Positively Positive - Living with HIV/AIDS:
HIV/AIDS News Archive - 2006
Tories to deliver on AIDS pledge
Nov. 30, 2006 - Minister expected to announce $100M to help global fight
The Harper government has picked World AIDS Day tomorrow to finally fulfill its pledge to provide millions in funding to fight the disease, the Star has learned.
Faith-based and secular human rights advocates call for accountability in
US Global AIDS prevention policy
November 29, 2006 - Washington, D.C. - U.S. Congresswoman Barbara Lee offers legislation to ensure U.S. funds comprehensive prevention strategies worldwide
Today, faith-based and secular groups advocating for basic human rights and public health approaches to HIV prevention called on Congress and the Administration to remove restrictions in U.S. global HIV prevention programs. Civil society leaders were joined by Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-9) in an audio press conference to highlight the need for effective HIV prevention strategies, particularly for women and girls.
Proposed UN agency 'dramatic step forward' for women
Nov. 10, 2006 - A landmark proposal for creating a powerful new United Nations women's agency moved a giant step closer to reality yesterday, with the endorsement of a high-level panel on reforming the sprawling UN system.

New Director General of WHO Must be Independent, Willing to take risks, Ensure accountability to Human Rights and Public Health
November 8, 2006 - (Washington, DC) - The Center for Health and Equity (CHANGE) welcomes the newly appointed Director-General of the World Health Organization, Dr. Margaret Chan. However, the US-based NGO cautioned that in her new role, Dr. Chan must demonstrate independence, tackle controversial issues with transparency and integrity, and ensure accountability in all the work of WHO to the individuals and communities across the globe that WHO ultimately serves.
Dr. Allan Ronald: Retirement hasn't slowed AIDS science leader
Oct. 26, 2006 - In the late 1970s, the University of Manitoba's Dr. Allan Ronald unwittingly became an expert in a sexually transmitted disease rarely seen outside of the developing world.
Top 10 AIDS conference hits and misses
August 19, 2006 - BEST POLITICAL MOVE Federal Health Minister Tony Clement vowed to immediately do a "top to bottom" review of legislation created to send cheap generic drugs to poor nations to fight HIV/AIDS. Not one pill has been sent since the law was passed two years ago. Canada's opportunity may become redundant if not fixed quickly, though. Groups like Doctors Without Borders are already turning to other countries, such as India, for cheap generic drugs.
Lewis blasts Harper, Bush on AIDS policy
August 19, 2006 - TORONTO - South Africa's Mbeki 'beyond redemtion'
In an emotional speech, punctuated with sharp barbs against the Harper government, the Bush administration and South Africa, UN special AIDS envoy Stephen Lewis closed the International AIDS Conference Friday with a fiery condemnation of negligence and bloated bureaucracies.
Harper's actions insult to Canada
August 19, 2006 - To the embarrassment of Canadians, petulance and political calculation trumped concern for humanity when the world came to Toronto this week to face the deadly challenge posed by AIDS.
Not only did Prime Minister Stephen Harper go out of his way to avoid the 16th International AIDS Conference, the largest gathering of its kind in history, his government cancelled a funding announcement it had scheduled there. Finally, as if to underline his scorn for the meeting, Harper indicated the long-expected announcement on Canadian AIDS funding would be delayed until delegates to the conference were gone.

AIDS 2006 Photo Gallery: Leading Together: Canada Takes Action on HIV/AIDS - Canada Booth
August 19, 2006 - Canada takes Action at the XVII International AIDS Conference
Photographs by Bradford McIntyre, while in Toronto attending AIDS 2006 XVI International AIDS Conference, August 13 - 18, 2006 Toronto, Canada
Toronto Woman To Be Honoured For AIDS Activism
August 13, 2006 - Louise Binder needs her medicine every day.
But the Toronto woman doesn’t just take a pill or two, she needs five medications and 25 pills daily to keep up in her ongoing battle against HIV – a battle she’s been waging for 12 years.”

Participants at International AIDS Conference to Ask Pope Benedict XVI to Lift Ban on Condoms
10 August 2006 - TORONTO - Condoms4Life Campaign Urges Vatican to Promote Culture of Life
As tens of thousands of activists, providers and concerned individuals gather for the XVI International AIDS Conference, the Condoms4Life campaign (www.condoms4life.org) is spearheading an initiative to encourage the Vatican to drop its ban on condoms and join others in the active prevention of the spread of HIV/AIDS throughout the world.
HIV drugs lauded, but side effects severe
Aug. 1, 2006 -Treatments have substantially improved survival': Doctor
But some experience depression, fatigue, damaged internal organs
HIV and AIDS cases in Canada slowly continue to rise, a fact that both alarms activists and offers some hope to doctors watching over the disease.
HIV rates on the rise in Canada
Aug. 1, 2006 - OTTAWA - An estimated 58,000 people in Canada are living with HIV-AIDS and about a quarter of them don't know they are infected, according to new figures released Monday by the Public Health Agency.
The number of people living with HIV in 2005 is up from the last estimate in 2002 when 50,000 were believed to be infected, a 16 per cent increase.
Harper to skip AIDS conference
July 28, 2006 - Decision dismays organizers of Toronto event
Bad message to world, meeting co-chair says.
International AIDS conference officials expressed dismay this week after receiving official word that Prime Minister Stephen Harper would not be attending the attendance record-breaking Toronto summit next month.
Saying it sends a bad message to the world about Canada's commitment to fighting the disease, officials hoped Harper would yet change his mind at the 11th hour.
The International AIDS Vigil
Toronto, ON (25 July 2006) - The International AIDS Vigil Committee, a project of the 519 Church Street Community Centre, in cooperation with the XVI International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2006), presents The International AIDS Vigil, a public memorial to those who have lost their lives to HIV/AIDS. The event takes place, rain or shine, Thursday, August 17, 9 PM, at Yonge-Dundas Square, Toronto, Canada

