Positively Positive - Living with HIV/AIDS:
HIV/AIDS News Archive - August 2010

Positively Aware Magazine Announces "A Day With HIV in America" Photo Essay Which Will Illustrate a Day in the Life With HIV
CHICAGO, Ill. - August 30, 2010 - To commemorate World AIDS Day, Positively Aware magazine is compiling a photo essay entitled "A Day with HIV in America." On September 21, people
from all across the country, both HIV-positive and negative, care providers, lawmakers, advocates, families, and friends will take a snapshot of a moment from their everyday life.
Vancouver's supervised injection facility challenges Canada's drug laws
30-Aug-2010 - Despite medical research that indicates Vancouver's supervised injection facility, Insite, reduces needle-sharing and overdose deaths, the facility's fate is uncertain, states an analysis article in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal).

CATIE News - British Columbia study checks for thinning bones
2010 Aug 30 - Thinner-than-normal bones are among the complications that can develop in HIV-positive people.
Although this is one aspect of health that may become an issue for many people as they age, in some HIV-positive people decreases in bone mineral density (BMD) seem to be accelerated.

Toronto City Council Endorses Vienna Declaration and Calls for Evidence-based Drug Policy
26 August, 2010 - [Toronto, Canada] -- Canada's Largest City the World's First Municipality to Sign Declaration, Support Alternatives to the War on Drugs
Toronto City Council today voted to endorse the Vienna Declaration, a recently released document that highlights the failure of the global War on Drugs and calls for a transparent review of the effectiveness of current drug policies.
Vitamin A increases the presence of the HIV virus in breast milk
26-Aug-2010 - ANN ARBOR, Mich. - Vitamin A and beta-carotene supplements are unsafe for HIV-positive women who breastfeed because they may boost the excretion of HIV in breast
milk---thereby increasing the chances of transmitting the infection to the child, a pair of new studies suggest.

CATIE News - Brain decline linked to cardiovascular disease
2010 Aug 25 - Although HIV infection is generally explained as a virus that damages the immune system, it can also affect many organs and tissues, including the brain.

PLWHIV/AIDS Advisory Committee for 2010 World AIDS Day Campaign
August 25, 2010 - The Canadian AIDS Society (CAS) is seeking six people living with HIV to sit on a National Advisory Committee to assist in the development, promotion and evaluation of its 2010 World AIDS Day awareness Campaign.
We are looking for people living with HIV to fill 6 positions on the Committee.
Comité consultatif des PVVIH/sida pour la campagne 2010 de la Journée mondiale du sida
La Société canadienne du sida (SCS) est à la recherche de six personnes vivant avec le VIH/sida (PVVIH/sida) qui voudraient participer à un comité consultatif national qui aidera dans l'élaboration, la promotion et l'évaluation de sa campagne de sensibilisation pour la Journée mondiale du sida 2010.
À qui cela s'adresse-t-il?
Nous sommes à la recherche des personnes qui vivent avec le VIH/sida pour remplir 6 postes sur le comité.

Merck Provides New Funding to Fight HIV/AIDS in Botswana
WHITEHOUSE STATION, N.J., Aug 24, 2010 - Merck Company Foundation Supports Successful HIV/AIDS Initiative Led by Government
Merck today announced The Merck Company Foundation and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are committing an additional $60 million to support Botswana's African Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Partnerships (ACHAP).

CATIE News - Can anti-inflammatory treatment help reduce cardiac risk?
2010 Aug 23 - Results from studies of treatment interruption suggest that cessation of anti-HIV therapy increases the risk for stroke, heart attack and other serious complications related to inflammation. Recent research suggests that HIV infection causes the immune system to remain in an activated state, releasing chemical signals that inflame many organs and tissues. Anti-HIV therapy (commonly called ART or HAART) can only partially reduce levels of inflammatory signals made by the immune system.
Continuing Our Commitment to Prioritizing HIV/AIDS
August 20, 2010 - Today, the Obama Administration is taking new action to prioritize support for Federal HIV/AIDS prevention and care programs. We are sending to the Congress an amendment to the President's FY 2011 budget request to increase HIV/AIDS funding by $65 million.
August 20, 2010 - MAYWOOD, Ill. - Using a $225,000 microscope, researchers have identified the key components of a protein called TRIM5a that destroys HIV in rhesus monkeys.
U of M researchers identify 2 FDA approved drugs that may fight HIV
20-Aug-2010 - Researchers at the University of Minnesota Academic Health Center have
identified two drugs that, when combined, may serve as an effective treatment for HIV.
New York, NY - August 18, 2010 - Report by Global Business Coalition and Booz & Company calls for improvement in contractor interaction and policies related to epidemics
A new study reveals that the oil and gas industry supply chain - which includes oil companies, contractors and sub-contractors - does not perceive the full extent of the risks that HIV/AIDS,
tuberculosis (TB) and malaria pose to its workforce, productivity and profitability.

CFHC 2010 Condom Art Contest Winners To Be Awarded
Los Angeles, CA - August 18, 2010 - The goal of the California Family Health Council's Condom Cover Art Contest is to heighten
teens' awareness of STD and Pregnancy Prevention through creative art. This year's contest was underwritten in part by Ansell Corporation, the maker of the Lifestyles Condom.

Potential HIV Drug Keeps Virus Out of Cells
Aug 18, 2010 - SALT LAKE CITY - Following up a pioneering 2007 proof-of-concept study,
a University of Utah biochemist and colleagues have developed a promising new anti-HIV drug candidate, PIE12-trimer, that prevents HIV from attacking human cells.
More Torontonians living with HIV/AIDS: increase in new diagnoses observed
Toronto, August 18, 2010 - Walk to raise funds for ACT's HIV prevention and support services
More people than ever before are living with HIV/AIDS in Toronto, and a 6% increase in new HIV diagnoses was recorded in 2008, according to the most recent statistics available.
Uniform, national measures should define HIV/AIDS care
OAKLAND, Calif. (August 18, 2010) - To improve the quality of HIV care and treatment nationwide, 17 measures such as screening and prevention for infections and
monitoring of antiretroviral therapy should be adopted uniformly, according a work group led by a Kaiser Permanente researcher.

