Positively Positive - Living with HIV/AIDS:
HIV/AIDS News Archive - December 2008

Africa: Transgender Activists Attend Historic Gathering
(Cape Town, December 19, 2008)The International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC) and Gender DynamiX announced today the successful conclusion of
their first ever African Strategy Workshop for transgender activists. Held in Cape Town, South Africa, the historic workshop brought together 15 activists from 9 East and Southern African countries-Burundi, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe-to
address the very specific needs of transgender people on the African continent.

UN: General Assembly Statement Affirms Rights for All
(New York, December 19, 2008) 66 States Condemn Violations Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
In a powerful victory for the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 66 nations at the UN General Assembly yesterday supported a groundbreaking statement confirming that international human rights protections include sexual orientation and gender identity. It is the first time that a statement condemning rights abuses against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people has been presented in the General Assembly.

USA: Action Alert - Where Does the US Stand on Human Rights?
Dec. 17 2008 With over 60 countries now joining in an unprecedented international call for increased attention to human rights atrocities faced by individuals and communities because of their sexual orientation and gender identity, the question is: Why has the United States
not joined with allies around the world to condemn these human rights violations?

Action Alert - Ask the US to Sign International Statement on Human Rights
December 12, 2008 - Next week, during the session of the United Nations General Assembly, a joint government statement on human rights, sexual orientation and gender
identity will be presented from the podium. It will be the first time that the General Assembly has
formally addressed violations based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

UN: General Assembly to Address Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
(New York, December 11, 2008) - As the world celebrates the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the UN General Assembly will hear
a statement in mid-December endorsed by more than 50 countries across the globe calling
for an end to rights abuses based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

International: Take Action for Human Rights
December 10, 2008 - Today marks the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Universal Declaration expresses a fundamental political and moral consensus about the value of
being human, and the respect and dignity each of us is entitled to receive from our governments.
Vancouver's Asian drug addicts 'overlooked'
9 Dec 2008 - In a city with the most visible East Asian population in Canada, there is one type of Asian who remains almost invisible in Vancouver: the drug addicts.

CATIE Get the Facts Campaign Launched to Stimulate HIV Treatment Discussions
TORONTO - On Wednesday, December 3, CATIE (The Canadian AIDS
Treatment Information Exchange) launched its Get the Facts Campaign. The campaign aims to
empower people living with HIV to make well-informed treatment decisions and improve their
health. At the launch celebration CATIE presented the first 3 posters and postcards in what will
be a series of plain-language materials that encourage discussion about starting and adhering to
HIV treatment and other topics.

African LGBTI People Demand a Strong Response to AIDS
Dakar, December 5, 2008 - A group of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people from more than 25 African countries has demanded an urgent response to the HIV pandemic affecting their communities. At a pre-conference held 3 days before the start of the International Conference on AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Africa (ICASA), delegates voiced concern about various human rights violations experienced by LGBTI people in Africa and the diaspora.
Les LGBTI africains demandent une réponse décisive face au SIDA
Un groupe de personnes lesbiennes, gays, bisexuals, transgenres et intersex (LGBTI) venant de plus de 25 pays africains demandent une réponse urgente à la pandémie de VIH qui affectent leurs communautés.

Media Statement from Julio Montaner, President, International AIDS Society; Director, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS
Recently published arguments that increased funding for HIV is to blame for the chronic underfunding of broader health systems are rooted in a simplistic analysis of how global health priorities
are established. Tragically, these arguments risk pitting natural allies against one another, and obscure the very real synergies that exist between the global response to HIV and the push to strengthen health systems in
poor countries. Those living with and vulnerable to life-threatening diseases in these countries stand to gain far more
by unified efforts to expand overall funding for global health than they do by efforts to reapportion the inadequate resources now devoted to such issues.

Latin American and U.S. Latina Women Unite to Demand Access to the Female Condom
WASHINGTON, D.C. - December 1, 2008 - World AIDS Day Statement Highlights Women's Unmet Needs for HIV Prevention,
Calls on Governments to Increase Investment in Family Planning Methods
An international coalition of organizations that represent Latin American women and Latina women in the United States is demanding increased access to
the female condom as an essential strategy to fight HIV/AIDS.
WHAT: The release of a nationwide government survey on trends and demographic use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) among both adults and children in the United States.
The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Center for Health Statistics of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will hold a telephone
briefing to discuss the findings of the 2007 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS).