Health and Providence Health Care unveiled a bold new campaign today to stop HIV in Vancouver. CHANGE HIVSTORY,
the official campaign launch was held at the UBC Theatre C.300 at UBC Robson Square, 800 Robson Street from 2:15pm - 3:30pm.

Call for Volunteers Canada Exhibit 2012
July 17, 2012 - Staffing the exhibit can be a rewarding and exciting venture if you set your mind to it. it can also be tedious and tiring if you approach it with that expectation. This short document is put together to help you get the most out of your time at the exhibit and to make it more enjoyable.
June 27, 2012 - Travailler sur l'exposition peut être une expérience gratifiante et passionnante si vous y êtes préparé(e). cela peut également vous sembler fastidieux et fatigant si vous arrivez avec ce sentiment en tête. Ce court document est rédigé afin de vous aider à profiter le plus possible de votre temps sur l'exposition et de rendre celui-ci le plus agréable possible.
HIV drug creator Antonin Holy dies at 75
July 17, 2012 - Czech scientist Antonin Holy, who played an important role in creating drugs to treat HIV and AIDS, has died at the age of 75, the Czech Academy of Sciences said on Tuesday.
A look at the history of AIDS in the U.S.
July 17, 2012 - Robert Gallo and Luc Montagnier identified HIV - the virus that causes AIDS - in 1983. The three decades since have seen wide medical and cultural advancements in our understanding of the virus. The years have also brought much
hardship and controversy. Here's a photographic history of the AIDS epidemic in the United States.

The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network highlights some of the top issues on the agenda in Washington, and what they mean in the Canadian context.

High level speakers announced for XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012)
Tuesday, 17 July 2012 (Washington, D.C., USA) - U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Former U.S. First Lady Laura Bush, South African Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe,
U.S. Senators John Kerry and Lindsey Graham, U.S. House of Representatives Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi , U.S. Congresswoman Barbara Lee, World Bank President Jim Yong Kim, UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé and The Earth
Institute Director Jeffrey Sachs confirmed to address the XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012) in Washington, D.C.
Some 25,000 Scientists, People Living with HIV, and other stakeholders expected to attend AIDS 2012
Wolf Blitzer talks to a doctor about Truvada, a new HIV prevention drug
Published on Jul 16, 2012 - CNN's Wolf Blitzer talks to a doctor about Truvada, a new drug approved to prevent HIV infection.
Pelosi Statement on FDA Approval of New Antiretroviral Treatment in Fight Against HIV/AIDS
July 16, 2012 - Washington, D.C. - Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement today after the Food and Drug Administration
announced its approval of the use of a new antiretroviral treatment for HIV prevention:

New CDC Campaign Fights Stigma and Apathy Fueling HIV Epidemic
July 16, 2012 - To combat two major obstacles to HIV prevention-stigma associated with the infection and complacency about the epidemic-the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention today launched Let's Stop HIV Together, a national communication campaign that gives voice to Americans living with HIV, and to their loved ones.
Washington, D.C. Declaration: Dr. Julio Montaner, AIDS Expert, Urges Canada's Leaders To Sign Declaration To Fight AIDS
July 16, 2012 - VANCOUVER -The director of the B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, Dr. Julio Montaner, issued an open letter Monday calling on the prime minister, premiers and opposition leaders to sign the Washington, D.C., Declaration.
AIDS Quilt Hung in National Cathedral
July 16, 2012 - The National Cathedral is hosting six blocks from the AIDS Memorial Quilt now through July 26.

JULY 16, 2012 - In partnership with the International AIDS Society, the Kaiser Family Foundation is the official webcaster of the XIX International
AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012) - the premier gathering for those working in the field of HIV, as well as policy makers, persons living with HIV and other individuals committed to ending the pandemic.
Kaiser will provide online access to the daily developments that take place at the conference in Washington, D.C. beginning this Sunday, July 22.
Aboriginal HIV/AIDS to Receive Focus at World's Largest AIDS Conference
OTTAWA, July 16, 2012 /CNW/ - Canadian Government Efforts Help Move Issue to Main Session
For the first time ever, the issue of AIDS in Aboriginal populations will be discussed in the main conference program at next week's international HIV and AIDS conference
in Washington D.C. This is thanks in part to efforts of the Canadian Government and the Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network, who have worked together to advance this important issue.

