Positively Positive - Living with HIV/AIDS:
HIV/AIDS News Archive - August 2011

Tesamorelin filed for Marketing Authorization in Brazil
Montreal, Canada - August 31, 2011 - Tesamorelin is proposed for the treatment of excess abdominal fat in HIV-infected patients with lipodystrophy. Currently, there are no approved treatments available for this condition in South America.
Dépôt d'une demande d'autorisation de mise en marché pour la tésamoréline au Brésil
La tésamoréline est offerte pour le traitement de l'excès de graisse abdominale chez les patients atteints de lipodystrophie associée au VIH. Actuellement, il n'existe pas de traitements homologués pour cette condition en Amérique du Sud.

Dr. Fauci on 30 years of AIDS
Aug 1, 2011 - NIAID Director Dr. Tony Fauci discusses the history of HIV/AIDS in the U.S. Find out more on the AIDS.gov blog

Speeches, protests and one very personal story: Laurindo Garcia gives voice to HIV at 10th ICAAP Opening Ceremony
29-Aug-2011 - Busan, South Korea - Like all opening ceremonies at global conferences, the inauguration of the 10th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific on 26th August 2011 wasn't short on speeches or pomp and circumstance.

Fiji lifts travel ban for people living with HIV
GENEVA, 26 August 2011 - The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) applauds a decision by the Government of Fiji to lift its restrictions on entry, stay or residence based on HIV status. With this reform-officially announced today by the President of Fiji at an AIDS conference in South Korea-Fiji joins a growing list of countries that are aligning national HIV legislation with international public health standards.

Investing in women's leadership is essential to transform the regional AIDS response, UN Women says
BUSAN, South Korea, 26 August 2011 - UN Women is supporting the meaningful
participation of HIV-positive women leaders from China, Indonesia, India, Viet Nam and the Philippines.

New UNAIDS report shows HIV epidemic at critical juncture in Asia-Pacific region
BUSAN, South Korea, 26 August 2011 - Impressive gains across the region, but most countries
need greater and sustained efforts to 'get to zero'
The AIDS epidemic in Asia and the Pacific is at a crossroads, according to a new report from the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS).

Activism, research and a concrete plan of action: APCOM's "Beyond Numbers" Forum proves a dynamic curtain-raiser to the 10th ICAAP
August 25, 2011 - Busan, South Korea - Coalition and key stakeholders chart a roadmap to stemming the HIV
epidemic among men who have sex with men and transgender people in Asia and the Pacific
A call for activism to combat stigma and discrimination, the sharing of new research on HIV, and a blueprint for renewed action to
address the epidemic in the most vulnerable populations in the world's most populous region.

The Farha Foundation wants to see you at ÇA MARCHE 2011!
MONTREAL, QUEBEC - (August 25, 2011) - Aggressive objective of $400,000 set for Quebec's largest annual AIDS fundraising campaign
The Farha Foundation invites you to join the more than 5,000 anticipated walkers for the 19th edition of ÇA MARCHE 2011, Quebec's largest walk for the
fight against AIDS, taking place in the streets of Montreal on Sunday, September 18, starting at 9 AM.

George Mason Research Team Uncovers New Factor in HIV Infection
Aug. 24, 2011 - Building off previous findings, HIV researchers hope discovery will aid new therapies
A George Mason University researcher team has revealed the specific process by which the HIV virus infects healthy T cells-a process previously unknown.

HIV Experts Create the Roadmap for Providing PrEP to Uninfected Individuals to Reduce the Risk of HIV Infection
WASHINGTON, Aug. 24, 2011 - To stem the estimated 2.6 million new HIV infections that occur worldwide each year, more than 200 representatives
from the scientific and HIV/AIDS communities took an important step in assessing the safety and public health implications of providing antiretroviral drugs to uninfected men and women
exposed to HIV through sexual contact - a strategy called pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP.

CATIE News - High prevalence of sexually transmitted infections among people living with HIV - implications for HIV prevention
2011 Aug 22 - The sexual transmission of HIV occurs after an exposure to fluids that contain HIV, such as semen, vaginal fluid or rectal fluid. Research shows a higher
amount of HIV (viral load) in these fluids increases the risk of HIV transmission, while a lower amount of HIV decreases the risk of HIV transmission.

