Positively Positive - Living with HIV/AIDS:
HIV/AIDS News Archive - April 2010

GMHC Releases New Report on Aging and HIV
4.30.2010 - By 2015, Over Half of People in NYC Living with HIV Will be Over the Age of 50
What: Press conference--Release of report "Growing Older with the Epidemic: Aging and HIV" from GMHC (Gay Men's Health Crisis)
TUESDAY, MAY 4, 2010
10:00 am -11:00 am EST

30 April 2010 (Geneva, Switzerland) - New Policy Could Lead Other Countries in Asia and the Pacific to Follow Suit
The International AIDS Society (IAS) applauds China Premier Wen Jiabao's announcement this week that China's 20-year-old HIV entry and immigration ban is to be lifted.
AIDS Denialism, Medical Hypotheses, and The University of California's Investigation of Peter Duesberg
29 April 2010 - AIDS denialist and U.C. Berkeley Professor Peter Duesberg has recently received media coverage following the withdrawal of a paper of his by the publisher, Elsevier, and an investigation into his conduct by the University. [1] Here, we provide some background and a timeline of events in the unfolding drama.

Abbott Receives FDA Approval for Once-Daily Dosing of Kaletra ®
( lopinavir / ritonavir ) for Treatment-Experienced Patients
Wednesday, April 28, 2010 - Approval of New Dosing Option Comes As 10th Anniversary of Kaletra's First Approval Approaches
Abbott announced today that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ) approved once-daily dosing of Kaletra ® ( lopinavir/ritonavir ) for adult patients with HIV who have previously taken antiretroviral therapy. Kaletra once-daily dosing is already indicated for adult patients new to antiretroviral treatment. This gives treatment-experienced patients who have HIV that responds to Kaletra another dosing option as determined by their physician.
Preventing HPV might lower risk of HIV infection in men: UNC study
Wednesday, April 28, 2010 - Men infected with human papillomavirus (HPV) are at greater risk of becoming infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) than men who are not HPV positive, according to researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

amfAR VP Chris Collins Receives Positive Leadership Award from the National Association of People with AIDS (NAPWA)
NEW YORK April 27, 2010 - Award given in recognition of efforts to lead the development of a National HIV/AIDS Strategy
amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research, congratulates Vice President and Director of Public Policy Chris Collins for receiving the Positive Leadership Award from the National Association of People with AIDS (NAPWA) for his advocacy leadership in support of the development of a National HIV/AIDS Strategy.
Zambia: Prison Conditions Endanger Inmates
April 27, 2010 - (Lusaka) - Criminal Justice Failures, Overcrowding, and Poor Care Exacerbate Spread of TB, HIV
Prisoners in Zambia suffer malnutrition, overcrowding, grossly inadequate medical care, and the risk of rape or torture, the Prisons Care and Counselling Association (PRISCCA), AIDS and Rights Alliance for Southern Africa (ARASA), and Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Some prisoners are detained for years in such conditions even before they are brought to trial, the groups said.

Dining Out For Life -
Make your reservations today.only 2 more days until Dining Out For Life®
Dine Out Fight AIDS Thursday, April 29th
Tuesday, April 27, 2010 - Nearly 3,000 restaurants participate in Dining Out For Life® hosted by Subaru
by donating a generous percentage of proceeds from the day's meals to a local AIDS service organization. Money raised in each city stays in that city.
LA BioMed awarded research grant to study HIV prevention gel
Los Angeles (April 26, 2010) - International initiative seeks to reduce heterosexual HIV transmission
Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute (LA BioMed) has received a $350,000 grant to study the safety of a gel designed to reduce the heterosexual transmission of HIV from the International Partnership for Microbicides (IPM), a nonprofit global initiative to develop products to reduce HIV transmission, and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Institute announced today.

