Special Sessions to complement CAHR 2012 Scientific Program
April 14, 2012 - The CAHR 2012 Organizing Committee is pleased to announce Special Sessions that will complement the CAHR 2012 scientific program.
Special Sessions
Working collaboratively across stakeholder, disciplinary and geographical boundaries to enhance research with and for women and
HIV in Canada
Presented By: Gathering of Spirits: Canadian Women, Trans People and Girls' HIV Research Collaborative
07:30 - 08:45, Friday, April 20
Five speakers who represent diverse perspectives in the Canadian research landscape have been invited to draw from their work to address
issues, barriers and facilitators to developing research initiatives that cross disciplinary, stakeholder and/or geographical boundaries.
The session will focus on research with and for women, trans people, girls and HIV/AIDS, to address and examine the broader challenges
and strengths of collaborative research initiatives. Confirmed panellists include:
- Jacqueline Gahagan, Dalhousie University, Jane Hutchison, Canadian Institutes of Health Research
- Gerta Bauer, Trans PULSE
- Doris Peliter, Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network
- Angela Kaida, Allison Carter and a Peer Research Assistant, CHIWOS
Roundtable Discussion on the Origins of HIV Transmission
17:00 - 18:15, Saturday, April 21
Dr. Jacques Pépin and Dr. Mark Wainberg will review the current concept about the origins on HIV/AIDS and the contribution of medical
interventions in the nearly simultaneous emergence of HIV-1 and HIV-2 in different parts of Africa, and discuss the role of social
changes and urbanisation in the emergence of HIV-1 in central Africa, as well as how scientists unwittingly contributed to the
development and spread of HIV drug resistance. This session will be moderated by Dr. Réjean Thomas, President and Founder of
Clinique Médicale L'Actuel.
HIV and Corrections
11:00 - 12:00, Sunday, April 22
Prisons worldwide are a significant reservoir of HIV and hepatitis. North America is no exception with about 25% of all HIV cases
incarcerated at any one time. This presentation will inform about HIV-related issues in Canada's Federal Penitentiary system and
lead into the panel discussion to follow. The objective is to highlight issues around HIV infection either peculiar to, or
complicated by, the prison environment. The session will be moderated by Dr. Peter Ford. The panellists include:
- Richard Elliott, Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
- Kathleen Myers Griffin, Community Worker and family member of federal prisoner
- Diane Smith-Merrill, Prison Support Coordinator, HIV/AIDS Regional Services
Register today :CAHR 2012
Source: CAHR 2012
"Reproduced with permission - "Canadian Association for HIV Research"