HIV and aging - healthy living tips for people 50 and over living with HIV
This booklet is for people 50 or older who are living with HIV, as well as their partners, family members and caregivers. It looks at some of the issues that older adults
living with HIV might face and recommends ways to stay healthy-physically, mentally, emotionally and sexually.

CATIE News - Study links inflammation to increased risk of diabetes in HIV
18 August 2010 - Although anti-HIV therapy (called ART or HAART) helps to reduce the amount of HIV in the body and has greatly improved the survival
of HIV-positive people, low levels of this virus persist despite many years of treatment. Persistent exposure to HIV and HIV-infected cells may eventually skew the immune system toward producing higher-than-normal
levels of chemical signals-cytokines-that foster inflammation of many organs and tissues.
UCSF & Kenya Medical Research Institute funded to expand HIV care & support
August 17, 2010 - A joint project of UCSF and the Kenya Medical Research Institute has received $7
million-the first award of a five year grant that will total about $35 million-to expand its care and support of people affected by HIV/AIDS in Kenya.

Playing Positive: HIV-Positive Athletes Then and Now
August 17, 2010 - The crowd rises to its feet as a purple 32 flashes past the scorer's table. On January 30,
1996, Earvin "Magic" Johnson makes his reappearing act with nine minutes and 39 seconds remaining in the first quarter.

CATIE News - Why all the fuss about inflammation?
2010 Aug 16 - The widespread availability of anti-HIV therapy (called ART or HAART) in high-income
countries has had a hugely beneficial impact on the health of HIV-positive people. As a result of this therapy, the life-threatening infections that
are the hallmark of AIDS are now rare among people who are engaged in care and treatment. Furthermore, researchers increasingly expect that
HIV-positive people who have minimal co-existing health conditions and who begin ART today should live near-normal life spans.

NIH awards $21 million grant to study early stages of HIV-1 infection
August 16, 2010 - LA JOLLA, CA - A multi-institutional team headed by John Young , Ph.D., a professor
at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, and Sumit Chanda, Ph.D., an associate professor at Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute, has been
awarded a $21 million Program Project Grant to dissect the early innate immune response to HIV infection using a systems biology approach.

Julio Montaner
Awarded Order of BC
August 10, 2010 - Dr. Julio Montaner , director of the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, is one of fifteen extraordinary British Columbians who will be receiving the Order of British Columbia this year.
Celebrating the Life and Legacy of Dr. Peter
Aug. 10, 2010 - The Broadcast Tapes of Dr. Peter: Screening and Talkback
It all started on CBC Television evening news on September 10, 1990, with these words from Dr. Peter Jepson-Young, BSc'79, MD'85: "I'm going to be introducing you to someone with AIDS to help provide a name,
a face, and an identity to this disease. The person I'm going to be introducing you to is myself. I'm a doctor, but I'm also a patient - a patient with AIDS.

Senior Merck Executive to Head IAVI's AIDS Vaccine Design and Development Laboratory
New York, August 10, 2010 - The International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) is pleased to announce the appointment of Michael Caulfield as Executive Director of the IAVI AIDS Vaccine Design and Development Laboratory (DDL).

Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation and Global Health Corps Partner to Improve Health Capacity in Malawi
August 9, 2010 - Washington, D.C. - Partnership to address short term human resource gaps and longer term capacity issues

Tickets now on sale for the 7th annual "Passions" event at the Dr. Peter Centre
On September 19th, 21 of Vancouver's top restaurants will come together for an unforgettable evening of food and wine to benefit the Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation.
August 9, 2010 - Vancouver, BC - Since its inception in 2004, Passions - a Benefit for the Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation has
earned a reputation as Vancouver's "Best Small Gala" and as one of Vancouver's top events for food and wine lovers . and this year will be better than ever!

Advances in HIV/AIDS Research
Learn More About HIV/AIDS Research
August 2010 - Over the past several decades, researchers have learned a lot about the human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV) and the disease it causes, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).

Riffs on the Theme of Activism
MON | AUG 16 | 7:00 PM
World Premiere
Directors in attendance
Riffs on the Theme of Activism marks the finale of this celebrated film series, and what better way to celebrate than to invite six new artists
to share our stories? David C Jones, Gwen Haworth, Byron Chief Moon, Joe Average and Jamie Griffiths bring you five short films that speak to Vancouver's long and courageous history
of queer activism. From AIDS awareness to urban gardening, unsung heroes to local leaders, activism is broadly interpreted and portrayed in this premiere Queer History Project screening.

August 6, 2010 - VICTORIA - Fifteen British Columbians who have contributed to the province in extraordinary ways will be awarded the Order of British Columbia, Lieutenant-Governor Steven Point, Chancellor of the Order, announced today.
South Carolina: End Segregation of HIV-infected Prisoners
August 6, 2010 - (New York) - South Carolina should stop segregating
HIV-positive prisoners from the rest of the prison population, a policy that promotes stigma and discrimination,
Human Rights Watch said today. The US Department of Justice, in a letter to South Carolina prison officials
that came to light this week, threatened legal action unless prisoners with HIV are provided housing,
prison job programs, and work release opportunities on an equal basis with other prisoners.

a film by joe average & jamie griffiths
WORLD PREMIERE August 16th 2010, 7pm Tinseltown Cinema, Vancouver