AIDS-Free World versus Coca-Cola
July 16, 2012 - This is a story of which AIDS-Free World is justly proud. It is, we feel, a dramatic testament to the power of principled advocacy.
Since April 24th, 2011-when Sizzla, a Jamaican Dancehall performer, sang an anthem calling for the murder of gays and lesbians at a concert sponsored by Coca-Cola in Montego Bay,
Jamaica-AIDS-Free World has demanded that the multinational corporation denounce the performance, apologize for the irreparable harm caused by putting an international microphone in the hands of a violent
bigot, and create institutional safeguards to guarantee that performers like Sizzla never cash a Coca-Cola paycheck again.
Teenagers living with HIV show what life's like in their shoes
July 15, 2012 - Undefeated, a film produced to reduce the stigma surrounding HIV in the UK, will reach a global audience at Aids 2012
Congresswoman Lee Introduces Bi-Partisan Resolution Calling for Continued International Cooperation to Combat HIV/AIDS
July 13, 2012 - Washington, D.C. - "AIDS is still the greatest humanitarian crisis of our lifetime," said Congresswoman Lee. "As we work to turn the tide together,
America's need for a greater AIDS response underscores that AIDS 2012 is an important and long overdue opportunity for our domestic epidemic to become part of a global effort."

International AIDS Society and the U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse Award New Fellowships for Outstanding Research in Drug Use and HIV at AIDS 2012
13 July 2012 (Geneva, Switzerland) - The International AIDS Society (IAS) and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) today announced the recipients of their fourth annual joint research fellowships. Five young researchers
from Bangladesh, Greece, the Islamic Republic of Iran and Tajikistan will receive US$75,000 each to pursue groundbreaking research to advance the scientific understanding of the linkage between drug use and HIV, while fostering multinational research.
Why We Fight: Speech by Vito Russo
Published on Jul 21, 2012 - A powerful and important speech by queer and AIDS activist Vito Russo at the ACT UP Demonstration in Albany, New York, May 9, 1988.

African and US AIDS Advocates Issue a Call to Action Ahead of the International AIDS Conference Urging Global Leaders to Make Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision a Priority
July 12, 2012 - New York, NY, - African and US AIDS advocates today issued A Call to Action on Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision: Implementing
a Key Component of Combination Prevention , a new report calling for rapid scale-up of voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) and providing detailed recommendations to increase VMMC rates
and prevent millions of HIV infections in African countries in the next decade.

The Dr. Peter Centre Experience of Integrating Supervised Injection Service into Health Care and Community
In June 2012, the OHTN was very fortunate to welcome three pivotal members of the Dr. Peter Centre in Vancouver, BC
Maxine Davis, Executive Director, Rosalind Baltzer-Turje, Director of Operations and Patrick McDougall, Knowledge Translation & Evaluation Officer to discuss their implementation of harm reduction services into the centre.
Duke to Receive $139 Million Grant for HIV Vaccine
July 12, 2012 - DURHAM, N.C. - Next phase of CHAVI will focus on creating effective vaccines for HIV prevention.
A large federal grant awarded to Duke University will fund a highly focused program to discover how to induce the precise immune factors needed for effective vaccines against HIV.

Kaiser Releases Updated, Special Edition HIV/AIDS Reporting Manual for Journalists
July 12, 2012 - The Kaiser Family Foundation has released an updated reporting manual on HIV/AIDS ahead of the XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012)
taking place in Washington, D.C. this summer. This reporting guide is designed for journalists who are covering the global epidemic for the first time and for those who have covered it previously. The
material in this special AIDS 2012 edition covers a broad range of subjects including the unique challenges of reporting on HIV/AIDS, treatment and prevention strategies and global efforts to finance the campaign against HIV/AIDS.
'Treatment As Prevention' Rises As Cry In HIV Fight
July 12, 2012 - The idea is that identifying people infected with HIV and getting them in effective treatment as soon as possible not only prevents them from getting sick but almost eliminates the risk
they'll pass the virus on to others.

