Positively Positive - Living with HIV/AIDS:
HIV/AIDS News Archive - January 2013
Mistrust of government often deters older adults from HIV testing
January 31, 2013 - One out of every four people living with HIV/AIDS is 50 or older, yet these older individuals are far more likely to be
diagnosed when they are already in the later stages of infection. Such late diagnoses put their health, and the health of others, at greater risk than would have been the case with earlier detection.

Our entire series on St. Paul's Hospital now available as an e-book
During our eight-month project called Heartbeat, we spent weeks in the corridors, operating rooms, wards and crumbling corners of St. Paul's. Now we've turned the series into an e-book, complete with more than 100 colour photos and video.

In Michigan, effort to enforce HIV "health threat" law raises questions
January 30th, 2013 - ANN ARBOR, Mich - Michigan health officials are using HIV surveillance technologies to assist in enforcing a "health threat" law that makes it illegal for HIV-positive people to have sex without disclosing their status.

Ten Thousand Villages and AIDS Vancouver partner to support AIDS Vancouver Grocery program
Couponing for AIDS Vancouver! A fundraiser for the AIDS Vancouver Grocery program
On Saturday, February 9th, 15% of your purchase at Ten Thousand Villages in Vancouver will be donated to the AIDS Vancouver Grocery Program!
Tenofovir gel wins out in drug absorption study, but HIV prevention trials say differently
PITTSBURGH, Jan. 30, 2012 - Results reported in PLOS ONE indicate drug distribution alone does not influence effectiveness
A novel head-to-head study looking at differences in how the antiretroviral (ARV) drug tenofovir gets absorbed in the body as either an oral tablet or a vaginal gel found tenofovir gel can achieve
substantially higher concentrations of active drug in vaginal tissue than the oral tablet, suggesting that tenofovir gel should be highly effective in protecting women against HIV transmitted through vaginal sex.

Rise Up to HIV: There's No Shame About Being HIV-Positive
January 30, 2013 - By Kevin Maloney, HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C awareness advocate
The "Rise Up to HIV" campaign was inspired by an image of Chelsea Clinton holding a sign for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. My vision for this campaign
is to mobilize people across the United States and the world who are willing to stand up in an effort to reduce HIV stigma. Participants are empowered by the act of pairing a simple statement with their personal story and photo.
In turn, these stories inspire hope and empower others to fight stigma.

Mistrust of government often deters older adults from HIV testing
Detroit, Michigan- January 29, 2013 - VSM Enterprises, LLC announces a safe sex app with a funny spin. Disputing the old adage that "Real Men Use Rulers",
today's modern man can now measure the length and girth of male genitalia with an iPhone or iPad and identify the best condom based solely on the facts!

Community Involvement central in Global Fund New Funding Model
29 January 2013, Amsterdam - As the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund) rapidly transitions to its
New Funding Model (NFM), the Communities Living with HIV, TB and affected by Malaria Delegation (Communities Delegation) supported by the Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+) convened a consultation on 25th and 26th January 2013 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Personalized Strategies to Address Barriers to HIV Drug Adherence Boost Chances of Successful Therapy, Penn Medicine Study Shows
January 29, 2013 - PHILADELPHIA - HIV patients who participated in an intervention that helped them identify barriers to taking their drugs properly and
develop customized coping strategies took a significantly greater amount of their prescribed doses than those receiving standard care, according to a new study from researchers in the Perelman
School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. The results, published this week in JAMA Internal Medicine, may point to a new strategy to improve adherence to medications for many other conditions.
Kaiser Permanente Study Reveals Two-Fold Higher Incidence of Non-Melanoma Skin Cancers for Individuals with HIV
January 29, 2013 - OAKLAND, Calif., - HIV-positive patients have a higher incidence of non-melanoma skin cancers, according to a Kaiser
Permanente study that appears in the current online issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute . Specifically, basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas occur more than twice as often among HIV-positive individuals compared to those who are HIV-negative.