30 Years of AIDS Video: A Look Back from NIH's Dr. Anthony Fauci
August 22, 2011 - In this video, Dr. Fauci discusses the history of HIV/AIDS in the U.S.- where
we've been and where we're going. He not only looks back on the epidemic but also addresses the current situation.

August 22, 2011 - It is with great sadness that the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network learned today of
the death of Jack Layton, Member of Parliament, Leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada and Leader of the Official Opposition.

Fourth Annual Celebrity Dim Sum
Where: Sun Sui Wah Seafood Restaurant
3888 Main Street, Vancouver B.C.
When: Saturday October 1, 11am-1pm
Doors open at 10:30am event starts 11am.
August 20, 2011 - Join The CBC, The Vancouver Courier and National Post's own Fred Lee and Global News' Sophie Lui
on Saturday, October 1, 2011 for the Fourth Annual Celebrity Dim Sum Event! Famous Celebrity Pairs will serve carts of Dim Sum to event guests.

Enterprise-OCTAVE Professional Development Workshop for Young and Early Career Investigators
Grant Writing Course for African Scientists
04 - 10 December 2011 Cape Town, South Africa
August 19, 2011 - The Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise and the OCTAVE Project (Online Collaborative Training for AIDS Vaccine Evaluation),
in close collaboration with the Desmond Tutu HIV Foundation, University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and the HIV Vaccine Trials Network (HVTN) are soliciting applications for a
novel grant writing workshop for young and early career investigators (YECIs).

AIDS Researchers Isolate New Potent and Broadly Effective Antibodies Against HIV
NEW YORK, NY, LA JOLLA and SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA, SEATTLE, WA, August 17, 2011 - A team of researchers at and associated with the
International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) The Scripps Research Institute, the biotechnology company Theraclone Sciences and Monogram Biosciences Inc., a LabCorp company, report
in the current issue of Nature the isolation of 17 novel antibodies capable of neutralizing a broad spectrum of variants of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

APCOM sets pace for needed MSM research for Asia and the Pacific at 10th ICAAP
17 August 2011 - The Asia Pacific Coalition on Male Sexual Health (APCOM) is engaged in the 10th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (10th ICAAP),
in Busan, Republic of Korea, at the BEXCO International Convention Centre.

Journal Republishes the 1996 Landmark Report That Set the Research
Strategy for HIV/AIDS
WASHINGTON, DC (August 17, 2011) - Document Provided Impetus to Establish the Forum for Collaborative HIV Research
Published in The Annals of the Forum for Collaborative HIV Research, the August 2, 1996 report
of the Keystone National Policy Dialogue on the Establishment of Studies to Optimize Medical Management of HIV Infection reflected the possibility that biomedical
research and effective public policy can fundamentally change HIV into a chronic, manageable disease and to alter the course of the epidemic by reducing the transmission of the virus.

AIDS Leaders Press Feds for Action on Promising New Prevention Tool
ATLANTA, August 16, 2011 - Today, at an HIV prevention meeting hosted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
the coalition of AIDS advocates called on officials from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to address the shortage of funding and coordination around a new prevention approach known as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP).

HIV Havens: Caltech Researchers Find New Clues About How HIV Reservoirs May Form
08/16/11 - PASADENA, Calif. - To overcome the unique challenges faced by a growing segment of the HIV-positive
population-young men of color who have sex with men (YMSM of Color)-novel intervention strategies for providing HIV testing, medical care, and prevention services were recently evaluated.

GeoVax Awarded $3.6 Million Grant by U.S. Government for Its HIV/AIDS Vaccine Program
ATLANTA, GA - August 16, 2011- U.S Government Continues Support for Clinical Development of Adjuvanted Vaccine
Much like cities organize contingency plans and supplies for emergencies, chronic infectious diseases like HIV form reservoirs that ensure their survival in adverse conditions.
Improving care of HIV-positive young men of color who have sex with men
New Rochelle, NY, August 16, 2011 - To overcome the unique challenges faced by a growing segment of the HIV-positive
population-young men of color who have sex with men (YMSM of Color)-novel intervention strategies for providing HIV testing, medical care, and prevention services were recently evaluated.