Publication of PrEP Trial Data Provides Clear Evidence that PrEP Works for Men and Women; AVAC Lays out Priorities to Ensure Access
July 11, 2012 - New York, NY, - Publication of data from three trials of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for
HIV - including the pivotal Partners PrEP trial - today in the New England Journal of Medicine provides strong evidence that HIV-negative men and women who
consistently take a daily antiretroviral (ARV) pill (either TDF/FTC, brand name Truvada, or TDF, brand name Viread) can significantly reduce their risk of HIV infection.
UW scientists discover why human body cannot fight HIV infection
July 11. 2012 - Gale Lab publishes results that could lead to new drug therapies
The researchers discovered that the viral protein vpu, which is created by HIV during infection, directly interferes with the immune response
protein IRF3 to dampen the ability of the immune system to protect against virus infection.
UCSF Leaders Play Key Role in "DC Declaration" to End Global AIDS Epidemic
July 11, 2012 - A declaration calling for global support to end the AIDS epidemic was announced on July 10 by the International AIDS Society, with key support from the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF).

HIV Drug Reduces Graft-versus-Host Disease in Bone Marrow Transplant Patients
July 11, 2012 - PHILADELPHIA - An HIV drug that redirects immune cell traffic significantly reduces the incidence of a dangerous complication that often follows bone marrow transplants for blood cancer patients, according to research from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania that will be published today in the New England Journal of Medicine.

In Support of the Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation
July 26TH, 2012, 6:00pm - 9:00PM
Join us at the Loden Hotel Penthouse for a Pride Cocktail Kickoff with proceeds going to the Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation.

Shionogi - ViiV Healthcare announces positive initial data from phase III study of dolutegravir-based regimen vs Atripla in HIV
London, United Kingdom, 11 July 2012: Shionogi-ViiV Healthcare LLC today announced that initial results have been received from the Phase III SINGLE (ING114467) study of the investigational integrase inhibitor dolutegravir in treatment-naïve adults with HIV-1. The study demonstrated superiority of the dolutegravir-based regimen compared to the single tablet regimen Atripla®.
Early antiretroviral therapy improves neurodevelopment in HIV-positive infants
July 11, 2012 - Starting antiretroviral therapy soon after birth improves
neurodevelopment in HIV-positive infants, South African investigators report in the online edition of AIDS. The development observed in children who
started treatment early was in most respects similar to that seen in HIV-negative children.
Vito Russo's 'Why We Fight': Revisiting the Explosive 1988 AIDS Speech
July 11, 2012 - During the AIDS epidemic Vito watched the world he loved crumble beneath his feet. By the time Vito received his AIDS diagnosis in 1985, the epidemic was well
into its first decade, and thousands had already died. Vito had long been involved in empowering his community, so he found a way to channel his rage and grief into effective and history-making activism. "Why We Fight" was a fiery 1988 speech given before a tumultuous crowd of angry ACT UP demonstrators at the New York State Capitol in Albany.

International AIDS Society and Partners Recognize Outstanding Researchers from Around the World at AIDS 2012
11 July 2012 (Washington, D.C.) - Women, Girls and HIV Investigator Prize; IAS/ANRS Young Investigator Award; IAS/Coalition for Children Affected by AIDS Prize for Excellence in Research Related to the Needs
of Children Affected by AIDS; and IAS TB/HIV Prize to be Presented to Pioneering Researchers from Australia, Belgium, Botswana, Canada, India, Uganda, and the U.S.
The International AIDS Society (IAS) today announced nine winners of four prestigious scientific awards to be presented during the XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012) to be held in Washington, D.C. , 22-27 July.
Potential Cause of HIV-associated Dementia Revealed
July 10, 2012 - WASHINGTON - Researchers at Georgetown University Medical Center appear to have solved the
mystery of why some patients infected with HIV, who are using antiretroviral therapy and show no signs of AIDS, develop serious depression as well as profound problems with memory, learning, and motor function. The finding might also provide a way to test people with HIV to determine their risk for developing dementia.