CDC Report Highlights Need to Invigorate Services for Native Americans Living with HIV
January 29, 2013 - Denver - According to the report, American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians are not accessing or receiving the
care and attention that they require to in order to maintain their health after an HIV diagnoses.
African First Ladies come together to mark a decade of work in the AIDS response
29 January 2013 - The Organization of African First Ladies against HIV/AIDS (OAFLA) came together on 28 January to mark its 10-year anniversary and held its annual Extra Ordinary General Assembly
on the side-lines of the African Union Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé attended the anniversary luncheon and congratulated the organization for its contribution to the AIDS response.
Predicting survival among those aging with HIV infection
January 29, 2013 -(Medical Xpress) - A new collaborative study led by Yale, the VA Healthcare System, and the North American Cohort Collaboration supports the accuracy of an index used for predicting mortality as patients with HIV age. The study appears in the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes (JAIDS).
Half of at-risk older adults aren't getting routine HIV screening
January 29, 2013 - One in four people with HIV/AIDS is over 50, yet older adults are more often diagnosed at a late stage than younger people. Despite this, nearly half of older adults visiting a public health clinic where HIV/AIDS is prevalent were not screened for the disease in the past 12 months, finds a study in The Gerontologist.
President of South Africa says Africa must deal effectively with HIV to reduce maternal mortality on the side-lines of the African Union Summit
28 January 2013 - "HIV still contributes to about 40% of maternal and child deaths in South Africa. This means that unless we deal decisively with HIV we will not be able to reduce maternal and child mortality to any significant extent," said President Zuma.

The HIV stigma on Aboriginal reserves
January 24, 2013 - Guest writer Janet Madsen from Positive Women's Network: "Although Canada is an amazing country in so many ways, it has a history of racism, abuse, and betrayal of Aboriginal people
Like many in HIV support and care communities around the world, I am reflecting on last month's World AIDS Day and its slogan "Getting to Zero." What would it take?
Pitt team finds 'Achilles Heel' of key HIV replication protein
PITTSBURGH, Jan. 24, 2013 - Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine may have found an "Achilles heel" in a key HIV protein. In findings published online today in Chemistry and Biology,
they showed that targeting this vulnerable spot could stop the virus from replicating, potentially thwarting HIV infection from progressing to full-blown AIDS.
HIV-Like Viruses in Non-Human Primates Have Existed Much Longer Than Previously Thought
Jan. 24, 2013 - Viruses similar to those that cause AIDS in humans were present in non-human primates in Africa at least 5 million years ago and perhaps up to 12 million years ago, according to
study published January 24 in the Open Access journal PLOS Pathogens by scientists at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Until now, researchers have hypothesized that such viruses originated much more recently.

Sex is just as good with a condom as without, and scientists now have proof
January 23, 2013 - The study, published this month in the Journal of Sexual Medicine
revealed that neither men nor women reported any significant decrease in sexual pleasure when using condoms and lubricants.
Charlize Theron takes anti-AIDS fight to Davos
Jan. 23, 3013 - REUTERS - South African-born film star Charlize Theron delivers a personal plea for
funding in the battle against HIV-AIDS on the opening evening of the World Economic Forum in Davos. Kathi Urban reports.
UNAIDS launches e-consultation to ensure AIDS remains central in the Post-2015 Agenda
23 January 2013 - In order to capture a diverse a range of voices and views on how AIDS and health should be reflected Post-2015, UNAIDS is hosting an online and open-to-all consultation.
This online conversation will run for two weeks, between 21 January and 3 February, and will be hosted on the official UN and Civil Society joint platform on Post-2015 negotiations, the World We Want.

Ugandan HIV campaign targets "cheaters"
KAMPALA, 23 January 2013 (PlusNews) - "Let's be realistic... The HIV infections among married couples are high. So what we are putting
across is that if you must cheat, remember to use a condom in order to protect your partner," Mina Nakawuka, AHF's regional director of advocacy and public relations, told
IRIN/PlusNews. "Those who cheat must use condoms correctly and consistently. Those who feel cheated [on] must take an HIV test. If we don't do that, we shall not be able to reduce HIV infections in Uganda."
Into the light
January 2013 - In Asia Pacific an estimated 500,000 people who inject drugs are HIV+. In many countries,
repressive laws fuel HIV transmission, denying drug users access to health and social services. Through a series of intimate portraits, this film
highlights the impact of HIV harm reduction efforts carried out by the Red Cross in Cambodia and Viet Nam.

One in 10 Young MSM in 21 US Cities Tested Positive for HIV in 2008
23 January 2013 - HIV prevalence stood at 10% among young men who have sex with men (MSM) tested in 21 US cities in 2008. The new infection rate (incidence) was highest in blacks.

