Positively Positive - Living with HIV/AIDS:
HIV/AIDS News Archive - 2004
Condoms - A Standard Practice for All
December 23, 2004 - by Bradford McIntyre - We know many of our youth are having sex and will have sex in the future. To teach abstinence without including education on the need for a condom and how to use a condom will lead to more HIV and STD infections. Education is the key!
Around the world the use of condoms is seen as a trusted weapon in the prevention of HIV infection, however, these efforts are often hampered by religious beliefs.

HIV Prevention-Our Voices are necessary
Mar 11, 2004 - by Bradford McIntyre - As an individual living with HIV for 20 years, I have been working to break down the barriers of fear and discrimination for nearly a decade now. I believe there is a serious problem stemming from the lack of media coverage, when it comes to educating people about HIV/AIDS. How can there be any real understanding about HIV/AIDS and HIV prevention, without the necessary information reported? HIV/AIDS reported in the news is minimal, at a time when it needs to be at the forefront! Why is this? HIV is a global problem which demands attention yet those of us working tirelessly are unable to get articles or /letters published in newspapers, events covered, or messages conveyed to help educate the public.

"Aids is a war against humanity"
Bradford McIntyre (www.PositivelyPositive.ca)Feb 19, 2004
Individuals should not have to suffer all losses due to illness! Men, women and children are suffering with HIV/AIDS. We need to assure that these people are cared for, not discriminated against! We must provide funds for proper nutrition, housing and health care for these individuals to aid and contribute to their well-being. We need to get rid of the false perceptions and judgments. Like Doreen Millman said in Vancouver at the 1996 AIDS Conference in reference to how a 63 year old grandmother got AIDS. She said, "It just doesn’t matter!" Neither does an individual’s race, religion or sexual orientation matter! Don’t look for differences; look at how we can help one another.
I do not believe it is naive to think we can make the necessary changes, but rather it is naive to think that we can continue on our current course neglecting those who suffer from poverty, illness and disease. People are judging those who are sick, disabled and poor.

HIV Prevention
January 4, 2004 - POZ Canadian (Canada) - POZ Canadian Quarterly
As an individual living with HIV for 19 years, I have been working to break down the barriers of fear and discrimination for nearly a decade. As well, creating awareness among the many issues surrounding HIV and AIDS. I believe there is a serious problem stemming from the lack of media coverage, when it comes to educating people about HIV/AIDS.