Health Canada Accepts to Review Theratechnologies' New Drug Submission for EGRIFTA®
MONTREAL, CANADA-(Aug. 16, 2011) - EGRIFTA®, or tesamorelin, is an analogue of the growth hormone-releasing factor (GRF) proposed
for the treatment of excess abdominal fat in HIV-infected patients with lipodystrophy. Currently, there is no approved treatment for lipodystrophy in HIV patients available in Canada.
Kaiser/UNAIDS study finds drop in overall disbursements for AIDS response in 2010, seven out of 15 governments report reductions
August 16, 2011 - GENEVA/MENLO PARK, Calif. - Funding disbursements from donor governments for the AIDS response in low- and middle-income countries fell in 2010, dropping 10% from the previous year's level, according
to an annual funding analysis conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS).

International Youth Coalition Backs Pope on Condoms at Catholic World Youth Day - Warns that Vatican Conservatives Want to Turn Back Clock
16 August 2011 - MADRID, SPAIN - Catholic World Youth Day has drawn an unusual coalition of activists to Madrid this year-young people who are thanking the pope for recognizing that condom use saves lives by preventing the transmission of HIV.
NanoViricides Reports HIVCide Exhibited Long Term Sustained Anti-HIV Effects Even After Drug Discontinuation
WEST HAVEN, Conn., Aug 15, 2011 - NanoViricides, Inc.(OTC BB: NNVC) (the "Company") reports that its lead anti-HIV drug candidate achieved a
long term anti-HIV effect with a much shorter dosing regimen and a markedly lower total drug dose than HAART drug cocktail therapy in a recent animal study.
HIV Cure - NIH Funding Will Back More Research
August 14, 2011 - Toulon, France - Financing is one of the main obstacles toward cracking the final
piece of the HIV cure puzzle-HIV reservoirs-and the backing of the NIH helps out in that regard.
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), a division of the National Institutes of Health, has recently earmarked
a $14.6 million grant to be given to research teams across the country for a common goal-make progress and find a functional cure for HIV.

HIV/AIDS researcher David Ho wins NIDA's 2011 Avant-Garde Award
Aug. 12, 2011 - Ho plans to develop a revolutionary, long-acting HIV therapy to improve adherence to treatment
Ho's proposal aims to develop a novel HIV therapy that could be administered monthly; as opposed to the existing daily treatment for HIV.
Characteristics Associated with HIV Infection Among Heterosexuals in Urban Areas with High AIDS Prevalence - 24 Cities, United States, 2006--2007
Aug. 12, 2011 - In the United States, approximately one in three new human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections are transmitted via heterosexual contact.

NIH-Led Team Maps Route for Eliciting HIV Neutralizing Antibodies
Aug. 11, 2011 - New Technique Can be Used Widely to Develop Vaccines
Researchers have traced in detail how certain powerful HIV neutralizing antibodies evolve, a finding that generates vital
clues to guide the design of a preventive HIV vaccine, according to a study appearing in Science Express this week.

Smoke & Mirrors:
August 11, 2011 - Did you know that people with HIV are up to three times as likely to smoke tobacco?
Date: Tuesday, 16 August 2011 - 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Cost: Free and open to all. Dinner provided.
Location: Best Western Chateau Granville, Granville Street, Vancouver.
RSVP by August 12th, Space is limited!
New drug could cure nearly any viral infection
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. - August 10, 2011 - Researchers at MIT's Lincoln Lab have developed technology that may someday cure the common cold, influenza and other ailments.
Most bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics such as penicillin, discovered decades ago. However, such drugs are useless against viral infections, including influenza, the
common cold, and deadly hemorrhagic fevers such as Ebola.

NEW amfAR PSA/Website Launch: Making AIDS History, One Voice at a Time
August 10, 2011 - amfAR is launching a new website Making AIDS History and Public Service Announcement that gives insight into
the personal stories of those whose lives have been touched by HIV/AIDS, as well as to mark the milestone of 25 years of research that has
saved lives and opened the door not only to preventive measures, but also to the ultimate cure.
Odds for detecting HIV varies by method, new study finds
10-Aug-2011 - Country-level data indicates severe underfunding for these highly vulnerable populations
The odds for effectively detecting HIV in African-American men vary by method, researchers have found. The study, which appears in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine, suggests that HIV-prevention efforts must be multi-faceted, taking into account differences in within this demographic.