Global Fund Executive Director Calls for Focused Action to Fight Infectious Disease
22 January 2013 - OSLO - Mark Dybul, Executive Director of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria said today that concentrated action
will achieve significantly greater impact on infectious diseases that threaten maternal and child health.
American Red Cross Helps People Living with HIV in Vietnam
January 22, 2013 - The province of Thai Nguyen, which has the fourth highest rate of HIV infections in the country, faces many challenges in dealing with HIV and the people it impacts.
Large study shows the hepatic safety of HIV therapy
22 January 2013 - Results from a large study published in the online edition of Clinical Infectious Diseases provide reassurance about the hepatic safety of antiretroviral drugs.
Investigators from the D:A:D study into the side-effects of HIV treatment found that liver-related deaths caused by the toxicities of antiretrovirals were extremely rare. Older anti-HIV drugs no longer recommended for
routine use were associated with the few liver-related deaths that did occur.
BHIVA and EAGA position statement on the use of antiretroviral therapy to reduce HIV transmission: January 2013
January 22, 2013 - EAGA has worked with the British HIV Association (BHIVA) to prepare this position statement to help clinicians and health promoters translate
the evidence on HIV treatment as prevention and thus support patients to make an informed decision about starting treatment based on their individual circumstances.
Australian researchers project that many HIV-positive people will run out of treatment options
22 January 2013 - Running out of antiretroviral treatment options may severely curtail the life expectancy of people with HIV in resource-rich
countries, according to Australian research published in the online edition of AIDS. The research expands upon a study presented at the Eleventh International Congress on Drug Therapy in HIV Infection in Glasgow last year.
Stopping smoking reduces risk of bacterial pneumonia in people with HIV
22-Jan-2013 - Bacterial pneumonia is one of the commonest and most serious infections occurring in people infected with HIV.
A metanalysis of cohort and case control studies published in BioMed Central's open access journal BMC Medicine finds that current smokers with HIV were at double the risk of bacterial
pneumonia than non-smoking counterparts, but that when people stopped smoking their risk was reduced.
Immune cells engineered in lab to resist HIV infection, Stanford study shows
22-Jan-2013 - STANFORD, Calif. - Researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine have found a novel way to engineer key cells
of the immune system so they remain resistant to infection with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
Management of hypertension reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease for HIV-positive people with high blood pressure
21 January 2013 - New Swiss research has shown the benefits of treating hypertension in HIV-positive people. The investigators calculated that the reduction in blood pressure achieved by their
patients would "significantly reduce cardiovascular endpoints". Traditional, rather than HIV-associated, risk factors were associated with increases in blood pressure.
European HIV vaccine research
21 January 2013 - As part of our European HIV prevention work, NAM is collaborating with AVAC to provide a series of webinars (conference calls
with accompanying slides) to train and inform prevention advocates and anyone interested in the newest developments in HIV prevention technology in Europe.
University warns students about possible HIV, hepatitis exposure after exercise
January 19, 2013 - Regina - First Nations University of Canada is trying to track down students who took part in blood-typing exercises at the school
over the last decade, saying there's a small chance they may have been exposed to such diseases as hepatitis and HIV.

Rapid pace of liver damage in recent HCV co-infection
18 January 2013 - Among HIV-positive people, subsequent HCV infection is associated with an accelerated pace of liver
damage compared to people infected with HCV alone, though the pace of such damage varies from one person to another.
Handheld Mobile Device Performs Laboratory-Quality HIV Testing
January 18, 2013 - New research appearing in Clinical Chemistry, the journal of AACC, shows that a handheld mobile device can check patients'
HIV status with just a finger prick, and synchronize the results in real time with electronic health records.
Early HIV treatment may slow disease progression
17 January 2013 - A 48-week course of antiretroviral medication taken in the early stages
of HIV infection slows the damage to the immune system and delays the need for long term treatment, according to research published
today in the New England Journal of Medicine. However, the delay was only marginally longer than the time already spent on treatment.
Six-monthly CD4 cell monitoring 'unnecessary' for people doing well on HIV therapy
17 January 2013 - CD4 cell count monitoring more than once a year is unnecessary for people doing well on HIV therapy, investigators from the United States report in the online edition of Clinical Infectious Diseases. They
found that there was a 99% probability over five years that people whose viral load was suppressed and who had a CD4 cell count above 300 cells/mm3 would maintain a CD4 level adequate to protect them from opportunistic infections.