Media announcement: LIVING2012: The Positive Leadership Summit Washington DC, 19-20 July 2012
10 July 2012 - Amsterdam - Immediately prior to AIDS 2012, the 19th International AIDS Conference, over 300 people
living with HIV from communities and organizations across the globe, will be gathering in Washington DC for LIVING 2012: The Positive Leadership Summit. This Summit is an event organized for and by people living with HIV.

Washington, D.C. Declaration Calls for Renewed Global Urgency To Turn the Tide on HIV and End the AIDS Epidemic
10 July 2012 (Washington, D.C.) - Prominent Scientists, Doctors, Community Advocates, People Living with HIV Urge Citizens of the World to Unite in Efforts to Begin to End the AIDS Epidemic
A declaration calling for global support to end the AIDS epidemic was announced today by the International AIDS Society (IAS) and the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF),
AIDS 2012: Official provider of online scientific news
July 10, 2012 - NAM is proud to provide the official online scientific news coverage for the 19th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012).
This is our fourth year as the International AIDS Society's official scientific news partner. The conference is taking place later this month and our preparations are well underway!
Campaign - Opening AIDS 2012
The Executive Director of UNAIDS Michel Sidibé will be among the high-level speakers at the official opening of AIDS 2012 which is taking place from 19:00-21:00 on Sunday 22 July
in Washington DC. The Conference will bring together the world's top AIDS researchers, community leaders, and other stakeholders. An estimated 25,000 attendees are expected to attend AIDS 2012, which will take place from 22 to 27 July under the theme "Turning the Tide Together".
Pilot project aims to stem HIV infection in Metro Vancouver
July 10, 2012 - People at risk of infection can access free antiretroviral drug program within 72 hours
Lower Mainland residents who may have been exposed to HIV infection through shared needles or unprotected sex can now access free antiretroviral drugs within 72 hours through a new 18-month pilot project.

B.C.'s Treatment as Prevention Strategy Expands with Pilot Project for Non-Occupational High-Risk Exposure to HIV
Vancouver, British Columbia (July 9, 2012) - Non-occupational Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (NPEP) Aims to Reduce HIV Infections
The BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS (BC-CfE) today announced the launch of an 18-month pilot program to prevent infection in people who have had high-risk exposures to HIV through sex or sharing needles.
Phill Wilson on AIDS in Black America
Published on Jul 9, 2012 - Phill Wilson is the Executive Director of the Black AIDS Institute and a leader in the movement to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS in black America.

Substantial Private Sector, NGO, and Foundation Support Helps Ensure Success of the Largest Global Meeting on HIV - XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012)
9 July 2012 (Washington, D.C., - United States) - Major private sector, NGO, and foundation sponsors include Abbott Virology, Bristol-Myers Sqibb, Chevron, Gilead, Janssen, Kaiser Permanente, Levi Strauss & Co., MAC AIDS Fund, Merck, Mylan, TD Bank, and ViiV Healthcare
Organizers of the XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012) - to be held in Washington, D.C., Unites States from 22 to 27 July 2012 - today announced significant private sector support for the Conference, including six major industry sponsors, fourteen corporate sponsors, and fourteen private donors.

NIH to present the latest AIDS research advances at AIDS
July 9, 2012 - The latest research illuminating progress and challenges in AIDS prevention and treatment and the search for a cure for HIV infection will be presented by investigators supported by the U.S. National Institutes of Health at the XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012).
PEPFAR HIV/AIDS programs linked to uptick in babies born at health facilities in sub-saharan Africa
9-Jul-2012. - Finding suggests that HIV programs do not displace life-saving maternal health services in study facilities
The study is published in the July edition of the journal Health Affairs, a theme issue about the impact of PEPFAR.
Researchers offer new approach to track former prisoners' access to community HIV care
9-Jul-2012 - PROVIDENCE, R.I. - Currently no systems exist to measure and assess follow-up care for newly released HIV-positive inmates
A new monitoring approach developed by researchers from The Miriam Hospital could close a major gap by providing the ability to track whether HIV-positive
prisoners are getting the community-based HIV care they need once they are released.