Benefit concert to open XVI International AIDS Conference in Toronto, Canada
July 24, 2006, Toronto - CANFAR and NMCFC co-host AIDS 2006 concert with major recording artists to raise awareness and funds to fight HIV/AIDS
The General Idea AIDS Sculpture Unveiling:
July 19, 2006 - ROM displays renowned AIDS Sculpture
On Saturday, August 12, 2006, the Institute for Contemporary Culture (ICC) at the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) will unveil AIDS, the 1989 sculpture created by the acclaimed Canadian artist collective General Idea. The AIDS sculpture will be on view on the ROM Plaza at the corner of Bloor St. W. and Queen's Park. It will be displayed for the first time since 1997 as part of AIDS 2006, the XVI International AIDS Conference in Toronto (August 13 to 18, 2006). Illuminated at night and accompanied by bilingual text, AIDS will be on display until October 1, 2006. Sponsored by TD Canada Trust, the Official Bank and supporter of AIDS 2006, the unveiling will take place at 6:30 pm, prior to the first screening of the AIDS 2006 Film Festival.
AIDS Conference Is Ramping Up
July 15, 2006 - Registration booming, dignitaries and rock stars on board
Organizers happy delegates don't have to disclose HIV status
The International AIDS Conference, coming to Toronto next month, could be the largest to date due to the city's proximity to the United States, an expansive cultural and scientific program, and the fact people with the disease don't have to disclose their status to gain entry into Canada.
International Civil Society Denounce UN Meeting on AIDS As Failure
2 Jun 2006 - Civil society groups from around the world denounced the final UN Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS, released after marathon negotiations during the UN High Level meeting on AIDS this week.
"Once more we are disappointed at the failure to demonstrate real political leadership in the fight against the pandemic" said The Most Revd Njongonkulu Ndungane, the Anglican Archbishop of Capetown.
African civil society denounces political declaration on AIDS
NEW YORK, June 2 2006: Leaders at AIDS meeting have failed Africa, say activists
African civil society organisations have denounced a political declaration adopted today by world leaders attending a United Nations AIDS meeting in New York.
HIV:: U.S. President George Bush ignores HIV prevention methods that work!
May 29, 2006 - By Bradford McIntyre - Who is informing the president on HIV and AIDS? Failure of the American president to recognize the need to promote condoms has not only undermined over two decades of HIV prevention methods that work but also, the president’s government policies on HIV/AIDS prevention are endangering lives!
ART and Nutrition in HIV and AIDS,
May 2006 - by David Patient & Neil Orr - The Third Voice
For the last few years we have been following the ART (antiretroviral) medication versus nutrition debate in South Africa.This debate is not unique in the world. What makes it unique is the scale of it, and that the government is (correctly or incorrectly) placed within the ‘alternative’ camp, with civil society (e.g., TAC) as the apparent protagonist of mainstream science and medicine. This has led to a highly polarised situation, with common sense nowhere in sight, and the victims being those infected.

The Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation: Come Soar with Us:
April 3, 2006 - The Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation and Jacqueline Turpin, MPA in collaboration with Perfection Communications Inc. have been commissioned to produce a CD multi-media presentation that will be bringing to life HIV/AIDS in Canada and around the world as it appears in 2006.

(OMNS, April 26, 2006) - HIV Depletes Body of Selenium and Three Amino Acids New clinical reports from Zambia, Uganda and South Africa indicate that AIDS may be stopped by nutritional supplementation. A number of members of the medical profession have observed that high doses of the trace element selenium, and of the amino acids cysteine, tryptophan, and glutamine can together rapidly reverse the symptoms of AIDS, as predicted by Dr. Harold D. Foster's nutritional hypothesis. (1)

Bio-Alcamid Receives Health Canada Approval!
April 6, 2006 - The Injectable Filler Offers an Effective, Affordable Treatment for Facial Lipoatrophy, the Facial Wasting Associated with HIV Infection and AIDS
Pur Medical Corporation, a Canadian distributor of innovative medical and medical cosmetic enhancement products, has introduced Bio-AlcamidT to the Canadian market. In use in a number of European countries since 2001, Bio-AlcamidT is an injectable solution which restores the natural fullness and contours of the face when injected under the skin. The arrival of Bio-AlcamidT is exceptional news to men and women suffering from Lipoatrophy, the disfiguring condition that is often a result of the antiretroviral drugs used to treat HIV infection and AIDS.
The HIV Resurgence
Mar. 12, 2006 - BY BRENT PRESTON - THE WALRUS - Complacency is proving deadly in the fight against HIV/AIDS
In 1994, Louise Binder received a death sentence: she tested positive for HIV. Her doctor gave her between two and four years to live and prescribed zidovudine (AZT). Sick, constantly tired, and overwhelmed, Binder eventually quit her high-profile corporate job in Toronto and began preparing for the inevitable. Then, in 1996, something unexpected happened. Medical researchers in the United States began proclaiming that they had found a cure for AIDS through combination treatments of antiretroviral drugs. There was some skepticism about AIDS patients “rising Lazarus-like from the dead,” Binder recalls, “but there were too many stories, and we met too many people from the US who had actually risen, and everyone began to believe. Many, many people were euphoric.”