New Report Shows Major AIDS Funders Fail to Track Investments for Gay Men and Transgender People
August 9, 2011 (Oakland, CA) - Country-level data indicates severe underfunding for these highly vulnerable populations
A new report indicates that most major bilateral, multilateral and private philanthropic funders that focus on HIV do not consistently track their investments targeting men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender people.

OraSure Closes Enrollment in Final Clinical Study for Rapid HIV Over-the-Counter Test
BETHLEHEM, Pa., Aug 9, 2011 (GlobeNewswire via COMTEX ) - OraSure Technologies, Inc. the market leader in oral fluid diagnostics, announced today that it has closed enrollment for its multi-site clinical study of the Company's OraQuick(R) Rapid HIV-1/2 test for sale in the U.S. consumer or over-the-counter (OTC) market.

'Good' prion-like proteins boost immune response, UT Southwestern scientists report
Dallas - August 8, 2011 - A person's ability to battle viruses at the cellular level remarkably resembles the way deadly infectious agents called prions misfold and cluster native proteins to cause disease,
UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers report.
USC Scientist Develops Virus That Targets HIV
August 8, 2011 - Using a Virus to Kill a Virus
In what represents an important step toward curing HIV, a USC scientist has
created a virus that hunts down HIV-infected cells.

Passions - A Benefit for the Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation
August 6, 2011 - Presented by Scotiabank
Date: Sunday, September 11th, 2011
Time: 6 pm to 9 pm
Where: Dr. Peter Centre
Address: 1110 Comox Street , Vancouver BC
Taste culinary creations from top restaurants, sip New Zealand wines, bid on fantastic auction experiences - including a hotel stay
at the Trump Waikiki Beach Walk - and socialize with trend-setting business and media professionals from around Metro Vancouver, all while supporting the Dr. Peter Centre.

Friends For Life Bake Sale and BBQ!
August 6, 2011 - Friends For Life is pleased to present our 1st Annual Bake Sale and BBQ
on Saturday, August 27th from 12 - 4 pm, The Diamond Centre For Living at 1459 Barclay St.
You can support Friends For Life by:
- Donating baked goods to be sold.
- Buying some of our donated family friendly cakes, cookies, cupcakes, and brownies, etc!
- Purchasing a hotdog, hamburger, or veggie burger

CATIE News: PrEP reduces HIV transmission for heterosexual men and women
2011 Aug 3 - Pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, is currently being studied as a potential method for a person who is at risk of HIV infection to reduce their risk of becoming infected. It involves taking anti-HIV medications on a regular basis.

Press Release on Homosexuality in Ghana
Accra, 3rd August, 2011 - The Coalition Against Homophobia in Ghana (CAHG) is a group of organizations and individuals
that aims to counter ongoing attacks against homosexuals in Ghana. The Coalition supports the Human Rights of all Human beings including Lesbian, Gays, Bisexuals, and Transgender (LGBT) individuals in the country.
I'm Gonna Wipe That AIDS Right Off of My Face
August 2nd, 2011 - Several years ago, I told someone that I was HIV positive before I agreed to his invitation for a date. "Yeah, I know," he casually replied, and then
he looked a little embarrassed, as if he shouldn't have said it. It was too late, of course; I knew exactly what he meant. He knew my HIV status because of the appearance of my face.
Natural killer cells participate in immune response against HIV
3-Aug-2011 - Better understanding cells' activity may contribute to new treatment, prevention strategies
A new study shows for the first time that natural killer (NK) cells, which are part of the body's first-line defence against infection, can contribute to the immune response against HIV.

New Study Identifies Emergence of Multidrug-Resistant Strain of Salmonella
AUG. 3, 2011 - A new study has identified the recent emergence of a multidrug-resistant strain of Salmonella that has a high level resistance to ciprofloxacin, a common treatment for severe Salmonella infections.

I'm Gonna Wipe That AIDS Right Off of My Face
August 2nd, 2011 - Several years ago, I told someone that I was HIV positive before I agreed to his invitation for a date. "Yeah, I know," he casually replied, and then he looked a little embarrassed, as if he shouldn't have said it. It was too late, of course; I knew exactly what he meant. He knew my HIV status because of the appearance of my face.
Gilead - Drug Prices To Die For
Aug 1, 2011 - Last year Gilead generated over $6.5 billion in revenues for AIDS drugs, but has refused to lower prices for cash-strapped AIDS Drug Assistance Programs (ADAPs).