Dine Out Fight AIDS Thursday, April 29th
Dining Out For Life® in Over Fifty Cities
Thursday, April 22, 2010 - Thursday, April 29, 2010 - an estimated 250,000 people
will dine out to fight AIDS in over fifty cities across the U.S. and Canada.
Nearly 3,000 restaurants participate in Dining Out For Life® hosted by Subaru by donating a generous percentage of
proceeds from the day's meals to a local AIDS service organization. Money raised in each city stays in that city.

TORONTO, April 22, 2010 - But guidelines needed to avoid unsound, unjust prosecutions
The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network welcomed the announcement at Hamilton's courthouse this morning that the prosecution is staying
the criminal charge of aggravated sexual assault against Justus Zela. He was charged in February 2009 after an ex-partner alleged they had oral sex without Zela disclosing
that he had HIV. The ex-partner has not tested HIV-positive.

IAVI and Lentigen to Collaborate on Design of Novel AIDS Vaccine Candidate
NEW YORK, NY and GAITHERSBURG, MD, April 22, 2010 - The International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) and Lentigen today announced a collaboration to design a preventive
AIDS vaccine based on Lentigen's technology. The candidate AIDS vaccine will be devised to safely mimic biological aspects of HIV infection and tested first in pre-clinical studies as part of an initial 18-month agreement.
Lentigen's technology relies on a synthetic version of a virus related to HIV that has been engineered, along with other safety modifications, to be incapable of inserting itself into the human genome.

Annie Lennox to Perform Live at Human Rights Rally in Vienna - Thousands to March for Human Rights During International AIDS Conference, July 20
April 22, 2010 - VIENNA-Internationally acclaimed singer songwriter and AIDS activist
Annie Lennox will headline a rally for human rights in Vienna on July 20, 2010. The public rally will follow a march that is expected
to draw more than 15,000 local residents and participants of the XVIII International AIDS Conference, which is taking place that
week under the theme of Rights Here, Right Now.
TORONTO, April 21, 2010 - Half the prisoners who reported injecting drugs shared their needles or syringes
A report released by the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) earlier this month reveals an HIV prevalence rate in federal
prisons that rivals those of many countries in sub-Saharan Africa and is greater than the HIV prevalence rates in all other regions of the world.

BC-CfE researchers earn AccolAIDS
April 20, 2010 - Goldstone, Guillemi, and Harrigan honoured for outstanding contributions to HIV education, treatment, and research
Three senior members of the BC-CfE team were among the "heroes of British Columbia's AIDS movement" honoured at the ninth annual AccolAIDS awards gala on April 18.
Researchers identify the source of 'noise' in HIV
20-April-2010 - New research identifies a molecular mechanism that the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
appears to utilize for generating random fluctuations called "noise" in its gene expression. The study, published by Cell Press in the April 20th issue
of the Biophysical Journal, pinpoints the likely source of HIV gene-expression noise and provides intriguing insight into the role of this noise
in driving HIV's fate decision between active replication and latency.

19 April 2010 (Geneva, Switzerland) - The International AIDS Society (IAS) today welcomed the new study,
"Maternal mortality for 181 countries, 1980-2008: a systematic analysis of progress towards Millennium Development Goal 5," published in the 12 April
online edition of The Lancet. The new report documents significant reductions in maternal deaths worldwide and the central role that access to
HIV antiretroviral therapy (ART) plays in achieving broad health gains for women. Access to ART is cited in the study as a major
contributor to the reduced rates of death among women.