CDC Issues Guidance on Prevention of Infectious Diseases in IV Drug Users
ISSUE: JANUARY 2013 | VOLUME: 1 - The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have issued a summary guidance on the prevention of infectious diseases
in users of illicit drugs (MMWR Recomm Rep 2012;61[RR-5]:1-40). Focusing on integrated prevention services, the report discusses viral hepatitis, as well as HIV infection and other sexually transmitted diseases, and tuberculosis. The document summarizes
existing guidelines and recommendations, as of 2011, that have been issued by HHS.

The Positive Side
Winter 2013
Our health and wellness magazine written by and for people living with HIV
Practical information and tips to help maintain your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and sexual health. Two issues per year. Receive e-mail notification when it's online.
From Hope to Health:
Towards an AIDS-free Generation
family and loved ones. As we continue to honour and remember those who have died, few could imagine the immense progress made in the last two decades in
our ability to prevent and treat disease. We have reached and exciting tipping point in response to HIV.
India's Red Ribbon Express train making a difference in the AIDS response
16 January 2013 - The Red Ribbon Express train has travelled more than 27 000 kilometres across India bringing a special message of AIDS awareness to more than 50 000 towns and villages.
Joseph A. (Jay) Browne
January 16, 2013 - Joseph A. (Jay) Browne, II Dec.31, 1930-Jan.13, 2013 (MSW, PhD)
In September of 1985 he was asked by the Ontario Ministry of Health to chair Ontario's Public Health Education Program to address the AIDS epidemic. He held this role as a volunteer,
continuing his academic, clinical and administrative duties at the university and hospital until late 1990, when he was seconded to the Ontario Ministry of Health as Manager of the AIDS Bureau.
HIV trial under scrutiny
16 January 2013 - Critics say that antibody therapy is too expensive for its African target population.
A potential breakthrough in the quest to prevent HIV and AIDS has collided with sensitivities about testing expensive drugs in poor parts of the world.
Could probiotics help HIV patients?
16-Jan-2013 - n this issue of the Journal of Clinical Investigation, researchers led by Jason Brenchley at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Disease, demonstrated that probiotic supplementation may also be beneficial for ARV-treated HIV patients.

Better Syringe Designs Could Nearly Eradicate Global Annual HIV Infections from Syringe Sharing Within Eight Years
January 16, 2013 - RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C. - This film is the story of a spry 88-year-old woman who volunteers and raises awareness on the issue of senior HIV/AIDS cases.
CMV infection may contribute to the size of the latent HIV reservoir
16 January 2013 - The presence of cytomegalovirus (CMV) in blood and semen is associated with higher levels of HIV DNA in blood, investigators from the United States report in the online
edition of Journal of Infectious Diseases. The study involved gay men recently infected with HIV. The authors believe that CMV replication may increase the reservoir of cells latently infected with HIV.

Making Lube a Part of the Discussion
January 15, 2013 - Condoms are the single most effective way to block the transmission of HIV during intercourse. Without proper lubricant, however, they are liable to break or slip off, especially during anal intercourse.

Generic HIV treatment strategy could save nearly $1 billion annually but may be less effective
January 15, 2013 - Replacing the combination of brand-name, antiretroviral drugs currently recommended for control of HIV infection with soon-to-be-available generic medications
could save the U.S. health care system almost $1 billion a year but may diminish the effectiveness of HIV treatment. A study led by Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) investigators,
appearing in the January 15 Annals of Internal Medicine, examines the potential impact of such a change.
Awareness rises following PEP communications
14 January 2013 - Gay men's awareness of HIV post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) significantly improved in Western Australia, following implementation of a communications strategy, according to a study recently
published in BMC Public Health. The study is of interest as research on the impact of communication campaigns is relatively rare.
The Condom Grandma
A Film By Lindsey Clark and Natalie Edler
This film is the story of a spry 88-year-old woman who volunteers and raises awareness on the issue of senior HIV/AIDS cases.

Consumer Watchdog: Blue Cross Sued for Discriminating Against HIV/AIDS Patients
SAN DIEGO, Jan. 14, 2013 - In a move that threatens the health and privacy of patients, Blue Cross of California has illegally targeted HIV/AIDS patients,
and other seriously ill consumers, with a new program that will bar them from local pharmacies, according to a new statewide class action lawsuit.