TORONTO, July 9, 2012 - Decriminalize drugs for personal use. Repeal laws that criminalize sex work. Implement comprehensive harm reduction services in prisons.
Ensure access to health services for migrants. Fully enforce measures to end violence against women and ensure access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services. Create simple mechanisms for access to lower-cost, generic medicines and adopt a global moratorium on international trade agreements that would limit such access.

AHF: OBAMA appears to be M.I.A. for D.C. International AIDS Conference
09 Jul 2012 - D.C. Press Conf. Monday, July 9th, 10:30am
Two weeks prior to the opening of the International AIDS Society's XIX International AIDS Conference, in Washington, DC, Sunday, July 22, 2012, which is being held in the United States for the first time in more than 20 years, advocates from AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) and other groups are expressing surprise and dismay that the White House has given no indication whatsoever if President Obama will address the conference, which is being attended by over 25,000 leading AIDS scientists, researchers, medical providers, patients and advocates from around the world.

Nondisclosure of HIV status should be decriminalized: report
July 09, 2012 - Sex work, possession of drugs for personal use and nondisclosure of HIV should all be decriminalized, according to a report released Monday by the Global Commission on HIV and the Law.

Press Release: HIV and the Law: Risks, Rights and Health
NEW YORK, 9 July 2012 - Independent high-level commission finds that an epidemic of bad laws and human rights abuses is stifling the global AIDS response
Landmark report finds evidence that enforcing punitive laws hinders HIV responses and wastes resources. Commission urgently calls for laws that protect human rights to save lives, save money and end the epidemic.
Punitive laws and human rights abuses are costing lives, wasting money and stifling the global AIDS response, according to a report by the Global Commission on HIV and the Law, an independent body of global leaders and experts.

Scotiabank Vancouver AIDS Walk For Life 2012
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Sunset Beach, Vancouver, BC
10:00 am - Registration opens 11:00 am
- Opening Ceremonies 11:30 am
- WALK begins 1:00 pm
Support, passion and love can make a difference, and 27 years ago the Positive Living Society of BC launched
the first Canadian AIDS WALK to prove it. Since then they have been walking strong. They have been walking for a change. They have been walking for life.
"ENDGAME: AIDS in Black America" | PBS
Coming July 10, 2012. FRONTLINE explores one of the country's most urgent, preventable health crises -- uncovering why HIV is so much worse in black America.

GLOBVAC Awards US$1.7 Million for vaccine research on Vacc-4x
[Oslo 6 July 2012] - GLOBVAC Awards Bionor Pharma US$1.7 Million to Advance Research Towards an HIV Cure Using Vaccine Vacc-4x. Award Represents Vital Step to Research Future Solutions for People Living with HIV.
Bionor Pharma ASA (OSE: BIONOR) announced today that the Research Council of Norway through its GLOBVAC program (for Global Health and Vaccination Research) has awarded Bionor approx. US$1.7 million (NOK 10,48 mill.) towards funding for
a study that researchers hope will lead to a better understanding of how Vacc-4x can contribute to an eradication strategy for HIV. Bionor is the only company from Industrial Sector approved for funding.

HIV treatment now reaching more than 6 million people in sub-Saharan Africa
GENEVA, 6 July 2012 - More than 100-fold increase in access to HIV treatment in less than a decade. African Union to review roadmap to increase access to medicines and ensure sustainable financing.
For the second year in a row, an additional 1.1 million people in sub-Saharan Africa received antiretroviral therapy, reaching a total of 6.2 million people across the region in 2011.