Call for nominations: Awards for Action on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights
April 17, 2010 - Call for nominations: Awards for Action
// Appel de candidatures : Prix de l'Action // Solicitud de nominaciones : Premios para la Acción
The Awards for Action on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights - jointly awarded by the Canadian
HIV/AIDS Legal Network and Human Rights Watch- recognize excellence and long-term commitment to work having a direct impact on HIV/AIDS and human rights issues,
in particular work that is of direct relevance to marginalized individuals and communities. An award is presented annually to one Canadian and one international recipient.
GeoVax Labs Announces Reverse Stock Split; Applies for Listing on NASDAQ
ATLANTA, Ga., April 16, 2010 - 1:50 Reverse Split to be Effective After Market Close on April 27, 2010 Ticker Symbol to Change from GOVX to GOVXD for 20 Days
GeoVax Labs, Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board:GOVX), a biotechnology company that creates, develops, and tests innovative HIV/AIDS vaccines, today announced it will implement
a 1-for-50 reverse stock split effective following the close of business on April 27, 2010.
Drug shared by addicts seems to protect against HIV brain dementia
15 April 2010 - Washington, DC - Could heroin hold the clues for a new protective agent?
To their surprise, researchers at Georgetown University Medical Center (GUMC) have discovered that morphine (a derivate of the opium poppy that is similar
to heroin) protects rat neurons against HIV toxicity - a finding they say might help in the design of new neuroprotective therapies for patients with the infection.

Monocyte turnover predicts speed and severity of AIDS and onset of brain disease
Chestnut Hill, Mass. (April 15, 2010) - An increase in the release of monocytes from bone marrow into the bloodstream predicts how rapidly AIDS develops in monkeys and
the magnitude of monocyte turnover correlates with the severity of brain disease in AIDS, Boston College researchers report in the current edition of the online journal PLoS Pathogens.

HIV, Maternal Mortality Link Demands Re-vamped US Policy
WASHINGTON, DC, April 14, 2010 - Further progress in reducing the global maternal mortality ratio cannot be achieved without an aggressive shift in the U.S. approach to global health policy, the
Center for Health and Gender Equity (CHANGE) announced today. While the overall global maternal mortality ratio has decreased according to a new study released yesterday in the Lancet, HIV is responsible for more than 60,000 maternal deaths each year.

Dining Out For Life® Offers Satisfying Ways to Raise Funds for HIV/AIDS
Thursday, April 29th in Over Fifty Cities
On Thursday, April 29th, 2010, an estimated 250,000 people will dine out to fight AIDS in over fifty cities across
the U.S. and Canada. Nearly 3,000 restaurants participate in Dining Out For Life® hosted by Subaru by donating a generous percentage of proceeds
from the day's meals to a local AIDS service organization. Money raised in each city stays in that city.

CATIE News - Can lipodystrophy improve over the long term?
April 12, 2010 - Shortly after highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) became available
in high-income countries in the mid-to-late 1990s, reports emerged of strange changes in body shape among some HAART users.

Dr. Julio Montaner presents Treatment as Prevention research to UNAIDS
April 9, 2010 - Dr. Montaner's Mar. 24 presentation to UNAIDS highlighted the dramatic reduction in HIV transmission and prevalence that may be achieved through the scale-up of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) as part of a comprehensive prevention strategy.
McMaster researchers discover a new way HIV infects women
8-Apr-2010 - Hamilton, ON (April 5, 2010) - Women are susceptible to HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, but scientists have been puzzled as to how it finds its way into the female reproductive tract.
Scientific breakthrough at the IRCM to combat the HIV-1
Montréal, April 8, 2010 - How the Vpu protein of HIV-1 interferes with the antiviral activity of Tetherin and contributes to the spread of HIV-1 in humans
The discovery by Dr. Éric A. Cohen's team at the Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal, could potentially lead to the development of new strategies to combat the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1),
the causal agent of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). In their article published in the open-access journal PLoS Pathogens, Dr. Cohen's team explains how the Vpu viral protein prevents the expression of Tetherin, a host factor inhibiting HIV-1 release, on the surface of infected cells.
Cabral gets support for condom distribution
Manila (6 April) - Amid strong rejection from Philippine clergies, non-government organization Catholics for Choice
recently offered their group's support and encouraged Health Secretary Esperanza Cabral on her condom distribution efforts.
Catholics for Choice President Jon O'Brien remarked that Cabral's efforts will undoubtedly save lives as we confront the HIV and AIDS epidemic. He added that Cabral's stance
on the effectiveness of condom and her willingness to debate the bishops is not only making news internationally, but is also highlighting the Catholic hierarchy's
inappropriate interference in public policy.

