Positively Positive - Living with HIV/AIDS:
HIV/AIDS News Archive - December 2009

'Top Ten' humanitarian crises: Aid blocked and diseases neglected
NEW YORK, DECEMBER 21, 2009 - Civilians attacked, bombed, and cut off from aid in Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan,
and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), along with stagnant funding for treating HIV/AIDS and ongoing neglect of other diseases, were among the worst
emergencies in 2009, the international medical humanitarian organization reported today
in its annual list of the "Top Ten" humanitarian crises.

Nobel Prize winner to speak at CAHR 2010
December 21, 2009 - On behalf of the Canadian Association for HIV Research, we are delighted to
announce that Nobel Prize winner Dr. Françoise Barré-Sinoussi will be speaking at the 19th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research.
CAHR 2010 will be held from May 13-16, 2010 at TCU Place in Saskatoon, SK.
La lauréate d'un prix Nobel au congrès de l'ACRV 2010
Le 21 decembre 2009 - Au nom de l'Association canadienne de recherche sur le VIH, nous sommes
heureux de vous annoncer que la Dre Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, docteure ès sciences et lauréate d'un prix Nobel, donnera une allocution à l'occasion
du 19e Congrès canadien annuel sur la recherche sur le VIH/sida. Le Congrès de l'ACRV 2010 se déroulera du 13 au 16 mai 2010, au centre de congrès
TCU Place de Saskatoon, en Saskatchewan.

Circumcision and its potential impact on the spread of HIV among gay and bisexual men
December 18, 2009 - In this CATIE News bulletin, we review recent evidence about the
possible impact of male circumcision in gay and bisexual men in high-income countries.

December 18, 2009 - In spite of this improvement, however, young people with HIV
continue to die at 30 times the rate of youth
of similar age who do not have HIV, found researchers from the National Institutes of Health and other institutions.

Minneapolis City Council Passes Resolution Opposing Anti-Homosexuality Bill in Uganda
(New York, December 18) - The city of Minneapolis, Minn., a sister city of Kampala, Uganda, passed a resolution on Friday, Dec. 18 condemning Uganda's
proposed Anti-Homosexuality Bill. Councilmembers Scott Benson and Cam Gordon co-authored the resolution in light of the negative impact the law would have on all citizens of Kampala, pointing out
that the bill "targets lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Ugandans, their advocates and defenders and anyone who fails to report them to the authorities."

December 17, 2009 - In addition, the knowledge that scientists gather about the mechanisms of PRPS1 potentially could be used to develop treatments to combat acquired hearing loss, such as the hearing loss caused by drugs that are used in some chemotherapy regimens and treatments for HIV/AIDS.

Young Honduran LGBT Activist Murdered in Wave of Violence and Impunity
(December 17, 2009)- As an LGBT activist, Tróchez also reported on the human rights of LGBT people during the coup, and advocated for HIV/AIDS prevention and combating religious fundamentalism.

Dec. 16, 2009 - gives concrete meaning to a "rights-based approach to HIV/AIDS".
This web portal is a tool for activists, community organizations, researchers, policy-makers, journalists, health workers and anyone who seeks quick and easy access to a wide range of resources about HIV, human rights and the law.
It helps people around the world communicate and share information, materials and strategies, with the ultimate goal of contributing to a global effort to protect and promote the human rights of people living with or vulnerable to HIV and AIDS.

Rwandan Parliament to Vote on Criminalizing Homosexuality this Week
December 16, 2009 - On December 16, 2009, the lower house of the Rwandan Parliament will hold its final debate on a draft revision of the penal code that will, for the first time, make homosexuality a crime in Rwanda. A vote on this draft code will
occur before the end of the week. The International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC) has learned that the proposed Article 217 of the draft Penal Code Act will criminalize "[a]ny person who practices, encourages or sensitizes people of
the same sex, to sexual relation or any sexual practice."

Public Rally of Support! Vancouver Art Gallery * December 18th * 12pm
BC Health Ministry marked World AIDS Day by delivering severe funding cuts to HIV/AIDS
service directed Community Based Health Organizations (CBHO's.). 18% of Canada's estimated
total HIV-positive population lives in BC. Given that BC represents approximately 13% of the overall population
of Canada; BC has a disproportionate share of the HIV burden. These funding cuts by the government will create
a severe public health risk.
The Danger of Denying HIV
December 14, 2009 - Dr. Seth Kalichman discusses the danger of claims that
the HIV virus is not the cause of AIDS.
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Research reveals further progress toward AIDS vaccine
14-Dec-2009 - (PHILADELPHIA) Researchers from Thomas Jefferson University are one
step closer to developing a vaccine against the AIDS disease.
Hindering HIV-1-fighting immune cells
14-Dec-2009 - Immune proteins called HLA molecules help to activate killer T cell responses against pathogens. But according to a study that will be published online on December 14th in the Journal of Experimental Medicine (www.jem.org), one particular group of HLA molecules cripples this activation, perhaps explaining why HIV-infected individuals who express these HLAs progress to AIDS more rapidly than others.