HPV-Positive Oropharynx Cancers On the Rise
ISSUE: JANUARY 2013 | VOLUME: 1 - "HPV-positive oropharynx is going to be, in the very near term, the most common virally associated cancer that we see," Dr. Cohen said. "It
is a disease that I have no doubt you will see in your clinics. We are on the cusp of this epidemic."
HIV/AIDS: No cure for now for sure
January 14, 2013 - There is currently no proven cure for AIDS or HIV infection. And this is the whole truth. Anti-retroviral drug treatment suppresses HIV infection and delays illness for many years.
Canadian Blood Services wants to allow gay men to donate
January 12, 2013 - Susan Cress, executive director of AIDS Calgary Awareness Association, says the ban should be dropped completely.
Fred Meis, attorney in AIDS cases, dies
January 12, 2013 - Fred Meis, a San Francisco attorney who represented AIDS patients in lawsuits against the city's major blood bank in the 1980s, died Dec. 31 after suffering a fall the day earlier. He was 81.

30 years of AIDS Vancouver
January 12, 2013 - AIDS Vancouver's 30 Year Anniversary Campaign - We want to hear your story
AIDS Vancouver's 30 year anniversary in the summer of 2013 is fast approaching. The team from Be the Change Group Inc., has been contracted to help
showcase the incredible 30 year journey of AIDS Vancouver and the HIV/AIDS movement in Vancouver. We aim to celebrate and remember AIDS Vancouver's work, from its roundtable
inception as the first AIDS Service Organization in Canada to its evolving services that strive to meet the needs of people infected and affected by HIV today.

GeoVax Announces Enrollment Completion for Phase 1/2 Clinical Trial for HIV/AIDS Therapeutic Vaccine
ATLANTA, Ga., January 10, 2013 - Initial Data Expected in Late 2013
GeoVax Labs, Inc. (OTCQB: GOVX), an Atlanta-based biopharmaceutical firm developing vaccines to prevent
and treat HIV/AIDS, announced it has completed enrollment in a nine-patient Phase 1/2 clinical trial testing the safety,
immunogenicity and ability of its DNA/MVA vaccine to elicit protective immune responses in HIV-infected individuals.
Young people know less about HIV and are less trustful of condoms, French survey finds
10 January 2013 - The first survey for six years of attitudes to HIV and sexual risk behaviour among the general public in France has found that young people are less frightened of AIDS
than they used to be, are more likely to believe in unlikely routes of HIV transmission, and are strikingly less trustful that condoms will reliably protect them against HIV.

Neuropathy and HIV: A Progress Report
January 10, 2013 - With over 100 possible causes and over 100 possible forms, neuropathy is nerve damage that affects roughly 30% of people living with HIV.
Study provides new clues for designing an effective HIV vaccine
Jan. 10, 2013 - By analyzing the structure of antibody-virus complexes produced in vaccine recipients, the researchers have
revealed how the vaccine triggers immune responses that could fight HIV-1 infection. The study could help guide efforts to increase the vaccine's production, which currently is not high enough for clinical use.
Recently-approved HIV treatment in Canada offers new hope for patients
January 10, 2013 - A promising treatment now available in Canada is providing new hope for people living with HIV and is just the latest in what one local expert calls a remarkable evolution of medication.

Tell all - fresh thoughts on disclosure
January 10, 2013 - Editor Bob Leahy slams the current emphasis on non disclosure in the HIV community and says it's time
to challenge stigma, reduce new infections and help end the epidemic by encouraging and aiding more people to disclose their status to the world
The need for talk.
In these times where the conversation is all about NON disclosure, I'm becoming increasingly a fan of the very opposite. In short, I think many more people need to disclose.

CAHR 2013 - Final Abstract Submission Reminder
January 9, 2013 - CAHR 2013 abstract submission closes on Monday, January 14, 2013.
The CAHR 2013 Program Planning Committee invites abstracts in the areas of: Basic Science, Clinical Science, Epidemiology and Public Health, and Social Sciences. Abstracts may be submitted and presented in either English or French. There is a limit of two abstract submissions per presenting author.

Abnormal Brain Changes Charted Within First Year of HIV Infection
09 January 2013 - Structural brain alterations become evident in the first year of HIV infection, according to results of a small study comparing HIV-positive people with an HIV-negative group.