In response to the staggering rate of sexually transmitted infections (STDs) among youth in the U.S., MTV and the Kaiser Family Foundation, as part of a longstanding public information partnership,
are working with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) and its network of health centers, and other partners nationwide, to kick-off National STD Awareness
month with the return of the award-winning campaign, GYT: Get Yourself Tested.
Indiana University to establish Ryan White Legacy Scholarship to honor AIDS education advocate
April 5, 2010 - BLOOMINGTON, Ind. - Indiana University's Rural Center for AIDS/STD Prevention and the School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation have established the Ryan White Legacy Scholarship in honor of Ryan White, the rural Indiana 13-year-old
who contracted HIV through tainted blood products given for his hemophilia.
Roll-Out of Proven HIV/STD Risk-Reduction Intervention with Teens by Community Groups Successful, Penn Study Finds
April 5, 2010 - An approach designed to reduce HIV/STDs previously used exclusively by academic researchers has successfully been
implemented by community-based organizations (CBOs), an important component in national strategies to curtail the spread of HIV, meaning far more "at risk" youths can be reached.
Caltech Scientists Uncover Structure of Key Protein in Common HIV Subgroup
04/02/10 - PASADENA, Calif. - Scientists from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) have provided the first-ever glimpse of
the structure of a key protein-gp120-found on the surface of a specific
subgroup of the human immunodeficiency virus, HIV-1. In addition, they demonstrated that a particular antibody to gp120 makes contact not only with the protein,
but with the CD4 receptor that gp120 uses to gain entrance into the body's T cells.
Powerful HIV drugs inhibit retrovirus linked to prostate cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome
1-Apr-2010 - (SALT LAKE CITY) - Certain drugs used to combat HIV also inhibit a retrovirus recently linked to prostate cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), a new study from University of Utah and Emory University/Veterans Affair Medical Center (VA) researchers shows.

A Taste for Life April 28th, 2010 have you reserved yet?
Mark your calendars and make a reservation
Why support A Taste For Life?
Because there is still no cure for AIDS!
A Taste For Life is a unique fundraising event that has been helping men, women and children living with HIV/AIDS for 11 years in Ottawa. The restaurant you choose to dine at will donate 25% of the cost of your meal to Bruce House and the Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation.
SAN ANTONIO, TX - April 1, 2010 - New Messages and Expanded Online Information Resources Launched in Partnership with "Greater Than AIDS"
Clear Channel Communications, Inc. has announced a bold new effort to broadcast information about HIV/AIDS and promote HIV testing as part of Greater Than AIDS, a coordinated response to AIDS in the United States. Leading up to National HIV Testing Day (June 27), Clear Channel Radio's Urban, Urban AC, and Inspirational/Gospel radio stations in more than 60 markets will air new public service announcements (PSAs) which will direct listeners to targeted online resources that provide lifesaving information about HIV/AIDS and local testing resources. Additionally, Clear Channel and Greater Than AIDS will debut a 30-minute radio program in June as part of the partnership.

ACCOLAIDS 2010 Get your tickets today!
For ticket information: www.bcpwa.org
E-mail: accolaids@bcpwa.org * Call 604.915.9255
Tickets $150 each or $1200 for a table of 8
Hosted by Maestro Bramwell Tovey
- Conductor and Music Director,
Vancouver Symphony Orchestra

Monthly health & wellness focused activities for HIV+ gay men
Come join us. The Ou+doorsmen first activity will take place 12 - 2pm, April 10
at Cliffhanger, an indoor climbing wall facility in Vancouver (670 Industrial Avenue).
When: Saturday April 10th -
Noon - 2:00pm
Where: Cliffhanger Vancouver
670 Industrial Ave,
Vancouver BC