
image: Rene Santos, untitled, 1979
Making Movies curated by Bill Thelen
VISUAL AIDS WEB GALLERY at http://www.thebody.com/visualaids/web_gallery/index.html *
Visual AIDS wishes you a Happy New Year! Every month, Visual AIDS invites guest curators, drawn from both the arts and AIDS communities, to select several works from the Frank Moore Archive Project. To start out the new year, Bill Thelen curated the current on-line exhibition which features the artwork of Archive Members; Angel Borrero, Rodney Brown, Joe DeHoyos, George Galarza, Milton Garcia Latex, Ken Goodman, Tim Greathouse, Martha Irierte, Derek Jackson, Jonathan Leiter, John Morrison, Mark Morrisroe, Chuck Nanney, David Nelson, Rene Santos, Tom Shooter, Paul Thek, Bruce Wm. Witsiepe, and David Wojnarowicz.
From the Curators’ Statement:
Making Movies - I approached this project like I was editing a film. I always loved films that defy narrative and jump back and forth in time. I am constantly asking myself: Why do we have to follow a timeline and be a slave to time-based structure. I find myself always asking what is happening off-screen or after the film has ended. People all love stories and happy endings. I wish life were this easy. The randomness of images out of place is very dream-like, floating the viewer from scene to scene...Curating a group shows is no different. I pull together what makes sense to me and hope others can follow along...I hope you enjoy the movie.
Bill Thelen is an artist, educator and curator from Raleigh, N.C. He has exhibited both nationally and internationally and has been the owner and director of Lump gallery/projects in Raleigh since 1996.
Visual AIDS was founded in 1988, to shift public opinion about--and increase awareness of--AIDS and the AIDS crisis. Visual AIDS has evolved into an arts organization with a two-pronged mission: 1) In collaboration with museums, galleries, artists, schools, and AIDS service organizations, Visual AIDS produces exhibitions, publications, and events utilizing visual art to spread the message AIDS IS NOT OVER.; 2) Through the Frank Moore Archive Project, the largest slide library of work by artists living with HIV and the estates of artists who have died of AIDS, Visual AIDS historicizes the contributions of visual artists with HIV while supporting their ability to continue making art and furthering their professional careers. www.visualAIDS.org
The Body is now the most frequently visited HIV/AIDS-related site on the Web, according to the Medical Library Association and also the most frequently visited disease-specific site on the Web, according to <Hot 100>. The Body contains a rich collection of information on topics ranging from HIV prevention, state-of-the-art treatment issues, humor and art. An invaluable resource, The Body is used by clinicians, patients and the general public. Part of The Body's mission is to enable artistic expression to reach the Web, and to join art with other resources needed to help the public comprehend the enormity and devastation of the AIDS pandemic and to experience its human and spiritual dimensions.
Current and past Web Gallery exhibitions can be viewed at: www.thebody.com/visualaids
***For more information contact either: ***
Visual AIDS
Amy Sadao, Executive Director
Nelson Santos, Associate Director
The Body
Bonnie Goldman, Editorial Director
212.541-8500 ext. 206