United Nations: Landmark Meeting Denounces Rights Abuses Based on Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity
New York, December 11 Holy See Condemns Criminalization of Homosexual Conduct
A United Nations General Assembly panel that met this week broke new ground and helped build new momentum for ending human rights
violations based on sexual orientation and gender identity, a coalition of sponsoring nongovernmental organizations said today.

November 10 , 2009 - HIV-infected adults currently are being recruited to participate in a clinical
trial of 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccine. The study, sponsored by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) of the National
Institutes of Health, will enroll approximately 240 men and women between the ages of 18 and 64.
Is HIV a choice nowadays?
December 9, 2009 - f people are choosing to ignore prevention messaging, should they not be held
accountable when they get infected?
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UCLA researchers demonstrate that stem cells can be engineered to kill HIV
By Enrique Rivero | December 07, 2009 - Researchers from the UCLA AIDS Institute and colleagues have
for the first time demonstrated that human blood stem cells can be engineered into cells that can target and kill
HIV-infected cells - a process that potentially could be used against a range of chronic viral diseases.
HIV-related memory loss linked to Alzheimer's protein
7-Dec-2009 - More than half of HIV patients experience memory problems and other cognitive
impairments as they age, and doctors know little about the underlying causes. New research from
Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis suggests HIV-related cognitive deficits share a common link with Alzheimer's-related
dementia: low levels of the protein amyloid beta in the spinal fluid.

December 2009 - Canada - Could micronutrients help slow the progression of HIV?
Canadian HIV(+) patients with CD4 counts between 350 - 800 CD4
cells who are not yet taking antiviral medications are eligible to participate in this study.
If you are living with HIV and have not started therapy,
you may want to join a study testing the role of micro-nutrient
supplements in the medical management of HIV.

Facing AIDS
for World AIDS Day 2009
Uploaded on Dec 8, 2009 - Nearly 900 people joined AIDS.gov to Face AIDS for World AIDS Day. Here's a sample of how you responded.

by Venus Perez
The History, Testimony, Education, Outcomes and Strengths of people living with HIV/AIDS & STD's
Venus Perez is a mother, an author, a speaker, an activist, a volunteer, and a person living with
HIV/AIDS for over twenty years.

Why Some Monkeys Don't Get AIDS
PHILADELPHIA - Penn study identifies genes associated with AIDS resistance in disease-free
monkey species, providing new targets for therapy
Two studies published this month in the Journal of Clinical Investigation provide a significant advance in understanding
how some species of monkeys such as sooty mangabeys and African green monkeys avoid AIDS when infected with SIV, the simian equivalent of HIV.

Red Ribbon Award calls for nominations to honour community leadership and action on AIDS
1 December 2009 - On this year's World AIDS Day the UNAIDS family and the XVIII International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2010) are announcing a global call for nominations for the 2010 Red Ribbon Award. The Award honours community-based organisations for their contributions in responding to the AIDS epidemic.

HIV: Free of Stigma
December 1, 2009 - World AIDS Day - In the early years, there was little understanding of HIV and a misguided belief existed that an HIV infection was an automatic death sentence. This fueled fear, stigma and discrimination. With time came a better understanding; one where it was clear how infection occurred. Before long, a new understanding evolved; not everyone who became infected with HIV died!

December 1, 2009 - On Dec. 1, the National Institutes of Health joins the global community in commemorating World AIDS Day.
On this occasion, we remember the more than 25 million people who have lost their lives to this terrible disease, and dedicate ourselves to meeting the needs of the many millions
more who are living with HIV/AIDS. We also recognize their families, caregivers, and communities, who are coping every day with the burden of this disease.
New study released on World AIDS Day measures HIV anti-retroviral regimens' safety and efficacy
LOS ANGELES (Dec. 1, 2009) - Viral failure twice as common in patients with high viral loads given Epzicom when compared to those treated with Truvada

AIDS Activists to Obama and Fenty: Your Decisions are Failing People Living with HIV
"Funeral" Staged at White House, Creative Action At DC's City Hall: 12 noon Assembly at Lafayette
Washington, DC - On World AIDS Day, December 1 2009, AIDS activists gathered in front of the White House and then marched to DC's Wilson Building
with a clear message for President Obama and Mayor Fenty: "maintain the current, flawed course
and millions will die-or fix the system and they will live."
US to End HIV Travel Ban in January
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