Next Front In Worldwide AIDS Battle: Stretching Use of Anti-HIV Drugs
07/05/2012 - A Johns Hopkins expert in the drug treatment of HIV disease and AIDS is spearheading an international effort
to radically shift the manufacturing and prescribing of combination therapies widely credited in the last decade for keeping the disease in check for 8 million of the 34 million infected people worldwide.
FDA approves first DNA test to help manage CMV infection in organ transplant patients
July 5, 2012 - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved the first DNA test to help health care professionals gauge the progress of anti-viral treatment in solid organ transplant patients undergoing cytomegalovirus (CMV) antiviral therapy.
Detectable viral load and low nadir CD4 cell count increase the risk of heart attack for people with HIV
July 5, 2012 - A detectable viral load, a low nadir CD4 cell count and an elevated CD8 cell count are
associated with an increased risk of heart attack for people with HIV, French investigators report in Clinical Infectious Diseases.

The Canadian Treatment Action Council (CTAC) celebrates 50 years of public health care in Saskatchewan by urging substantial action on the province's HIV and co-infection crisis
July 5, Toronto, ON - 2012 marks 50 years of public health care in Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan was the first jurisdiction in North America to adopt a program
of universal health care in 1962. The Canadian Treatment Action Council (CTAC) celebrates this milestone by urging national attention to demand substantial action on the escalating HIV and viral Hepatitis co-infection crisis in the province.
Stitching AIDS History
July 4, 2012 - The AIDS quilt returns to the National Mall to mark 25 years of bearing witness to a crisis
The full quilt is now too big to fit on the National Mall, where it was last unfolded in 1996. So, as part of the Smithsonian Folklife Festival's "Creativity and Crisis" program, organizers with the Atlanta, Ga.-based NAMES Project
will rotate 1,000 panels every few days and display others in more than 50 locations around the city, such as Arena Stage.
Health Canada mum on future availability of in-home oral HIV test
July 04, 2012 - Health Canada and the company responsible for an oral HIV test approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for home use are staying mum on
whether the product will soon be available in Canada.
United in Anger: A History of ACT UP
July 4, 2012 - If the AIDS crisis has crested, it's due in large part to the radical advocacy group so intelligently portrayed in
"United in Anger: A History of ACT UP," a documentary that could have been a lot angrier but aims to educate rather than agitate.

AIDS 2012: A historic gathering
July 03, 2012 - More than 20,000 people from nearly 200 countries will come together for the 19th International AIDS Conference in Washington, D.C., July 22-27. With President Obama's 2009
lifting of the nation's entry restrictions on people living with HIV, this will be the first International AIDS Conference to be held in the United States in 22 years.
FDA approves over-the-counter OraQuick HIV test
July 3, 2012 - (CBS/AP) WASHINGTON - Americans will be able to test to see if they are HIV positive in the comfort of their own homes, thanks to a new over-the-counter FDA-approved test.
Routine, non-targeted HIV testing feasible and acceptable in UK, study concludes
02 July 2012 - A London-based study in which HIV tests were offered in a non-targeted manner to as many patients as possible between the ages of 16 and 65 has concluded that routine HIV testing in higher-prevalence areas in the UK is feasible and acceptable.
On the Frontlines of Global Pandemics: Peter Piot's Memoir, 'No Time to Lose'
July 1, 2012 - From helping identify the Ebola virus to leading the charge against AIDS, Peter Piot has been on the frontlines of the global
fight against pandemics. In his new memoir he shares his remarkable life-and what we should be afraid of next.
SAN DIEGO - (July 1, 2012) - Novel Mechanism Plays Major Role in Inflammation
Like detectives seeking footprints and other clues on a television "whodunit," science can also benefit from analyzing the tracks of important players in the body's molecular landscape. Klaus Ley, M.D. , a
scientist at the La Jolla Institute for Allergy & Immunology, has done just that and illuminated a key step in the journey of inflammation-producing immune cells.

Suits Sunset Dinner Cruise
Boarding 6:30PM | 501 Denman
Come kick off Pride with us aboard the Constitution Paddle Wheeler! Take in the sunset and a scrumptious meal.
Our public Sunset Dinner Cruise is a fabulous 2.5 hour evening cruise with a full 2 entree west coast buffet style dinner on-board.