September 2008

image: Rob Anderson, Treasure House
Sex, Drugs and Religion curated by Frank Spinelli, M.D.
VISUAL AIDS WEB GALLERY at http://www.thebody.com/visualaids/web_gallery/index.html
Every month, Visual AIDS invites guest curators, drawn from both the arts and AIDS communities, to select several works from the Frank Moore Archive Project. This month, Dr. Frank Spinelli curated the current on-line exhibition which features the artwork of Archive Members; Alex Aleixo, Rob Anderson, Dominic Avellino, Barton Lidice Benes, Jack Brusca, Luis Carle, Gregg Cassin, David Cannon Dashiell, Max Greenberg, Carlos Gutierrez-Solana, and Ronaldo Sanduval.
From the Curator’s Statement:
Sex Drugs and Religion
I have been treating HIV in my role as doctor but have experienced its affects first hand through family and friends. Recently, I attended the International AIDS Conference in Mexico City and even after 25 years, themes of isolation, depression and the stigma "that gay men brought this disease upon themselves" still occur so often....As I rode back to the airport, I noticed the hillsides blanketed by the colorful roofs of the small meager homes of the poverty-stricken regions of Mexico City, much like the favellas in Rio de Janeiro. It struck me as odd that the inhabitants would even bother to paint their homes in bright pretty colors, and then it was suddenly apparent. Leaving this conference after hearing so much information, I am concerned with how these facts get interpreted by our community. In light of the growing number of new cases of HIV especially among younger gay men, I would hope we could remedy this disconnection and not just ignore it by painting over it with bright shiny colors.
Frank Spinelli, M.D. practices medicine in New York City, where he also makes his home. His primary focus is internal medicine and HIV. Dr. Spinelli is a contributing writer for Instinct Magazine and the Advocate. He appears monthly on Out Q with Larry Flick on Sirius Radio, CBS News on LOGO, and is the author of the Advocate Guide to Gay Health and Wellness. Currently, he is on a National speaking tour to promote gay health.
Visual AIDS was founded in 1988, to shift public opinion about--and increase awareness of--AIDS and the AIDS crisis. Visual AIDS has evolved into an arts organization with a two-pronged mission: 1) In collaboration with museums, galleries, artists, schools, and AIDS service organizations, Visual AIDS produces exhibitions, publications, and events utilizing visual art to spread the message AIDS IS NOT OVER.; 2) Through the Frank Moore Archive Project, the largest slide library of work by artists living with HIV and the estates of artists who have died of AIDS, Visual AIDS historicizes the contributions of visual artists with HIV while supporting their ability to continue making art and furthering their professional careers. www.visualAIDS.org
The Body is now the most frequently visited HIV/AIDS-related site on the Web, according to the Medical Library Association and also the most frequently visited disease-specific site on the Web, according to <Hot 100>. The Body contains a rich collection of information on topics ranging from HIV prevention, state-of-the-art treatment issues, humor and art. An invaluable resource, The Body is used by clinicians, patients and the general public. Part of The Body's mission is to enable artistic expression to reach the Web, and to join art with other resources needed to help the public comprehend the enormity and devastation of the AIDS pandemic and to experience its human and spiritual dimensions.
Current and past Web Gallery exhibitions can be viewed at: www.thebody.com/visualaids
***For more information contact either: ***
Visual AIDS
Amy Sadao, Executive Director
Nelson Santos, Associate Director
The Body
Bonnie Goldman, Editorial Director
212.541-8500 ext. 206