Pioneering HIV/AIDS Treatment Publication BETA gets Digital Makeover, Expands Focus
San Francisco, June 14, 2012 - One of the very first HIV/AIDS treatment publications is getting a digital
makeover and expanding its focus. Established in 1988 by San Francisco AIDS Foundation,
the Bulletin of Experimental Treatments for AIDS, or BETA, this week relaunches as an online portal for cutting-edge information on HIV
treatment, prevention, and wellness. The new publication will provide daily online content to better meet the needs of a broad
spectrum of readers, harness new ways of sharing knowledge, and give more people the tools to understand-and benefit
from-developments in HIV research, testing, treatment, and care.
"Revitalizing this beloved publication, which has been at the forefront of HIV/AIDS news and information for nearly a quarter-century,
is just one more way San Francisco AIDS Foundation is expanding to support and empower people most affected by the disease," said
Neil Giuliano, CEO of San Francisco AIDS Foundation. "BETA's mission today is all about health literacy-providing tools to help
readers ask smarter questions, understand meaningful developments in HIV research, and get the most from their medical care."
The launch of the new BETA coincides with the upcoming AIDS 2012 conference, happening July 22-27 in Washington, D.C.; BETA will provide
comprehensive coverage leading up to, during, and following the conference. The new BETA also offers daily HIV health and prevention
news; weekly columns, interviews, and opinions from advocates, researchers, care providers, and people living with
HIV/AIDS; timelier coverage of what matters most to people living with the virus or learning ways to stay HIV
negative; and the same accessible approach readers have come to expect from BETA for nearly 25 years.
"BETA gives all readers the information they need to take the best possible care of their health," said Reilly O'Neal, BETA editor.
"Contributing writers include researchers, clinicians, advocates, and people living with HIV. They are smart folks with a passion for
turning science and jargon into something everyone can understand and use."
San Francisco AIDS Foundation will continue to circulate a print version of BETA each quarter. Subscribers will automatically receive the
redesigned print publication by mail.
The new BETA can be found at www.betablog.org
About San Francisco AIDS Foundation
No city experienced epidemic levels of HIV faster than San Francisco. At San Francisco AIDS Foundation, we work to end the epidemic where
it first took hold, and eventually everywhere. Established in 1982, our mission is the radical reduction of new infections in San
Francisco. Through education, advocacy, and direct services for prevention and care, we are confronting HIV in
communities most vulnerable to the disease. We refuse to accept that HIV transmission is inevitable.
For more information visit www.sfaf.org .
Ryan McKeel
(415) 487-3071
"Reproduced with permission - San Francisco AIDS Foundation"
San Francisco AIDS Foundation
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