Webinars and Survey on Health Related MDGs after 2015
January 8, 2013 - GNP+ in collaboration with ICSS, SAA, ICASO and UNAIDS would like to invite you to participate in a consultation
process to ensure that knowledge and experiences of key populations and communities affected by HIV will help shape the post-2015 development goals.

Suits 4th Anniversary
January 2013 - 4th Anniversary of Suits at Beyond in the Century Plaza Hotel
Come out and join other POZ gay working guys for our SUITS 5th Anniversary dinner, January 28th, 5.30 - 8.00 at Beyond, 1015 Burrard Street.

Bradford McIntyre awarded Queen's medal
January 08, 2013 - Long-time HIV-positive activist Bradford McIntyre is dedicating his new Queen's Diamond Jubilee Medal to others infected and affected by the virus.
Stephen Lewis (Hr. 1) | The Sunday Edition With Michael Enright
January 6, 2013 - Michael Enright and Stephen Lewis go way back ... forty-two years in fact. Michael was a reporter for the now-defunct Globe Magazine, covering the NDP leadership race in Ontario. Mr. Lewis was a candidate.
Toronto program focuses on pregnant HIV-positive women
January 05, 2013 - It was after dark about two years ago when midwife Jay MacGillivray got a phone call from staff at St. Michael's Hospital, where she works, asking her to help care for an HIV-positive patient who had just arrived and was in labour.
Little known form of HIV calls for attention
January 4, 2013 - MUMBAI: While the predominant HIV-1 type is believed to be largely under control, clinicians say it is time to evaluate the incidence of the little know HIV-2 type.
This type is considered much less virulent and takes much longer to manifest and take down the immune system.
High-dose flu vaccine better protects HIV-infected adults
January 4, 2013 - HIV-infected adults achieve higher rates of seroprotection when immunized with a high-dose of the influenza trivalent vaccine compared to
the standard dose, according to a study published in the Jan. 1 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine.

New research reveals spike in HIV in Russia
January 3, 2013 - Despite 200 people being diagnosed with condition each day, some say government is indifferent to problem.
FXB International Appoints New Leadership in the Fight Against HIV/AIDS and Poverty
NEW YORK, Jan. 3, 2013 /PRNewswire-iReach/ - Founded in 1989, FXB is a global non-profit organization dedicated to raising a generation of children impacted by the HIV/AIDS pandemic and extreme poverty.

Remaining in HIV care: Improvements in North America but much still needs to be done
3 January 2013 - Potent combination anti-HIV therapy (commonly called ART or HAART) has greatly reduced deaths from AIDS-related infections in
Canada and other high-income countries. The improvements in health brought about by ART are likely to lead to several decades of increased survival for a young HIV-positive person who starts therapy today and who remains engaged in his/her care and treatment.
US research shows that HPV vaccination could prevent pre-cancerous anal cell changes in HIV-positive gay men
03 January 2013 - Vaccination against cancer-associated strains of human papillomavirus (HPV) could be highly effective at preventing pre-cancerous anal cell changes in men living with HIV, according to research published in the online edition of the Journal of Infectious Diseases.
Vaccine temporarily stops HIV: Scientists
Jan. 3, 2013 - A team of Spanish researchers say they have developed a therapeutic vaccine that can temporarily brake growth of the HIV virus in infected patients.

The Private War That Killed Spencer Cox
January 2nd 2013 - AIDS did not kill Spencer Cox in the first, bloodiest battles of the 1980's. It spared him that.

CAHR 2013 - Community Scholarship application deadline is Friday, January 25, 2013
January 2013 - Information on the CAHR Community Scholarship
To support Community attendance and participation at the CAHR Conference,
the Community Scholarship Program provides financial assistance and support for twelve individuals from across Canada. This assistance is referred to as "scholarship", and anyone who qualifies as a member
of the HIV/AIDS community may apply. CAHR provides a separate but similar scholarship program for HIV researchers to support new investigators to attend the conference.

Bradford McIntyre shares his story in Ottawa
While in Ottawa to receive The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal, Bradford McIntyre took some time to speak with CTV Ottawa News and the Ottawa Citizen newspapaper about his 28 years of living with HIV. Bradford's is an inspiring story which highlights his passion for advocacy and creating HIV and AIDS awareness.